
It was my birthday last Thursday and I decided to   26   by inviting a few friends out to supper. I 27   a restaurant in a quiet part of town. It is one of my favorite restaurants because the food is good and the waiters are friendly. It is hardly ever crowded, because  28   people know about it, so it is not usually necessary to book a table. In any case, Thursday is not a busy evening 29 .
When we entered the restaurant, I was surprised to find it completely  30  . I looked around but not a  31    table was free. One of the waiters recognized me. He came across and explained the situation. “A party of tourists came in about   32   ago.” he said. “It was like an invasion! 33    the place was full! We can hardly manage.”
The waiter then  34   a table in the corner. “The people there  35  . ” he said, “Just hold on and you will  36    a place there.” He was right. Fifteen minutes later, the people 37   the corner table paid their bill, got up and left. I led my friends across and we all sat down.
Unfortunately our table was almost out of sight. We tried to attract the attention of the waiter who sent us there, but he, like 38    waiters, 39    the party of tourists. They ordered lots of food. But at last, an hour later, the tourists were finishing their meal and looking very  40    with their service. The waiter now very tired, appeared at our table. I advised (建议) my friends about the best dishes and finally the waiter went off with our 41 .
A few moments later he 42   to our table. We could tell from his face that he had 43   for us. 44   a little embarrassed (尴尬的) he informed us that there was  45    left. “All we can offer you” he said, “is an omelet!(煎蛋卷)”
A.chose  B.selectedC.picked upD.elected
A.a fewB.a littleC.few  D.little
A.as a rule   B.as a matter of fact    
C.as usual     D.as is known to all
A.empty   B.fullC.free    D.quiet
A.one    B.anyC.singleD.other
A.a half hour  B.half a hour   
C.half an hourD.an hour half
A.suddenly B.soonC.quicklyD.certainly
A.pointed out  B.pointed over
C.pointed onD.pointed to
A.will leaveB.are about to leave
C.are to leaveD.will be leaving
A.findB.find outC.looked for  D.searched
A.by     B.besideC.at    D.near
A.all the other   B.all an other   
C.all the others   D.all other
A.were kept busy B.was busy with
C.kept busy with  D.were busy with
A.dishes   B.food    C.menu    D.order
A.wentB.came   C.wasD.returned
A.a good news   B.good news   
C.bad news   D.a bad news
A.Looking   B.Look  C.Looked  D.Looks
A.meat or fish  B.no meat and fish 
C.meat and fish D.no meat or fish

Holidays are often associated with no work and all play. People seek to enjoy their holidays in different ways. Vacation packages (一揽子交易) have been in existence for a long time. --小题1:--- So now people can choose from the different packages according to their own tastes.
Sky diving, hiking and many other extreme sports are packaged with hotel tours to attract the younger generation. Tour service providers enjoy the benefits of the increase in bookings from hotel tours. Holiday-makers enjoy the exciting experiences without making efforts to look for hotels. ---小题2:--
---小题3:-- These holiday-makers enjoy student discount and packages while learning about history and culture of different places.
Summer vacation packages have never fallen down the rankings. ---小题4:-- Having a warm sunny day at the beach is one of the fast selling vacation packages in the leisure industry.
Safari (游猎) adventures have always attracted some of the modern adventurers. The animals of Africa continue to amaze crowds that have only seen these creatures on educational channels. Many activities like outdoor camping, safari day tours and hiking in protected parks are always welcomed by holiday-makers.
--小题5:--- Alaways try something new or fun to do and your days of relaxation will be always exciting.
A.Picking out a vacation package can keep yourself from boring vacations.
B.Everyone is in a winning situation.
C.You can’t miss vacation packages if you want to have a good vacation.
D.Educational vacation packages are quite suitable for students.
E. They are one of the favorite choices for most holiday-makers who like sunny beaches.
F. They are continually being improved to meet people’s demands.
G.  Vacation needs your plan.
Let’s say you have a piece of wood, a nail, and hammer. Pretend the wood is a person, the nail is a mean rumor (谣言) about that person. If you hammer in the nail, you’re obviously hurting him or her. If you then pull out the nail, there’s still a hole in the wood, and the damage has been done.
