
  A newly discovered story and a letter written by 20th century literary giant Ernest Hemingway will be auctioned in New York, in December.

  The two-page letter and five -page story are based on an incident at a bullfighting arena(enclosed area). They were written in 1924 when the future Nobel prize winner was 25. This was just before the publication of his first important work, the short story collection “In Our Time”. The story, “My Life in the Bull Ring with Donald Ogden Stewart”, was inspired by an actual incident in 1924. Stewart, a popular US writer and close friend of Hemingway's, had faced a bull in Pamplona, Spain, the home of bullfighting.

  “It's by no means a literary masterpiece, but I think it's more than youngsters' reading material,” said Patrick McGrath, an auction expert in books and manuscripts. “It's a clear attempt at writing a comic story, and it is interesting in that way, because it's a form Hemingway didn't try very often,” McGrath said.

  The story and the letter are expected to bring between US 12,000 and US 18,000, McGrath said. The five-page story is about Stewart's effort to take an a bull during an amateur session during the famous annual running of the bulls. Hemingway sent the story to Stewart, asking him to submit the manuscript to the US magazine Vanity Fair for publication. But Stewart felt it was not good enough to pass on. He explained later in his autobiography that “humour was not (Hemingway's) dish.”

  The work was apparently forgotten until last year when Stewart's son discovered the story and the letter among his father's papers. His father died in 1980.

1.When Hemingway wrote the five-page story, ________.

[  ]

A.he had won the Nobel prize

B.he had become world famous

C.he had not shown any talent in literature

D.he was friendly with Stewart

2.Patrick McGrath thinks “My Life in the Bull Ring with Donald Ogden Stewart”

[  ]

A.is a masterpiece

B.fits the young only

C.has a different style in the way that Hemingway usually wrote

D.was originally written for the youngsters

3.The phrase “take on” in paragraph 4 probably means ________.

[  ]

B.deal with
D.look on

4.The sentence “humour was not (Hemingway's ) dish” shows ________.

[  ]

A.the story was short of humors

B.Hemingway disliked dishes

C.Humor improved Hemingway's writing style

D.Hemingway was not good at humor in writing



  1.这是一道细节题。根据第二段中stewart,a popular US writer and close friend of Hemingway's可作出正确判断。

  2.这是一道细节题。根据文中“It's a clear attempt at writing a comic story,and it is interesting in that way,because it's a form Herningway didn't try very often,”Mc Grath said可知,这个故事的写作方法“是一种海明威不经常尝试的一种手法”。

  3.这是一道猜测词意题。前两段提到了“海明威的朋友斗牛”,由此可推测出take on表示“对付”。

  4.这是一道句意理解题。由文中Stewart felt it was not good enough to pass on可知,stewart认为这部作品不太好,由此可推断出,“幽默不是海明威的拿手戏”。


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案.

        The one-month holiday taken by a newly married couple (新婚夫妇)   1 "honeymoon (蜜月)" all over the world. But 2 does the word come into 3 ? In the early 4 century Ireland was still a place where the Celts (凯尔特人) 5 . The head of the Celts had a beautiful   daughter 6 Alice who loved flowers and liked to eat honey. She was so beautiful that a lot of princes (王子) of the other countries asked to 7 her. As they 8 that Alice liked to eat honey, they sent her the best honey 9 her. After 10 time her room 11 a show of honey.

       At last Alice 12 in love with a prince from 13 and decided to get   married to him. 14 the wedding she ordered the cooks 15 all the honey 16 wine. She entertained (招待) 17 with the wine at the wedding (婚礼) breakfast. The wine was so sweet that everyone liked 18 . But Alice had 19 that she and her husband enjoyed it 20 a whole month.   21 , the newly married couples began a travel of one month 22 after the night 23 which they had their wedding and drank the wine. This   custom (习俗) has come to this day and has gone around 24 .Thus a newly married couple's 25 holiday is called "honeymoon".

