
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

-Albert Einstein

If you have a kid with special needs in the school system, chances are you’ve come across that saying hanging on a classroom wall. My five-year-old daughter Syona has cerebral palsy (a medical condition affecting someone’s control over their movement ) and it means ,combined with her communication challenges and sight problems , that standard assessments (and by “standard”, I mean the ones used to assess kids with special needs ) aren’t always an accurate measure of her abilities.

By now you have probably heard about Chris Ulmer, the 26-year-old teacher in Jacksonville, Florida ,who starts his special education class by calling up each student individually to give them much admiration and a high-five (a gesture of greeting or congratulation ). I couldn’t help but be reminded of Syona’s teacher and how she supports each kid in a very similar way. Ulmer recently shared a video of his teaching experience. “I have seen their confidence and self-worth increase rapidly,” he said . All I could think was: How lucky these students are to have such inspirational teachers.

Syona’s teacher has an attitude that can best be summarized in one word: awesome. Her teacher doesn’t focus on what can’t be done—she focuses on what can be done. Over the past several months, my husband Dilip and I have seen Syona’s confidence increase tenfold. She uses words she wouldn’t have thought of using before. She recently told me about her classmate’s trip to Ecuador and was very proud when I understood her on the first try.

I actually wonder what the influence would be if we did something similar to what Ulmer does with his students in our home .We’ve recently started our day by reminding each other of the good qualities we all possess. If we are reminded of our strengths on a regular basis, we will become increasingly confident about progress and success.

Ulmer’s reach as a teacher goes far beyond the walls of his classroom. In fact, he teaches all of us to take a moment and truly appreciate the strengths of an important person in our lives.

1.What does the author think of Einstein’s quote?

A. Funny

B. Strange

C. True

D. Confusing

2.What can we learn about Chris Ulmer?

A. He is Syona’s favorite teacher.

B. He praises his students one by one

C. He use videos to teach his students

D. He asks his students to help each other

3.Syona felt very pleased because_____.

A. she has developed a cool attitude

B. her mother knew what she expressed

C. her progress was appreciated by her parents

D. she had been to Ecuador with her classmate

4.What change has taken place in the author’s family?

A. They give each other praise every day

B. They visit Ulmer’s classroom regularly

C. They feel grateful to people in their lives

D. They invite Ulmer’s students to their home


By May, 2012, my family was already distressed. My mother had breast cancer. And then an ulcer (溃疡) appeared on my tongue. It grew and wouldn't go away. My doctor suggested a physical examination and it was early June when I collected the reports.

“Your doctor will discuss the report with you, sir,” the nurse told me.

“You can tell me,” I said. “I can deal with it. My mother has cancer.”

“It's cancer. ”

The result hit me, and I had to idea how my life and I were about to change.

I shared the news with my family. I couldn't help crying. I thought about what I needed to do for my family and the everyday things as well. What was going to happen to my newspaper column(栏目)?I e-mailed the concerned editor about my situation. I also sent her a few columns to run while I was in treatment.

Two days later I had an operation, and I recovered quickly, but Mummy passed away soon. Except for the regular check-ups, life returned to normal. But a few months on, my doctor found cancer in my neck!

“What are my chances of survival?” I asked.

“Pick any number between one and hundred, ”the doctor replied.

I had another operation. This time my doctor said I also needed radiation therapy(化疗), which is very hard on a patient with cancer. But I was again not going to allow cancer to disturb my job and life.

I have been cancer-free for over three years now. I've been working, writing and columns and appearing on my TV shows. If the disease returns, I will be unhappy. But having experienced so much and enjoyed every day, I know I am also better equipped to deal with cancer or anything else.

1.The underlined word “distressed” in the 1st paragraph means .

A. Confident B. secure

C. upset D. doubtful

2.Which is correct order according to the story ?

a. Cancer was found in my neck.

b. I had an operation along with radiation therapy.

c. I have been free of cancer for three years.

d. Cancer was found in an ulcer on my tongue.

e. My mom passed away.

A. d - b - a - e - c B. e -a - c - d - b

C. e -d - a - b - c D. d - e - a - b – c

3.The author intends to tell us to .

A. put work in the first place B. kill cancer with operations

C. get along well with all family D. face difficulties and live bravely

4.Which of the following words best describes the author?

A. strong-willed B. easy-going

C. warm-hearted D. peace-loving

If women are mercilessly exploited(剥削)year after year,they have only themselves to blame.Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion,they are always taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores.Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion.When you come to think of it,only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe(衣橱)packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.

Changing fashions are nothing more than the intentional creation of waste.Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn.Women who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way,waste hours of their time altering(政变)the dresses they have.Skirts are lengthened or shortened;neck-line are lowered or raised,and so on.