There are many reasons why that nail of a rumor can be so harmful. Rumors are, quite simply, a form of bullying (欺悔). When a person or a group makes up a rumor about someone or decides to spread gossip, it’s usually to hurt someone, break up a friendship, or make someone less popular. It’s the same thing as teasing, only it’s done behind someone’s back instead of to his or her face.
When you spread a rumor about someone, you’re sending a signal that the person is outside of the group, and somehow less worthy of friendship than others. You’re making fun of that person or pointing out negative things about him or her. This can let others think that it’s okay to make the person feel bad, and make him or her an outsider.
We need to be able to trust our friends, and gossip and rumors can break this trust. If you tell a personal secret to a friend, and he turns around and tells it to someone else, you might feel like you will get burned if you ever get close to him again.
Letting a rumor influence your behavior is like letting someone else make a big decision for you. Let’s say you hear that the teacher plans to call a Snow Day tomorrow because a blizzard (暴风雪) is coming. Expecting a day off, you don’t do your homework. The next morning, the blizzard turns out to be nothing more than a drizzle(毛毛雨), and school isn’t off after all. You get zeroes on your work.
小题1:The purpose of the first paragraph is to        .
A.help readers know what a rumor isB.attract readers to read the following paragraphs
C.emphasize the damaging effects of rumorsD.explain how a rumor spreads
小题2:To tell a rumor and a tease apart, you depend on        .
A.whether it is done behind someoneB.whether it is painful or not
C.whether it is a kind if bullyingD.whether it is spread fast
小题3: If a rumor is spread about someone, others may        .
A.point out his or her advantagesB.keep away from him or her
C.not feel he or she is an outsiderD.be hurt if getting close to him or her again
小题4:From the last paragraph, we can infer that        .
A.it is hard to keep rumors a secretB.rumors can destroy your interest in learning
C.believing rumors can lead to bad choicesD.rumors can control your whole life
小题5:The purpose of this passage is to         .
A.advise on how to deal with rumorsB.teach us how to judge a rumor
C.find out why rumors spread fastD.explain why rumors hurt
Are you a man or a mouse? When people ask this question they want to know if you think you are a brave person or a coward(胆小鬼). But you will never really know the answer to that question until you are tested in real life. Some people think they are brave, but when they come face to face with real danger, they act like cowards. Other people think of themselves as cowardly, but when they meet danger, they act like heroes.?
Lenny Sputnik had always thought of himself as a nervous person. He got worried before examinations. He worried about his job and his health. All he wanted in life was to be safe and healthy. Then, on 15th January 1982, a plane crashed into the Potomac River in Washington. Lenny went to the river to see what was happening. Then he saw a woman in the ice-cold water. Suddenly Lenny did not feel afraid. He kept very calm and did a very courageous thing. He jumped into the Potomac, swam to the woman, and kept her head above the water. Seventy-eight people died that day. Thanks to Lenny Sputnik, it was not seventy-nine.?
When you are in a very dangerous situation and feel afraid, the body automatically produces a chemical in the blood. This chemical is called adrenalin. With adrenalin in the blood system, you actually feel stronger and are ready to fight or run away. However, when you are completely terrified, the body can produce too much adrenalin. When this happens, the muscles become very hard and you find that you cannot move at all. You are then disabled with fear. That is why, when we are very frightened, we sometimes say that we are ‘petrified’. This word comes from the Greek word ‘peters’ which means ‘stone’. We are so frightened we have become like stone.?
小题1: According to the writer's opinion, a brave person can be judged by ______
A.his wordsB.his thought?C.his actionD.his looks?
小题2:From what Lenny did, we can conclude that __________?
A.Lenny had a good chanceB.Lenny was brave?
C.Lenny liked swimmingD.Lenny wanted to be a hero?
小题3: In great danger, a hero always keeps __________.?
小题4: Adrenalin in our body is ________.?
小题5:If a person's body produces too much adrenaline, he will ________.?
A.become strongerB.lose his feeling and power?
