
Elizabeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents. The next day she drove her old car home along the road. ___36___ she found she got a flat. The 22-year-old student ___37___to stop her car by the side of the road in the winter night and opened the trunk. no ___38___ tire.

At this time, a car ___39___. Paul and Diane told Clay to ___40___ them to a service station near their ___41___. They arrived to see that it had no suitable tires to ___42___ with her car. “Follow us home,” said Paul.

The couple called around to find a tire. No___43___. They decided to let her use their own car. “Here,” Paul said, handing Clay a ___44___ of keys, “Take our car. We ___45___ be using it over the holiday. ”

Clay was ___46. “But I’m going all the way to South Carolina, and I’ll be gone for two weeks,” she ___47___ them.

“We know,” Paul said. “We’ll be ___48___ when you get back. Here’s our number if you need to ___49___ us. ”

Unable to believe her eyes, Clay watched as the ___50___ put her luggage into their car and then ___51___ her off. Two weeks later she ___52___ to find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires and the radio ___53___.

“Thank you so much,” she said. “How much do I ___54___ you?” “Oh, no,” Paul said, we don’t want any money. It’s our ___55___. ” Clay realized that while it might have been their pleasure, it was now her duty to pass on their “do unto others” spirit.

36. A. Suddenly     B. Finally       C. Immediately      D. Fortunately

37. A. afforded      B. wanted       C. allowed      D. managed

38. A. spare    B. free    C. full     D. empty

39. A. passed  B. stopped      C. paused       D. started

40. A. help     B. push   C. take    D. follow

41. A. garage  B. house  C. shop   D. hotel

42. A. agree    B. match C. go      D. deal

43. A. way      B. message     C. success       D. luck

44. A. set B. number      C. pair    D. chain

45. A. can’t    B. shouldn’t    C. mustn’t      D. won’t

46. A. satisfied       B. worried      C. astonished  D. disturbed

47. A. persuaded    B. advised      C. reminded    D. promised

48. A. happy   B. here    C. away   D. busy

49. A. get in touch with B. keep in touch with

C. be in touch with        D. put in touch with

50. A. repairmen    B. cleaners      C. friends       D. couple

51. A. sent      B. shook  C. watched     D. drove

52. A. shocked       B. happened    C. returned     D. came

53. A. loaded  B. fixed   C. tied     D. rebuilt

54. A. owe      B. lend    C. give    D. offer

55. A. wish     B. job     C. duty    D. pleasure

36---55         ADABD   BCDAD   CCBAD   ACBAD       


36. A。get a flat 指车胎撒气了,在行驶过程中应当是突发性事件,故选suddenly。

37. D。manage含有经过努力而完成某件事的意义,侧重结果,在车胎爆了之后将车停到路边并非一件易事。

38. A。spare意为“备用的”,tire指的是轮胎,故选A。

39. B。stop指停车,根据下文可知Paul和Diane是停下车来帮助Clay。

40. D。根据文意Paul和Diane是要Clay跟着他们去,follow意为“跟随”。

41. B。找轮胎要去一个熟悉的地方,而人们通常对自己家周围的情况最清楚。

42. C。agree with意为“同意”,match为及物动词,go with意为“与……相配”,deal with意为“处理、对付”,此处指没有与Clay汽车相配的轮胎。

43. D。no luck意为“运气不好”,从下文看他们始终没有找到合适的轮胎,可知是指运气不好。

44. A。a number of 和a chain of 都给人以有“许多”钥匙的感觉,不合理,故排除;a pair of意为“一双、一对”,通常指相同的两件东西,也排除;a set of keys意为“一套钥匙”。

45. D。won’t用于将来时态,原文仅是表达将来动作。

46. C。Clay与这对夫妇并不认识,对于他们借她用车肯定是感到吃惊,astonished意为“惊讶”。

47. C。根据上文,可知Clay在这里并不是去说服、建议对方或向对方承诺什么,从而排除A、B、D项。

48. B。Paul是在向Clay说明在她回来时他们会在现在说话的地方。

49. A。B、C项指保持或处于联络的状态中,故排除,且无D项这种搭配,get in touch with意为“与……取得联系”。

50. D。通读全文可知主要人物为Clay与Paul夫妇,故此处选D。

51. A。sent sb off意为“给某人送行”,Paul夫妇帮Clay把行李放进他们的车里,然后给她送行。

52. C。从上文看,Clay是要开走他们的车两周,由tow weeks later可知她是返回来了,come应后接back,表示“回来”。

53. B。fix意为“修理”,这里指修理收音机,其他三项均不符合文意。

54. A。Paul夫妇不仅帮Clay换了三个新轮胎,还修了收音机,按理Clay是要付钱的,owe意为“欠债”。

55. D。从上句话看,Paul夫妇所做的并是为了钱,而是他们认为帮助他人是一件快乐的事。


Standing in the driveway, I watched my grown children drive off into the distance. I looked down the road until I could no longer see their 36 _____ .

