
5.I was a teacher for only ten years.In 1926,on my return to China after finishing studies in the United States,I began to teach at my alma mater Yenching University,Peiping,as a lecturer in Chinese.The teachers of the Department of Chinese then were mostly my former teachers.
The students and I were good friends.The freshmen were mostly young boys and girls aged between 17and 20 in five classes,each consisting of 30to 40students coming from various places of China.Those from Fujian and Guangdong had difficulty in understanding the heavily accented speech of teachers who came from places south of the Yangtze River.Consequently,some of these students were transferred to my class through the arrangements of the school's office.Looking down from the platform,I was delighted by a multitude of rosy-faced young students smiling and staring curiously at me.Their smiles were by no means unfamiliar to me,being similar to those I often saw on the faces of my younger brothers and younger female cousins.
I taught a course on advanced writing,which was an elective for students above the freshman level.It gave them a try in different genres of literary writing,such as fiction,poetry,correspondence and sometimes translations.For the end-of-term examination,I had them each hand in a self-edited magazine specializing in any subjects,such as fine arts,sports,etc.and complete with well designed cover,aim of its publication and photos.Students of the same class could request contributions or photos from each other,or from students of other classes.They called it an interesting try.The magazines they handed in by the end of the term were very lively and encouraging,each having its content quite in line with its title.
In recalling my past career as a teacher,I always think fondly of the intimate friendship between the students and me.In those days,teachers and students all lived on campus.We often went boating on the Weiming Lake,or had discussions about various things on the marble boat by the island in the middle of the Lake,or had heart-to-heart private talks about,for instance,job selections or marriage.All that took place over half a century ago,and now,more than half of them have gone to another world before me.I feel very sorrow about it indeed.In my mind,teachers and students should be friends with mutual respect and love.

25.The underlined words"alma mater"in Paragraph 1probably meansA.
A.the school where the writer studied before     
 B.the school that the writer dreamt of before
C.the school where the writer taught before        
D.the school where the writer lived before
26.Why those students from Fujian and Guangdong were transferred to my class?D
A.Because the writer was a new teacher.
B.Because they wanted to take the course that the writer taught.
C.Because the writer would like to make friends with the students.
D.Because they couldn't understand the heavily accented speech of their teachers.
27.How did the writer feel towards his students when they handed in their self-edited magazines?C
28.Which one should be the best title of the passage?B
A.My Students                 
B.Joys of the Teaching Career
C.An Unforgettable Memory         
D.Men Learn While They Teach.

分析 本文是一篇人物故事类阅读,属于记叙文,那是一九二六年我从美国留学回来,在母校燕京大学国文系当了一名教师.那时系里的主任和教师大半是我的老师.校内其他科、系里也有我的老师.总之,全校的教师都是我的师辈!本文以此展开,主要讲述了作者做一名老师的快乐.

解答 25.A.词义猜测题.根据In 1926,on my return to China after finishing studies in the United States,I began to teach at my alma mater Yenching University句意可知,1926年,我在美国毕业后回到中国,开始在我母校燕京大学任教.可知alma mater意为母校.故选A.
26.D.细节理解题.根据Those from Fujian and Guangdong had difficulty in understanding the heavily accented speech of teachers who came from places south of the Yangtze River.可知,因为他们来自全国各地,闽粤的学生,听不大懂马鉴主任、周作人、沈尹默、顾随、郭绍虞等几位老先生的江南口音,于是教务处就把这一部分学生分到我的班上.故选D.
27.C.推理判断题.根据The magazines they handed in by the end of the term were very lively and encouraging,each having its content quite in line with its title.可知,学生们都觉得这很新鲜有趣,他们期末交来的"刊物",内容和刊名都很一致,又很活泼可喜.可推测出,作者很开心.故选C.

点评 本文是一篇人物故事类阅读,题目涉及多道词义猜测题,主旨大意题,细节理解题,推理判断题.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测.

