
【题目】When I came to my new school three years ago, I was surprised at how lonely I felt. Then one of my classmates invited me to her house for a dinner 【1】 . I was a little anxious, but finally I gladly 【2】 .

Not really knowing how 【3】 the bus ride should be, I 【4】 when I saw the landmarks (路标) 【5】 on my classmate's hand-drawn map. But when I got close enough to the 【6】 ,I found none of the streets were shown on the map. I was 【7】 on a busy road with cars driving past without a person in sight. I had no 【8】 when the next bus would come, 【8】 when a bus did come by, I 【10】 got on. I told the bus driver where I wanted to go and he said that I had caught the 【11】 bus, but he let me stay on. After he had finished his scheduled bus route, he 【12】 to help me out. I gratefully showed him my little hand-drawn map but 【13】 did not help much.

He finally 【14】 me off at a main road to catch a different bus and was 【15】 that he could not help me more. After I walked for a few minutes, a bus stopped beside me. It was the 【16】 bus driver. He explained that he didn't want to leave me there 【17】 . He sent out a call and someone radioed back, saying that the bus I needed to catch was about ten minutes away. At last I made it to the dinner party 【18】 I was over an hour late.

I am forever thankful for the 【19】 that this bus driver had for me. His act of kindness left a 【20】 on my heart.

A. meal B. party C. meeting D. time

A. accepted B. refused C. got D. received

A. far B. difficult C. long D. bad

A. drove on B. walked away C. hurried up D. got off

A. pointed B. wrote C. shown D. appeared

A. street signs B. tall buildings C. traffic lights D. bus stops

A. queuing B. sitting C. standing D. waiting

A. meaning B. idea C. problem D. way

A. so B. yet C. but D. still

A. suddenly B. luckily C. finally D. quickly

A. right B. wrong C. best D. fastest

A. supplied B. refused C. offered D. wanted

A. it B. he C. she D. this

A. kept B. dropped C. drove D. turned

A. eager B. worried C. sorry D. disappointed

A. same B. next C. young D. silly

A. helpless B. lonely C. shamefully D. alone

A. after B. although C. until D. when

A. respect B. concern C. help D. love

A. mark B. sign C. symbol D. line

【答案】【1】 B

【2】 A

【3】 C

【4】 D

【5】 C

【6】 A

【7】 C

【8】 B

【9】 A

【10】 D

【11】 B

【12】 C

【13】 A

【14】 B

【15】 C

【16】 A

【17】 D

【18】 B

【19】 B

【20】 A

【解析】文章大意: 本文主要讲述我在司机的善意的帮助下最终参加了同学举办的宴会,司机的善举在我心中留下了很深的印象。

【1】 根据第三段最后一句话可知,此处应为a dinner party,意为“宴会”。

【2】 根据下文“我”坐车的经历可知,“我”最后还是高兴地接受了。

【3】 不知道要坐多久的汽车。

【4】 get off出发,动身。

【5】 看着同学手绘地图上展示的路标,“我”出发了。

【6】 根据下文的streets可知,此处应为street signs。

【7】 此处指“我”站(standing)在繁忙的公路上。

【8】 have no idea(= don't know)表示“不知道”,为固定用法。

【9】 前后是因果关系,因为不了解情况,所以见车就上。

【10】 因为人生地不熟,所以有车过来就急忙上去。

【11】 根据后文的but可知,“我”上错了车,虽然如此,司机让“我”待在车上。

【12】 根据下文对该司机行为的描述可知,他跑完自己的路线后主动提出要帮“我”。

【13】 指手绘地图没起到多大作用,用it。

【14】 drop off在某特定地点放下,(让)下车。司机把“我”放到一个主干道,让“我”换乘其他车。

【15】 没帮上忙,司机感到抱歉。

【16】 从下一句"He explained that he didn't want to leave me there"可知还是原来那位司机。

【17】 leave sb alone把某人独自留下。

【18】 尽管晚了一个多小时,但毕竟“我”还是参加了宴会。

【19】 此句可以理解为:this bus driver had the concern for me 司机对“我”的关心。

【20】 mark标志,迹象。此处指在“我”心中留下很深的印象。



New discoveries suggest that trade between Europe and Asia along the Silk Road probably began many centuries earlier than once thought. The findings add a fascinating new page to the epic(史诗) of the Silk Road, which spread far and wide in no time.

