
A high school history teacher once told us, “If you make one close friend in school, you will be most fortunate. A true friend is someone who stays with you for life.”      teaches that he is right. Good friendship is just not easily   .
It is possible that we simply do not stay in one place long enough for a true friendship to    . However, there can be      disagreement in the need for each of us to think carefully about what kind of friendship we want.
To most of us,     are considered very important, but we need to make it clear in our minds what kind of friendship we want. Are they to be close or      at arm’s length? Do we want to     ourselves or do we want to walk on surface(表面)? For some people, many friendships on the surface are      enough and that’s all right. But at some point we need to make sure that our      are the same as our friends’ expectations. The sharing of     experiences including our tears as well as our dark dreams is the surest way to       friendships. But it must be done slowly and     only if there are signs of interest and action     .
What are some of the    of friendship? The greatest is the attraction to expect too much too soon. Deep relationships     time. Another “main difficulty” is the selfishness to think one “      ” the other, including his time and attention.   , friendships require actions in return. In other words, you must give as      as you take. Finally, there is a question of taking care of. Unless you spend      time together, talking on the phone, writing letters, doing things together, friendships will die     .
A.carried throughB.carried outC.carried onD.carried away
A.in surpriseB.in returnC.in turnD.in answer


小题2:考查动词。Understood理解;formed组成;realized 认识;made制作。根据句意:好的友谊是不容易组建的。故选B。
小题3:考查动词。 Design设计;intend打算;develop发展;appear出现。根据句意:我们的确不会在一个地方呆的时间长到能够让真正的友谊得到发展。故选C。
小题4:考查形容词。No没有;any任何一个;not不;some一些。no disagreement没有异议,根据句意可判断应选全否定的词,故选A。
小题6:考查动词。Taken拿;left离开;given给予;kept保持。kept at arm's length“保持一臂的距离”,意思是不能发展成为亲密的朋友。故选D。
小题7:考查动词。Own承认;share分享;think想;suffer遭受。根据“或是我们想走一下表面形式”,可判断前面表达相反意思,而是share ourselves彼此同甘共苦。故选B。
小题8:考查副词。根据上下文,这句话表达的意思是:对于某些人,很多友谊保持在表面上就足够了。足够了用quite enough,而没有very enough的用法。故选C。
小题11:考查动词。Prove证明;produce产生;weaken 变弱;deepen加深。根据句意:交流包括我们眼泪和个人经历是加深友谊的最好方式,故选D。
小题12:考查词组。carried though尽管携带;carried out实施;carried on继续;carried away带走。根据句意:但那必须缓慢进行,并且以兴趣和回报形式继续下去。故选C。
小题13:考查词组。in surprise惊奇地;in return作为报答;in turn轮流;in answer回答。根据句意:但那必须缓慢进行,并且以兴趣和回报形式继续下去。故选B。
小题15:考查动词。 cost 值;spend花费;take拿;waste浪费。上一句话说我们总希望友谊快点来临,根据语境,这句话表达深厚的友谊需要花费时间,而cost通常指花费money,spend当花费时间时,主语是人,只有用take最合适。故选C。
小题18:考查形容词。many许多;much许多;little很少;possible 可能的。根据句意:换句话说,你必须付出和你得到一样多的东西。Many可数名词,much不可数名词。故选B。
小题19:考查形容词。 Reasonable合理的;comfortable 舒适的;spare分享的;valuable有价值的。根据句意:“除非你花费合理的时间和朋友在一起,否则友谊就会消逝”,reasonable合理的,适当的。故选A。
The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled, and pain-free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pain must be equal to unhappiness. But in fact, the opposite is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.
As a result, many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably(不可避免的) brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment (义务), self - improvement.
Ask a bachelor(单身汉) why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure, excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing features.
Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night’s sleep or a three - day vacation. I don’t know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children. But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild.
Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. It liberates (解放)money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.
小题1:According to the author, a bachelor resists marriage chiefly because _______ .
A.he is reluctant to take on family responsibilities
B.he believes that life will be more cheerful if he remains single
C.he finds more fun in dating than in marriage
D.he fears it will put an end to all his fun adventure and excitement
小题2:From the last paragraph, we learn that envy sometimes stems from ________ .
A.hatredB.misunderstanding C.prejudiceD.ignorance
小题3:What is the author trying to tell us?
A.Happiness often goes hand in hand with pain.
B.One must know how to attain happiness.
C.It is important to make commitments.
D.It is pain that leads to happiness.
Some years ago, writing in my diary used to be a usual activity.I would return from school and spend the expected half hour recording the day's events, feelings, and impressions in my little blue diary.I did not really need to express my emotions by way of words, but I gained a certain satisfaction from seeing my experiences forever recorded on paper.After all, isn't accumulating memories a way of preserving the past?
