

How to Build Healthy Interpersonal Relationship

Human beings are social creatures and thrive(茁壮成长) in relationships with others. A healthy part to be a well-rounded, happy individual is engaging in healthy relationships with others.These friendships can provide safe environments in which individuals can thrive and help promote general well-being. __1._

1.Know your worth.

One of the first steps in building healthy interpersonal relationships is understanding one's value. When an individual is aware of and treasures what he or she has, the building of relationships can be founded on that knowledge. _2.__ Everyone has talents. When this worth is discovered, a person can then make use of these skills in approaching interpersonal relationships. If someone is a good listener, showing how to develop this skill can attract relationships with individuals who have a need for this talent.

2.Recognize the value of others.

_3._ In a healthy interpersonal relationships, both parties should be respected and feel as if they are valued in the friendship. When contributions to the relationship become one-sided, the relationship will move from healthy to unhealthy.


Another way to build healthy relationships is to make friends with someone who shares the same value systems and lifestyles. Knowing that a friend will not request something from an individual will help to foster trust in the relationship. _5.__The relationship can grow on this familiarity. Trust can also develop from these similarities and go a long way in fostering a healthy friendship.

A. Everyone has worth.

B. Be true to yourself.

C. Seek out individuals with similar value systems.

D. A healthy interpersonal relationship cannot be built on dishonesty.

E. Also, having the same lifestyle can provide a link of familiarity.

F. Here are some tips to build healthy interpersonal relationships.

G. Along with understanding one's worth is recognizing and understanding the worth of others.



If you go to Ethiopia,you’ll find a strange palm-like structure,which is called Warka Water.It gathers water from fog and condensation(水珠)and is invented by an Italian firm.

When Italian designer Arturo Vittori and Swiss architect Andreas Vogler first visited Ethiopia in 2012,they were shocked to see women and children forced to walk miles to access what,for them,had always been within easy reach,water.

Only 34 percent of Ethiopians have access to a reliable water supply.Some travel for up to six hours a day to fetch some or,even worse,have to use pond water polluted by human waste,subject to the spread of disease.

Worldwide,about 768 million people—two and a half times the U.S.population—don’t have access to safe drinking water.So just imagine if we could just pull water out of thin air?That’s what Vittori and Vogler asked once they saw the severe problem and promised to take action.Their firm,Architecture and Vision,has since come up with Warka Water,a grand palm-like structure that may look like something you’d see in a modern art museum,but it’s been designed to harvest water from the air.

Warka Water,which is named after an Ethiopian fig tree,is composed of a 30-foot bamboo frame containing a fog-harvesting nylon net that can catch water easily,can be easily lowered for repairs and allow communities to measure the water level.Collecting water through condensation is hardly a new technique,but the creators of Warka Water say their tree-inspired design is more effective,maximizing surface and perfecting every angle to produce up to 26 gallons of drinkable water a day—enough for a family of seven.

Western organizations have been working to provide clean water access in Africa for decades,so Warka Water joins a very long list of earlier attempts.So far,high-tech solutions,like the once promising Playpump,have failed,mostly due to high costs and maintenance issues.

This is where Warka Water stands apart—a lower-tech solution that is easy to repair and far more affordable than digging wells in the rocky Ethiopian plateau.

1.What does the underlined phrase “subject to” in the third paragraph most probably mean?

A.owing to B.opposite to

C.sensitive to D.giving rise to

2.Warka Water is designed mainly to .

A.gather clean water efficiently

B.reduce water supply costs

C.simplify maintenance

D.preserve water supplies

3.According to the sixth paragraph,what caused Playpump to fail?

A.Lack of advanced technology

B.Unsuccessful designs

C.Lack of money and maintenance issues

D.Unreasonable structures

To Whom It May Concern,

My husband Jim and I got married in 1965. For the first ten years of our marriage, I was very happy to stay home and raise our three children. Then about four years ago, our youngest child went to school, and I thought I might go back to work.

Jim was very supportive and helped me to make my decision. He started to do all the things I used to do around the house, and said he thought I could be a great success in business.

After several weeks of job hunting, I found my present job, which is working for a small public relation firm. At first, my husband was proud of me and would tell his friends, “My clever little wife can run that company she’s working for.”

But, as his joking words were becoming reality, Jim stopped talking to me about my job. I have received several promotions and pay increases, and I am now making more money than he is. I can buy my own clothes and a new car. Because of our combined incomes, Jim can do things that we had always dreamed of doing, but we don’t do these things because he is unhappy.

We fought about little things, and Jim is very critical of me in front of our friends. For the first time in our marriage, I think there is a possibility that our marriage may come to an end.

I love Jim very much, and I don’t want him to feel inferior(较差的), but I also love my job. I think I can be a good wife and a working woman, but I don’t know how. Can you give me some advice? Will I have to choose one or the other or can I keep both my husband and my new career?

Please help.



1.When was the letter most probably written?

A. In 1975. B. Around 1980.

C. Four years ago. D. In 1965.

2.What shows her husband was supportive?

A. He helped look after babies.

B. He told her his experience.

C. He worked much harder.

D. He encouraged her a lot.

3.How did her husband feel when she first found her job?

A. Nervous. B. Disappointed.

C. Proud. D. Curious.

4.Jim stopped talking about her job when ___________.