“They live too far away from me,” I said to myself. “When did they 37 _____ and become parents of small children? 38 _____ that be me?”

I slipped back inside the house and just walked through the rooms for no reason 39  _____.1 was just missing them already and looking for 40 _____ of their having been here. There were pillows on the floor and a few stuffed (填充)animals 41 _____ around where the children had been playing.

I walked into the 42 _____ and there on the back of the sink was a bottle brush that had been left behind. “Ah,even Tessa left something behind,” I 43  _____ Well, I suppose she had help 44 _____ she was just four months old.

As I walked around the house, I picked up a few more 45 _____ on the floor — Tegan’S tooth, a pie pan, and the inside of a turkey fryer.

ttHmmm, things left behind ...’’I thought to myself. It seems there is one thing left behind on every 46 _____ . Memories are always left behind, I reasoned, and what a(n) 47 _____ thing good memories are to us. I thought how each item left behind 48 _____ me of the person it belonged to and the story 49 _____ it.

Memories happen even if we aren’t 50 _____ of it. The stressful and difficult moments often become memories that we 51 _____ later with laughter and joy. The memories of past hurts, bitterness, and anger, 52 . should be left behind 53  _____These are the things that we should never 54 _____ until the next time they come, mail back, or bring with us to 55_____next visit.

As Elizabeth Stone said, “To have a child is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.

1.A. smiles         B. vehicles         C. pains     D. bicycles

2.A. drop out    B. break away   C. set off   D. grow up

3.A. Wouldn’t    B. Shouldn’t       C. Can’t     D. Needn’t

4.A. in particular        B. with anger     C. with joy          D. in return

5.A. signals        B. atmosphere  C. signs      D. information

6.A. lying  B. jumping         C. moving D. looking

7.A. house         B. distance         C. kitchen D. driveway

8.A. announced         B. explained      C. complained   D. replied

9.A. when B. unless   C. until      D. since

10.A. toys B. items     C. memories      D. treasures

11.A. table         B. course  C. occasion        D. comer

12.A. funny       B. private  C. ordinary        D. precious

13.A. reminded         B. informed       C. warned D. convinced

14.A. promoting        B. surrounding  C. acknowledging      D. exposing

15.A. proud       B.ashamed         C. aware   D. afraid

16.A. attach importance to        B. throw doubt on     C. look forward to     D. look back upon

17.A. besides    B.therefore       C. otherwise      D. though

18.A. partly       B. sometimes    C. forever D. unwillingly

19.A. present    B. keep     C. overlook        D. experience

20.A. our  B. their      C. its D. your




Taylor Swift,23,US

     Unlucky in love as she may be,Swift was lucky at the Billboard Viusic Awards on Sunday night. The singer received the night's top honor,Artist of the Year, as well as Top billboard 20 Artist Top Female Artist,Top country Artist and Top Digital songs Artist. Her album Red topped the billboard 200 and country album categories,and her single We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together was named Top

Country Song.


  Adele has been appointed a member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire this week during Queen Elizabeth II's annual Birthday Honors,the BBC reports.The singer was recognized for her service to music.The award is another highlight in a fruitful year for Adele,who,in addition to a Grammy and a Golden Globe,won a Best Original Song for Skyfall in Oscar 2013.

Robert Downey Jr,48,US

The actor, best known for playing the superhero Iron Man, left an 18-month-old fan in floods of tears because he wasn't wearing his character's red and gold suit in public. The heartbreaking meeting happened last Thursday while the actor was out for a walk in the Massachusetts towns of Sunderland and Shelburne Falls. A photo of the crying kid and Downey looking both concerned and awkward quickly made its way into the international news.

Jennifer Aniston,44,US



In the 10 months since her August 2012 engagement(订婚)to Justin Theroux,all eyes have been on Aniston,with fans wondering just when she will become Mrs Theroux. But multiple sources in contact with Aniston and her inner circle say that plans for the much expected wedding appear to be left for the present time. The couple decided to delay the big day because they're both busy with work.

1.On which page of a newspaper can you find the above material?

A. On the front page.      B. On the entertainment page.

C. On the sports page.     D. On the education page.

2.2013 has been a fruitful year for Adele for she has won all the following awards EXCEPT_______

A. the Golden Globe

B. the Grammy

C. Artist of the Year in Billboard

D. Best Original Song in Oscar

3.The anecdote about Robert Downey Jr happened_______.

A. on a casual occasion B. at a fan meeting

C. at a movie promotion D. at a press conference

4.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together was written for Taylor Swift's country.