C.become a stoneD.become a hero
“Hurry, Mommy! Let’s go trick-or-treating!” My daughter waited by the door in her pink princess skirt while I prayed in the living room. Usually I liked taking her out on Halloween, but this year I was sad. I was worried about my mother, who was in China on vacation. I got a call that afternoon that she had slipped and fallen on the hard floor of her hotel and broken her leg. She was taken to a hospital in Beijing. Mom was nervous because she couldn’t understand any of the doctors. If only I could do something to help her!
I knew I couldn’t let my worries spoil my daughter’s fun. There was nothing I could do for Mom except pray, I thought. We left the house and went down the block. I was so upset that I hardly took notice of the kids around me. There came the man to whose son I’d once given piano lessons. “Hello there,” I said, greeting him and the boy at his side.
“Hello,” the father answered. “Having fun?”“I’m trying,” I said. “Why, what’s wrong?” he asked. I told him the whole story. “My mother, in China, broke her leg and didn’t understand any of the doctors. And I’m too far away to do anything!” I said.
He raised his eyebrows. “Beijing, you said?” he asked. I nodded. He smiled. “Believe it or not, my sister is a doctor at an English-speaking hospital there. If you want, I’ll make a call right away and we’ll try and get your mom transferred (转移).”
A few days later I sat in the living room with my daughter as she finished the last of the candy. “Mommy, how far away is China?” she asked. “Not as far as I thought,” I said.
小题1:What did the author’s daughter want to do?
A.Pray with the author.B.Enjoy herself outside.
C.Play a trick on her mom.D.Go to the theatre to see a play.
小题2:What was the author’s mother worried about most?
A.She couldn’t get used to the life in Beijing.
B.She was hurt in the leg badly while travelling.
C.She was too old and weak to pray for her daughter.
D.She couldn’t make herself understood by the doctor.
小题3:The author hardly took notice of the kids around because _____ .
A.she was calling her motherB.she felt very sad at that time
C.she was about to give a lessonD.she couldn’t find her daughter
小题4: We can infer from the text that _____ .
A.the man’s sister would help the author’s mother
B.the author would come to China to see her mother
C.the author was a famous music teacher in the town
D.the author’s daughter wanted to travel in China
Beware of those who use the truth to cheat. When someone tells you something that is true, but leaves out important information that should be included, he can create a false impression.
For example, someone might say,“I just won a hundred dollars on the lottery(抽奖). It was great. I took that dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for one hundred dollars!”
This guy’s a winner, right? Maybe, maybe not. We then discover that he bought two hundred tickets, and only one was a winner. He’s really a big loser!
He didn’t say anything that was false, but he deliberately omitted important information. That’s called a half-truth. Half-truths are not technically lies, but they are just as dishonest.
Untrustworthy candidates in political campaigns often use this tactic (策略). Let’s say that during Governor Smith’s last term, her state lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs. Then she seeks another term. One of her opponents runs an as saying, “During Government Smith’s term, the state lost one million jobs!”That’s true. However an honest statement would have been, “During Governor Smith’s term, the state had a net (净余的) gain of two million jobs.”
Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths. It’s against the law to make false claims so they try to mislead you with the truth. An ad might say, “Nine out of ten doctors recommend Yucky Pills to cure nose pimples (丘疹).” It fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Corporation.
This kind of deception happens too often. It’s a sad fact of life: Lies are lies, and sometimes the truth can lie as well.
小题1: Which statement is true according to the article?
A.Whenever people tell the truth, they are really lying.
B.The truth can be used in dishonest ways
C.All governors help their states.
D.You can’t trust gamblers (赌博的人)
小题2:The author clearly wants people to           .
A.vote for female candidates
B.know that lies are lies
C.never trust anyone
D.think carefully about what they read and hear
小题3:Which of the following would be the best title?
A.Lying With the TruthB.Everyone Lies
C.Yucky CorporationD.Nose Pimples
Several years ago, I had a huge falling out with one of my best friends. So huge, in fact, that now I can’t even remember what happened.
In the past nine years, I’ve seen her twice, and each time we’ve been polite but distant. And that troubles me because we were once that close to each other. I’d like nothing more than to go back nine years, and continue our friendship. But how? How do you reconnect with friends you’ve lost throughout the years?
