
The reasons for going to college have been accepted without question for more than a generation.All high school graduates ought to go ,because college will help them earn more money, become  “better” people,and learn to be more responsible citizens than those who don’t go.
But college has never been able to work its magic for everyone.And now that close to half our high school graduates are attending,those who don’t fit the pattern are becoming more numerous,and more obvious.College graduates are selling shoes and driving taxis;college students interfere with each other’s experiments and write false letters of recommendation in the intense competition for admission to graduate school.Others find no stimulation in their studies,and drop out—often encouraged by college administrators.
Some observers say the fault is with the young people themselves—they are spoiled and they are expecting too much.But that’s a criticize of the students as a whole,and doesn’t explain all campus unhappiness.Others blame the state of the world,and they are partly right.We’ve been told that young people have to go to college because our economy can’t absorb an army of untrained eighteen-year-old either.
Some adventuresome educators and campus watchers have openly begun to suggest that college may not be the best,the proper, the only place for every young person after the completion of high school.We may have been looking at all those surveys and statistics upside down,it seems,and through the rosy glow of our own remembered college experiences.Perhaps college doesn’t make people intelligent,ambitious,happy , liberal,or quick to learn things-maybe it's just the other way around,and intelligent,ambitious,happy, liberal,quick-learning people are merely the ones who have been attracted to college in the first place.And perhaps all those successful college graduates would have been successful whether they had gone to college or not.This is heresy(异端)to those of us who have been brought up to believe that if a little schooling is good,more has to be much better.But contrary evidence is beginning to gradually increase in amount.
48.What does the author believe according to the passage?
A.People used to question the value of college education.
B.People used to have full confidence in higher education.
C.All high school graduates went to college.
D.Very few high school graduates chose to go to college
49.Why does the drop-out rate of college students seem to go up?
A.Young people are disappointed with the traditional way of teaching at college.
B.Many young people are required to join the army.
C.Young people have little motivation in pursuing a higher education.
D.Young people don’t like the intense competition for admission to graduate school.
50.According to the passage,the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that___.
A.society cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained college graduates
B.high school graduates do not fit the pattern of college education
C.too many students have to earn their own living
D.college administrators encourage students to drop out

48---50   BCA   



Your Car Is Ready for Take-off
The flying car has been talked about for many years,but now it appears that the idea is about to become a reality.
An international company has built a two-seater plane that, at the touch of a button ,transforms into a car perfectly suitable for driving on public roads. It has been designed so that the wings fold up automatically; and it takes just 15 seconds to switch between flying and driving. With its wings fully open and the propeller(螺旋桨)spinning, it can take off from any airfield.
Flying cars are quicker than traditional ones for travelling from city to city,and they can run on ordinary fuel. Another big advantage is that they are cool ,like something you would see in an action film. At the moment 9 however, the flying car’s wheels are illegal to leave the ground. That is not because of technical reasons or problems with the design. It is because the various road and aircraft authorities simply cannot agree on whether it is a car or a plane.
“The government and the authorities have never thought seriously about a flying car, says Alan Price ,the president of the company that has developed it. “I wanted a car that could fly and drive ,but it is difficult to find an organization prepared to insure the vehicle against accidents.
Nevertheless ? the company hopes to produce and deliver its first flying car soon. The company already has orders for 40 of them. The majority the potential customers are older and some are retired。There have even been orders from some people who have no pilot's license.
The flying car will cost around $ 200.000. “For an airplane thats a very reasonable price, but for a car, It's quite expensive,” explains Alan. “But it just is not possible to make a $ 10,000 flying car yet. ”
This latest means of transport will not become a mass-market item in the near future,but in the long term it has the potential to change the way you travel. It will become no more expensive than driving your car on the motorway. Travel time could be reduced by more than half.
So the next time you are told to fasten your seat belt, it may be to prepare for take-off.
【小题1】We know from the passage that the flying car______

A.has to run on special fuelB.will replace traditional planes
C.is popular with the richD.can shift between two forms
【小题2】The flying car is presently forbidden to take off because______.
A.many people think driving it not very safe
B.it’s hard to decide whether it's a car or a plane
C.the government and the authorities don’t accept it
D.there are still some technical problems to be solved
【小题3】We can learn from the passage that______.
A.few people will be able to afford a flying car
B.flying cars may share the market in the future
C.traffic jams will disappear because of flying cars
D.driving a flying car doesn’t require a pilot’s license

The food we eat seems to have deep effects on our health.Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat ,it has, at the same time,made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well,especially cancer of the colon. Different cultures are more likely to cause certain different illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illness is into a new discovery. In 1945, about 35 years ago, government researchers realized that nitrates(硝盐酸), commonly used to preserve color in meats,and other food additives,caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives which we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to beef and living animals, and because of this ,penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cow. Sometimes similar drugs are given to animals not for medical purposes,but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.
67.What is the best possible title of the passage?
A.Drug and Food                                         B.Cancer and Health
C.Food and Health                                       D.Health and Drug
68.The word “carcinogenic” underlined most nearly means '_____'.
A.trouble-making       B.color-retaining         C.money-making        D.cancer-causing
69.Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons
B.Some of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some are          
given to the living animals
C.Researchers have known about the potential dangers of food additives for over                  
thirty-five years.
D.Food may cause forty percent of cancer in the world.
70.How has science done something harmful to mankind?
A.Because of science , diseases caused by polluted food have been virtually wiped out
B.It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food.
C.Because of the application of science,some potentially harmful substances have been added
to food.
D.The scientists have preserved the color of meats,but not of vegetables.

