

As I walked along the Edgware Road, I felt as though the world was closing in on me. All the sounds I take for granted, had gone. I had entered a world of silence. This unsettling experience occurred a few weeks ago when I agreed to go deaf for the day to support the work of the charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, for which I am an ambassador.

When I managed to take a cab to the office of my manager, Gavin, I couldn’t hear what the taxi driver was saying to me. Conversation was impossible. Then, when I reached the office, I had to ring the intercom five times as I couldn’t hear a response.

Everybody said I was shouting at them--- I simply wasn’t aware of how loudly I was speaking as I couldn’t hear my own voice. Gavin kept telling me my phone was ringing, but I didn’t realize. I was too busy trying to concentrate on reading his lips. And when he tried to tell me a code to put into my phone, I had to keep asking him to repeat it, more slowly. Eventually he lost his patience and snapped at me: “Just give me the phone!” I was shocked.

People couldn’t be bothered to repeat themselves, so they kept trying to do things for me that I was perfectly capable of doing myself. I felt I’d lost control.

Being deaf for the day was extraordinarily tiring. I had to work so hard to “listen” with my eyes, get people’s attention and use my other senses to make up for my lack of hearing. It was a huge, exhausting effort.

Until that experience I didn’t realize how much I took my own hearing for granted, or the sorts of emotions and experiences deaf people go through. If a deaf person asks you to repeat something, never think: “It doesn’t matter.” It does matter.

1.Why did the author focus on reading Gavin’s lips?

A. By doing this he could understand what Gavin was saying.

B. He wanted to be aware of what the code was.

C. He attempted to get the code into the phone by himself.

D. He didn’t want to bother Gavin to repeat what he was saying.

2.What advice does the author give in the passage?

A. Speak at the top of your voice if you can’t hear others speaking.

B. Repeat things as slowly as possible for the deaf.

C. Take your own hearing for granted.

D. Do as many things as possible for the deaf.

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. It’s boring to live in a world of silence.

B. The author has to use gestures to communicate with his friends.

C. There are many other ways to help the deaf understand others.

D. Many ordinary people just take hearing for granted until they lose it.

4.What can be the best title of the passage?

A. Helping the Deaf with More Patience

B. Don’t Take Your Hearing for Granted

C. Listening with Eyes

D. The Importance of Reading Lips


Believe it or not, the ability to choose is the power to change. If you can choose to live your life differently, will you be the same person?

Well, choosing to do the following few “simple” things will help to change your life.

Review your life. Take time to go through your life and ask yourself, “If I do the same thing I do every day, will there be a change? If I want to change, where will my first step be?”

Make careful choices. Choose exactly what you wish to get to live your life; describe and think what you really want.

Keep up with chances. Find out about the possibilities and ways that can make you move toward your goals, write them down and see which one suits you most.

Get down to business. Start working on your goals. People may bring you down; you may have difficulties; you will fail and want to give up. But the most important thing is never to give up.

If you try these “simple” things, you will find that success is something for everyone, and you will finally become what you want to be. Remember, success is more than what you hold in your hands; it is something from the heart.

1. Once you get down to business, the most important thing is to _____.

A. set goals B. see possibilities

C. keep on trying D. ask for help

2.The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to ____.

A. change B. choice C. life D. success

3.This passage mainly discussed the relationship between ______.

A. power and life

B. choice and change

C. power and success

D. choice and difficulty


A HOLIDAY jet pilot (飞行员) said that he would land and call the police after a woman refused to stop smoking.

He warned Maureen Harkavy, “Put that cigarette out, or I’ll land the plane and have you arrested.”

Maureen, 47, was so shocked she wrote to the airline’s chairman. But his reply was even ruder.

“You seem to think you have a God-given right to pollute your neighbours’ atmosphere,” wrote John Ferriday of Paramount Airways.

(a)Said Maureen, “I only found out about it when I was checking in. I’m a nervous flyer so I lit a cigarette during the flight. A stewardess (空姐) asked me to put it out, but I said I wanted to carry on as there was no rule against smoking on the plane.” She was just finishing her cigarette when the pilot arrived.

(b) I’ve never seen such an unpleasant letter. She said, “I don’t think I’ll ever fly again.” But there was a funny side. Maureen explained, “We were offered duty-free (免税) cigarette from the stewardess on the plane!”

(c) Mr. Ferriday went on; “Believe me, you haven’t. Especially when you travel on my planes.”

Maureen and her husband Michael were moved to Paramount flight just before they left Portugal. But they were not told of the company’ s (公司的) no smoking policy.

(d) “He was loud and rude,” said Maureen. “He said if I lit another cigarette he would land the plane at Bordeaux and hand me to the French police.”