Linking to your past
The desire to reconnect with lost friend isn’t unusual. Why? Because friends link us to the past. Friends from years ago are custodians(监护人) of our past, says Sandy Sheehy, author of Connecting” The Enduring Power of Female Friendship.
Although you can’t share information about your past with friends you’ve met recently, you don’t have a shared history with them. So you wind up only telling them about your past, rather than sharing it with them.
But many people never try to reconnect. Women especially have trouble taking the first step. Shyness or fear that the other person doesn’t want to reconnect often stops many women. And that shouldn’t be. Your friends probably want to be in touch with you as much as you want to be in touch with them.
Searching for friends
Fortunately, finding lost friends isn’t as difficult as it once was, thanks to tools like the Internet. Our experts offer these suggestions for locating contact information:
Search Internet sites designed to locate people like classmates.com and switchboard.com.
Contact your high school or college alumni(校友)office to request current address information.
Surf online yellow pages. Check current phone records from your friend’s hometown.
Network with other friends who might have known your friend.
Get in touch with any of her relatives(亲戚), if you know where they live. If you know where she works, find the company’s web site and search the directory of personnel.
小题1:What ‘s the subject discussed in the passage?
A.How to make new friends.B.How to rediscover friendships.
C.How to develop healthy friendshipsD.How to keep in touch with friends.
小题2:The underlined sentence “Friends from years ago are custodians of our past” means _____.
A.many years ago old friends kept something for us
B.in the past old friends took care of us
C.old friends are part of our life history
D.old friends know what wrong things we did in the past
小题3:What makes us unwilling to reconnect old friends?
A.Lack of moneyB.Shortage of time
C.Regret and shameD.Fear and shyness
小题4:How can we make contact with the lost friends?
A.By asking other friends of the information on your lost friends.
B.By searching your friends’ telephone number in the net.
C.By asking the local post office about your friends’ new address.
D.By putting an ad in your friends’ local town.
Dear Economist,
My newly-wedded wife and I are deeply in love.There is, however, one issue that threatens the happiness of our marriage.I absolutely insist on shopping at Walmart.My wife, meanwhile, would rather avoid Walmart at all costs.
  I have recently tried to convince her that not only does Walmart offer the lowest prices known to man, but that the chain is also a force for good―lower prices mean better standards of living for all consumers, increased global trade means a tighter-knit(紧密团结的) international community, and efficient operations translate into higher productivity growth for the economy.My wife complains about poor labour policies, the “fact” that Walmart squeezes suppliers, and that it puts local shops out of business.
  Who is right? Will our marriage survive?
Brian Gee
Dear Brian,
I have to agree with you about Walmart.Jason Furman, then an economist at New York University, now an adviser to President Obama, famously argued in 2005 that Walmart was unwittingly (不知不觉地) a progressive success story.The chain’s prices don’t much affect me (I prefer Whole Foods) but Furman estimated that they benefited low-and-middle-income Americans to the sum of around $250 billion a year.
  Walmart does not pay much, so it may depress wages.Then again, it may increase wages by offering jobs to the otherwise-unemployed.Either way, the benefits of low prices to Walmart shoppers far outweigh any seemingly reasonable costs to Walmart employees.And while it is true that Walmart employees tend to be poor, the same is true of Walmart shoppers.
  Armed with this information you can face your wife with confidence.You are sure to win the conversation.The divorce is likely to be more argued.
小题1:What concerns Brian Gee so much that he wrote the letter?
A.His wife refuses to shop at Walmart.
B.They are faced with a divorce.
C.They can’t afford the costs of shopping at Walmart.
D.They are in conflict about shopping at Walmart.
小题2:Brian Gee’s wife tends to hold the opinion that _________.
A.it is wrong for Walmart to depress its employees’ wages
B.consumers’ lives have improved thanks to Walmart
C.Walmart’s business operation increases productivity in economy
D.Walmart’s business increases global trade
小题3:What can be inferred from the reply letter?
A.Some employees accept the low pay to keep the job.
B.Walmart appeals to only poor consumers and poor employees.
C.Employees suffer from Walmart’s low prices more than consumers.
D.Jason Furman, a New York University economist, spoke highly of Walmart.

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