B. Adele sang on the BBC to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's birthday.

C. Robert Downey did not know what to do when the kid started crying.

D. Jennifer Aniston is working on her wedding despite her busy schedule.


Spending as little as $5 a day on someone else could significantly boost happiness, the team at the University of British Columbia and Harvard Business School found on Thursday.

    Their experiments on more than 630 Americans showed they were measurably happier when they spent money on others—even if they thought spending the money on themselves would make them happier.

   “We wanted to test our theory that how people spend their money is at least as important as how much money they earn,” said Elizabeth Dunn, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia. They asked their 600 volunteers first to rate their general happiness, report their annual (yearly) income and detail their monthly spending including bills, gifts for themselves, girls for others and donations to charity.

   “Regardless of how much income each person made, those who spent money on others reported greater happiness, while those who spent more on themselves did not,” Dunn said in a statement.

   Dunn’s team also surveyed 16 employees at a company in Boston before and after they received an annual profit-sharing bonus of between $3,000 and $8,000. “Employees who devoted more of their bonus to pro-social spending experienced greater happiness after receiving the bonus and the manner in which they spent that bonus was a more important predictor of their happiness than the size of the bonus itself” they wrote in their report, published in the journal Science.

  They gave their volunteers $5 or $20 and half got clear instructions on how to spend it. Those who spent the money on someone or something else reported feeling happier about it.

   “These findings suggest that very minor alterations (changes) in spending allocations (shares)—as little as $5—may be enough to produce real gains in happiness on a given day,”Dunn said.

1. What is the general idea of the passage?

A. The more you earn, the greater happiness you will get.

B. Spending more money on yourself will make you happier.

C. Money can buy happiness, but only if you spend it on someone else.

D. You can spend only 5$ a day to get happiness.

2.The underlined word “boost” in the first paragraph probably means_______.

A. help to find     B. help to bring    C. help to increase     D. help to get

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Those who spend more money on others can get much more bonus.

B. People usually think spending money on themselves will make them happier.

C. Very small changes in spending your money may be enough to gain happiness.

D. Researchers think that how people spend their money is at least as important as how much money they earn.

4.It can be inferred from the 6th paragraph that ______.

A. the volunteers not given 5$ or 20$ spent their own money on themselves.

B. those who spent the money on someone or something else felt happier about it.

C. the volunteers were given 5$ or 20$ as a reward for the experiment.

D. half of the volunteers could spend the money as they liked.


When I first saw the book Alice in Lace, I thought I was going to like it. And as it turned out, I love it! I love books about life and being a kid. And Alice in Lace is just that kind. It’s a humorous book about being thirteen and the problems kids might face. Alice and her friends get a strange assignment from their totally cool teacher, Mr. Everett. It was like playing the game of “Life,” but you had to act it out.

So Pamela is pregnant, Elizabeth buys a car and Alice gets married. Well, of course, Pamela wasn’t really pregnant, but she walked around with a pillow under her shirt to get people’s reactions. Elizabeth didn’t really buy a car, but she went to the car lot and made the sales guy think she was. The whole class got assignments like these! I would love to do something like that for school.

In the book Alice has a lot to think about. “Getting married is hard!” Alice says. She has to plan the ceremony, the honeymoon, find a place to live, pay for furniture and two months’ rent and food. Maybe she and her “husband” could work it out — if they were getting on fine!

Although this book was funny, it really made me think about how problems like these could really mess up your life. Take teenage pregnancy for example. How could you have a baby and stay in school? You couldn’t find a babysitter every day to stay with your kid. A child really consumes your life. I understand what the teacher was trying to do. He was trying to discourage the class from getting into these problems by giving them a glimpse of life. As someone about to become a teenager myself, I can say sometimes a story makes you think about what’s up ahead.

Overall, I would say this book is wonderful. My favorite part of the book is discovering that if I like it, there are seven other Alice books I can check out at my local library. I love this book, and I hope you will too.

1.We can infer from the passage that Pamela, Elizabeth and Alice _______.

A.turn out to be the author’s classmates

B.are characters in Alice in Lace

C.get along quite well

D.become dismissed from school

2.By saying “getting married is hard” in the paragraph 3, Alice means ______.

A.life isn’t easy as expected

B.it is hard to deal with her husband

C.she regrets getting married

D.it’s fun to get married

3.Why did Mr. Everett give his students such assignments?

A.To encourage them to enjoy a meaningful life.

B.To prevent them getting into those troubles at an early age.

C.To make them realize the hardship of life.

D.To teach them how to make a living.

4.The author writes the passage mainly to _____.

A.advise us to buy Alice in Lace

B.tell us how wonderful Mr. Everett’s idea is

C.share her inspiration from Alice in Lace

D.show off her reading ability


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