12.The inhabitants of the earth are divided not only by race,nation,religion or ideology,but also,in a sense,by their position in time.Examining the present population of the globe,we find a tiny group who still live,hunting and food-foraging(觅食),as men did millions of years ago.Others,the vast majority of mankind,depend not on bear-hunting or berry-picking,but on agriculture.They live,in many respects,as their ancestors did centuries ago.These two groups taken together compose perhaps 70percent of all living human beings.They are the people of the past.
By contrast,somewhat more than 25percent of the earth‘s population can be found in the industrialized societies.They lead modern lives.They are products of the first half of the twentieth century,molded by mechanization and mass education,brought up with lingering memories of their own country‘s agricultural past.They are,in effect,the people of the present.
The remaining 2or 3percent of the world‘s population,however,are no longer people of either the past or the present.For within the main centers of technological and cultural change,in Santa Monica,California and Cambridge,Massachusetts,in New York and London,and Tokyo,are millions of men and women who can already be said to be living in the way of life of the future.Trend-makers  often without  being aware  of  it,they  live  today as  millions  will  live tomorrow.And while they account for only a few percent of the global population today,they already form an international nation of the future in our midst.They are the advanced agents of man,the earliest citizens of the world-wide super-industrial society now in the coming of birth.
What makes them different from the rest of mankind?Certainly,they are richer,better educated,more mobile than the majority of the human race.They also live longer.But what specifically marks the people of the future is the fact that they are already caught up in a new,stepped-up pace of life.They-live faster than the people around them.
62.The people of the present here refers to those whoC.
A.rely on their country‘s agricultural past
B.spend their time examining different races
C.have been shaped by industrialization and mass education
D.are constantly trying to change life as they see it
63The main argument in paragraph 3is thatA.
A.a small percent of the world‘s population is already living in the future
B.the majority should see what the future will be like
C.the new-pace of life is actually nothing new
D.however we live,we must all face an increased pace of life
64.From what the author says,trend-makers are people whoC.
A.live in large cities all over the world
B.dream about the future
C.set the pattern of life for the future
D.make changes in culture and technology.
13.Why do interviewers like to ask"What are your favorite interests and hobbies?"at job interviews?Because they want to dig deep into your personal life and get a broader perspective about you.(36)B.
If you haven't impressed the interviewer yet,you might even turn the game in your favor by talking about some impressive hobbies.(37)E.You wouldn't want to miss this opportunity.
Dos and Don'ts while describing your interests and hobbies.
Ideally,you should describe a hobby or interests that add value to the job in consideration.Perhaps,you have interests that drive attention to your positives in building personal relationship or you may have hobbies that prove your analytical skills.
1.(38)FFor example,if you have applied for Sales Job and the employer asks you about interests,you may elaborate upon your involvement in your favorite sport team.This way,the employer will note that you are a result orients person---an aggressive/focused player who sets to achieve targets.Just like any sales annual targets.
2.Don't use general statement to describe your hobbies,suck as,"My hobbies are listening to music,watching television".Such an answer distracts the attention of the employer and will not make the impression you want.(39)D.
3.Try to balance in listing individual hobbies as well as being part of group activities.(40)G.

