
Researchers in London and Bristol have found that men are particularly likely to yield to depression if their partners are also depressed.
The finding highlights the importance of paying attention to the partners of depressed mothers, as young children themselves are vulnerable (容易受伤的) to social problems if both parents are depressed.
Researchers in London and at the University of Bristol launched their study to investigate whether family structure affects the likelihood of depression in men around the time their child is born. They looked at men from traditional families, men with children from a previous relationship, men whose partners had children by a former partner, and men who were not living with their partners.
All 7,108 participants filled out a questionnaire on depression, and answered questions about their age, education level and employment status. Details about the quality of their relationships with their partners, networks of friends and previous life events were also recorded.
About 3.5 percent of the men and 13 percent of their partners suffered depression around the time their child was born. While men in stepfamilies or who were not living with their partners were twice as likely to get depressed as those in traditional families, this could be explained by other factors that are more common in nontraditional families, such as poor education and relationship conflicts.
Even allowing for all these factors, however, the partners of women who were suffering from prenatal (围产期的) depression were significantly more likely to become depressed themselves, the researchers report in an American journal. Ten percent of women who were depressed had depressed partners. For the healthy women, the figure was only 2.6 percent.
Previous research suggests that families with two depressed parents may need special attention. A researcher in Atlanta has found that primary school children with two troubled parents have difficulty relating to their peers. “It’s extremely important to look at the whole family.” she says.
小题1:What can we conclude from the first two paragraphs of this passage?
A.Men often beat their children.
B.Depressed women often have depressed partners.
C.All young children are vulnerable to social problems.
D.Women with children often have depressed partners.
小题2:Why did researchers in London and Bristol carry out such an investigation?
A.To see what kind of family environment is ideal for children to grow up in.
B.To study whether family structure affects depression in men when their child is born.
C.To investigate why so many men get depressed when a child is born.
D.To see whether it is true that behind every depressed man there is a depressed woman.
小题3:What kind of men is least likely to get depressed when their child was born?
A.Men in stepfamilies.
B.Men who were not living with their partners.
C.Men in traditional families.
D.Men in nontraditional families.
小题4:According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Ten percent of women who were depressed had depressed partners.
B.2.6 percent of healthy women were depressed.
C.Special attention should be paid to families in which both the father and the mother were depressed.
D.Primary school children whose parents were both depressed couldn’t get along well withtheir peers.


小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:Researchers in London and Bristol have found that men are particularly likely to yield to depression if their partners are also depressed.可知压抑的女性往往有压抑的伴侣。选B
小题2:细节题:从第三段的句子:Researchers in London and at the University of Bristol launched their study to investigate whether family structure affects the likelihood of depression in men around the time their child is born.可知这个调查是想弄清是否孩子出生的时候,家里的压抑的情绪会影响男性,选B
小题3:细节题:从第五段的句子:While men in stepfamilies or who were not living with their partners were twice as likely to get depressed as those in traditional families, 可知当孩子出生的时候在传统的家庭中男子不太会抑郁,选C
小题4:推理题:从倒数第二段的句子:Ten percent of women who were depressed had depressed partners. For the healthy women, the figure was only 2.6 percent.可知抑郁的女性有10%都有抑郁的伴侣,而健康的女性有2.6%有抑郁的伴侣。所以B的表达是错的。
    Feel tired lately?Has a doctor said he can’t find anything wrong with you?Perhaps he sends you to a hospital,but all the advanced equipment there shows there is nothing wrong with you.
Then,consider this:you might be in a state of sub-health(亚健康).
Sub-health,also called the third state or gray state,is explained as borderline state between health and disease.
According to the investigation by the National Organization,over 45 percent of sub-health people are middle-aged or elderly.The percentage is even higher among people who work in management positions as well as students around exam-week.
Symptoms(征兆)include a lack of energy,depression,slow reactions,insomnia(失眠),agitation, and poor memory.Other symptoms include shortness of breath,sweating and aching in the waist and legs.
The key to preventing and recovering from sub-health,according to some medical experts,is to form good living habits, alternate work and rest, exercise regularly,and take part in open air activities.
As for meals,people are advised to eat less salt and sugar.They should also eat more fresh vegetables,fruits,fish because they are rich in nutritional elements—vitamins and trace elements(微量元素)—that are important to the body.
Nutrition experts point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it may cause unhealthy changes in the digestive tract(消化道).They also say that a balanced diet is very helpful in avoiding sub-health.
小题1:When you are in a state of sub-health,you should ________.
A.stay home and keep silent
B.go to a doctor and buy some medicine
C.not consider it very serious
D.find out the reasons and relax yourself
小题2:Middle-aged people may be easy to get sub-health because ________.