When I was thirteen years old, I went on a long journey on foot in a great valley, well-equipped with pens, a diary, and a camera.During the trip, I was busy recording every incident, name and place I came across.I felt proud to be spending my time productively, dutifully preserving for future generations a detailed description of my travels.On my last night there, I wandered out of my tent, diary in hand.The sky was clear and lit by the glare of the moon, and the walls of the valley looked threatening behind their screen of shadows.I automatically took out my pen...
At that point, I understood that nothing I wrote could ever match or replace the few seconds I allowed myself to experience the dramatic beauty of the valley.All I remembered of the previous few days were the dull characterizations I had set down in my diary.
Now, I only write in my diary when I need to write down a special thought or feeling.I still love to record ideas and quotations that strike me in books, or observations that are particularly meaningful.I take pictures, but not very often—only of objects I find really beautiful.I'm no longer blindly satisfied with having something to remember when I grow old.I realize that life will simply pass me by if I stay behind the camera, busy preserving the present so as to live it in the future.
I don't want to wake up one day and have nothing but a pile of pictures and notes.Maybe I won't have as many exact representations of people and places; maybe I'll forget certain facts, but at least the experiences will always remain inside me.I don't live to make memories—I just live, and the memories form themselves.
小题1:Before the age of thirteen, the author regarded keeping a diary as a way of________.
A.observing her school routine
B.expressing her satisfaction
C.impressing her classmates
D.preserving her history
小题2:What caused a change in the author's understanding of keeping a diary?
A.A dull night on the journey.
B.The beauty of the great valley.
C.A striking quotation from a book.
D.Her concerns for future generations.
小题3:What does the author put in her diary now?
A.Notes and beautiful pictures.
B.Special thoughts and feelings.
C.Detailed accounts of daily activities.
D.Descriptions of unforgettable events.
小题4:The author comes to realize that to live a meaningful life is________.
A.to experience it
B.to live the present in the future
C.to make memories
D.to give accurate representations of it
Jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and contentment.We're all used to thinking that work provides the material things of life—the goods and services that make our modern civilization possible.But we are much less conscious of the degree to which work provides the more important psychological well­being that can make the difference between a full and an empty life.
Historically,work has been associated with slavery and sin (罪恶)and punishment.And in our own day we are used to bearing traditional complaints.Against this background,it may well come as a surprise to learn that not only psychologists but other behavioral scientists have come to accept the positive contribution of work to the individual's happiness and sense of personal achievement.Work is more than a necessity for most human beings;it is the focus of their lives,the source of their identity and creativity.
Rather than a punishment of a burden,work is the opportunity to realize one's potential.And the opposite is true,too.For large numbers of people,the absence of work is harmful to their health.Retirement often brings many problems surrounding the “What do I do with myself?”question,even though there may be no financial cares.Large numbers of people regularly get headaches and other illnesses on weekends when they don't have their jobs to go to,and must take care of themselves.It has been observed that unemployment,quite apart from financial pressures,brings enormous psychological troubles and that many individuals'conditions become worse rapidly when jobless.
But why?Why should work be such a significant source of human satisfaction?A good share of the answer rests in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job,by the activity of accomplishing.
小题1:Which of the following statements can NOT be learned from the passage?
A.People feel happier and more content than they realize when working.
B.Work is likely to provide you with the chance of achieving your potential.
C.Happiness can only be gained through working.
D.A lot of people will suffer physically and psychologically without work.
小题2:Traditionally,people are used to believing ________.
A.work is related to negative aspects
B.happiness has nothing to do with work
C.identity and creativity depend on work
D.work is not only a necessity for humans but the focus of their lives
小题3:What would the author probably discuss in the following paragraph?
A.What the proper way to balance work and life is.
B.How work brings people pride in accomplishment.
C.Which is more important:the material things of life or psychological well­being.
D.How people overcome the problems arising from retirement.
小题4:Which best describes the author's attitude towards work in the passage?
Dear XXX, 
As we drove off from Columbia, I wanted to write a letter to you to tell you all that is on my mind.

Do your best in classes, but don’t let pressure get to you. If you graduate and learn something in your four years, we would feel happy. Your Columbia degree will take you far, even if you don’t graduate with honors. So please don't give yourself pressure. The only thing that matters is that you learned. The only measurement you should use is that you tried.
Most importantly, make friends and be happy. College friends are often the best in life, because during college you are closer to them physically than to your family. Also, going through independence and adulthood is a natural bonding (结合的) experience. Pick a few friends and become really close to them — pick the ones who are genuine and sincere to you. Don’t worry about their hobbies, grades, looks, or even personalities. If you think you like someone, tell her. You have very little to lose. People are not perfect, so as long as they are genuine and sincere, trust them and be good to them. They will give back. This is my secret of success — that I am genuine with people and trust them (unless they do something to lose my trust).