A.More importantly,interest is the best teacher
B.Your life outside work may tell a lot about you
C.Don't talk about the activities that distract their attention
D.Further,you may lose the chance for keeping the interest in you
E.What you do in your free time may highlight interesting aspects about you
F.Select those activities that can give you an edge over others as a candidate
G.Most importantly,be honest and back up whatever you say about your hobbies.
20.The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently released its updated guidelines for children's media use.
The recommendations reflect what I think we all instinctively know:children need less screen time.The corollary,of course,is that kids desperately need more free time to ignite(激发) their imaginations,develop a sense of wonder,and discover their passions and purpose.
Our children are overstimulated,over-scheduled and under pressure to perform academically and beyond school.This weakens their ability to build creative thinking skills essential to self-discovery.Inventiveness occurs when kids have time for curiosity and exploration.With children spending up to eight hours a day on media devices and additional hours engaging in scheduled activities,opportunities for growth are dramatically prevented.
What came easily to parents a few decades ago has become a challenge for our generation.It's not that yesterday's parents knew more about child development.They simply had fewer options.Boredom and downtime were an inescapable part of daily life.Children were left to make the most of unstructured time.Today,boredom and downtime are equal to,"I'm a bad parent and not doing enough to get my kid ahead."
Opportunities for connection and discovery that were once commonplace are rapidly disappearing.Recently,I had an eye-opening revelation while watching my 11-year-old daughter play in a softball tournament.Families settled in for the day with lawn chairs,coolers,sunscreen and siblings in tow.These spectator brothers and sisters would gradually attract each other.Games of catch and hide-and-seek began,friendships were formed in the span of an inning.At crucial moments,the new-found friends turned their collective attention to the field to cheer on their teams.
But that wasn't happening at this tournament.Though there were at least 15children by the sidelines,I didn't hear any of them.They sat in a silent huddle using their individual tablets.They were transfixed by their screens.Even with the score tied in the final inning with runners on base,not a single child watched the game or spoke to each other.The situation was strange and revealing:Kids have more planned activities and passive entertainment at their fingertips than ever before,but less free time to dream,make-believe and focus on what they truly love.
I get that making time for"nothing"is difficult in a world where we're constantly worried our kids will fall behind their peers if they aren't good at sports and academics or don't collect"likes"on the latest social media app.
I refuse to sit back and watch this loss of childhood.Imagination needs time and space to blossom.And I'm committed to giving my children the tools to develop it.It won't be easy.It's not like my children are begging me for free time.In fact,they'd clearly prefer spending every waking moment on their screens.But this is too important.
If your kids are like mine,asking them to access their imagination will initially be difficult.That's because they haven't developed the skills and muscle memory to make it second nature.I hope the AAP guidelines motivate all of us to set needed screen time limits for our children.Personally,I'm practicing strategies to"ignite imagination"in my children head on-just as a coach would tackle turning a bunch of rebellious misfits into a championship team.Imagination,like a sport,requires practice,training,motivational speeches,rewards and extreme patience.

58.According to the passage,what has become a challenge for parents today?A
A.Dealing with children's boredom and downtime.
B.Making a full schedule for children.
C.Being motivated by the AAP's guidelines.
D.Pushing children not to fall behind.
59.In the author's opinion,what prevents children's self-discovery?C
A.Creative thinking skills.
B.Unstructured time for"nothing".
C.The state of being always occupied.
D.Lack of collective attention to sports.
60.It is implied in the passage thatC.
A.children decades ago never felt bored about life.
B.softball is not a sport exciting enough to attract children.
C.parents today may get too much involved in children's life.
D.children's imagination will certainly be ignited once their screen time is limited.
61.The passage is mainly intended toD.
A.tell us APP recently released its updated guidelines for children's media use.
B.blame children today for their spending long time on media devices.
C.show us the importance of imagination in children's development.
D.appeal to parents to take action to help children ignite their imagination.
10.A.R.Rahman,one of India's most well-loved music composers,won international recognition with two Grammy awards.Last year,he won the Oscar for his music in the hit film Slumdog Millionaire.This year,he had his first Grammy win.He picked up two awards:one for the"Best Compilation Soundtrack for a Motion Picture"(Slumdog Millionaire)and the other for"Best Motion Picture Song"for the song"Jai Ho"from the same film.In the best song category Rahman beat singer Bruce Springsteen and his song"The Wrestler"from the movie of the same name.The modest Rahman said,"This is mad,God is great again."
A.R.Rahman is a composer,music Producer,musician and singer.His music scores(乐谱)and film songs songs changed the character of popular music in India in the early l990s.Rahman's music completely dissolved the divide between"Indian"and"Western"categories.He popularized classical as well as experimental music.Rahman also discovered many young musicians ans singers.
Interestingly,two other Indian artistes(艺人)were nominated for Grammys this year.Ustad Amjad Ali Khan,India's most well-known sarod(萨罗达琴)player,was nominated in the"Best Traditional World Music Album"category for his album"Ancient Sounds".Zakir Hussain,the famous Tabla maestro,was nominated in the"Best Classical Crossover Album"category for his album"The Melody of Rhythm".Zakir Husain won a Grammy last year.The other Indians who have won Grammys in the past are Pandit Ravi Shankar,Vikku Vinayakram and Vishvamohan Bhatt.
The Grammy Awards came into being in 1958.These music awards are presented every year by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences of the USA.They were originally named the"Gramophone Awards",for the gramophone(留声机)was the first invention that could record and replay sound and it was widely used through most of the twentieth century.

