
We always want what we cannot have. When we’re young, we want to stay out late, have romantic relationships and be   1  .However, when we're    2 , we want to go back to being young and we   3 the days when we didn’t have to worry about complex love affairs,  4 pressure and money problems.
Young people believe adulthood  5 freedom from parents and schoolwork.When they get older, they feel that   6  is freedom from work pressure and family responsibilities. To  7  this feeling, people say, "The grass is always 8 on the other side of the fence."
As   9 , we like to be like adults but as young adults, we  10  to be young again. We think about staying out late and  11  our own money to spend.Suddenly, we see that love can result in   12 hearts; staying out late makes it hard to get ready for  13 the next morning. We find out that adult life is not as   14 as we thought it would be and suddenly,   15 becomes very scary.
Life is   16  .It gives us time to   17    but also requires us to work. The time will come when we must grow up and we will always look back wishing we  18  being young a bit longer. That time will not come back. It is normal to want what we cannot have but the   19   is that to be happy is to appreciate what we have.That is the first step to grow up.   20   life becomes more complex, we will not regret the time we wasted wishing we were adults.
A.makingB.worrying aboutC.havingD.showing off


小题1:A.comfortable 舒服的B.dependent依靠的 C.polite礼貌的D.independent独立的;根据句意:我们年轻的时候,想在外面待到很晚,想谈恋爱,想独立。故选D
小题2:A.defeated被击败 B.older 更老的 C.married结婚     D.confident自信的;根据句意:当我们年龄大一些的时候,我们想回到年轻。故选B
小题5:A.creates创立 B.shows表露  C.limits限制     D.means意味着;根据句意:年轻人认为成年人意味着不被家长和家庭作业约束。故选D
小题7:A.reduce减少B.experience经历  C.describe描述     D.understand理解;根据文后文可知,这里是描述他们的感受。故选C
小题9:A.researchers研究人员  B.adults成年人  C.teenagers青少年  D.elders老年人;根据句意:青少年总是想成为成年人。故选C
小题12:A.healthy健康的 B.ambitious有野心的  C.excited兴奋的D.broken破碎的;根据前文,突然我们会感到爱情能导致我们心碎,故选D
小题14:A.rich富裕的B.busy忙碌的  C.poor贫困的     D.easy容易的,我们发现成年人的生活与我们曾经所想的不是一样容易的,故选D
小题18:A.stopped 停止B.imagined 想象 C.enjoyed欣赏、享受D.tried尝试;我们总是回首希望我们能更长时间的来享受童年。故选C
小题19:A.reason原因 B.result结果  C.truth真相D.dream梦想;但是生活的真理是感激现在我们所有的,故选C
I’m trying to be a writer, but I can’t even start. What should I do?
Abraham, Nebraska
There are many ways to come up with ideas, one of which is to write down a list of your experiences, as well as things from your imagination. When you want to write, look in the notebook for ideas.
Books for writers often have good suggestions, too. One we like is Spilling Ink: A Yong Writer’s Handbook by Anne Mazer and Ellen Potter. Perhaps your library has it.
My classmates keep asking about a new movie I’ve seen. But I don’t want to spoil it for them. What should I do?
Corinne (by e-mail)
You could ask your classmates whether they are sure they want to know and if they insist, go ahead and tell them. You may be able to give them a general idea of the movie without revealing details of the ending.
I’m going to a soccer camp for youth, but I’m not sure if I’m good at soccer or if I’ll make friends.
Louise, New Hampshire
Soccer camp is for people who share an interest in the sport. No matter what a person’s ability is at the beginning, it’s likely that everyone will leave camp with improved skills.
Sharing a common interest may make conversations easier. Smile, be friendly, and have a sense of humor. Before long, you may find that you’ve made some good friends.
Someone invited me to a birthday party. When I got there, kids were doing stuff I’m not interested in, like watching scary movies. I told them my mom would pick me up, so I just left. Was I rude for doing that?
Sam (by e-mail)
You just did the right thing and that isn’t being rude.