College is the four years where you have:
  ?the greatest amount of free time
  ?the first chance to be independent
  ?the most flexibility to change
  ?the lowest risk for making mistakes
So please treasure your college years – make the best of your free time, become an independent thinker in control of your destiny. May Columbia become the happiest four years in your life, and may you blossom into just what you dream to be.
小题1:What is the most probable relationship between the writer and the receiver of the letter?
A.Friends.B.A parent and his or her daughter.
C.A teacher and a student.D.Sisters.
小题2:Which of the following suggestions is not given to the receiver in the letter?
A.How to adapt to the college life quickly.
B.To make new friends.
C.To learn to be independent in thinking.
D.Not to make herself under much pressure in grades.
小题3:According to the writer of the letter, college is a time _______.
A.during which one may make mistakes
B.during which one has little free time
C.during which it is hard for one to change
D.during which one needs to learn to be independent
Now, I want to start with a question: When was the last time you were called childish? For kids like me, being called childish can be a frequent occurrence. Every time we make irrational(不理智的) demands, exhibit irresponsible behavior, or display any other signs of being normal American citizens, we are called childish. ___________A____________. After all, take a look at these events: imperialism(帝国主义)and colonization(殖民主义), world wars, George W. Bush. Ask yourself: Who's responsible? Adults.
   Now, what have kids done? ___________B____________. Well, Anne Frank touched millions with her powerful account of the Holocaust (大屠杀), Ruby Bridges helped end segregation(隔离) in the United States, and, most recently, Charlie Simpson helped to raise 120,000 pounds for Haiti on his little bike. So, as you can see evidenced by such examples, age has absolutely nothing to do with it. We are called childish so often by adults that we should abolish this age-discrimination when it comes to criticizing behavior associated with irresponsibility and irrational thinking.
   Then again, who's to say that certain types of irrational thinking aren't exactly what the world needs? Maybe you've had grand plans before, but stopped yourself, thinking: That's impossible or that costs too much or that won't benefit me. For better or worse, we kids aren't hampered as much when it comes to thinking about reasons why not to do things. ___________C____________. Kids can be full of inspiring aspirations and hopeful thinking, like my wish that no one went hungry or that everything were free kind of utopia(乌托邦). How many of you still dream like that and believe in the possibilities? Sometimes a knowledge of history and the past failures of utopian ideals can be a burden. On the other hand, we kids still dream about perfection. ___________D____________. And that's a good thing because in order to make anything a reality, you have to dream about it first.
Now, our inborn wisdom doesn't have to be insiders' knowledge. Kids already do a lot of learning from adults, and we have a lot to share. I think that adults should start learning from kids. Now, I do most of my speaking in front of an education crowd, teachers and students, and I like this analogy. It shouldn't just be a teacher at the head of the classroom telling students to do this, do that. The students should teach their teachers. Learning between grown ups and kids should be reciprocal. The reality, unfortunately, is a little different, and it has a lot to do with trust, or a lack of it. Now, if you don't trust someone, you place restrictions on them, right. If I doubt my older sister's ability to pay back the 10 percent interest I established on her last loan, I'm going to withhold her ability to get more money from me until she pays it back.
True story, by the way. Now, adults seem to have a prevalently restrictive attitude towards kids from every "don't do that," "don't do this" in the school handbook, to restrictions on school internet use. Kids have no, or very little, say in making the rules, when really the attitude should be reciprocal(相互的), meaning that the adult population should learn and take into account the wishes of the younger population.
Adults, you need to listen and learn from kids. The world needs opportunities for new leaders and new ideas. Kids need opportunities to lead and succeed. Are you ready to make the match?  
小题1:Where should the sentence “This really bothers me.” be put in the passage?
A. In blank A.                          B. In blank B.     
C. In blank C.                      D. In blank D.
小题2:What does the speaker think is the root cause why adults call kids childish?
A.That kids like being called that way.
B.That adults are more irresponsible than kids.
C.That kids often make irrational demands.
D.That adults are driven by age-discrimination against kids.
小题3: Which of the following least explains kids’ advantage over adults based on the speaker?
A.Younger age.B.Irrational thinking.
C.Knowledge of history.D.Excess restrictions.
小题4:What is the best title of this passage?
A.Don’t Be Childish again, Adults!
B.Time to Listen and Learn from Us!
C.Don’t Do That, Don’t Do This!
D.We Are Not Young Any More!
There was once a lonely girl who longed so much for love.One day while she was walking in the woods she found two starving songbirds.She took them home and put them in a small cage,caring them with love.Luckily,the birds grew strong little by little.Every morning they greeted her with a wonderful song.The girl felt great love for the birds.