A.they have used up their energy
B.they have lost their living hopes
C.they have more pressure in life and work
D.they have changed their way of life
小题3:The key to preventing you from falling into a state of sub-health is to ________.
A.keep on working regularlyB.go to sleep a bit earlier
C.form good living habitsD.take medicine if necessary
小题4:The underlined word “alternate” in this passage is closest in meaning to ________.
A.arrange by turnsB.cause to take place
C.make up forD.keep away from
How often do you sit still and do absolutely nothing? The usual answer these days is“never” or “hardly ever”. As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.
Stress is a natural part of everyday life. There is no way to avoid it, since it takes many and varied forms-driving in traffic, problems with personal relationships are all different forms of stress. Stress, in fact, is not the “baddy” it is often reputed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.
The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the first sight of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make a choice between “fight” or “fright” and in more primitive days the choice made the difference between life and death. The crisis we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress, it involves the same response. All the energy is shifted to cope with the stress. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes endangered. Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have established links with stress.
Stress in some people produces stomach disorders, while others experience tension headaches. Since we cannot remove stress from our 1ives, We need to find ways to cope with it.
小题1:People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because      .
A.they are working harder than they used to
B.they are often too busy to find the time
C.they are not clear of how to relax by themselves
D.they are suffering from the effects of stress
小题2:What is implied but not stated in the passage?
A.The art of relaxation can greatly help people bear stress.
B.People in primitive days know certain ways to deal with stress.
C.If one gets into the habit of relaxing every day he can overcome stress easily.
D.Stress can lead to serious health problem if one is exposed to it for too long.
小题3:The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 suggests that      .
A.stress is not always a bad thing for people
B.stress has a bad reputation of causing ill health
C.stress is not so terrible as people often believe it to be
D.stress is always harmful to people all the time
小题4:According to this passage, which of the following statements is true?
A.Relaxation in life only benefits us mentally.
B.Different people can stand different amounts of stress.
C.All the stress can lead to poor performance.
D.Large amounts of stress is important to people's lire.
小题5:What is the writer's attitude to stress according to the passage?
A.Stress as well as relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.
B.Stress should not be rid completely from the life.
C.Stress produces both positive and negative effects on people.
D.People usually work better under stress if they are healthy.
ASK any group of teenagers in the UK what they most like to eat, and foods like pizzas, curries, pasta, burgers and chips are bound to get a mention – and many young people would probably also list hanging out at the local fast-food restaurant as one of their favorite pastimes.
But what teenagers like to eat is not necessarily what they should be eating. According to the National Diet and Nutrition Survey, far too many young people in the UK between the ages of four and 18 consume too much fat, sugar and salt in their diet and take in too many calories. Meanwhile their intake of starchy carbohydrates (淀粉类碳水化合物), fibre, iron, vitamins and calcium is too low.
For a growing body, eating foods containing plenty of calcium, such as milk, yoghurt and cheese, is particularly important as calcium is essential for the development of healthy, strong bones. Similarly, foods that are rich in iron are good for young, rapidly developing bodies, so red meat, bread, green vegetables, dried fruit and fortified (强化的) breakfast cereals (谷类食物) are also recommended.
It is during our teenage years that lifestyle habits can become entrenched (根深蒂固的), so it is important that young people are educated about what foods are good for them. In 2005, in an attempt to change eating habits and open teenagers’ minds to new flavors and new tastes, celebrity chef Jamie Oliver launched a ‘Feed Me Better’ campaign. As part of a television series, ‘Jamie’s School Dinners’, he worked with teachers and cooks in a number of schools across the UK to provide more healthy, nutritious school meal options. Although the campaign was rather resisted at the beginning, it was generally regarded as a huge success and helped to influence governmental policy on nutritional standards for school meals.
No one expects to end the teenage love affair with fast and junk food but, hopefully, if projects like ‘Feed Me Better’ and the Government's own ‘Change4Life’ campaign continue to give out the right messages, more young people will understand the importance of balancing occasional treats with healthier food options.
小题1:What can we conclude from the first two paragraphs?
A.British teenagers eat too much junk food.
B.British teenagers need to take in more calcium.
C.What British teenagers like to eat is probably what their bodies need
D.British teenagers should reduce their intake of starchy carbohydrates.
小题2:Young people need calcium and iron ______.
A.to improve their brainpower
B.to build healthy strong bodies
C.to provide energy for their body
D.to help change their eating habits
小题3:According to the article, Jamie Oliver launched a campaign at schools to ______.
A.show off his excellent cooking skills
B.teach students how to cook nutritious meals
C.make the public keep an eye on school food
D.improve the children’s diet at school
小题4:Which is a point that the article supports?
A.Teenagers should never eat any junk food at all.
B.It’s easy for children to give up unhealthy eating.
