【题目】Who doesn’t have a clingy friend? You know, that person who often calls, texts, and e-mails. He often needs your attention, your feedback, or your help. Worse yet, he often gets antsy when you don’t reply immediately.

Is there ever a moment when you just want to turn off your phone and be alone? But you won’t do that to a friend. Actually there are better ways to deal with a clingy friend.

Give Yourself Some Time

If you really need some time for yourself, or you’re just tired of being the listener, just explain to your friend honestly that you want or need some time of your own. Even the most determined friends will understand and give you some space. Of course, those extremely clingy friends will still call, text, and e-mail. If that happens, just reply gently that you need some time for yourself.

Suggest an Activity for Your Friend

If you are tired of different get-togethers and outings, then you should advise your friend to do something alone. If you both like sports, you could tell your friend to have a try at the new gym. If your friend likes your suggestion, but insists that you go along, just explain that you’ve already visited the gym. Mention that you enjoy the gym. If you’re lucky , he’ll try it, and like it.

Introduce Your Clingy Friend to Others.

Your clingy friend may just be lonely or have trouble meeting new people. If that’s the case , introduce him to others with similar interests. He may just make some new friends.


There’s no reason for you to rudely tell your clingy friend that he’s a pain in the neck. Just follow the above advice to take your time back. After a while, your clingy friend should learn to value your time and your friendship.

【1】What does the underlined word “antsy” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. busy B. silent C. nervous D. bored

2What does the author suggest you do in the first advice?

A. Understand your friends.

B. Be honest with your friends.

C. Spend more time with your friends.

D. Keep your distance from your friends.

3Which of the following can best fill in the blank of the last paragraph?

A. Give Your Friend Some Time B. Take Your Time Back

C. Don’t Be Rude D. Value Your Friendship

4We can learn from the passage that clingy people __________.

A. are very confident B. have little free time

C. don’t respect others D. don’t want to be alone

【题目】Stop wasting your time thinking of reasons for your failures. Instead, realize that the seeds of success were planted within you when you were born. Only you have the power to make those seeds grow.

The seeds, and the power to grow them, are contained in the most awesome machine ever created: the human mind. Success is a choice and not a chance. You were born a winner. You were born rich. You can be a success if only you make the right choice.

You cannot be successful without first developing your self-confidence. Your level of self-confidence is always based on the degree of control that you are able to exercise over yourself, and thus over your life. People with low self-confidence are people who do not believe that they have any power, or responsibility for their lives. They are always victims. They are leaves tossed (摇摆) by the winds of chance blown about with any sudden change in the weather.

You can exercise control over your life only to the degree that you believe you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Failures think that everything happens by accident and chance. Successful people realize that they are responsible.

Everything happens as a result of something. If we can identify(确定) the cause, we can control the effect. We are responsible for what we choose to think and believe. One generally rises to the level that one expects. We are responsible for setting our expectations. Our success is dependent upon our level of confidence.

In all areas of your life, whether they are financial, physical, or spiritual, you are responsible. Once you recognize this, accept it, and firmly believe it. You are on the road to success.

【1】People with low self-confidence are compared to leaves because they .

A. don’t have the power to face their lives

B. are ready to change their minds

C. can’t exercise control over themselves

D. are easily affected by windy weather

2Losers would think that .

A. they fail only because of bad luck

B. they don’t make efforts to succeed

C. success is the result of hard work

D. working hard will lead to success

3It can be inferred from the fifth paragraph that .

A. what we believe in is the result of creative mind

B. whether we will succeed depends on our attitudes

C. setting our expectations is vital before taking action

D. knowing cause and effect is the key to future success

4The last paragraph serves as .

A. an introduction to another topic

B. a comparison between two views

C. the proof of the author’s points

D. the conclusion of the argument

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