
The United States is one of the richest countries in the world. Most people live in urban areas, and the large stretch of land left unused is full of scenic beauty. On the one hand it is proud of its urban areas, and on the other hand, it has the rich wealth of forests, mountains, plains and much more.
On the east coast of the country there are cities like New York, the leading city in business. Washington, D.C. is the capital of the country, where you will get an opportunity to see the White House. The city will simply impress you, with many museums showing the culture, lifestyle, art and architecture of the country. Another place worth visiting is Miami, one of the most popular international tourist destinations. It is also well known for its Latin culture, wonderful urban nightlife and beaches.
Moving to the west coast, you will come across the most amazing places in which to relax. Los Angeles is the place where you can see life in all its many forms; this city is world-famous for its Hollywood film industry. It also has beaches that can offer breathtaking surfing experiences.
Moving on to the Pacific Coast Highway, we get to see the beauty of San Francisco. Clean beaches and mountains topped (盖住) by clouds are worth seeing. Travelers can enjoy day trips to beaches, deserts and wine-producing regions. Chicago lies on the shore of the Great Lakes and is believed to be the fastest growing city in the world, with its high standard of living and rich lifestyles. The city is a center for many theaters and is world-famous for its strong tradition of music jazz and the blues.
53. According to the first paragraph, we know that ______.
A. most American people live in the countryside
B. a lot of land has not been used in the US
C. the US has the largest forest in the world
D. the US has a larger area of urban land than wild land
54. Which city in the US is famous for its Latin culture?
A. New York.                  B. San Francisco.
C. Los Angeles.                   D. Miami.
55. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The article refers to four cities on the east coast.
B. You can go to Los Angeles to experience surfing.
C. You cannot enjoy the blues in Chicago.
D. San Francisco is a center for many theaters.
56. What is the text mainly about?
A. One of the reasons why the US is rich.
B. The customs and culture of the US.
C. A brief introduction to some American cities.
D. The beautiful landscapes of the US.

53—56    BDBC



Parents who smoke often open a window or turn on a fan to clear the air for their children, but experts now have identified a related threat to children's health that isn't as easy to get rid of: third-hand smoke。

That's the term being   1   to describe the invisible yet poisonous mixture of gases and particles(颗粒) clinging(依附) to smokers' hair and   2  , not to mention cushions and carpeting, that stays long after second-hand smoke has cleared from a room. The remaining   3  heavy metals, carcinogens(致癌物) and even radioactive materials that young children can get on their hands and take in,   4  if they're crawling or playing on the floor。

Doctors from MassGeneral Hospital for Children in Boston coined the term "third-hand smoke" to   5  these chemicals in a new study that   6  on the risks they pose to infants and children. The study was published in the  7  issue of the journal Pediatrics。

"Everyone knows that second-hand smoke is bad,  8  they don't know about this," said Dr. Jonathan P. Winickoff, the lead author of the study and an assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School。

"When their kids are   9  the house, they might smoke. Or they smoke in the car. Or they strap(用带子捆扎) the kid in the car seat in the back and crack the window and   10  , and they think it's okay because the second-hand smoke isn't getting to their  11  . We needed a term to describe these tobacco toxins that aren't  12  ."

The study reported on  13  toward smoking in 1,500 households across the United States. It found that the vast majority of both smokers and nonsmokers were   14  that second-hand smoke is harmful to children. Some 95 percent of nonsmokers and 84 percent of smokers  15  with the statement that "inhaling smoke from a parent's cigarette can   16  the health of infants and children"。

But   17  fewer of those surveyed were aware of the  18  of third-hand smoke. Since the term is so new, the researchers asked people if they agreed with the statement that "breathing air in a room   19  where people smoked yesterday can harm the health of infants and children"。

Only 65 percent of nonsmokers and 43 percent of smokers agreed with that  20  , which researchers interpreted as acknowledgement of the risks of third-hand smoke。

(    ) 1. A. told                 B. discussed   C. used                 D. mentioned

(    ) 2. A. shoes                      B. clothing     C. body                D. mouth

(    ) 3. A. includes           B. covers       C. finds                D. improves

(    ) 4. A. especially         B. specially    C. immediately      D. regularly

(    ) 5. A. name                      B. call           C. explain             D. describe

(    ) 6. A. focused            B. tended       C. tried                 D. worked

(    ) 7. A. later                 B. latest         C. best                  D. previous

(    ) 8. A. but                  B. and           C. however           D. or

(    ) 9. A. alongside          B. out of        C. in                    D. beside

(    ) 10. A. cough             B. talk           C. observe            D. smoke

(    ) 11. A. cars                B. seats          C. kids                 D. windows

(    ) 12. A. visible            B. invisible    C. poisonous         D. concrete

(    ) 13. A. policies          B. attitudes    C. bans                 D. habits

(    ) 14. A. told                B. content      C. confident          D. aware

(    ) 15. A. opposed          B. agreed       C. fought              D. connected

(    ) 16. A. harm              B. destroy      C. improve           D. confuse

(    ) 17. A. quite              B. very          C. far                   D. too

(    ) 18. A. chances          B. risks          C. abilities            D. conditions

(    ) 19. A. tomorrow       B. today               C. yesterday          D. weekend

(    ) 20. A. statement               B. mark         C. discussion         D. prejudice

The richest man in the world can now also claim a degree from the college he dropped out of three decades ago. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates delivered the commencement (典礼) address at Harvard University on Thursday, and was awarded the L. L. D. honorary doctorate (博士头衔).

“Our speaker is known as the most influential entrepreneur(企业家) of the personal computer revolution. He was named as one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2004, 2005, 2006 and again in 2007, ” said Harvard’s president, Derek Bok. Then Bok spoke more directly to Gates: “Just think what you could have achieved if you had stayed another two years.”

