
Hot words on the Internet don’t stay hot for long. “Geili” and “fuyun”, last year’s biggest linguistic innovations, are practically prehistoric in Internet terms. What’s buzzing now is “hold steady”
The term comes from a segment (片段) on the Taiwanese TV show University which features Miss Lin(Xie Yilin) giving a lecture on how to behave like a fashion queen at parties or on the bus. The extremely funny lecture is mainly an over-the-top mockery(嘲笑) of the fashion world, but Miss Lin makes a point: We need to hold steady in pressure-filled or embarrassing situations.
Holding steady, Internet slang for “staying poised”, is one of the qualities the public has been looking for lately as pressures on marriage, work and money can easily drive people crazy. The quality was demonstrated by a girl named Su Miaoling this year. The contestant in the TV singing competition Super Girl carried herself with an air of confidence on stage and kept her cool when others got anxious. “I like your poise(淡定). Very few contestants on this stage can keep calm like you do,” said one of the show’s judges, Hu Haiquan, to Su. Internet users dubbed Su “Sister Poise”.
Poise is also appreciated in Western culture as an essential quality of a well-mannered person. Each year, the National League of Junior Cotillions of the US releases a list of the Ten Best Mannered People. Kate Middleton made it onto the list in 2011 “for the poise and dignity with which she conducts herself in the public spotlight”. The Duchess of Cambridge was also acclaimed earlier this year for her remarkable poise at the royal wedding.
Good news for many, poise is not genetic----it can be acquired with a bit of effort. A personal growth guidance gives tips on how to stay poised. “Take a few deep breaths when you are facing a situation that tests your patience; practice yoga regularly to calm your nerves; use self-affirmation by saying ‘I choose to be calm in any situation’; write down your affirmation daily to imprint the goal,” reads the site.
小题1:According to the passage, what does “hold steady” mean?
A.well balancedB.hold still
C.remain stableD.keep calm
小题2:Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Poise isn’t born with people, so it can be acquired.
B.Under different pressures, people hope to keep calm.
C.“Hold steady” comes from a lecture given by a fashion queen.
D.In western culture, holding steady is a quality of well-mannered people.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT the way to hold steady?
A.learn to use self-encouragement.
B.Write the goals to be achieved
C.Practice yoga regularly to calm your nerves.
D.Take deep breaths when facing difficult situations.
小题4:The purpose of this passage is to_______.
A.introduce the Internet hot term “hold steady”
B.tell funny stories about how to hold steady
C.demonstrate how to keep calm under pressure
D.give advice on how to keep cool in daily life

文章介绍了网络语言“hold steady”
小题1:猜测词义题。根据第三段第六行Very few contestants on this stage can keep calm like you do。可知hold steady与Poise是近义词,都是镇定的意思。
小题2:细节题。根据第2段第2行Miss Lin(Xie Yilin) giving a lecture on how to behave like a fashion queen可知这并不是真正的王后做的演讲。
小题4:主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知是介绍了网络语言“hold steady”。
There are stories about two U.S . presidents,Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren,which attempt to explain the American English term OK.We don’t know if either story is true,but they are both interesting.
The first explanation is based on the fact that President Jackson had very little education.In fact,he had difficulty reading and writing.When important papers came to Jackson,he tried to read them and then had his assistants explain what they said.If he approved of a paper, he would write “all correct”on it.The problem was that he didn’t know how to spell.So what he really wrote was “ol korekt”.After a while,he shortened that term to “OK”.
The second explanation is based on the place where President Van Buren was born,Kinderhook,New York.Van Buren’s friends organized a club to help him become President .They called the club the Old Kinderhook Club,and anyone who supported Van Buren was called“OK”.
小题1:The author  __________.
A.believes both of the stories
B.doesn’t believe a word of the stories
C.is not sure whether the stories are true
D.is telling the stories just for fun
小题2:According to the passage,President Jackson_____________.    
