
【题目】Sure, it’s good to get along with your teacher because it makes that time you spend in the classroom more pleasant. And yes, it’s good to get along with your teacher because, in general, it’s smart to learn how to relate to the different types of people you’ll meet throughout your life.

But really, there’s one super-important reason why you should get along with your teacher. Kids who get along with their teachers not only learn more, but they’re more comfortable asking questions and getting extra help. This makes it easier to understand new material and do your best on tests. When you have this kind of relationship with a teacher, he or she can be someone to turn to with problems, such as problems with learning or school issues, such as bullying.

As a kid in elementary or middle school, you’re at a wonderful stage in your life. You’re able to take in lots of new and exciting information. Apart from that, you’re able to think about all this information in new ways. Your teacher knows that, and in most cases, he or she is thrilled to be the person who’s giving you all that material and helping you put it together. Remember, teachers are people, too, and they feel great if you’re open to what they’re teaching you. That’s why they wanted to be teachers in the first place to teach!

Some kids may be able to learn in any situation, whether they like the teacher or not. But most kids are sensitive to the way they get along with the teacher, and if things aren’t going well, they won’t learn as well and won’t enjoy being in class.

【1】Paragraph 2 mainly talks about_______.

A. new materials learned from teachers

B. ways to develop relationship with teachers

C. benefits in getting along with teachers

D. avoiding problems happening around kids

【2】What’s the writer’s attitude towards getting along with teachers?

A. Doubtful. B. Objective.

C. Uncaring. D. Favorable.

【3】What can we know from the passage?

A. Kids are unable to understand lots of exciting information.

B. Kids are bullied while communicating with others in schools.

C. Kids will leave the class when not doing quite well with their teachers.

D. Kids will leave the class when not satisfied with teachers’ teaching methods.

【4】The passage is most probably taken from______.

A. children’s literature B. an education magazine

C. a science report D. an advertisement








21.【1】C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句there’s one super-important reason why you should get along with your teacher有一个极其重要的原因你应该和你的老师相处。故选C.

【2】D推理判断题。根据第一段第一句it’s good to get along with your teacher because it makes that time you spend in the classroom more pleasant.与你的老师相处是好的,因为这会使你上课时更令人愉快。可知作者的态度是赞成的。故选D。

【3】C细节理解题。根据最后一段中的if things aren’t going well, they won’t learn as well and won’t enjoy being in class.如果事情进展的不好,他们也不会学习并且在课上也不会快乐。因此可知选C。

【4】B推理判断题。纵观全篇可知在讲与老师保持良好关系的重要性,根据第四段“When you have this kind of relationship with a teacher, he or she can be someone to turn to with problems, such as problems with learning or school life, such as bullying.”可知,和老师保持一种友好关系,在有问题的时候,你就会向他求助。因此可推断出最有可能来自教育杂志。故选B.


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