
Johnny was a cashier (收银员) in a large store. Every night when he came home from work, he would find a saying for the day and print it out on fifty pages of paper. Johnny would cut out each saying and sign his name at the bottom of each one. Then he would put them in a paper bag and put the bag beside him at work. Each time he finished bagging someone’s purchases, he would put one of his saying pieces in the customer’s bag as well. It touched me to think that this young man —with a job that most people thought not important —had made it important by creating precious memories for all of his customers. A month later the store manager called me and said, "Barbara, you won’t believe what happened today. When I went up to where the cashiers were, I found Johnny’s line was three times longer than anyone else’s! So I got more cashiers out there and opened more lanes (通道), but no one would move. They all said they wanted Johnny’s saying for the day." The store manager continued, "I got a lump in my throat when a woman came up to me and said, 'I used to shop at your store only once a week, but now I come in every time I go by for Johnny’s sayings.’" A few months later, the store manager called me again. "Johnny has changed our store completely," he said. "All of our cashiers now have their own personal signatures (签名). Everyone’s having a lot of fun creating good memories. Our customers are talking about us in a good way and are coming back with their friends."
1. How did Johnny deal with his saying pieces?
A. He put them in customers’ pockets.
B. He had others hand them to customers.
C. He put them in customers’ shopping bags.
D. He handed them to customers before they left.
2. With those sayings Johnny ___________.
A. drew the other cashiers’ attention to himself
B. got paid more than before
C. made good memories for his customers
D. encouraged himself to work harder
3. What did the store manager see a month later?
A. All of his cashiers had their own personal signatures.
B. Many customers chose Johnny’s lane to pay for their goods.
C. The store went out of order because there were too many customers.
D. Customers asked for Johnny’s sayings instead of buying goods.
4. The underlined part in the passage showed the store manager _________.
A. didn’t know why this happened
B. felt a little uncomfortable
C. felt extremely sad
D. was moved by what Johnny had done

Football is, I suppose, the most popular games in England. One had only to go to one of the important   31  to see this. One can see kinds of people there, shouting and   32  for one side or the other.
One of the most   33  thing about football in England to a stranger is the __34__ knowledge of the game which even the   35  seems to have. He can tell you the names of the players in   36  of the important teams. He   37  photos of them and knows the result of large numbers of matches. He will tell you   38  he expects will win such and such a match,
  39 his opinion is usually as   40  as that of men three or four times his   41 .
Most schools in England take   42  seriously—much more seriously than nearly all the schools in other countries,   43 lessons are all important and games are left for one’s own arrangements(安排). In England, it is believed that   44  is not only a matter of filling a boy’s mind with facts in the   45 ; it also means character training; and one of the   46 ways of training character is by means of games,   47 team games, where the boy has to learn to   48  with others for his team, instead of working just for himself alone. The school therefore arranges games and matches for its   49 . Football is a good team game and it is good exercise for   50 .
A.gamesB.matchesC.sportsD.sports meet
A.greatB.interesting C.limitedD.useless
A.smallest boyB.oldest manC.shortest childD.most stupid child
A.experience B.heightC.ageD.size
A.learningB.educationC.a textbookD.physical education
A.especially B.usuallyC.seldomD.hardly
Two days before Thanksgiving, I was trying to open my mouth wide enough for a mirror and a roll of steel wire. Metal braces (牙齿矫正器)had been on my   31  for weeks, but this was the day for the wire to be adjusted. Only those who have had braces will understand the terrible   32  of being “wired”. For the next 24 hours, it felt like every tooth was being   33  slowly by a giant clawhammer (拔钉锤).  34  drinking water caused pain.
By Thanksgiving Day, I had got used to it.   35  I didn’t use my teeth, the pain was bearable. But this was a day when teeth had to   36  longer than usual. We were   37  at my grandparents’ house with relatives. The house was filled with so many pleasant   38  that we could hardly resist the food. When grandma said, “Dinner is ready!” all the kids   39  to be first in line. I was so excited that I    40  the braces in my mouth and   41  my way up to the head of the line.
I piled my plate high with my favorite corn-on-the-cob(玉米棒子)and   42  my mouth to enjoy it. The pain was   43 . I felt I would never be able to eat again. I put my plate away and ran outside in   44 .
Grandma then took my plate to the   45 . She cut all the corn off that cob and rescued me from my   46 . She handed me my plate piled high with corn. “Thanks,” I said   47 . Then I looked up and   48  a strange light in her eye, a light that is still   49  to me after more than fifty years. That was the Thanksgiving when I discovered something more   50  than good food.
小题5:As long as                  B.Even though                     C.In case                      D.As though
小题10:A thought of             B.got out of                 C.complained about       D.forgot about
A.forcedB.createdC.led D.gave
A.timeB.angerC.surprise D.tears