Gates told the students, many of whom will soon be launching into full-time careers, that work isn’t the only thing of importance.

“Judge yourself not on the professional accomplishments but on how well you have addressed the world’s inequities, how you have treated people who have nothing to do with you,” he said.

In recent months, Gates has been giving a larger part of his time and energy to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on issues including global health and education. In 2008, he plans to make the foundation his chief responsibility.

But for the most part, the Microsoft co-founder stuck to the serious message about trying to make the world a better place. He urged the graduates not to get discouraged about seemingly intractable (棘手的) challenges of poverty and poor health.

As many as 30,000 people were expected to attend the outdoor commencement ceremony. Gates wasn’t the only high-profile speaker on the Cambridge campus this week. On Wednesday, former President Bill Clinton delivered Harvard’s Class Day speech. Gates and Clinton have collaborated (合作) on great efforts to fight the AIDS epidemic in developing countries. Recent past Harvard commencement speakers have included journalist Jim Lehrer in 2006, actor and writer John Lithgow in 2005 and United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan in 2004.


45. We know from the text that Bill Gates__________.

A. got an important award from Harvard University

B. left the college for his career ahead of two years

C. addressed at Harvard University for the high-profile speaker

D. urged the graduates not to fight the AIDS in developing countries

46. What is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?

A. it claims a degree from the college one dropped out of

B. it delivers the commencement address at Harvard University.

C. it fixes its eyes on issues about health and education throughout the world.

D. it collaborates on great efforts to attend the commencement ceremony

47. On this special day, Bill Gates has done all the following EXCEPT that _______.

A. he claimed a degree      B. he used much of his time and energy to his Foundation

C. he gave a speech.        D. he went to work with journalist Jim Lehrer

48. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that __________.

A. A large number of some famous men went to Harvard University after success

B. Harvard University only brings up some journalists, actors and writers

C. General Kofi Annan acted as a professor at Harvard University after retirement

D. Jim Lehrer,John Lithgow and Kofi Annan are Gates’ brothers

The Ivy League is an athletic conference comprising eight private institutions of higher education in the Northeastern United States. The term is most commonly used to refer to those eight schools considered as a group. The term is also connected with academic excellence, selectivity in admissions, and social elitism(精英主义).
The term became official, especially in sports terminology, after the formation of the NCAA Division I athletic conference in 1954, when much of the nation polarized around favorite college teams. “IV” was used because originally the league consisted only of four members. The use of the phrase is no longer limited to athletics, and now represents an educational philosophy inherent to the nation's oldest schools. In addition, Ivy League schools are often viewed by the public as some of the most prestigious universities worldwide and are often ranked amongst the best universities in the United States and worldwide. The eight institutions are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University.
All of the Ivy League's institutions place near the top in the U.S. News & World Report college and university rankings and rank within the top one percent of the world's academic institutions in terms of financial endowment(捐助). Seven of the eight schools were founded during America's colonial period; the exception is Cornell, which was founded in 1865. Ivy League institutions, therefore, account for seven of the nine Colonial Colleges chartered before the American Revolution. The Ivies are all in the Northeast geographic region of the United States. All eight schools receive millions of dollars in research grants and other subsidies from federal and state government.
Undergraduate enrollments among the Ivy League schools range from about 4,000 to 14,000, making them larger than those of a typical private liberal arts college and smaller than a typical public state university. Ivy League university financial endowments range from Brown's $2.01 billion to Harvard's $26 billion, the largest financial endowment of any academic institution in the world.
71. From the passage, we know the word “Ivy” in “the Ivy League” was first chosen to refer to _______.
A. a plant       B. a number      C. a sport      D. a spirit
72. What is special about Cornell University in the League?
A. It is the oldest one.             B. It was founded by colonists.
C. It has the smallest endowment.   D. It is the youngest one.
73. Which meaning can the term “the Ivy League” convey today?
A. The largest enrollment.         B. The strongest government support.
C. The most expensive schools.       D. First-class education.
74. Which of the following statements is true?
A. There is no longer sports competition in the Ivy League.
B. Seven colleges were set up before the USA was founded.
C. Brown University has the smallest number of students.
D. Typical public state universities are larger than the Ivies.
75. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A. The ABC of “The Ivy League”
B. Best Universities in the USA
C. The Financial Income of American Universities
D. How to Apply to an Ivy League University

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71.The Weekly Telegraph in the advertisement is mainly intended for ______.
A.the British at home and abroad         B.the British in the UK
C.the foreigners in Britain         D.English learners across the globe
72.If you want to receive a free bottle of 10-year-old Tawny Port, you must ______.
a.live in the United Kingdom
b.have an overseas friend who is over 18
c.order a subscription of the Weekly Telegraph
d.offer your friend or relation’s address overseas
A.a, b           B.c, d         C.a, c      D.b, c
73.What do we know about the Weekly Telegraph from the passage?
A.The content of it can’t be read online.
B.One can subscribe to it 24 hours a day.
C.Your money can partly come back if you’re not satisfied
D.The prices for different countries are probably different.
74.To order a 6-month subscription for a friend in Tanzania, you should ______.
A.contact the subscriptions department
B.subscribe to the Daily Telegraph for a year
C.tell your friend to visit telegraph.co.uk/expat
D.pay 85.00 GBP
75.Which of the following statements is true based on the text?
A.Telegraph.co.uk/ expat receives support from online readers only.
B.Subscriptions of the paper can be made starting from January 2010.
C.Telegraph.co.uk/expat mainly solve your subscription problems.
D.US and Middle East readers can enjoy equal price for 52 issues.

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