C.It’s okay for a healthy eater to have a little junk food.
D.Once developed, our eating habit will never change.
British researchers have found that children’s IQ predicts their probability of becoming vegetarians (素食者) as young adults.
Recent studies suggest that vegetarianism may be associated with lower cholesterol (胆固醇), reduced risk of overweight and heart disease.
“We know from other studies that brighter children tend to behave in a healthier fashion as adults—they’re less likely to smoke, less likely to be overweight,less likely to have high blood pressure and more likely to take exercise.” lead author Catharine Gale said, “This study provides further evidence that people  with a high IQ tend to have a healthier lifestyle.”
In the study, Gale’s team collected data on nearly 8,200 men and women aged 30, whose IQ had been tested when they were 10 years of age.
“Children who scored higher on IQ tests at age 10 were more likely than those who got lower scores to report that they were vegetarian at the age of 30.”Gale said. 
The researchers found that 4.5 percent of participants were vegetarians. Of these, 2.5 percent were vegan, and 33.6 percent said they were vegetarian but also ate fish or chicken.
There was no difference in IQ score between strict vegetarians and those who said they were vegetarian but also ate fish or chicken,the researchers added.
One expert said the findings weren’t the whole answer,however.
“We don’t know the beliefs or attitudes of the parents of the children,nor do we know if there was a particular event that led these children to becoming vegetarian in their teens or adulthood.” said Lona Sandon, and assistant professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.
小题1:From the article,we know that ________.
A.brighter children are likely to become vegetarians when they are ten.
B.people with a higher IQ will not be overweight
C.brighter children are likely to have a healthier lifestyle
D.overweight may cause high blood pressure
小题2:What does the underlined word “vegan” in the sixth paragraph mean?
A.Someone who only eats vegetables.
B.Someone who chooses not to eat meat or fish.
C.Someone who likes eating meat and fish.
D.Someone who likes eating vegetables.
小题3:This study left some unanswered questions EXCEPT “________”.
A.Did the vegetarian children grow up in a family with a vegetarian parent?
B.Did the children eat a primarily vegetarian diet at the age of 10?
C.Were meatless meals regularly served in the participants’ families?
D.Did the vegetarian children really have a high IQ?
小题4:The main idea of the passage is that ________.
A.the low IQ children will be unhealthier when they grow up
B.being vegetarians can reduce the risk of overweight and heart disease
C.IQ is important to vegetarians
D.high IQ children are more likely to become vegetarian when they grow up
Have you ever been bitten? Of course you have. You are surrounded by living things which might, or do, bite. Even when you rest your head on your pillow, bedbugs are probably nibbling away(蚕食) at you. They live happily inside most pillows.
Take a walk outside and you are a target for “man’s best friend. ” Hundreds of dog-bite victims visit US emergency rooms daily. Many bites are terrible. To avoid the dogs in your neighborhood, you might want to hike into the desert or the woods. There, you run the risk of bites from rattlesnakes, scorpions, and blood-sucking ticks. Not to mention bears, wolves, coyotes, and mountain lions.
Speaking of housing, watch out when you touch the corner of your house or garage. Shy but deadly, the black widow spider and the brown recluse spider make themselves comfortable in quiet areas of your closets or garage. One bite from either of them can make you very sick; occasionally, people die from such bites. Unfortunately, many people fear all spiders, not just the few dangerous ones. They squash them or run from them at first sight, not realizing that most spiders are actually beneficial to man.
If you’re concerned about bites, don’t forget about rabid(患有狂犬病的) animal bites. Any warm-blooded animal can get infected with rabies. Although humans in the US rarely get attacked by rabid animals, the disease is painful and dangerous. You will most likely die if you are not treated properly within 48 hours of being bitten.
小题1: How does the author introduce the topic of this passage?
A.By asking questions.B.By giving examples.
C.By offering suggestions.D.By doing experiments.
小题2:According to the 2nd passage, “man’s best friend” is _____________.
小题3:When you at home, you will probably be bitten by __________.
①rattle snakes   ②bedbugs  ③bears  ④spiders  ⑤rabid animals
小题4:What can we infer from the 3rd paragraph?
A.All spiders are dangerous and one bite from each of them can be very serious. .
B.The black widow spider is actually beneficial to humans.
C.Spiders always make themselves comfortable in quiet place in your house.
D.One should squash a spider at first sight to keep safety.
小题5:In the author’s opinion, __________.
A.No matter what kind of animal bites you, there is no danger at all.
B.One should treat rabid animal bites properly within 2 days.
C.Humans in the US can be bitten by rabid animals frequently.
D.Hundreds of rabid animal-bite people visit emergency room daily in the US.