We hope you’ll talk with your parents about this. They’re probably proud of what you did. They may have other suggestions for you, too. Talk about different situations that might come up and what would be the best way to handle (处理) them.
小题1:Who is interested in Spilling Ink: A Yong Writer’s Handbook?
A.Corinne. B.Louise.C.Abraham. D.Sam.
小题2:What can we learn about the soccer camp?
A.The practice is hard but interesting.
B.It is difficult to make friends in the camp.
C.The camp only wants people who are new to soccer.
D.One’s skills can be improved when leaving the camp.
小题3:The answer to Sam’s question shows what Sam did is _____.
A.funny B.strangeC.foolishD.smart
小题4:According to the passage, you can make friends by the following means EXCEPT _________.
A.keeping smilingB.Being humorous
C.Changing your habitsD.Being friendly to others
小题5:This purpose of the text is to _____.
A.give adviceB.tell storiesC.find friends D.share interests
In Japan, people will often go out to restaurants to treat guests. The reason for this is that Japanese homes are small. If you go out to eat with your workmates, it is a custom to share the bill equally, no matter how much you eat or drink yourself.
Japanese people use chopsticks to eat. But if you eat out, you can ask for a fork or a knife. These words have been adopted(采用) from the English language into Japanese. So if you say “fork” or “knife” to a waiter, he will probably understand you. If you eat in an expensive restaurant, waiters will usually place a hot towel on your table at the end of your meal. You can wipe your face and hands with this towel.
In Japan, you can see some people slurp (出声地吃) their noodles. It is considered rude in Western restaurants, but is acceptable in Japan. Western people usually blow on hot noodles first and then eat them, while Japanese do the cooling down gesture (姿势) when they actually eat. Many feel noodles do not taste good if they are cooled with the air. It is also normal to lift the noodle or soup bowl to mouth so that food doesn’t spill.
Eating with chopsticks requires proper manners. Never leave your chopsticks standing upright, especially not on rice. It is a symbol of death, and people will find this impolite if you are not at a funeral (葬礼). Never wave your chopsticks around, nor use them to move dishes around. If you are eating from a common bowl, use the back end of the chopsticks that you have not put in your mouth to dish the food out.
小题1:Japanese people often treat their guests in restaurants because_____.
A.they need to share the bill equally
B.it is a traditional custom in Japan
C.dishes in restaurants are delicious
D.their homes can’t hold many people
小题2:Which of the following can we learn from the text?
A.A hot towel is not offered in most ordinary restaurants in Japan.
B.You are asked to wipe your hands after a meal in a Japanese restaurant.
C.The Japanese always wait until the noodles become cool.
D.It is impolite to lift your bowl to your mouth in Japan.
小题3:Which of the following is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.How to use chopsticks in Japan.
B.When to use chopsticks in Japan.
C.The Japanese like using chopsticks.
D.Chopsticks are the symbol of Japan.
小题4:Which would be the best title for the text?
A.Treating guests in Japan.
B.Table manners in Japan.
C.Eating tools in Japan.
D.Eating customs in Japan.
I'd been travelling for long hours on a lonely country road when I had a flat tire. So I had to stop and get the tools to  36 the problem. It certainly wasn’t  37 doing this with a white shirt and suit on.
Nightfall was approaching. Suddenly a car pulled  38 from behind me. A man got out and offered to  39 me. Seeing his unpleasant appearance and tattoos(纹身)on his arm, I became  40 as thoughts of robberies flashed through my mind. But  41 I could say anything he had already begun to take the tools to change the  42 . While watching him I happened to look back at his car and noticed someone sitting in the passenger seat. This had  43 me.
Then, without  44 , it began to rain. He suggested that I wait in his car because my car was unsafe. As the rain increased, getting us wet within seconds, I  45 agreed. When I settle into the back seat, a woman’s voice came from the front seat. “Are you all right?” She turned around to me. “Yes, I am.’’ I replied with much  46  when seeing an old woman there. It must be his Mom, I thought. To my  47 , the old woman was a neighbor of the man who was helping me. “Jeff insisted on stopping when he saw you  48 with the tire. ”“I am grateful for his help, ” I said. “Me, too!” she said with a smile. He helped drive her to see her husband twice a week in a nursing home. She also said that he  49 at the church and tutored disadvantaged students.
