
【题目】Who doesn’t have a clingy friend? You know, that person who often calls, texts, and e-mails. He often needs your attention, your feedback, or your help. Worse yet, he often gets antsy when you don’t reply immediately.

Is there ever a moment when you just want to turn off your phone and be alone? But you won’t do that to a friend. Actually there are better ways to deal with a clingy friend.

Give Yourself Some Time

If you really need some time for yourself, or you’re just tired of being the listener, just explain to your friend honestly that you want or need some time of your own. Even the most determined friends will understand and give you some space. Of course, those extremely clingy friends will still call, text, and e-mail. If that happens, just reply gently that you need some time for yourself.

Suggest an Activity for Your Friend

If you are tired of different get-togethers and outings, then you should advise your friend to do something alone. If you both like sports, you could tell your friend to have a try at the new gym. If your friend likes your suggestion, but insists that you go along, just explain that you’ve already visited the gym. Mention that you enjoy the gym. If you’re lucky , he’ll try it, and like it.

Introduce Your Clingy Friend to Others.

Your clingy friend may just be lonely or have trouble meeting new people. If that’s the case , introduce him to others with similar interests. He may just make some new friends.


There’s no reason for you to rudely tell your clingy friend that he’s a pain in the neck. Just follow the above advice to take your time back. After a while, your clingy friend should learn to value your time and your friendship.

【1】What does the underlined word “antsy” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. busy B. silent C. nervous D. bored

2What does the author suggest you do in the first advice?

A. Understand your friends.

B. Be honest with your friends.

C. Spend more time with your friends.

D. Keep your distance from your friends.

3Which of the following can best fill in the blank of the last paragraph?

A. Give Your Friend Some Time B. Take Your Time Back

C. Don’t Be Rude D. Value Your Friendship

4We can learn from the passage that clingy people __________.

A. are very confident B. have little free time

C. don’t respect others D. don’t want to be alone








【1】C词义猜测题。由第一的He often needs your attention, your feedback, or your help. Worse yet, he often gets antsy when you don’t reply immediately.可知粘人的朋友需要你的关注,帮助,更糟的是,你不立即回复,他就紧张。故选C

【2】B。细节题。由Give Yourself Some Time建议中的just explain to your friend honestly that you want or need some time of your own可知对朋友要诚实。故选B

【3】C推理判断题。根据最后一段中的There’s no reason for you to rudely tell your clingy friend that he’s a pain in the neck可知不要对朋友粗鲁。故选C



【题目】Scientists have long understood the key role that oceans play in regulating the Earth’s climate. Oceans cover 70 percent of the globe and store a thousand times more heat than the atmosphere does. What’s newer is the understanding of how this key component of our climate system responds to global warming.

A brake on global warming for now

One of oceans’most important climate functions is absorbing heat and carbon dioxide (CO2), one of the gases that cause global warming. Acting as a heat sponge (海绵), oceans have absorbed huge amounts of heat and CO2 in the last forty years.

Fujita explains that "oceans are saving us from faster climate change they are a big flywheel that delays rapid overheating of the Earth, putting a brake on the climate system."

"That’s the good news," he adds. "The bad news is that oceans only slow the atmospheric warming. Once oceans come to balance with a greenhouse gas warmed earth, the extreme heat will remain in the atmosphere and things will get much hotter." But where and how oceans release this accumulated (积累的) heat is uncertain. And as oceans store heat, fragile underwater ecosystems are struggling.

The most recent scientific report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) also notes with concern that oceans are acidifying because of increased absorption of atmospheric CO2, and thus causing a threat for shell-forming species. Sharp increases in carbon dioxide levels will cause further acidification of oceans.

Currents distributing heat

Another important role oceans play is that of distributor. Oceans deliver heat and life-sustaining nutrients around the globe. Just as blood vessels bring oxygen and nutrients to cells in the human body, oceans’ currents carry oxygen, nutrients and heat throughout the Earth. Oceans distribute 25 percent to 50 percent of the energy the planet receives from the sun. For example, the Gulf Stream carries heat across the Atlantic. This warm current gives northwestern Europe a milder climate than it would normally have so far north. A change to oceans’ circulation (循环) patterns could throw Europe into a colder period, even as the rest of world experiences warmer temperatures.

1We can infer from the passage that .

A.oceans cause global warming

B.oceans stop global warming

C.oceans release nutrients and heat

D.ocean ecosystems face more dangers

2From the passage we can learn that oceans’ currents .

