
   How did Indiana get its nickname as “The Hoosier State”? 36 There are many different theories about how the word Hoosier came to be and how it came to have such a connection with the state of Indiana.

   One of the earliest known uses of the term is found in an 1827 letter that states, “There is a trick for you — done up by a Hoosier." 37 Around this time,John Finley of Richmond wrote a poem called The Hoosier's which was widely read.

He wrote the word as “hoosher” and did not explain its meaning,which leads historians to believe that Finley felt his readers would already know and understand the word. Finley wrote, “With men of every hue and fashion,Flock to this rising ‘Hoosher’nation."

   38 In 1848,Bartlett* s Dictionary of Americanisms defined “Hoosier” as “A nickname given at the west,to natives of Indiana." In John Finley's poem,the word “Hoosher” seems to refer less to the pioneers of Indiana and more to the qualities he thought they possessed,like self-reliance and bravery.

   39 Some people think it was created to laugh at Indian訌 as a rough and backward (落后的) place.

Others think that early settlers used the term with pride to describe themselves as a courageous group. One historian,. Jacob Piatt Dunn,even suggested that the word “Hoosier” originally referred to boatmen who lived on the Indiana shore. We may never know for sure. 40

   A. So,what does the word mean?

   B. The word “Hoosier” was widely used by the 1830s.

   C. No one seems to know how the word “Hoosier” came to be.

   D. And how did people from Indiana come to be called “Hoosiers”?

   E. Other early uses provide some ideas about the meaning of the word.

   F. However,research and debate are likely to continue about this mysterious word.

   G. Some theories and stories about the origin of the word “Hoosier” are known to be false.



36. D.D项的And表示承接文章开头提出的问 题。文章围绕这两个问题展开。

37. B.根据空后的Around this time可知,空格处所 填内容应该包含一个表示时间的词或短语,故 选B项。

38. A.下文讲的是Hoosier的意思,所以A项符合 此处语境。

39. C.下文谈论的是Hoosier这个词的由来,所以 选C项。

40. F。上文就Hoosier的由来给出了几种观点,接 着又说“对此,我们也许永远无法得知”。F项 (然而,关于这个词的研宂和辩论很可能会继 续) 符合语境。


                             Five reasons your scale might be wrong

   1. You weigh yourself on different days each week.

   In a Cornell University study published last year,researchers analyzed the food and weight diaries that 80 people kept for up to a year. They found that people's weight changed considerably throughout the week. 36 Keep weigh-in days consistent for a more accurate assessment.

   2. 37  

   File this one under “Yes,scientists have actually studied this/' When University of North Dakota researchers weighed people with and without clothes at various times of the year,they found that men can reduce 2. 5 pounds for their clothing and women can reduce around two pounds,on average.

   3. You don't take muscle gain into consideration. You’ve heard that muscle is denser (密度大的) than fat. 38 If you start a strength-training routine,the number on the scale (秤) might not change,but you could still lose inches and drop a clothing size or two.

   4. You just drank a lot of water.

   It's called water weight for a reason: Drinking one pound of water can translate to about one pound of weight. So if you stand on the scale soon after drinkiag an entire water bottle's worth,you might not like what you see. 39

   5. You weigh yourself after hard exercise. 

   Compared with water weight,if you weigh in after a tiring cycling class,you may lose weight temporarily because you work up a good sweat. 40

   A. You miscalculate your clothing.

   B. But don't worry,it's just a temporary gain.

   C. Salty foods cause your body to save extra water.

   D. In fact,it takes up only about a third as much space.

   E. Jump on the scale if you need to improve confidence.

   F. You should be aware of how much water you have drunk.

   G. Many people were heaviest on Mondays and lightest on Fridays.

   I first came across the concept of pay-what-you-can cafes last summer in Boone,N. C. , where I ate at F. A. R.M. (Feed All Regardless of Means) Cafe. You can volunteer to earn your meal,pay the suggested price ($10) or less,or you can overpay — paying it forward for a future customer's meal. My only regret after eating there was not having a chance to give my time. So as soon as Healthy World Cafe opened in York in April,I signed up for a volunteer shift(轮班).