The rain stopped and Jeff and I changed me tire. I tried to offer him money and of course he  50 it. It was shameful that I judged people by the way they  51 . As we shook hands I began to apologize for my  52 . He said, ‘‘I experience that same  53 often. People who look like me don’t do nice things. I  54 thought about changing the way. But then I saw this as a chance to make a  55 . So I’ll leave you with the same question I ask everyone who takes time to know me. If Jesus returned tomorrow and walked among us again, would you recognize Him by what He wore or by what He did?’’
A.embarrassed B.concernedC.discouragedD.puzzled
Amy returned to her small apartment at midnight, exhausted. Pushing the key into the lock, she quietly opened the door so as not to wake her younger brothers. She stepped into the front room and froze. The apartment was a mess: plates of half-eaten food were scattered in front of the TV; toys littered the floor; clothes, shoes and homework were strewn everywhere. Amy’s eyes welled with tears. This is just way too much for me, she thought. Her worst fears began to race through her mind. Would the court(法院)tell her she couldn’t care for her family anymore? Would the kids go through the bitterness once more of being split up and sent away? She was so young, almost a child herself, and yet Amy knew everything depended on her. At that moment, she wondered if she would ever find the strength to see it through
Amy had been born dead. Doctors fought and saved this smaller twin of a drug-taking mother, and she’d had to fight for everything in life ever since. From earliest childhood, Amy took care of her younger brothers. Jan, their mother, only added to the family disorder and confusion. Sometimes they lived in apartments, sometimes in shelters.
One afternoon Amy was called to the high school, where a social worker was waiting for her. “We know your mother has been staying with you,” the social worker said. “We’re going to have to put you guys in foster (收养))care.” “No! Don’t split us up!” the girl cried out. “Can’t you just leave it the way it is?” The social worker shook his head. Amy’s voice then rose like the howl of a lioness protecting her babies: “Why can’t I take them? I take care of them all the time anyway.” The social worker hesitated, and then said, “Maybe. Once you’re 18, you could apply to become their relative caretaker. Then you’d be their foster mother until we find a home where all of you can be together.” “I’ll do it,” Amy said.
One month later, Amy was named guardian(监护人)of her brothers for a six-month trial period. It was a remarkable victory for an 18-year-old girl. Her brothers didn’t make her task any easier in the months ahead. However,Amy’s efforts were rewarded when the court allowed her to continue as guardian. Amy’s relief at remaining the kids’ guardian was at risk of being taken away by the pressure she always felt to measure up. Social workers still looked regularly over her shoulder and asked the boys shameful questions: “Does she feed you? Does she ever try to harm you?” Then one day a visiting social worker came over. “We’d like to get the boys out of foster care and adopted into homes,” she said. Sensing that the family was about to be split apart yet again, Amy replied, “Fine, then. Call it adoption if you want, but they’re not going anywhere.” To her surprise, the social worker took her remark seriously. She explained that if Amy were to adopt the boys, they would become like any other family.
That night at dinner Amy told the boys about the idea. “Cool!” Joey said. He threw a piece of corn at Adam. His brother flicked it back, and pretty soon corn was flying. Amy rolled her eyes. They didn’t have far to go to be like any other family. As the proceedings(程序)ended, Amy thanked everyone. “No,” the judge responded, “thank you. You saved three kids. Not many family members would do what you’re doing, especially for this many children. I’m very proud of you.” 
On a lazy spring day, in a modest suburban neighborhood, Amy stood in front of a neatly kept one-story house. She watched her brothers playing basketball, and heard the playful bark of their dog, Tahoe. The young lady had made good on her promise: they had rented a home, a real home, and the boys had gotten their dog. Amy continues to raise her family alone, but has begun taking courses in business management at a nearby community college. Eventually, she hopes to become a child psychologist.
小题1:Which of the following best describes Amy?
A.Crazy and tough.B.Firm and stubborn.