A.produce oxygen and nutrients everywhere

B.absorb 25% to 50% of the energy from the sun

C.distribute heat and nutrients around the globe

D.change oceans’ circulation patterns

3Which of the following is NOT the result of oceans absorbing heat and carbon dioxide?

A.It causes further acidification.

B.It affects shell-forming species.

C.It makes the atmosphere hotter.

D.It regulates the Earth’s climate.

4This passage mainly talks about .

A.the roles of oceans B.global warming

C.ocean currents D.carbon dioxide

【题目】Babies who watch TV are more likely to show late learning development and language at 14 months, especially if they are watching programs aimed at adults and older children, according to a new study, which would probably surprise those parents who leave their babies in front of a TV set.

Babies who watched 60 minutes of TV daily had developmental scores a third lower at 14 months than babies who were watching less TV. Although their developmental scores were still in the normal range, the difference may have been due to the fact that when children and parents are watching TV, they are missing the talking, playing and other communications that are important to learning and development.

This new study, which appeared in the Aechives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, followed 259 lower-income families in New York, most of whom spoke Spanish as their primary language at home. Other studies of higher-income families have also come to the same conclusion: TV watching is not only non-educational, but it seems to slow down babies’ development.

But what about “good” TV, like Sesame Street? The researchers didn’t find any difference when compared to non-educational programs designed for small children, like Spongebob SquarePants. Earlier research by some of the same scientists, most of whom are at New York University School of Medicine’s Bellevue Hospital Centre, has found that parents whose children watch non-educational TV programs like Spongebob SquarePants spend less time reading to their children or teaching them.

At this point, parents reading this will probably be astonished. TV is so often a parent’s good friend, keeping children happily occupied(占时间)so that the adults can cook dinner, answer the phone, or take a shower. But, clearly, this electronic babysitter(保姆)is not an educational aid. It is best to make sure the babies are fast asleep if you have to watch TV.

【1】According to the first paragraph, 14-month-old babies who watch TV probably_______.

A. learn things quickly

B. prefer programs for older children

C. surprise their parents with their development

D. speak later than babies who don’t

2Babies who watched 60 minutes of TV daily had lower developmental scores perhaps because _______.

A. they watch non-educational programs

B. they have little communication with their parents

C. they lost interest in real things

D. their parents don’t speak English at home

3We can infer from the passage that______.

A. Educational and non-educational TV have different effects on babies

B. Many parents leave babies to the TV to do their own things

C. Educational TV is very popular among higher-income families

D. Lower-income families tend to teach their babies at home

4Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Developing Better Learning Ability

B. A New Study on Babies’ Bad Habits

C. TV Watching Is Bad for Babies’ Brains

D. Make Sure Your Babies Watch “Good” TV Programs

【题目】If you really want to go green, here’s good news: eating green is good for you. The very foods with a high carbon cost---meat, pork, dairy products, processed snacks---also tend to be filled with fat and calories. A green diet would be mostly vegetables and fruits, whole grains, fish and lean meats like chicken---a diet that’s eco- and waistline-friendly. Eating green can be healthier and beneficial to the climate.
It may be hard to believe that a meal at McDonald’s produces more carbon than your trip to a far away place. More than 37% of the world’s land is used for agriculture, much of which was once forested. Deforestation (砍伐森林) is a major source of carbon. The fertilizer (化肥) and machinery needed on a modern farm also have a large carbon footprint, as does the network of ships and trucks that brings the food from the farm to your plate.
The most efficient way to reduce the carbon footprint of your menu is to eat less meat, especially beef. Raising cattle takes a lot more energy than growing the equivalent (相等的) amount of grains, fruits or vegetables. What’s more, the majority of cattle in the U.S. are fed on grain and loads of it---670 million tons in 2002---and the fertilizer used to feed that creates separate environmental problems.
Focus on eating lower on the food chain, with more plants and fruits and less meat and dairy. It’s simple. We can change today what goes into our bodies for the health of our planet and ourselves.

【1】According to the passage, eating green will_____.
A. protect the animals from being killed
B. promote the development of agriculture
C. help us lose weight and keep self-confidence
D. be good for our health and make a change for the climate
2What will not lead to carbon in the agriculture?
A. Deforestation B. Fertilizer

C. Machinery D. Grains
3In the author’s opinion, the most efficient way to reduce carbon is to_____.
A. eat more vegetables than meat

B. stop raising the cattle
C. plant more grains

D. use less fertilizer
4What is the passage mainly about?
A. The benefits of eating green.

B. How to reduce the carbon.
C. The change of our menu.

D. The ways of keeping healthy.

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