Later, from her home in Mosely, Birmingham, Maureen wrote to the company and received the rude reply.

1.The second half of the story has been in wrong order. (Parts a-d) Choose the rearranged order which you think is right.

A. a, c, b, d B. c, a, b, d

C. c, a, d, b D. d, a, b, c

2.Maureen Harkavy ____ on the plane.

A. accepted the warning

B. agreed to the warning

C. refused to do what she was told to

D. was so shocked that she wrote to the airline’s chairman

3.From the story we can see that the writer probably takes the side of ____ .

A. the pilot B. the airline’s chairman

C. the stewardress D. Maureen Harkavy

阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中 ,选出最佳选项。

Scientific experiments can sometimes go wrong and when they do the results may range from the disastrous to the troubling. One such experiment took place in South America about fifty years ago. Whether its final consequences will cause serious damage or nothing more than a small trouble still remains to be seen.

The story began in 1956 when an American scientist working in Brazil decided to solve the problem of increasing the productivity of that country's bees. He imported a very active type of African bee from Tanzania and mated (交配) it with the more easy-going native variety to produce a new kind of bees. The new bees worked harder and produced twice as much honey. It seemed that Professor Kerr, for that was the scientist's name, had a total success on his hands.

Then things began to go wrong. For some reason as yet unseen, but perhaps as a result of something in their environment, the new bees began to develop extremely attacking personalities. They became bad-tempered and easy to be angry, attacked the native bees and drove them from their living places.

But worse was to follow. Having taken over the countryside, the new bees, with their dangerous stings (叮) , began to attack its neighbors -- cats, dogs, horses, chickens and finally man himself. A long period of terror began that has so far killed a great number of animals and about 150 human beings.

This would have been bad enough if the bees had stayed in Brazil. But now they are on the move, heading northwards in countless millions towards Central and North America, and moving at the alarming speed of 200 miles a year. The countries that lie in their path are naturally worried because it looks as if nothing can be done to stop them.

1.The results of the South American experiment .

A. have caused a serious trouble

B. have proved to be wrong

C. are highly thought of

D. are not yet certain

2.The experiment mentioned in this passage was designed to .

A. increase the amount of honey in Brazil

B. make Brazilian bees more easy-going

C. increase the number of bees in Brazil

D. make African bees less active

3.Which of the following may be the cause of the new bees' attacking personalities?

A. Their production of honey. B. Their hard work.

C. Their living environment. D. Their bad temper.

4.The last paragraph implies that .

A. the bees have been driven to Central and North America

B. the bees may bring about trouble in more countries

C. the bees must be stopped from moving north

D. the bees prefer to live in Brazil


Hard as you try to break with family tradition, your heart remains at home on the holidays.

---Tayari Jones

Everybody in my family always get excited about the Christmas. As the middle, artist child, I was going to do my own thing, make some new_________. From a book, I drew________ --- I would spend the holiday at an artist colony!

No one took the news very well. From the way my mother got angry ________ me, you would think that I was divorcing the family. ________, I held my ground and made plans for my winter adventure in New Hampshire. About 30 artists were there, and it was as well artsy as I had ________ . It felt like my life had become a strange independent film.

By Christmas Eve, I had been at the colony more than a week. The novelty (新奇感) was ________ away. This was the holiday I’d always dreamed of. Not a Christmas sweater anywhere in ________. People here didn’t even say “Christmas,” they said “holiday.” Entire relaxation. Then why was I so ________?

Finally, I ________ home. My dad answered, but I could ________ hear him for there was too much good-time noise in the background. He turned ________ the volume on the Stevie Wonder holiday album and ________ me that my mother was out shopping with my brothers. Now it was my turn to ________ . They were having a fine Christmas without me.

Despite a heavy snowstorm, a large package ________ near my door at the artist colony on Christmas morning. Tayari Jones was written in my mother’s beautiful ________ . I grasped at that parcel(包裹) like I was five years old. Inside was a beautiful delicious cake, my ________. “Merry Christmas”, read the simple card ________ . “We love you very much.”

As I sliced the cake, everyone ________ around. Mother had sent a homemade gift. It was a minor Christmas miracle (奇迹) that one cake managed to feed so ________ . We ate it from paper towels with our bare hands, satisfying a ________ we didn’t know we had.