C.Enthusiastic and generous. D.Abnormal and aggressive.
小题2:What was bothering Amy most in the passage?
A.The mess in her apartment.
B.Her family being split up again.
C.Working hard to support the family.
D.Her young age to take care of her brothers.
小题3:From the Paragraph 3, we can learn that __________.
A.The social worker gave in to Amy.
B.The social worker tried to adopt Amy’s brothers.
C.Amy tried to apply for the guardian of the brothers.
D.Amy had no idea how to face her family being split up.
小题4:By saying “They didn’t have far to go to be like any other family”, the writer means________.
A.they will live in the same area as other families.
B.they made a deep impression on the neighborhood.
C.Amy is able to take good care of the family.
D.Amy and her brothers would be already just like a family.
小题5:The best title for this text would be___________. 
A.Standing On Two FeetB.Growing Up Alone
C.A Lifelong FightD.A Teen Hero
There are many things that we wish to achieve in life. For some, we set goals and objectives, and for some we don’t. Try to remember the last time you set a goal to achieve a certain task. Were you able to complete the task in an effective manner? The tasks which are done by setting and meeting daily goals will definitely be useful and rewarding experiences. A step-by-step approach towards achieving smaller goals is the key to achieving larger ones.
When it comes to the workplace, each and every employee is expected to meet daily responsibilities and expectations. With organizations becoming more and more competitive, the importance of goal-setting for employees is increasing. It helps the employee to perform better and increases his or her efficiency and time management. It’s also important for every student to set high academic goals so as to be able to build a good career.
Setting goals for completing the daily schedule helps an employee to finish the assigned tasks and targets in a timely manner. If an employee is performing the way he or she is expected to, then this will automatically increase the performance, output and productivity of both the employee and the organization. Daily study targets are the same. This helps you complete your assignments within the set time, thus putting less pressure on you during exams and increasing your chances of performing well.
How many times you have to be at work on a weekend just to complete your work? How many times you have had to stay up all night to complete your homework or study for your exams? Had you followed your set goals and targets right from the beginning, you would have spent the time relaxing rather than being busy working or studying! Setting up goals and objectives helps you organize your time and efforts in an efficient manner.
In performing your work diligently, you are likely to keep a steady pace when it comes to fulfilling your set targets. Because you are already on track, there will be no unnecessary workload and time limits over your head. Therefore, another benefit of effective goal-setting is lack of stress and a more calm and relaxed mind. Only a stress-free and calm mind can house progressive and productive thoughts. A calm mind causes positivity, which goes a long way towards increasing your ability to achieve the personal goals you have set for yourself.
Each and every human being aims to achieve two things: to fulfill desires and to enjoy life. This is possible only through proper discipline and time management. Goal-setting leads to not only professional growth but also personal growth and development. You are expected to know that every step counts and that setting up goals is easy, but following them on a consistent basis is difficult. Therefore, if you want to be successful and also harvest the fruits of your hard work, you need to stick to your set goals and be focused towards achieving them. Realize the significant role that goal-setting plays in your life, make sure that you do all you can to achieve what you want., set your goals, work towards achieving them and celebrate your success!
Passage outline
Supporting details
Significance of goal-setting in achieving success
l In face of competition , employees with goals can perform better as well as (1)______ efficiency and time management.
l Students who want to build a good career should attach(2)______to setting high academic goals.
Increase output and performance
l By setting goals , an employees can increase output and performance instead of (3)_____ completing his or her tasks.
l Students can have less pressure and perform well with the aid of daily study targets.
Help in time management
l You can have your time and efforts (4)____ better if you follow your setting –goals from the beginning.
l You’re likely to have more time for (5)_____instead of occupying yourself in working or studying.
Reduce (6)____ levels
l Chances are that you can fulfill your set targets steadily (7)____ to lack of pressure.
l Effective goal-setting is (8)____ for you to keep a relaxed mind, which can result in positivity.
Every step counts
l You should be (9)_____that it’s difficult to follow your goals consistently.
l Your hard work will (10)_____ off if you stick to your set goals step by step.