When I was small and my grandmother died, I couldn’t understand why I had no tears. But that night when my dad tried to cheer (使…快活) me up, my laugh turned into crying.
So it came as no surprise to learn that researchers believe crying and laughing come from the same part of the brain. Just as laughing has many health advantages, scientists are discovering that so does crying.
Whatever it takes for us to reduce pressure is important to our emotional (情感的) health, and crying seems to work well. One study found that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men report feeling better after crying.
Besides, tears attract help from other people. Researchers agree that when we cry, people around us become kinder and more friendly and they are more ready to offer support and comfort. Tears also enable us to understand our emotions better; sometimes we don't even know we're very sad until we cry. We learn about our emotions through crying, and then we can deal with them.
Just as crying can be healthy, not crying — holding back tears of anger, pain or suffering — can be bad for physical health. Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems and some other illnesses. If you have a health problem, doctors will certainly not ask you to cry. But when you feel like crying, don't fight it. It's a natural — and healthy — emotional response.
小题1:Why didn't the author cry when her grandmother died?
A.Because her father did not want her to feel too sad.
B.Because she did not love her grandmother.
C.Because she was too shy to cry at that time.
D.The author doesn’t give the explanation.
小题2: It can be inferred (推断) from the text that ______.
A.there are two ways to keep healthy
B.laughing does more good to health than crying
C.crying and laughing play the same roles
D.emotional health has a close relationship to physical health
小题3: According to the author, which of the following statements is true?
A.Crying is the best way to get help from others.
B.Holding back tears may cause some health problems.
C.We will know our deep feelings if we cry.
D.We must cry if we want to reduce pressure.
小题4:What might be the best title for the text?
A.Power of TearsB.How to Keep Healthy
C.Why We CryD.A New Scientific Discovery
小题5: What might the underlined word “fight” in the last paragraph mean?
A.come backB.pay backC.hold backD.give back
The secret of staying slim could be as simple as keeping your mind on your meals. Research suggests that   1 ourselves from distractions and concentrating completely on the food that is in front of us, helps us stay in   2 . Such ‘mindful eating’ ensures that the   3 is in tune with (协调) the body, enabling it to ‘hear’ the chemical   4 that tell it that we are full。
Digestion   5  a complex series of signals between the gut (肠道)and the nervous system and it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to tell that the body has eaten enough. This means that if someone eats too   6 , the signals will come slowly, leading to   7 .
Scientists say that distractions make it  8 for us to remember what we have eaten. This absent-mindedness stops us from feeling   9  – and sends us reaching for some snacks later on. It is thought that our memory of what we have eaten plays a key role in   10  appetite. This means that distractions stop us from remembering the detail of what we have eaten – leaving us feeling   11 .
Advocates of mindful eating   12 chewing food slowly and taking note of its color, smell and flavor. Before   13  dieters should ask themselves if they are really hungry---and if not, distract themselves by going for a walk or reading. Done  14 , mindful eating may not only leave you   15 , but also make you enjoy mealtimes.
People believe that climbing can do good to health. Where can you learn the skill of climbing then? If you think that you have to go to the mountains to learn how to climb,you’re wrong. Many Americans are learning to climb in city gyms(体育馆). Here,people are learning on special climbing walls. The climbing wall goes straight up and has small holding places for hands and feet.
  How do people climb the wall? To climb,you need special shoes and a harness(保护带)around your chest to hold you. There are ropes(绳索)tied to your harness. The ropes hold you in place so that you don’t fall. A beginner’s wall is usually about 15 feet high,and you climb straight up. There are small pieces of metal that stick out for you to stand on and hold on to. Sometimes it’s easy to see the new piece of metal. Sometimes, it’s not. The most difficult part is to control your fear. It’s normal for humans to be afraid of falling, so it’s difficult not to feel fear. But when you move away from the wall,the harness and the ropes hold you,and you begin to feel safe. You move slowly until you reach the top.
  Climbing attracts people because it’s good exercise for almost everyone. You use your whole body,especially your arms and legs. This sport gives your body a complete workout. When you climb,both your mind and your body can become stronger.
小题1: What can we infer from the passage?
A.People are fairly interested in climbing nowadays.
B.It is impossible to build up one’s body by climbing.
C.People can only learn the skill of climbing outdoors.
D.It is always easy to see holding places in climbing.
小题2: The most difficult thing to do in wall climbing is .
A.to tie ropes to your harness B.to control your fear
C.to move away from the wall D.to climb straight up
小题3: The word “workout” underlined in the last paragraph most probably means .
A.settlement B.exercise C.excitement D.tiredness
小题4: Why does the author write this passage?
A.To tell people where to find gyms.
B.To prove the basic need for climbing.
C.To encourage people to climb mountains.
D.To introduce the sport of wall climbing.

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