A.couldn’t draw up any documents at all
B.didn’t like to read important papers by himself
C.often had his assistants sign documents for him
D.wasn’t good at reading,writing or spelling
小题3:According to the first story, the term “OK”_______________.  
A.was approved of by President Jackson
B.was the title of some Official documents
C.was first used by President Jackson
D.was an old way to spell “all correct’’
小题4:According to the second story,the term ‘‘OK”_____________.  
A.was the short way to say‘ ‘old Kinderhook Club”
B.meant the place where President Van Buren was born
C.was the name of Van Buren’s club
D.was used to call Van Buren’s supporters in the election
小题5:According to the second story, the term “OK” was first used ______________
A.by Van Buren
B.in a presidential election
C.to organize the Old Kinderhook Club
D.by the members of the ‘‘Old Kinderhook Club”
For many years, Hawaii has been a magic name to people who like to travel. People on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, in Japan and in America, dream of seeing these beautiful islands in the middle of the ocean. Their dreams always include at least one scene of a sunset over the ocean. In the tropical(热带的) lands, the sun drops, like a ball of golden fire, into the sea, and it droops so quickly that you can almost see it move. The sun leaves behind a glow that lights the skies and shines in the quiet water.
People often have a quiet, peaceful time ---perfect for a leisurely(悠闲的) walk along the water. This scene is not too different from the dramatic(令人神往的) beauty that greeted the first strangers to these islands centuries ago. They were Polynesian people who came from Tahiti in canoes not much bigger than small boats.
They found the beautiful white sand beaches and the waving palm trees, but there were no giant hotels like the ones we see nowadays. The first people came to Hawaii nearly two thousand years ago, but skyscraper hotels were only built in the last 25 years. Now jet planes make it possible to fly to for a weekend from Tokyo. Wherever the people come from, they really want to see the original beauty of Hawaii. They want to see the lovely beaches and the mountain called Diamond Head which is almost hidden by the tall hotels.
小题1:Hawaii is a name _____.
A.given by people who like to travel
B.attracting a lot of travelers
C.with a magic story behind it
D.liked by both the Japanese and Americans
小题2:On these beautiful islands, one thing that every traveler won't miss is_____.
A.to swim in the quiet water
B.to see the tropical plants
C.to see the sunset
D.a leisurely walk along the beach
小题3:Which of the following does not belong to "the original beauty of Hawaii"?
A.White sand beaches.
B.Waving palm trees.
C.Tall hotels.
D.The Diamond Head Mountain.
小题4:The last paragraph suggests_______
A.the scenery nowadays is not too different from the original beauty.
B.it's not quite easy to see the original beauty, because some of the scenery is almost hidden by tall hotels.
C.it is easy to see the original beauty, but only by taking jet airplanes.
D.it is not easy to see the original beauty because things have completely changed in the last 25 years.
小题5:The best title of the passage is _______
A.Islands Scenery.
B.Hawaii A Magic Name.
C.Traveling In Hawaii.
D.The Dramatic Beauty.
Have you ever picked a job based on the fact that you were good at it but later found it made you feel very uncomfortable over time? When you select your career, there’s whole lot more to it than assessing your skills and matching them with a particular position. If you ignore your personality, it will hurt you long-term regardless of your skills or the job's pay. There are several areas of your personality that you need to consider to help you find a good job. Here are a few of those main areas:
1) Do you prefer working alone or with other people?
There are isolating (使孤立) jobs that will drive an outgoing person crazy and also interactive jobs that will make a shy person uneasy. Most people are not extremes in either direction but do have a tendency that they prefer. There are also positions that are sometimes a combination of the two, which may be best for someone in the middle who adapts easily to either situation.
2) How do you handle change?
Most jobs these days have some elements of change to them, but some are more than others. If you need stability in your life, you may need a job where the changes don't happen so often. Other people would be bored of the same daily routine.