1.A. comments B. adjustments C. traditions D. possibilities

2.A. significance B. inspiration C. enthusiasm D. discovery

3.A. on B. about C. over D. with

4.A. But B. Therefore C. Still D. Moreover

5.A. imagined B. designed C. informed D. interviewed

6.A. fading B. taking C. putting D. giving

7.A. error B. danger C. return D. sight

8.A. happy B. excited C. sad D. fortunate

9.A. returned B. called C. escaped D. knocked

10.A. clearly B. sincerely C. barely D. extremely

11.A. down B. up C. in D. over

12.A. spoke B. said C. told D. talked

13.A. cry B. laugh C. disappoint D. upset

14.A. added up B. built up C. dug up D. showed up

15.A. handwriting B. words C. name D. letters

16.A. impact B. favorite C. ingredient D. option

17.A. outside B. upside C. inside D. downside

18.A. ran B. gathered C. scared D. flew

19.A. many B. lot C. much D. few

20.A. liberty B. hunger C. interest D. dilemma


Tips to Increase Your Productivity

Want to get more done in your day? Of course you do. 1. The good news is that everyone can increase the amount of tasks they accomplish in a day. Here are some tips to help you have a more productive day.

Make a plan for your day. Make sure you know how you want your day to go in advance, even before you start. 2. To work best, create the next day’s plan the night before so that every morning you spend time performing, not planning.

Break large tasks down into bits accomplished easily. Do you have a large project that’s just so big that you keep putting it off? Or maybe you’re just unsure of where to begin, so you put it off. 3. Therefore, you will feel a sense of accomplishment as you check the items of your list.

Always set your priorities (优先事项). 4. Figure out what must be done, do that first and rank the rest of your work according to importance. If you don’t get to the items at the end of your list, it won’t be a big problem, and you can do them another time.

5. If you are the most productive in the morning, that’s when you should hit it hard and do as much as you can. If you work better in the afternoon, take care of some things like emails in the morning and then accomplish the important projects in the afternoon. Keep on top of your work habits, and you’ll be more productive.

A. Reward yourself if you are productive.

B. Be aware of when you are the most productive.

C. This can provide you a roadmap for the day.

D. It’s tough to meet depressed people who are productive.

E. It’s important to accomplish the most important tasks first.

F. A good way is to break the project down into more manageable ones.

G. To stay competitive in any industry, you need to improve your productivity.


I've always had strong opinions of how love should be expressed, but others had their own ways of showing care.

What I _________ most about visiting my boyfriend's parents is the loud tick of the clock in the dining room as we _________ ate our meal. With so little conversation I was quick to _________ his family as cold. When we got into the _________ to go home, his father suddenly appeared.

_________, he began to wash his son's windscreen. I could feel he was a caring man through the glass.

I learned another lesson about love a few years later. My father often _________me early in the morning. “Buy Xerox. It's a good sharp price,” he might say when I answered the phone. No pleasant _________ or inquiry about my life, just financial instructions. This manner of his _________ me and we often quarreled. But one day, I thought about my father's success in business and realized that his concern for my financial security lay behind his _________ morning calls. The next time he called and told me to buy a stock, I _________ him.

When my social style has conflicted with that of my friends, I've often felt _________ . For example, I always return phone calls _________ and regularly contact with my friends. I expect the same from them. I had one friend who rarely called, answering my messages with short e-mails. I rushed to the _________ : She wasn't a good friend! My anger _________ as the holidays approached. But then she came to a gathering I _________ and handed me a beautiful dress I had fallen in love with when we did some window-shopping the previous month. I was _________at her thoughtfulness, and regretful for how I'd considered her to be _________ . Clearly I needed to change my expectations of friends.

Far too often, I ignored their _________ expressions, eagerly expecting them to do things in my _________ . Over the years, however, I've learned to_________ other persons' love signs.

1.A. remember B. enjoy C. value D. admire

2.A. excitedly B. nervously C. silently D. instantly

3.A. regard B. treat C. take D. think

4.A. bus B. train C. car D. plane

5.A. Punctually B. Carefully C. Proudly D. Coldly

6.A. visited B. interrupted C. warned D. telephoned

7.A. greeting B. meeting C. apology D. explanation

8.A. interested B. angered C. encouraged D. surprised

9.A. long B. short C. warm D. polite

10.A. praised B. remembered C. blamed D. thanked

11.A. content B. guilty C. curious D. disappointed

12.A. in order B. in turn C. without delay D. without difficulty

13.A. feeling B. suggestion C. judgment D. belief

14.A. disappeared B. grew C. helped D. declined

15.A. opened B. refused C. hosted D. invited

16.A. depressed B. upset C. fascinated D. shocked

17.A. uncaring B. dishonest C. unhappy D. uncooperative

18.A. unique B. common C. pleasant D. familiar

19.A. opinion B. way C. mind D. life

20.A. send B. read C. give D. express

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