
11.It's summer movie time again.And heroes are ready to try their strength and magic on the silver screen.Check out our list of four films that look most promising to you ng audience.
Harry potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Release Date:June 4
Story:It's the summer before Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.A shadow is hanging over Hogwarts.A dangerous murderer,Sirius Black,has escaped the Wizards'Prison.And he broke out to fulfill one task to kill Harry Potter.
Around the World in 80 Days
Release Date:June 16
Story:This version of the classic novel set in 1872 focuses on Passepartout ( Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan),a Chinese thief who seeks refuge with a strange London adventurer,Phileas Fogg.Passepartout uses his martial arts skills to defe nd Fogg from danger as he travels around the world in 80 days to win a bet.
Spider-Man 2
Release Date:June 30
Story:Peter Parker is still coming to terms with his dual (双重的) identity as the crime superhero Spider-Man.He wants to reveal his secret identity to Mary Jane:meanwhile,his aunt May has fallen on hard times.A new villain(坏人),Dr Otto Octavius,has appeared to cause more troubles.
King Arther
Release Date:July 7
Story:King Arthur is presented as a clever ruler who manages to unite all the knights(骑士) in Britain after the fall of the Roman Empire.Under the guidance of Merlin and the beautiful,brave Guinevere,Arthur will struggle to realize his dreams
25.According to the passage,if you want to see a film whose leading actor is Jackie Chan,you will see the film onB.
A.June 4         B.June 16        C.June 30        D.July 7
26.In Spider Man 2,Aunt May's trouble is caused byC.
A.Peter Parker                                      
B.Mary Jane     
C.Dr.Otto Octavius               
27.Which of the following films is set in ancient Britain?D
A.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
B.Around the world in 80 Days.
C.Spider-Man 2
D.King Arthur.

分析 介绍了几部电影的相关情况.

解答 25.答案:B,细节题.根据第二个介绍"Story:This version of the classic novel set in 1872 focuses on Passepartout ( Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan),a Chinese thief who seeks refuge with a strange London adventurer,Phileas Fogg."可知这部电影是由成龙表演的,时间是June 16.
26.答案:C,细节题.根据文章句子A new villain(坏人),Dr Otto Octavius,has appeared to cause more troubles.可知答案为C.
27.答案:D,细节题.根据最后一段的"Story:King Arthur is presented as a clever ruler who manages to unite all the knightsin Britain after the fall of the Roman Empire."可知电影King Arther是以古代英国为背景的,故答案为D.

点评 解答任务型阅读理解题,首先对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意.因为阅读理解题一般没有标题,所以,速读全文,抓住中心主旨很有必要,在速读的过程中,应尽可能多地捕获信息材料.其次,细读题材,各个击破.掌握全文的大意之后,细细阅读每篇材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息.最后,要善于抓住每段的主题句,阅读时,要有较强的针对性.对于捕获到的信息,要做认真分析,仔细推敲,理解透彻,只有这样,针对题目要求,才能做到稳、准.

2.Happy Camp is a Chinese show produced by Hunan Broadcasting System.The series started in July 7,1997,and has remained in p roduction since then,because it is very popular.The show was hosted (主持) by the Happy Family:He Jiong,Li Weijia,Xie Na,Du Haitao,and Wu Xin.Happy Camp is one of China's most popular shows,with a viewership of tens of millions.The show is played every Saturdays.Because the show is so popular,it has won man y awards (奖项) in Asia.This show has been watched by the Chinese people through out the world.This show is purposely (专门地) created for young people to watch.Over the years,the happy camp family has produced music albums (专辑) and movies.The main purpose of these productions is to bring happiness to the people.The hosts have been well known by the people.
1.Happy Camp is produced byCBroadcasting System.
A.Shenzhen        B.Fenghuang    C.Hunan       D.Hebei
2.The series started inA.
A.July 7,1997             
B.July 10,2001
C.June 7,1997             
D.May 7,1998
3.There areDhosts.
A.nine        B.one        C.four      D.five
4.The underlined word"viewersh ip"means"B"in Chinese.
A.电视机  B.电视观众  C.面试  D.复习
5. Which of the following is TRUE?D
A.This show has been watched by American people.
B.Happy Camp always makes people cry.
C.Happy Camp is played every Sundays.
D.Happy Camp has won many awards in Asia.
19.A student's life is never easy.(36)GA lot of preparations are needed so you can be sure to go back home with a diploma and a bright future waiting for you.The following are some basic things you need to do before even seizing that passport and boarding on the plane.
Knowing the country.
You shouldn't bother researching the country's hottest tourist spots or historical places.You won't go there as a tourist,but as a student.It'll be helpful to read the most important points in their history and to read up on their culture.(37)CYou surely don't want to face legal problems,especially if you're away from home.
Studying their language.
Don't expect that you can graduate abroad without knowing even the basics of the language.Before leaving your home country,take online lessons to at least master some of their words and sentences.(38)D Doing this will also prepare you in communicating with those who can't speak English.
(39)BCheck the conversion (兑换) of your money to their local currency,set up your bank account so you can use it there,get an insurance,and find an apartment.The Internet or your intended school will be very helpful in finding an apartment and helping you understand local currency.
Remember,you're not only carrying your own reputation but your country's reputation as well.If you act foolishly,people there might think that all of your countrymen are foolish as well.(40)E