When Cathleen Gardiner’s twins were born 17 years ago, doctors told her that they were a pair in a million. One had Down syndrome(低能综合症), while the other did not. Here, Cathleen tells their touching story.
Since Sean was born 17 years ago, I have always thought that he is just as wonderful as his brother and sister. Though he had a disability(残疾), we have never viewed him as a burden. He has always been a blessing. The doctors explained that though they were twins, they came from two different eggs. Lisa could walk at 11 months old, while Sean didn’t take his first steps till he was three. By two, Lisa was talking a lot, but Sean wasn’t able to speak until he was nearly four.
For the first five years of his life, Sean needed a great deal of care. Looking after him was my full-time job, though I also worked as a technical adviser in a computing company. We never treated them differently. We gave them the same toys and spoke to them in the same way. We encouraged Sean to keep up with Lisa, even though he never could, and we would help him develop his abilities. We sent them to the same primary school even after doctors advised us that Sean should go to a school for the disabled.
We had to explain to Lisa that he wouldn’t learn as quickly as she would. She told us that she’d help him with his school work. Having a non-disabled twin has really helped Sean develop. The love they share has given him a great deal of support. Now Sean and Lisa are both about to finish high school. I don’t think he would have done nearly as well today without Lisa’s help.
小题1:At least how many children does Mrs. Gardiner have?
A.Two.B.Three. C.Four.D.One.
小题2:Mrs. Gardiner and her husband regarded Sean as _______.
A.a boy making others touchedB.a normal child without disabilities
C.a special giftD.a burden of their family
小题3:The third paragraph mainly tells us that _______.
A.the couple treated the twins equally
B.Cathleen did all she could to look after Sean
C.the couple didn’t follow the doctor’s advice
D.the couple encouraged Sean to grow up
小题4:This passage tells us that _________.
A.love can do wondersB.nobody is foolish or clever
C.being stupid doesn’t matterD.all men are born equal
We are all interested in equality, but while some people try to protect the school and examination system in the name of equality, others, still in the name of equality, want only to destroy it.
Any society which is interested in equality of opportunity and standards of achievement must regularly test its pupils.The standards may be changed because no examination is perfect, but to have no tests or examinations would mean the end of equality and of standards.There are groups of people who oppose this view and who do not believe either in examinations or in any controls in schools or on teachers.This would mean that everything would depend on luck since every pupil would depend on efficiency, the values and the purpose of each teacher.Without examinations, employers will look for employees from the highly respected school? And from families known to them, a form of favouritism will replace equality.At the moment, the bright child from an ill-respected school can show certificates(毕业证) to prove he is suitable for a job, while the lack of certificate indicates the unsuitability(不合适)of a dull child attending a well-respected school.This defense of excellence and opportunity would disappear if examinations were taken away, and the bright child from a poor family would be a prisoner of his school's reputation, unable to compete for employment with the child form the favoured school.
The opponents(反对者)of the examination system suggest that examinations are an evil force because they show differences between pupils.According to these people, there must be no special, different, academic class.They have even suggested that there should be no form of difference in sport or any other area: all jobs or posts should be filled by unsystematic selection.The selection would be made by people who themselves are probably selected by some computer.
小题1:The underlined word "favouritism" in paragraph 3 is used to describe the phenomenon that ___.
A.bright children also need certificates to get satisfying jobs.
B.children from well-respected schools tend to have good jobs
C.poor children with certificates are favoured in job markets
D.children attending ordinary schools achieve great success
小题2:What would happen if examinations were taken away according to the author?
A.Schools for bright children would lose their reputation.
B.There would be more opportunities and excellence.
C.Children from poor families would be able to change their schools.
D.Children's job opportunity would be affected by their school reputation.
小题3:The opponents of the examination system will agree that____.
A.jobs should not be assigned by systematic selection
B.computers should be selected to take over many jobs
C.special classes are necessary to keep the school standards
D.schools with academic subjects should be done away with
小题4:The passage mainly focuses on ____.
A.schools and certificatesB.examinations and equality
C.opportunity and employmentD.standards and reputation

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