1. A. called         B. was called   C. is called      D. calls             [  ]  2. A. what         B. which   C. whether        D. how             [  ]  3. A. uses         B. use    C. useful         D. used            [  ]   4. A. sixth        B. fifth   C. twentieth       D. six             [  ]  5. A. live         B. were living   C. was living       D. were live           [  ]  6. A. named        B. name    C. was named      D. call            [  ]  7. A. marries         B. marry    C. marry with       D. marry to          [  ]  8. A. both knew      B. all knew   C. knew all       D. know both           [  ]  9. A. to like        B. to love    C. to please      D. to pleasure         [  ] 10. A. some         B. a piece of   C. a number of      D. a good many         [  ] 11. A. was          B. is     C. becomes        D. became            [  ] 12. A. fall         B. felt    C. fell         D. fallen            [  ] 13. A. southern       B. north   C. the south      D. south             [  ] 14. A. Before         B. After    C. In           D. At              [  ] 15. A. to making      B. made     C. make         D. to make           [  ] 16. A. from         B. of     C. into         D. out of            [  ] 17. A. her parents      B. the friends    C. hosts        D. ladies            [  ] 18. A. it           B. them   C. those        D. her             [  ] 19. A. so much wine     B. such much wine    C. so many wine     D. so wine           [  ] 20. A. in           B. for    C. after        D. by              [  ] 21. A. Late         B. Later     C. Before         D. After             [  ] 22. A. rightly        B. justly   C. right        D. correct           [  ] 23. A. on           B. for   C. at           D. under             [  ] 24. A. through the world  B. over the world   C. throughout the world D. all over world        [  ]
25. A. one-month      B. one month   
    C. thirty-days      D. thirty days         [  ]



    The following is about wedding customs around the world.

    In Scotland, when a couple    1    married, the bride comes to the bridegroom's home on the wedding day. She    2    a piece of wedding cake into the air with all her    3   . The higher she throws it,    4    their life is expected to be. In some parts of Switzerland    5   is customary to invite a performer on stilts (高跷)   6 the wedding    7    the couple good luck. In Cameroon, the wedding tradition is    8 the bridegroom's father holds the bride and throws her into a pool of water to get rid of    9    luck. In a village in Egypt, the bridegroom takes the bride in his arms, and they jump together into a big tub (盆,浴盆) of water. They    10   dripping. and everyone shares their good wishes.

    In Java, Indonesia, the bride    11    a basin of clear water and washes the bridegroom's feet to express her    12    to him. In the Caucasus the newlyweds, accompanied (陪伴)    13    a chief witness (证人,证婚人), complete to    14    a high mountain.

    When they reach the summit (top), they are considered to    15   . In Australia, Ausakan newly weds are bundled (tied) together in a bag    16    snake skin to spend the    17   . They are considered married when they emerge (come out, appear) the next morning. In Afghanistan,    18    is placed before the bride and bridegroom. They meet in the mirror, then    19    a big wedding feast (large meal). In the South Pacific, wedding customs are rather simple. The couple come to the home of the clan(部族) elder,    20    marries them by touching their foreheads together.


A. are               B. gets

C. has               D. will be


A. throws             B. gives

C. sends             D. puts


A. rings              B. energy

C. strength            D. things


A. happier             B. happiest

C. happy             D. the happier


A. she               B. he

C. it                  D. there


A. to                 B. with

C. for               D. on


A. wish               B. to wish

C. wishes              D. wishing


A. what              B. which

C. if                 D. that


A. bad                B. good

C. happy             D. well


A. come out of          B. come up

C. come down         D. come out


A. takes              B. brings

C. fetches             D. carries


A. obey               B. likeness

C. happiness            D. devotion


A. with               B. by

C. for               D. on


A. climb              B. draw

C. run               D. choose


A. be winners          B. be married

C. be engaged          D. have found a good habit


A. made up of         B. made into

C. made of            D. made from


A. day                B. morning

C. evening             D. night


A. a bed              B. a table

C. a mirror            D. a room


A. happen             B. take place

C. hold               D. has


A. that                B. who

C. which             D. where




    The following is about wedding customs around the world.