A.Packing your clothes.
B.Preparing for other needs.
C.Most importantly,read about their laws.
D.This will be useful in living and studying there.
E.That would surely be a very bad start for your study abroad program.
F.Going with their trends will keep it from being too obvious that you're a foreigner.
G.And it is even more difficult if you will have to complete your study in a foreign land.
6.A group of graduates got together to visit their old university professor.The conversation soon turned into(21)Babout stress in work and life.Offering his(22)Ccoffee,the professor went to the kitchen and(23)Bwith a large pot of coffee and a(24)Cof cups-porcelain,plastic glass,crystal,some plainlooking,some expensive,some exquisite (精致的),telling them to (25)Cthemselves to the coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand,the professor said,"If youhave(26)D,all the nicelooking expensive cups have been(27)D,leaving behind the plain and(28)Aones.Of course,(29)Bit is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves,that is the (30)Bof your problems and stress."
"It is sure that the cup itself(31)Dno quality to the coffee.(32)_ it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we(33)A."
"What all of you really want is coffee,not the cup,but you went(34)Cfor the best cups.And then you began(35)Deach other's cups."
"Now consider this:Life is the coffee;the jobs,(36)Aand position in society are the cups.They are just tools to(37)Dand contain life,and the type of cup we have does not define,nor(38)Cthe quality of life we live.Sometimes,by concentrating only on the cup,we(39)Dto enjoy the coffee.Value the coffee,not the cups!"
Don't let the cups(40)Byou.Enjoy the coffee instead.

22.A.friends  B.customersC.guests  D.fellows
23.A.carried  B.returnedC.arrived  D.brought
24.A.kind  B.setC.variety  D.group
26.A.seen  B.discoveredC.recognizedD.noticed
27.A.taken in  B.taken backC.taken outD.taken up
28.A.cheapB.dearC.pretty  D.fantastic
29.A.if   B.whileC.becauseD.since
30.A.resource  B.sourceC.result   D.point
31.A.increasesB.expandsC.extends  D.adds 
32.A.At no timeB.In most casesC.In no caseD.At times
33.A.drink  B.desireC.eat   D.want
40.A.defeatB.driveC.decide  D.puzzle
3.Like all big cities,Paris has a traffic problem:lots of cars,lots of traffic jams(阻塞) and lots of pollution from exhaust fumes(废气).So the city began a scheme(计划) to improve the si tuation.
Under the Velib sc heme(‘Velib'comes from velo liberte,or‘bicycle freedom'),people can take a bicycle,use it for as long as they want,and then leave it at the same or another bicycle station.The first half-hour on the bike is free,but if you don't return it after 30 minutes,you have to pay.But it's only∈1 a day or∈29 a year!The bicycles are heavy (25 kg),and they are all grey and have baskets.There are about 20,000 of them in the city,and around 1,450 bicycle stations.So there are a lot more Velib stations than the 298 subway stations!
 Paris is not the first city to have a scheme like this.But not everybody thinks it's a great idea.One Parisian said,"These bicycles are only for short journeys.If people want to travel across the city,they won't use a bicycle-they'll still use their cars."
 A city spokesman said,"The bicycle scheme won't solve all our traffic problems,of course.But it might help reduce air pollution.Traffic,together with factory fumes,is a big problem.There aren't any simple answers to traffic problems and pollution in cities.But unless we do something now,there will be more traffic jams and temperatures will continue to rise,so the problems in our environment will get worse.The bikes might help people to lead a healthier life,too."
21.What can we learn about the Velib scheme?D
A.Its bikes have no baskets.
B.Its bikes are light and colorful.
C.People must return the bike to the same place after using it.
D.It owns more stations than the subway.
22.If you use a Velib for 1 hour,you should payA.
A.∈1              B.∈30              C.∈29             D.no money
23.Why do some people disagree with the Velib scheme?C
A.The cost is rather high.
B.It's hard to find a Velib station.
C.It's not suitable for a long journey.
D.The distance between two Velib stations is long.
24.What's the city spokesman's attitude towards the bicycle scheme?B
A.Doubtful         B.Positive.C.Uncaring.D.Worried.

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