3) Do you enjoy working with computers?
I do see this as a kind of personality characteristic. There are people who are happy to spend more than 40 hours a week on a computer, while there are others who need a lot of human interaction throughout the day. Again, these are extremes and you'll likely find a lot of positions somewhere in the middle as well.
4) What type of work environment do you enjoy? 
This can range from being in a large building with a lot of people you won't know immediately to a smaller setting where you'll get to know almost all the people there fairly quickly.
5) How do you like to get paid?  
Some people are motivated by the pay they get, while others feel too stressed to be like that. The variety of payment designs in the sales industry is a typical example for this.
Anyway, these are a great starting point for you. I've seen it over and over again with people that they make more money over time when they do something they love. It may take you a little longer, but making a move to do what you have a passion for can change the course of your life for the better.
小题1:This passage mainly talks about the importance of __________.
A.different jobsB.personalitiesC.personal skillsD.job’s pay
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Isolating jobs usually drive people mad.
B.Interactive jobs make people shy easily.
C.Extreme people tend to work with others.
D.Almost everyone has a tendency in jobs.
小题3:What is the missing word about a job search in the following chart?
A.DesignB.SkillsC.Cooperation D.Hobbies

小题4:What is the best title for this passage?
A.Lifestyles and Job Pay
B.Jobs and Environment
C.Job Skills and Abilities
D.Personalities and Jobs
How should one invest a sum of money in inflation (通货膨胀)? Left in a bank it will hardly keep its value, however high the interest rate. Only a brave man, or a very rich one, dares to buy and sell on the Stock Market. Today it seems that one of the best ways to protect your savings, and even increase your wealth is to buy beautiful objects from the past. Here I am going to offer some advice on collecting antique clocks, which I personally consider are among the most interesting of antiques.
I sometimes wonder what a being from another planet might report back about our way of life. "The planet Earth is ruled by a mysterious creature that sits or stands in a room and makes a strange ticking sound. It has a face with twelve black marks and two hands. Men can do nothing without its permission, and it fastens its young round people's wrists so that everywhere men go they are still under its control. This creature is the real master of Earth and men are its slaves."
Whether or not we are slaves of time today depends on our culture and personality, but it is believed that many years ago kings kept special slaves to tell the time. Certain men were very clever at measuring the time according to the beating of their own hearts. They were made to stand in a fixed place and every hour or so would shout time. So it seems that the first clocks were human beings.
However, men quickly found more convenient and reliable ways of telling the time. They learned to use the shadows cast by the sun. They marked the hours on candles, used sand in hour- glasses, and invented water-clocks. Indeed, any serious student of antique should spend as much time as possible visiting palaces, stately homes and museums to see some of the finest examples of clocks from the past.
Antique clocks could be very expensive, but one of the joys of collecting clocks is that it is still possible to find quite cheap ones for your own home. After all, if you are going to be ruled by time, why not invest in an antique clock and perhaps make a future profit?
小题1:According to the passage, collecting antique clocks ________.
A.can hardly keep the value of your savings
B.will cost much of your savings
C.may increase your wealth
D.needs your bravery
小题2:By quoting (引用) the remark of a being from another planet, the author intends to ________.
A.suggest human beings are controlled by a clock
B.describe why clocks can rule the planet Earth
C.tell readers what clocks look like
D.compare clocks to human beings
小题3:Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to measure the time?
A.Counting the beating of one's own heart.
B.Making use of candles, sand and water.
C.Observing shadows cast by the sun.
D.Keeping slaves busy day and night.
小题4:The purpose of the passage is ________.
A.to introduce the culture of antique clocks
B.to offer some advice on collecting antique clocks
C.to compare different ways to make a future profit
D.to explain convenient and reliable ways of telling time
It is that time of the year when the warm, late Summer days meet the cold, early Autumn nights. The skies on days like these are bright and clear. The air is cool, fresh, and full of the smell of wild flowers. The leaves on the trees are dark green but with splashes of red appearing here and there. It is a really beautiful time of the year. Every where and in everything you can see change.
