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2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

    Our class recently went on the. school trip to an adventure centre. It is locating not too far away from the school. It only took us two hours get there by bus. There were twenty of ourselves and we spend five days there on a sailing course. The activities were good organised but safety standards were high. We enjoyed the courses although the weather was bad. Each student was given a lot of personal attention,who helped them to develop their confidence. I believe this course was good for all the students,and I think the school should organise a more similar trip next year.

71. . .. on the school...                            the —?  a 

72. It is locating ...                             locating —? located

73. . .. hours get there ...                          get 前加 to  

74. ... twenty of ourselves ...                     ourselves —?  us 

75. . .. we spend five ...                            spend —?  spent 

76. . .. were good organised ...                        good —? well 

77. . .. but safety standards ...                         but —? and 

78. . .. enjoyed the courses ...                        courses —? course

79. . .. who helped them ...                          who —?  which 

80. . .. a more similar...                              去掉more



     FC Barcelona's football academy(专门学校) ,La Masia,has trained some . of the best footballers in Europe,such as Pep Guardiola,Lionel Messi and Gerard Pique. Many people believe that Barcelona is the best football team in Europe because of the training programme at the school. Now,FC Barcelona has opened similar academies all around the world,including in Egypt,Japan,America and Dubai.

     It is difficult to join the Barcelona academy. Every year,over 1,000 students apply (申请) ,but only 70 students can live and study at the school. They are aged between li and 18. Seventy coaches,teachers,doctors and cooks look after the students. The academy costs about £5 million a year to run. But the students all have scholarships (奖学金) ,so they don't pay any money. FC Barcelona pays for everything: the students’ rooixis,teachers,books and food.

     However,the students don't only learn football. FC Barcelona also wants to give their students a good academic education. It is important to the dub that their students can still get good jobs if they don 't become professional (职业的) footballers. Students travel by bus to local schools each morning for four hours of study. The footballers return to La Masia after lunch and do football training in the afternoons.

     But is the students,academic education good enough? All the football training must make the students very tired and they spend less time at school than other children. That doesn't matter if you are one of the students who are good enough to become a professional footballer. But what happens to all the children who don't make it onto the team? La Masia produces excellent football players,but it is important to ask what happens to all the other children who train there.

29. As a training academy,La Masia .

   A. is considered as the best in Europe

   B. receives nationwide professional footballers

   C. has produced some top-class players

   D. has borrowed ideas from similar academies 

30. What do we know about La Masia?

   A. It is well supplied.

   B. It is short of teachers.

   C. It is operated with difficulty.

   D. It offers scholarships to excellent students.

31. The students of La Masia.

   A. play football in the morning

   B. fall behind other local students

   C. get football training after school

   D. have academic education at La Masia

32. The author seems to

   A. worry about some children's fiiture

   B. think badly of professional footballers

   C. care too much about students’ feelings

   D. doubt the football training of La Masia

      Greeting cards are an art everyone is familiar with. They carry a 1. suitable for a general occasion (场合) , such as a holiday,or for a special 2 occasion,such as a birthday,graduation,or marriage. They may 3 be sent simply to express friendship.

  People's need to 4and their desire(愿望) to be thoughtful have helped the growth of the custom of 5 greeting cards. The greeting card,like a gift,is always chosen for another — never 6 by the purchaser (购买者) .

    Greeting cards are available to 7most important holidays or  occasions.Christmas,Thanksgiving,Halloween,and other 8are among the holiday occasions for which special greeting cards are 9

    Another important side of the greeting card industry is known as the “everyday card” 一 greetings for nonseasonal use. The 10 of expressing one's feelings at a time of a friend's pain 11 the use of cheering “get well” cards in the case of 12 and of svmDathv cards in the case of death. Other year-round greeting card occasions 13 birthdays and weddings. The most popular year-round greetings,14 , are friendship cards,which often take the 15 of more than a cheery “hello,” a 16 wish instead of a face-to-face visit.

      Much of the 17 of greeting cards can be attributed to(归因于) the fact that most people find it difficult to put their feelings into 18 . For this reason,because the basic purpose of a greeting card is to communicate,the 19 is all-important to its success; beauty of design may cause a card to be examined in a store,but the card will not be purchased 20 it says what the purchaser wants to say. In a few well-chosen words,greeting cards express the thoughts and emotions people often find difficult to say themselves.

1. A. promise   B. suggestion

   C. dream   D. message

2. A. lucky   B. personal

   C. familiar   D. suitable

3. A. only   B. ever   C. also   D. now

4. A. communicate   B. understand

   C. improve   D. compete

5. A. buying   B. making

   C. sending   D. receiving

6. A. written   B. kept   C. chosen   D. enjoyed

7. A. change   B. describe

   C. expect   D. mark

8. A. events   B. cards   C. seasons   D. wishes

9. A. different   B. powerful

   C. available   D. attractive

10. A. custom   B. difficulty

   C. pleasure   D. responsibility

11. A. led to   B. brought back

   C. came into   D. sped up

12. A. illness   B. failure

   C. anger   D. absence

13. A. provide   B. discuss    C. influence   D. include

14. A. besides   B. however    C. instead   D. then

15. A. chance   B. place      C. form   D. time

16. A. secret   B. sincere     C. spoken   D. printed

17. A. progress  B. explanation  C. examination   D. success

18. A. words   B. facts      C. action   D. pictures

19. A. manner   B. design     C. greeting   D. feeling

20. A. unless   B. when       C. though   D. because

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