   F. A. R.M. and Healthy World are part of a growing trend of community cafes. In 2003,Denise Cerreta opened the first in Salt Lake City. Cerreta now runs the One World Everybody Eats Foundation,helping others copy her pay-what-you-can model.

   “I think the community cafe is truly a hand up,not a handout,^ Cerreta said. She acknowledged that soup kitchens(施粥所) have a place in society,but people typically dori 51 feel good about going there.

   “One of the values of the community cafe is that we have another approach,” she said. “Everyone eats here,no one needs to know whether you volunteered,underpaid or overpaid." 

   The successful cafes not only address hunger and food insecurity but also become necessary parts of their neighborhoods — whether it's a place to learn skills or hear live music. Some teach cooking to seniors; some- offer free used books. Eating or working there is a reminder that we’ re all in this world together. '

   My 10 am-1 pm shift at Healthy World Cafe began with the cafe manager — one of two paid staff members. Our volunteer crew wasn’t the most orderly,but we managed to prepare and serve meals with a lot of laughs in between. At the end of my shift,I ordered my earned meal at the counter,together with other volunteers. After lunch,I walked out the door,with a handful of new friends,music in my head and a satisfied belly and heart.

28. What did the author do at F. A. R.M. Cafe last summer?

   A. She worked as a volunteer.

   B. She overpaid for her food.

   C. She ate free of charge.

   D. She enjoyed a meal.

29. What is the advantage of community cafes compared with soup kitchens?

   A. People can have free food.

   B. People can maintain their dignity.

   C. People can stay as long as they like.

   D. People can find their places in society.

30. Why are community cafes becoming popular in the neighborhoods?

   A. They bring people true friendships.

   B. They help to bring people together.

   C. Theycreatealotofjobopportunities.

   D. They support local economic development.

31. How did the author feel about working at Healthy World Cafe?

   A. It paid well. B. It changed her.

   C. It was beneficial. D. It was easy for her.

   Since the invention of Guitar Hero and similar computer games,it is no longer necessary to imagine what it would be like to play along with the Beatles - you can come together with them in the virtual world. 

   Bill Wyman,former bass player in the Rolling Stones,has pointed out that music video games discourage kids from learning to play real instruments. My own experience suggests quite the opposite.

   Last year,I bought Guitar Hero III for our 14-year-old son,Jack. Jack quickly mastered the process and entered an intense period of playing the game.

   A few months later,while I was away on tour,a couple of his friends came around with a real electric guitar. Playing Guitar Hero had taught them how to play along to a track. Now they wanted to see if they could apply that to the real thing. Jack's friends taught him how to play along to his favourite songs using just his index finger on the bass string. He got it right away.

   Guitar Hero had helped him over the first difficulty for guitar players 一 how to strum the strings with one hand while making chord shapes with the other. He never plays Guitar Hero now,preferring to rock out in the garage with his mates.

   Despite my attempts at getting him to learn an instrument,it was Guitar Hero that taught him the basics of playing and built up his confidence to the extent that he was able to make a recognisable sound the first time he plugged in.

   So let's not complain about a game that encourages kids to become music fans and,in our son's case,gives them the basic skills needed to learn how to play guitar.

24. What's Bill Wyman's attitude towards music video games?

   A. Approving. B. Negative.

   C. Unconcerned. D. Curious.

25. The first time Jack played with a real electric guitar,he.

   A. did it successfully

   B. taught his friends how to play

   C. didn't know how to strum the strings

   D. didn’ t know how to play along to a song 

26. Jack's case shows .

   A. Guitar Hero is a useful game .

   B. kids should learn an instrument

   C. parents should encourage their kids

   D. computer games are harmful for kids

27. What's the best title for the text?

   A. A new computer game

   B. The story of a guitarist

   C. In defence of Guitar Hero

   D. The best way to play guitar

           3 Brilliant British Races BOGNOR BIRDMAN (JULY 18-19) 

   Every summer,thousands of people from around the world gather in Bognor Regis on the southern coast of England to see who can fly the longest distance in homemade flying machines before jumping into the English Channel. The record,set in 1992,is 292 feet. Frequently,participants compete in special clothes. Dr. Who and his Tardis,a group of flying doughnuts(油炸圈饼) ,and a skateboarding cow have all taken the leap in past competitions. They didn't get so far.