Birds are starting to migrate. Children are getting ready for another school year. People are looking back on the fun days of Summer and forward to the busy days of Fall.
It is days like these that remind me that while seasons, weather, and nature's colors may change it is all beautiful and it is all joyful. And I am changing too.
My thick wavy hair is now pretty thin on top. Its dark brown color is now getting some gray sprinkled(散落)in it. The smile lines around my eyes and mouth are deeper now and stay with me even when I stop smiling. My glasses continue to get thicker with each new pair and the music I love is now referred to as "oldies". Still, I feel so happy and joyful in my life. I am grateful for my younger years because they taught me so much.
What I have learned and experienced has gotten me to where I am today. I am grateful for my present because now is where I live and now is where I love. I feel happiness in every moment that God has given me, and I take great delight in all the changes life brings. Life is a never ending journey of change and growth. Life's changes never stop but neither does life's joy.
小题1:The author describes the sceneryin the first paragraph in order to ______ .
A.tell the time of story’s taking place
B.tell the joy of season’s changing
C.show the impressive beauty of nature
D.set off the author’s delighted feeling
小题2:From this passage we can learn _____.
A.the author is not young any longer at present
B.the season the author describes is the meet of late autumn and early winter
C.the author is a person who used to love music
D.the author doesn’t hope life has changed so much
小题3:The underlined part in the last paragraph probably means ______.
A.present life is well worth treasuring
B.he is satisfied with where he lives now
C.present life isn’t changing
D.the world is filled with love everywhere
小题4:From the passage we can see the author’s attitude to life is full of ______.
小题5:The best title of this passage is ______.
A.My lifeB.My pastC.I love lifeD.Life's changes
An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon he had nothing left. Of course, when that happened, all his friends left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles.
My money has finished and my friends have gone, said the young man. What will happen to me now?
Don't worry , young man, answered Nasreddin. Everything will soon be all right again. Wait ,and you will soon feel much happier.
The young man was very glad .Am I going to get rich again then? he asked Nasreddin.
No, I didn't mean that, said the old man. I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends.
小题1:An old man died and left his son_______.
A.nothingB.some goldC.much moneyD.only a house
小题2:When the son was________, he went to see Nasreddin.
A.short of moneyB.quite poor and sick
C.in troubleD.quite poor and alone
小题3:The young man was very glad because Nasreddin said that________.
A.he would become rich again
B.he would soon feel much happier
C.he would become clever
D.he would have more friends
小题4:Nasreddin meant the young man______.
A.would get rich again
B.would get used to having nothing
C.would get used to being in trouble
D.would get out of poorness
小题5:What this story tells us is________.
A.that money is everything
B.that money makes the mare go
C.to save each penny
D.that misfortune tests the sincerity of friends
Dolphins are interesting animals and researchers find them interesting to watch. They don’t have hands, but can use tools to solve problems, just like us. Scientists have observed a dolphin trying to get a shy eel(鳝鱼) to come out of its hole by poking(捅)it with a dead fish. Many species of dolphin live in large societies. They have many different relationships and need a good communication system; they use a variety of sounds to communicate with each other.
There is currently no evidence that dolphins have a language of their own. But scientists still have a lot to find out about these animals and so there are certain to be a few surprises in the future.
At Kewalo Basin Marine Laboratory in Hawaii, the dolphin team have developed a sign langue to communicate with the dolphins, and the results are amazing. Not only do the dolphins understand the meaning of individual words, they also understand the significance of word order in a sentence. For example, when they were asked to ‘touch the ball with your tail and then jump over it’ they generally responded correctly and straight away, which showed that they understood the langue.