    In Scotland, when a couple    1    married, the bride comes to the bridegroom's home on the wedding day. She    2    a piece of wedding cake into the air with all her    3   . The higher she throws it,    4    their life is expected to be. In some parts of Switzerland    5   is customary to invite a performer on stilts (高跷)   6 the wedding    7    the couple good luck. In Cameroon, the wedding tradition is    8 the bridegroom's father holds the bride and throws her into a pool of water to get rid of    9    luck. In a village in Egypt, the bridegroom takes the bride in his arms, and they jump together into a big tub (盆,浴盆) of water. They    10   dripping. and everyone shares their good wishes.

    In Java, Indonesia, the bride    11    a basin of clear water and washes the bridegroom's feet to express her    12    to him. In the Caucasus the newlyweds, accompanied (陪伴)    13    a chief witness (证人,证婚人), complete to    14    a high mountain.

    When they reach the summit (top), they are considered to    15   . In Australia, Ausakan newly weds are bundled (tied) together in a bag    16    snake skin to spend the    17   . They are considered married when they emerge (come out, appear) the next morning. In Afghanistan,    18    is placed before the bride and bridegroom. They meet in the mirror, then    19    a big wedding feast (large meal). In the South Pacific, wedding customs are rather simple. The couple come to the home of the clan(部族) elder,    20    marries them by touching their foreheads together.


A. are               B. gets

C. has               D. will be


A. throws             B. gives

C. sends             D. puts


A. rings              B. energy

C. strength            D. things


A. happier             B. happiest

C. happy             D. the happier


A. she               B. he

C. it                  D. there


A. to                 B. with

C. for               D. on


A. wish               B. to wish

C. wishes              D. wishing


A. what              B. which

C. if                 D. that


A. bad                B. good

C. happy             D. well


A. come out of          B. come up

C. come down         D. come out


A. takes              B. brings

C. fetches             D. carries


A. obey               B. likeness

C. happiness            D. devotion


A. with               B. by

C. for               D. on


A. climb              B. draw

C. run               D. choose


A. be winners          B. be married

C. be engaged          D. have found a good habit


A. made up of         B. made into

C. made of            D. made from


A. day                B. morning

C. evening             D. night


A. a bed              B. a table

C. a mirror            D. a room


A. happen             B. take place

C. hold               D. has


A. that                B. who

C. which             D. where



  Martin Luther King, the son of a minister in the church, was born in 1929 in the southeast of the United States. When he was a boy, he  1 making friends and disliked  2 in any form. At the age of fifteen, he  3 an entrance prize to a college in one of the  4 states, where black people have equal  5 and were free to live, study and work  6 they wished. But, at this  7 ,the southern states  8 their laws to continue the  9 of blacks and whites, though slavery was  10 early in 1865.

  In the southern states  11 were passed to forbid(禁止) whites to marry blacks. There  12 shops, restaurants. Hospitals, buses, trains and schools for blacks. Blacks were not  13 to vote(选举) in the southern states  14 they passed a reading test.

  King thought it was  15 and necessary for blacks to win  16 civil(国内的) rights by  17 revolution, not by fighting and killing. He  18 the government so set blacks free and give them  19 .

  In 1964, he got the Nobel Prize for  20 and gave the whole of the $ 54,600 prize to the  21 movement. In the same year a new Civil Rights Act was passed to  22 blacks equally. In 1965 a new Voting Rights Bill became law.  23 , all blacks had the rights to vote.

  King was  24 on April 4th, 1968, because he made many  25 in the black liberation movement. He was considered as an important leader in the black liberation movement.