25.How many films has Rahman's prize-winning music been written for since last year?A
26.Who hasn't received a Grammy award in the past?A
A.Ustad Amjad Ali Khan.
B.Pandit Ravi Shankar.
C.Zakir Husain.
D.Vikku Vinayakram.
27.Why was the Grammy Awards once regarded as"Gramophone Awards"?B
A.Because the gramophone was invented in the USA in 1958.
B.Because the gramophone was useful and its range of influence was wide.
C.Because the gramophone has lasted long since it came into being.
D.Because the gramophone was first used at the Grammy Awards.
28.From this passage we can learnD.
A.Rahman has received two awards since last year     
B.Rahman is a composer,music producer,musician and actor
C.Rahman used to be mad before being famous         
D.five Indians have received the Grammy awards.
17.Dangers from Outer Space
What is the greatest threat to life on our planet?Is it climate change?Shortages of food or water?Or might an altogether bigger danger come from somewhere further away:space?
We're not talking about an attack by little green men here.Instead,how about being hit by a large falling star,beat by deadly universal rays or fried by the energy of an erupting star?
It wouldn't be the first time that our Earth has had a rough ride over the last 3.7 billion years,with some disastrous events.The most famous mass extinction(灭绝)was 66 million years ago,when it's widely believed that a meteorite(陨石)killed off the dinosaurs.A 110-mile-wide crater in Mexico with the same geological age supports this theory.
Believe it or not,this wasn't the worst catastrophe in our planet's history.That was when 96% of life was wiped out at the end of the Permian period,252 million year ago.Scientists don't know for sure why this happened,but any potential explanations carry with them the possibility that similar events could happen again.
Some experts believe that our Sun has a twin star which is too far away to observe directly.This huge sleeping star could twist the paths of orbiting icy rocks and cast them towards the rest of the Solar System.
Is this what happened 252 million years ago?Or is there instead,perhaps,a distant,ninth plant in our Solar System which pulls in passing comets(彗星)and sends them dashing our way?
The Sun that has given us the warmth is gradually turning into a deadly enemy.Like all stars,it is slowing dying,burning through its energy supplies.As it does so,it expands,and in about 2billion years it will have grown so much that the heat will make life on planet Earth unbearable.
While all this sounds a little horrible,take comfort from the fact that the chance of being hit by a huge interstellar projectile(星际碰撞物)is unbelievably slim,and that 2billion years is a very long time.

32.When did dinosaurs die out according to the passage?C
A.3.7 billion years ago.
B.252 million years ago.
C.66 million years ago.
D.2 billion years ago.
33Why was 96% of life destroyed at the end of the Permian period?A
A.The cause is still unknown.
B.A huge falling star hit the earth.
C.A twin star cast icy rocks towards the Solar System.
D.A ninth planet pulled in passing comets.
34.What can we learn from the passage?A
A.All stars will eventually run of energy.
B.Our planet will be attacked by little green men.
C.We will be fried by the energy of an erupting star.
D.A huge sleeping star will hit the earth in millions of years.
35.What is the author's attitude toward the dangers from outer space?B

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