The United States is one of the richest countries in the world. Most people live in urban areas, and the large stretch of land left unused is full of scenic beauty. On the one hand it is proud of its urban areas, and on the other hand, it has the rich wealth of forests, mountains, plains and much more.
On the east coast of the country there are cities like New York, the leading city in business. Washington, D.C. is the capital of the country, where you will get an opportunity to see the White House. The city will simply impress you, with many museums showing the culture, lifestyle, art and architecture of the country. Another place worth visiting is Miami, one of the most popular international tourist destinations. It is also well known for its Latin culture, wonderful urban nightlife and beaches.
Moving to the west coast, you will come across the most amazing places in which to relax. Los Angeles is the place where you can see life in all its many forms; this city is world-famous for its Hollywood film industry. It also has beaches that can offer breathtaking surfing experiences.
Moving on to the Pacific Coast Highway, we get to see the beauty of San Francisco. Clean beaches and mountains topped (盖住) by clouds are worth seeing. Travelers can enjoy day trips to beaches, deserts and wine-producing regions. Chicago lies on the shore of the Great Lakes and is believed to be the fastest growing city in the world, with its high standard of living and rich lifestyles. The city is a center for many theaters and is world-famous for its strong tradition of music jazz and the blues.
53. According to the first paragraph, we know that ______.
A. most American people live in the countryside
B. a lot of land has not been used in the US
C. the US has the largest forest in the world
D. the US has a larger area of urban land than wild land
54. Which city in the US is famous for its Latin culture?
A. New York.                  B. San Francisco.
C. Los Angeles.                   D. Miami.
55. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The article refers to four cities on the east coast.
B. You can go to Los Angeles to experience surfing.
C. You cannot enjoy the blues in Chicago.
D. San Francisco is a center for many theaters.
56. What is the text mainly about?
A. One of the reasons why the US is rich.
B. The customs and culture of the US.
C. A brief introduction to some American cities.
D. The beautiful landscapes of the US.

The cost of rice is expected to go up in the coming moths, as an improving global economy raises demand, and drought(旱灾) cuts production in countries such as India. Some economists say prices for rice, the main food for the world’s population, could be returning to levels that caused inflation(通货膨胀)fears in much of Asia last year.
Charuk Singhapreecha is dean of the faculty(系)of economics at Thailand’s Kasetsart University, Hesays prices-especially for Thai nice-are being pushed higher by new customers coming into the market after the economic slowdown of the past year. “They expect that the world demand will increase and we expect that the price of rice will increase next year,” Charuk said. “There are many new markets fro the Thai rice and also we still have for our old customers-China, some Arab countries-they will increase the demand.”
Prices on the global market could again near the record of $1,000 a ton set in the middle of 2008. This month, export prices for Southeast Asian rice have jumped from about $550 a ton to more than $650.
Vichai sriprasert, president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association, says further weakness in the US dollar and concerns over drought add to pressure on prices. Market experts say next year India is likely to try to import three million tons of rice-entering the world market for the first time in 21 years-because of a drought.
Vichai also warns that increasing demand for bio-fuels(生物燃料)from grain could reduce food crops, forcing the price of grains higher. “this is very serious. That’s why the price of rice will not go back to the level that we used to see,” Vichai said. “It will have to be raised at a higher level, but I don’t know where.”
The Philippines this week said it is cutting rice imports due to high prices, even though the country lost more than a million tons of grain to typhoons this year. officials from veetnam, a leading export competitor with Thailand, predict prices will reach about $800 a ton by the middle of 2010. This week the Philippines’ National Food Authority offered almost $665 a ton for 600,000 tons of Vietnamese rice.
Economists say higher food prices will only increase the problems faced by the region’s poor, who are highly dependent on rice as a staple food.
63.   Which of the following is NOT true according to Paragraph 1?
A. Drought reduces production of rice in India.
B. Prices for rice were lower all the time in 2008.
C. Rice is a major food for the world’s population.
D. the improving global economy increases the need for rice.
64.   How many reasons did Vichai mention about rice price’s going up?
A.1.                  B.2.                 C.3.           D.4.
65.Why does the Philippines plan to cut rice imports?
A. Because of high prices.                      B. Because of typhoons.
C. Because of civil war.                        D. Because of drought.
66.What’s the best title of the passage?
A. Higher food prices will increase problems
B. There are many new markets for the Thai rice
C. The global economy is improving
D. Prices for rice are expected to rise

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