[  ]

A.started   B.hated   C.continued   D.liked


[  ]

A.speaking   B.playing   C.fighting   D.working


[  ]

A.brought   B.won   C.caught   D.stole


[  ]

A.free   B.other   C.southern   D.northern


[  ]

A.life   B.conditions   C.rights   D.education


[  ]

A.as   B.so   C.when   D.as


[  ]

A.college   B.time   C.end   D.beginning


[  ]

A.planned   B.broke   C.passed   D.improved


[  ]

A.relations   B.separation   C.fights   D.opinions


[  ]

A.on   B.over   C.refused   D.ended


[  ]

A.rules   B.orders   C.laws   D.suggestions


[  ]

A.separated   B.newly-built   C.special   D.cheap


[  ]

A.allowed   B.asked   C.hoped   D.invited


[  ]

A.so that   B.because   C.if   D.unless


[  ]

A.valuable   B.right   C.possible   D.useful


[  ]

A.a few   B.equal   C.a great many   D.simple


[  ]

A.hard   B.peaceful   C.fighting   D.public


[  ]

A.forced   B.ordered   C.agreed   D.organized


[  ]

A.truth   B.everything   C.rights   D.food


[  ]

A.Physics   B.Politics   C.Science   D.Peace


[  ]

A.slave   B.peace   C.progress   D.freedom


[  ]

A.receive   B.help   C.treat   D.educate


[  ]

A.Also   B.However   C.Once   D.From then on


[  ]

A.murdered   B.destroyed   C.forbidden   D.finished


[  ]

A.decisions   B.changes   C.plans   D.enemies

I would like to suggest that for sixty to ninety minutes each evening all television broadcasting in the United States be forbidden by law.

Let us take a 21 ,reasonable look at what the results might be if such a(an)  22 were accepted; families might use the time for a real family hour.Without the distraction(分散注意力) of TV, they might 23 to gether after dinner and actually talk to one another.It is well known that many of our 24 —everything in fact, from me generation gap to the high divorce rate to some forms of 25 illness —are caused at least in part by 26 to communicate.By using the quiet family hour to 27 our problems, we might get to know each other better, and to like each other better.

On evenings when such talk is 28 , families could discover more active pastimes(娱乐).Freed from TV and forced to find their own activities, they might take a 29 tog ether to watch the sunset.30 they might take a walk together. 31 free time and no TV, children and adults might discover reading.There is more entertainment in 32 than in a TV program. 33 rep ort that the generation growing up with television can hardly write an English sentence, 34 at the college level. 35 is often learned from reading.A more literate new generation could be a product of the quiet hour.

A different form of reading might also be done 36 it was in the past: reading aloud.The quiet hour could become the story hour.When the 37 ends, the TV networks might be forced to 38 with better shows i n order to get us back from our newly- discovered activities.

At first glance, this idea seems radical (激进的) .39 will we spend the time then? The fact is: it has been only twenty-five years since television came to control American free time. Those of us thirty-five and older can 40 childhoods without television.It wasn't that difficult.

21.A.valuable        B.pleasant        C.quick         D.serious

22.A.advice         B.suggestion      C.opinion        D.offer

23.A.get around      B.stand stiff      C.meet with      D.sit around

24.A.problems       B.troubles        C.affairs         D.misfortunes

25.A.physical       B.common       C.mental         D.familiar

26.A.attempt        B.failure         C.ability         D.permission

27.A.discuss        B.talk           C.comment       D.remark

28.A.impossible      B.unnecessary     C.funny         D.unpleasant

29.A.walk          B.look          C.ride           D.rest

30.A.And          B.Or           C.But           D.While

31.A.At            B.In            C.For           D.With

32.A.a fine poem     B.a good book     C.a quiet hour     D.a composition

33.A.Professors      B.Scientists       C.Parents        D.Educators

34.A.yet           B.still           C.even          D.just

35.A.Writing        B.Skill          C.Speaking       D.Listening

36.A.as            B.before         C.after          D.when

37.A.reading        B.quiet-hour      C.activity        D.programme

38.A.come across    B.come about     C.come up       D.come out

39.A.Whether       B.How          C.What         D.If

40.A.remind        B.remember      C.recognize      D.know

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