One day the girl left the door to the cage open accidentally.The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage.The girl was so frightened that he would fly away so as he flew close,she grasped him wildly.Her heart felt glad at her success in capturing him.Suddenly,she felt the bird go limp,so she opened her hand and stared in horror at the dead bird.It was her desperate love that had killed him.
She noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the edge of the cage.She could feel his strong desire-needing to fly into the clear,blue sky.Unwillingly,she lifted him from the cage and tossed him softly into the air.The lucky bird circled once,twice,three times.
The girl watched delightedly at the bird.Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss.What she wanted to see was that the bird could fly happily.Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder.It sang the sweetest tune that she had ever heard.
Remember,the fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight;the best way to keep love is to give it wings!
小题1:After the girl found the two birds,she________.
A.became delighted at once
B.treated them for a long time
C.took them to their home
D.fed them and raised them
小题2:Why did the girl grasp the stronger bird wildly?
A.Because the girl disliked the bird any longer.
B.Because the bird wanted to fly alone.
C.Because the girl loved the bird deeply.
D.Because the bird intended to found some food.
小题3:The underlined word “tossed” in the passage means________.
A.throw someting with slightly force
B.give up something happily
C.hold something fast
D.cast something without patient
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Catch what you can catch on your way to success.
B.Going too far is as bad as not going far enough.
C.The best things come when you least expect them to.
D.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Dealing with ADIS strengthens the bond of friendship, and encourages emotional and spiritual growth. Before October 16, 2011, I was the most      person in the world. I never      that anything bad could happen to me or my friends.
Then one day my best friend David pulled me aside and broke down in     . He said he was infected with ADIS and was __ _. David was only 17. I had never felt so      in my whole life.
As time went on, David became very ill. There was     could do but watch him weaken. This to me meant     was sure to come and all too quickly. I wasn’t ready to let him die. There were so many things that I wanted to do and say,       couldn’t find the words. I went to doctor after doctor with him, and saw him     so much. But I must keep a positive attitude    . So, in times of stress I pushed all my     aside and was strong for him.
Soon David was put in the     . This gave him the feeling that there was no more       left. He looked at me and said, “ Faye, I am dying; let’s     that. All I want you to do is to remember me,     life and be careful.” For the first time in front of him, I cried.
June 5, 2012     the end of David’s life. He went      . That was a comfort all in its own. In a way I was     that it was over, for he was no longer in pain.
It hasn’t been a year yet, but I am no longer that casual teenager. I now     people about ADIS, and David is still with me and always will be, in mind and    
A.go overB.go throughC.go aboutD.go down
A.for his goodB.at his convenienceC.to his creditD.in his place
A.suspectB.tolerate C.acceptD.reject
A.sighedB.signaledC.showed D.marked
A.peaceB.knowledge C.spiritD.imagination
Now you’re a fool for helping. “I don’t want to get       ” seems to have become a national motto. One summer I was driving from my hometown of Tahoe City, California to New Orleans, Louisiana. In the middle of the desert, I passed a young man standing by the roadside. He had his thumb     and held a gas can in his other hand. I drove right by him. There was a time when you’d be called a jerk (混蛋) for passing by somebody _ ___ .
Several days later I was still  _  _ about the hitchhiker (搭便车的人), about how I didn’t even lift my foot  _ _  the accelerator (加速踏板) for him. “Does anyone stop any more?” I wondered. I         Blanche DuBois’s famous line—”I have always depended on the kindness of    .” Was that possible these days? One way to        this would be for a person to journey across the US without any money, just __ _ _ on the good will of others. What would happen? Would he find food, shelter and support?
The idea intrigued (激起兴趣) me.
The week I turned 37, I realized that I had never done something truly crazy. __ _ _ I decided to really do it: travel from the Pacific to the Atlantic without a penny. I would only accept __   _ of rides, food and places to sleep. For six weeks I hitched 82 rides and covered 4,223 miles across 14 states. I was treated kindly everywhere I went. I was __ _ _ by people’s readiness to help a stranger.
In Oregon, a house painter named Mike __ _ _ the cold weather and asked if I had a coat. I didn’t, so he gave me a big green army-style jacket. A lumber-mill worker in Michigan named Tim invited me to a(n) _ _ _ _ dinner with his family in their shabby house. Then he offered me a tent. I     , but Tim insisted, packing it into my bag himself. I found people were generally compassionate. Hearing I had no money and would take none, people bought me food or __ _ _ with them whatever they happened to have. Those who had the _ _ _ _ to give often gave the most.
I’m __ _ _ to all the people I met for their rides, their food, their shelter and their gifts. My faith in ordinary folks was __ _ _. I am proud to live in a country where people are still willing to help. Now about the hitchhiker I met the other day, I am feeling  __ _ that I did not stop to take him along .
A.in dangerB.in needC.in actionD.in favor
A.guideB.testC.handle D.conduct
A.guilty B.scepticalC.delightedD.shallow

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