The latest and most surprising discovery is pieces of silk found in the hair of an Egyptian mummy(木乃伊) from about l,000 BC, long before regular traffic on the Silk Road and at least one thousand years before silk was previously thought to be used in Egypt. Other researches may extend human activity along this road back even further, perhaps a million years to the moving of human ancestors into eastern Asia.

The official origin of East-West trade along the road is usually placed in the late 2nd century BC when an agent of the Chinese Emperor Wu-di returned from a dangerous secret task across the desert into the remote high country of Central Asia. The agent, Zhang Qian, traveled as far as Afghanistan and brought back knowledge of even more distant lands such as Persia, Syria and a place known as Lijien, perhaps Rome. Historians(历史学家) have called this one of the most important journeys in ancient times. His journey opened the way for what have been thought to be the first indirect touches between the ancient world’s two super-powers, China and Rome. Chinese silk, first traded to Central Asia for war horses, was soon finding its way to the markets of Rome through a network of businessmen.

But the new discoveries show that Chinese silk apparently existed in the West long before the Han emperor started to organize trade over the Silk Road. The research could change thinking about the early history of world trade and provide comprehension into the mystery(谜) of just how and when Europe first realized the glorious culture at the other end of Eurasia.

Title: New Discovery of the Silk Road


New findings about the 【1】 ________ of trade along the Silk Road are spread far and wide in no time.


The silk thread found in the hair of an Egyptian mummy from about 1,000 BC makes all feel greatly 2_______ .

The discovery suggests the trade along the Silk Road may 3________ back to an earlier time than once thought.

Zhang Qian’s 4________

Being accepted as official 5________ of East-West commerce along the Silk Road.

Opening the way for the first 6________ touches between the ancient China and Rome.

7________ Chinese silk to Central Asia and Persia.

Making Chinese silk 8________ the markets of Rome.


Show the9________ of Chinese silk in the West long before the Han Dynasty.

Change thinking about the early history of word trade.

Help to solve the puzzle of Europeans first realizing10________ culture.

【题目】[1] When we were children, it seemed that father knew everything. When we grew up and father became older, sometimes we quarreled about our own views. So I try to get on well with father.

[2] Remember the age of father. Being aware of father's age will help us to understand him better. He has lived in the years when attitudes towards matters, such as poverty, unemployment, higher education, were quite different from those in our time. Thus it is impossible for him to change mind totally.

[3] Listen to father. As we grew up, what our father has told us often sounds not sophisticated (圆滑的)enough from the world we live in today. Yet I have found that sometimes the words that my father told me long time ago are remarkably useful. If father knows we respect his point of view, even if we do not share it, it will help him feel close to us.

[4] Remember that father has a past. When he was young, he lived a hard life. He came from remote village. How to stay in a strange city and how to earn money are problems he met first. He must work hard and face all kinds of difficulties. Full of wisdom, courage and hope,__________ at last. It is a part of his life that must have affected him deeply.

[5] Accept personality from father. Most of us have mixed feelings about taking after our father. We might feel fine about it when we are considering his admirable qualities. But we have realized that /span>we and our fathers share those characteristics we do not admire. Accepting what we have inherited(继承)is important.

[6] Adopting any approach to get on well with our father is the issue of how we manage ourselves. We should keep a sense of humor with our father. Remember we will have our own child and surely we will be parents. Accepting and understanding our father is a part of our life.

【1】 What is the best title of this passage? (within 8 words)


【2】 Choose one way of getting on well with father you prefer and explain the reason (within 30 words)


【3】 Fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words. (within 10 words)


【4】 Which sentence in the passage can replace the following one?

But we have known we both have the same features, even if we do not like them.


【5】 Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


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