A. Jim failed to do what he liked

B. she made more money than he

C. she received her boss’ praise

D. Jim had to do housework

5.What happened as her income increased?

A. She found a gap(分歧) between Jim and her.

B. She did what she had dreamed of.

C. She felt proud of herself.

D. She bought a house.

We started out in a great morning and were heading over the mountain range to Ellensburg. We stopped at Snoqualmie summit for a quick rest. About a mile from there, we heard a loud sound and thought we might hit a rock. However, we were wrong.

As we were turning into the rest area, we heard a loud banging sound again, and all I could do was get this car pulled over and stopped. Once we got stopped, and tire pulled off, we found that the bolt (螺栓),which is necessary for the brake to work, had been missing. Had I hit the brake with any more speed, I am sure the car would have turned over and we could have all been killed.

The first thing we needed to do was get a new bolt, so my husband went to get a cup of coffee and to ask whether there would be an auto parts store. They told him where, and then he came back to find we had no way to get there. That was when the Angel showed her wings! One of the coffee volunteers was getting off her shift and offered to take him to the auto parts store. So this angel took him to Ellensburg to get the part, only to find out that it was the wrong part. So she came back to see if everything fit and sure enough, she offered to take him to the hardware store in town to see if they could find this bolt!

She spent well over 4 hours with us, driving us around to help fix our car and protect us until we were safe. She even followed us for a short time on the freeway until she knew we were well on our way safely. We were blessed that day, and when I told her she was an angel she just said we would do the same thing, and she was right, I would and I will again!

1.What actually happened when the writer heard the loud sound at the first time?

A. The car hit a rock and its tires were broken.

B. The car pulled over because of the steep road.

C. The brake couldn’t work because of the lost bolt.

D. The car turned over because the bolt was missing.

2.What is the implied meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 3?

A. The author wished someone would help them.

B. Someone appeared to give them what they needed.

C. Someone transported them to the right place.

D. Someone appeared at that time to help them.

3.Which of the following words can best describe the volunteer?

A. Kindhearted and patient.

B. Humorous and helpful.

C. Patient and humorous.

D. Helpful and funny.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. An angel in the mountains!

B. A terrible accident in the mountains!

C. An unusual situation in the mountains!

D. An unbelievable sound in the mountains!

Like many other small boys, I was fascinated by cars, not least because my oldest brother was a bit of a car guy and subscribed to cool magazines like Car and Driver and Motor Trend. Every so often, one of those magazines would run an article on the “Car of the Future”. They featured unconventional styling and things like small nuclear reactors as power sources. Yet, frankly, my car doesn’t do anything that my brother’s Studebaker didn’t do. It goes, it stops, it burns gasoline, it plays music. I still have to steer it, and it still runs into things if I don’t steer it carefully.

But guess what? All of these things are subject to change in the not-so-distant future. It will still go and stop, but it may not burn gasoline, I may not have to steer it, and it may be a lot better at not running into things.

Airbags aren't the be-all and end-all in safety. In fact, considering the recent news about people occasionally being killed by their airbags in low-speed collisions (碰撞),they obviously still need some development. But they aren't going away, and in fact, you can expect to see cars appearing with additional, side-impact airbags, something some European car manufacturers already offer.

Better than systems to minimize (使减少到最低限度) injury in the event of an accident, however, are systems that minimize the likelihood of an accident happening in the first place. Future cars may be able to eliminate many of the major causes of accidents, including drunk-driving, tailgating (与前车距离过近) and sleepiness. Cars could be equipped with sensors that can detect alcohol in a driver's system and prevent the car from being started, for example. Many accidents are caused by people following the car in front too closely. As early as next year, you'll be able to buy cars with radar-equipped control systems. If the radar determines you're closing too quickly with the car in front, it will ease up on the throttle (油门). For city streets, expect other radar devices that will give advance warning that the car in front of you has slowed abruptly (突然地) and you should step on the brakes-or that may even brake for you.

Will cars eventually be able to drive themselves? There's no reason to think it won't be technically possible, and Mercedes is working on a system that can brake, accelerate and steer a vehicle down a highway on its own. Nobody really expects people to give up all control to their cars, but such systems could be used as failsafe systems to keep cars on the road and bring them safely to a stop even if the driver suddenly became disabled.

1.Why was the author fascinated by cars?

A. Because other small boys liked to own a car of their own, too.

B. Because he read exotic things about cars in his brother's magazines.

C. Because his oldest brother loved to take him to places in his car.

D. Because he subscribed to cool car magazines.

2.By saying "my car doesn't do anything that my brother's Studebaker didn’t do", the author means that_____.

A. my car is far better than my brother's

B. my car is not as good as my brother's

C. not much has changed in the performance of cars so far

D. much improvement has been made in the design of cars recently

3.Which of the following statements is true of airbags?

A. They are in need of further improvement.

B. They are going to disappear gradually.

C. They kill people instead of protecting them in low-speed collisions.

D. They are a standard feature of European cars.

4.According to the author, what will future cars do if the sensors detect alcohol in the driver's system?

A. They will give a warning in advance.

B. They will brake automatically.

C. They will ease up on the throttle.

D. They will not start.

5.Which of the following statements is true according to the last paragraph?

A. People will give up all control to their cars.

B.Cars will be able to drive themselves.

C. No cars will ever break down on the roads.

D. Cars will all be equipped with failsafe systems.

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