No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society.Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth,comfort and durability(耐用).They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort,as long as they look right.There can hardly be a man who hasn't at some times in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in a thin dress on a winter day,or delicately picking her way through deep snow in high-heeled shoes.

When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion,the conclusions to be drawn are obvious.Do the constantly changing fashions of women's clothes,one wonders,reflect basic qualities of inconstancy and instability (不稳定)?Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers.Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability(可靠)?That is for you to decide.

1.Designers and big stores always make money .

A. by mercilessly exploiting women workers in the clothing-industry

B. because they are capable of predicting new fashions

C. by constantly changing the fashions in women's clothing

D. because they place great importance on quality in women's clothing

2.To the writer,the fact that women alter their old-fashioned dresses is seen as .

A. a waste of money B. a waste of time

C. an expression of taste D. an expression of creativity

3.The writer would be less critical if fashion designers placed more stress on the of clothing.

A. cost B. appearance

C. comfort D. suitability

4.According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?

A. New fashions in clothing are created for the commercial exploitation of women.

B. The constant changes in women's clothing reflect their strength of character.

C. The fashion industry makes an important contribution to society.

D. Fashion designs should not be encouraged since they are only welcomed by women.

5.By saying "the conclusions to be drawn are obvious" the writer means that .

A. women's inconstancy in their choice of clothing is often laughed at

B. women are better able to put up with discomfort

C. men are also exploited greatly by fashion designers

D. men are more reasonable in the matter of fashion

After an overnight trip to Sydney, I was heading home tired but happy. Stopping at a fruit market, I________ a parking space and reversed (倒车)in. But then I was being_______by one of these pedestrians (行人) for almost running her________ over. The girl was actually a teenager, who was________ enough to possess her own common sense. It is not the same as seeing a little kid running wild in a car park, where you would stop.

After I_________,I walked up to the lady and asked her what else I could have done.________ she pointed out that I was heading into one car space but changed my_____,I told her honestly that I had never______the park in front and mentioned I had my reverse lights on.

“So let’s just put it down to a misunderstanding, shall we?” I_____,rather than fight her anger with________or more anger. She said “Yes, let’s” ,but showed me her angry face.

An elderly couple nearby had seen it all and told me I had handled it________and that the angry woman was in the wrong. This offered some_____.While in the market, I thought about the_____.Had I responded to the lady in anger, then I would have ended up taking her poison on too. But by managing to stay_____,there was a totally different outcome.

Car parks in summer are never the most_____ places to be anyway. Fuses (导火线) run short due to the_____ and busyness. People lose______in crowds. But if we are able to consider other people______only thinking of ourselves, it saves adding any more fuel to the fire.

The car park incident left me with______and self-love. It left the other people with anger.

I know which I would___________

1.A. made B. chose C. entered D. ordered

2.A. abused B. punished C. interrupted D. forced

3.A. son B. husband C. mother D. daughter

4.A. strong B. smart C. pretty D. old

5.A. rested B. noticed C. parked D. decided

6.A. When B. Before C. Unless D. Though

7.A. speed B. mind C. opinion D. position

8.A. cared about B. given up C. intended for D. heard of

9.A. begged B. commented C. suggested D. explained

10.A. sadness B. unkindness C. politeness D. friendliness

11.A. well B. quickly C. wrong D. easily

12.A. satisfaction B. comfort C. protection D. advice

13.A. journey B. car C. incident D. makert

14.A. excited B. awake C. curious D. calm

15.A. joyous B. clean C. safe D. beautiful

16.A. pressure B. noise C. pain D. heat

17.A. weight B. balance C. patience D. face

18.A. because of B. instead of C. in spite of D. in case of

19.A. peace B. confidence C. fortune D. success

20.A. allow B. offer C. demand D. prefer

Weight loss is a hard topic.Lots of people aren't satisfied with their present weight,but most people aren't sure how to change it.You may want to look like the models or actors in magazines or on TV,but those goals might not be healthy or realistic for you.1.

So what should you do about your weight control?

2.The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a doctor or dietitian.3.If it turns out that you can benefit from weight loss then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions listed below to get started.

4.People who lose weight quickly by crash(速成的)dieting or other extreme measures usually gain back all of the pounds they lost,because they haven't permanently(永久地)changed their habits.Therefore,the best weight management ways are those that you can maintain for a lifetime.

Small changes are a lot easier to keep than large ones.Try reducing the amount of what you eat.Try cutting down the fat in your daily meals.5..Once you have kept that down,start gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise into your life.

It's a good idea to maintain a healthy weight because health is most valuable to us all.

A.Weight management is about long-term success.

B.Besides,no magical method will make you look like someone else.

C.Try giving up junk food for a week.

D.Choose different kinds of food to eat so as to keep healthy.

E.Changing from whole to nonfat or low-fat milk is also a good idea.

F.Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you.

G.They will compare your weight with healthy standards and help you set goals.

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