   Chickens are extremely difficult to train,but that doesn 51 stop about 50 international hen owners from entering their birds in the World Hen Racing Championships each year in Bonsall,England. Keeping alive a century-old tradition,the hens race along a 50-foot course. While some owners let their untrained chickens “wing it,” others try to get their chickens into competition shape with daily“sprints (短跑) ” during the months leading up to the race. 


   Mowing the lawn(刈草坪) for 12 hours straight is some people's idea of an impossibility. For others,it's the most interesting part of the summer. Drivers start their engines at 8:00 in the evening,and,in teams of three,work straight through the night until 8:00 the next morning,averaging 25 mph. Last year,the winning team finished a record 311 miles on the course in Billingshurst,England,doing justice to the association's motto: “Per Herbam Ad Astra,” or “Through the Grass to the Stars."

21. The Bognor Birdman event.

   A. was first held in 1992

   B. is actually a local festival

   C. features high-tech flying machines

   D. has an unbeaten record in recent two decades

22. The underlined phrase “wing it” in the text probably means .

   A. compete with their wings spread

   B. compete without preparation

   C. race along the course nonstop

   D. race with trained chickens

23. What do the three races have in common?

   A. They are irregularly scheduled.

   B. They are held in the same season.

   C. They are all held in coastal areas.

   D. They are all traditional competitions.

   Many teachers use student participation as a basis on which to assign grades. Some criticize the practice as harmful to classroom dynamics,like two California high schoolers who wrote an opinion piece about it in their school newspaper. “A student who is unwilling or unable to speak in class does not always show a lack of care,since all students function in different ways,” they write,noting that some students require more time,or written assignments,to grasp new material presented in class.

   They also point out the detrimental effect participation requirements can have on the quality of a lesson; for example,students might speak up only in an effort to get participation points,resulting in questions that lack insight and wasted opportunities for those who genuinely want to learn.

   Finally,the high schoolers criticize the nature of participation grades. uSimply recording the number of times a person participates fails to capture the nature of what exactly was said,” they write,adding that participation grades leave too much room for teachers’ favoritism to show through.

   Of course,there's a different side to every story. In a recent article in The Atlantic,a middle school teacher defends her decision to keep class participation as a requirement for her students. uAs a teacher,it is my job to teach grammar,vocabulary,and literature,but I must also teach my students how to succeed in the world we live in — a world where most people won’t stop talking”’ she says. “If anything,I feel even more strongly that my introverted(内向的) students must learp how to self-advocate by communicating with parents,educators,and the world at large."

   She mentions several resources in the article. One such resource is Dr. Kendall Hoyt,an assistant professor of medicine at Dartmouth Medical School. Dr. Hoyt is a self-described introvert and mother of two introverts. “I understand that social anxiety is a real thing,and part of my job as a teacher is to teach people how to express themselves clearly and be heard,” Dr. Hoyt says. She also teaches this to her own children,creating chances for them that require them to approach strangers,make eye contact,and ask for something,like directions or information.

29. The article written by the two high schoolers is about whether students should .

   A. speak freely in class

   B. be graded on participation

   C. spend more time speaking

   D. be given written assignments

30. Which can best replace the underlined word “detrimental” in Paragraph 2 ?

   A. Lasting. B. Harmful.

   C. Practical. D. Beneficial.

31. The middle school teacher mentioned in Paragraph 4 stresses the importance of .

   A. English literature

   B. vocabulary and grammar

   C. grading students objectively

   D. teaching students to express themselves

32. Why does the middle school teacher mention Dr. Hoyt in her article?

   A. To express her doubts.

   B. To support her argument.

   C. To compare different ideas.

   D. To attract readers* attention.

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