Most mammals seem to enjoy play—but dolphins seems to like making their games as challenging as possible. On a beautiful day in 1997, researchers working at a beach, off the southern coast of Brazil, observed a little dog going into the sea and swimming towards the dolphins. To their surprise, the dolphins approached the dog and then started throwing it into the air. The dog seemed to enjoy the ‘game’ and continued playing with the dolphins for more than an hour. From then on, different dogs were seem trying to interact with the dolphins.
Dolphins live in a very different world to ourselves, but they are very good at our ‘intelligence tests’. For example, they will jump out of the water when they hear a whistle noise. They do this because they will get a fish as a reward. There is still much to learn about these flexible(灵活的)problem-solvers, but from the evidence so far, it would seem as though dolphins are very intelligent.
小题1:To get a shy eel to come out of its hole , a dolphin would poke it with____.
A.a toolB.its tailC.a dead fishD.its mouth
小题2:At a laboratory in Hawaii, the dolphin team have developed a ____ to communicate with the dolphins.
A.variety of soundsB.sign language
C.special word orderD.dolphin’s language
小题3:Dolphins not only understand the meaning of individual words, they also understand the importance of ______ in a sentence.
A.the subjectB.the verbsC.the main structureD.word order
小题4:When they play, dolphins seems to like making their games as ______ as possible.
小题5:Dolphins will jump out of the water when they hear a whistle noise in order to _______.
A.watch peopleB.breathe fresh air
C.enjoy themselvesD.get some food
When I asked my daughter which item she would keep; the phone, the car, the cooker, the computer, the TV, or her boyfriend, she said“the phone”. Personally, I could do without the phone entirely, which makes me unusual. Because the telephone is changing our lives more than any other piece of technology.
Point 1 The telephone creates the need to communicate, in the same way that more roads create more traffic. My daughter comes home from school at 4:00 pm and then spends an hour on the phone talking to the very people she has been at school with all day. If the phone did not exist, would she have anything to talk about?
Point 2 The mobile phone means that we are never alone. “The mobile saved my life,”says Crystal Johnstone. She had an accident in her Volvo on the A45 between Otley and Skipton. Trapped inside, she managed to make the call that brought the ambulance(救护车) to her rescue.
Point 3 The mobile removes our secret. It allows marketing manager of Haba Deutsch, Carl Nicolaisen, to ring his sales staff all round the world at and time of day to ask where they are , where they are going, and how their last meeting went.
Point 4 The telephone separates us. Antonella Bramante in Rome says, “We worked in separate offices but I could see him through the window. It was easy to get his number. We were so near——but we didn’t meet for the first two weeks!”
Point 5 The telephone allows us to reach out beyond our own lives. Today we can talk to several complete strangers simultaneously ( 同时地) on chat lines (at least my daughter does. I wouldn’t know what to talk about). We can talk across the world. We can even talk to astronauts (if you know any) while they’re space-walking. And, with the phone line hooked up to the computer, we can access(进入) the Internet, the biggest library on Earth.
小题1:How do you understand‘Point 1 —The telephone creates the need to communicate,6…’?
A.People don’t communicate without telephone.
B.People communicate because of the creating of the telephone.
C.People communicate more since telephone has been created.
D.People communicate more because of more traffic.
小题2:Which of the following best shows people’s attitude towards mobile phones?
A.Mobile phones help people deal with the emergency.
B.Mobile phones bring convenience as well little secret to people.
C.Mobile phones are so important and should be encouraged.
D.Mobile phones are part of people’s life.
小题3:Which points do you think support the idea that phones improve people’s life?
a.      Point 1. b. Point2. c. Point3. d. Point 4. e. Point 5.
A.c, dB.a, eC.a, cD.b, e
小题4:It is possible to talk to several complete strangers simultaneously through .
A.the TV screenB.a fax machine
C.the phone line hooked up to the computerD.a microphone
小题5:The best heading for the passage is .
A.The power of PhoneB.Kinds of Phone
C.How to Use PhonesD.Advantage of Phones

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