Are you a man or a mouse? When people ask this question they want to know 36  you think you are a 37  person or a coward (懦夫). But you will never really know the answer to this question 38  you are tested in real life. Some people  39  they are brave but when they come face to face with real 40 , they act like cowards. Others think of themselves as cowards, but when they meet danger, they act like 41  .
Lenny had always thought of himself as a 42  person. He got worried before examinations. He worried about his job and health. All he wanted in life was to be safe and healthy. 43 , on January 15th, 2002, a plane crashed into the Potomac River in Washington. Lenny went to the river to see what was happening. He saw a woman in the  44  water. Lenny did not feel afraid. He kept very 45 and did a very dangerous thing. He jumped into the Potomac, 46  to the woman, and kept her head 47  the water. Seventy-eight people died that day. Thanks to Lenny, it was not  48 .
When you are in a very 49  situation and feel afraid, the body automatically produces a chemical in the blood. The chemical is called adrenalin.  50  adrenalin in the blood system, you actually feel stronger and stronger and are 51  to fight or run away. However, when you are absolutely terrified, the body can produce too much adrenalin. When this 52 , the muscles become very hard and you find you 53  at all. You are then paralyzed (使无能为力) with fear. This is 54 when we are very frightened, we sometimes say we’re “petrified”. This word comes from the Greek word “petros”, which means “stone”. We are 55  frightened that we become stonelike.
36. A. how           B. neither         C. whether        D. either
37. A. brave         B. real            C. hard             D. certain
38. A. when         B. until              C. after             D. once
39. A. realize             B. find              C. think             D. agree
40. A. life                    B. question       C. mouse         D. danger
41. A. soldiers            B. mice              C. heroes         D. cowards
42. A. useful              B. brave         C. nervous         D. terrible
43. A. So                 B. Therefore        C. Then            D. Actually
44. A. fresh              B. poisonous       C. warm            D. ice-cold
45. A. nervous              B. calm             C. frightened      D. excited
46. A. went                  B. helped        C. spoke            D. swam
47. A. in                     B. under         C. above            D. from
48. A. an accident     B. a mistake            C. seventy-eight    D. seventy-nine
49. A. dangerous           B. comfortable      C. different        D. favorable
50. A. With               B. Without             C. For             D. Like
51. A. afraid              B. unable        C. ready            D. anxious
52. A. gets             B. disappears       C. happens             D. goes
53. A. needn’t            B. can’t              C. mustn’t         D. shouldn’t
54. A. where                 B. how              C. because         D. why
55. A. really              B. very              C. such             D. so

第三节:阅读理解 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)
Letters to the next president
Dear Mr. President:
I would like to personally thank you for your time and concern for our great country. I would like to take a few minutes to address a few concerns that I have with the United States.
First of all, I would like to address the war. In my opinion, we should have never been involved with Iraq to the extent that we are now. I believe we should pull our troops out. However, I think there should be a time table that we follow but the time table should not be released because the enemy does not need to know when we are going to pull out. Also, the war takes out a ton of our money, which leads me to my next issue.
The economy right now, in the opinion of many Americans is the biggest issue with which we are facing right now. No one can predict what will happen one day or the next. The obvious thing to do is to put 700 billion dollars in the economy, but that bill failed and was rejected by the House of Representatives(众议院). Instead of putting 700 billion dollars in, I think the money should be equally distributed among Americans to pay off their debts. I'm not sure if this would work, but I think it is a positive alternative we could take.
My final issue I would like to call to your attention is teacher's salaries. The high school students of today are America's future. In a way, America's future depends greatly on the high school teachers of America. Saying this, it is sad that teacher's salaries are where they are. While teachers are working harder and harder every day to teach high school students, CEO's of big companies that are driving our countries economy into the ground are getting bonuses. I'm not saying that teacher's salaries should be the same of CEO's of companies, but I do strongly believe that action should be taken to increase the salaries of teachers because they have one of the most important jobs in America - - preparing our country for the future.
Once again, thank you for your time and your effort you put in to making this great country a better place.
Sincerely, Walker
41. What's the author's attitude the Iraq War?
A. Supportive           B. Objective           C. Negative             D. Positive
42. What's true about the time of pulling the troops out?
A. We should pull the troops out without delay.
B. There is no need to have a time table to follow.
C. The public has the fight to know the time table.
D. We should keep the time secret from the enemy.
43. According to the author, the 700 billion dollars__________
A. is the biggest issue with which we are facing right now.
B. has been accepted by the House of Representatives.
C. should be equally shared among Americans
D. should be put in the economy
44. When talking about high school teachers, the author thinks that____________
A. the teachers' salaries are not high enough.
B. teacher's salaries should be as high as CEO's.
C. the teachers work harder than CEO's of companies.
D. teaching is more important than any other job in America
45. Which of the topics is NOT included in the letter?
A. Election            B. International affair    C. Finance           D. Education,

Maria is a very fast runner. She has won many races put on by the factory in Russia where she works. She was asked how she was able to stay in such good shape(体型). This was her answer.
“I’m in shape because of the way I spend my day. It begins at 5:30 in the morning. I jump out of bed to cook for my husband and iron(熨衣服) the clothes. Then I have to start running to work on time.
“I rush with a large bag in one hand and my four-year-old baby in the other. First, I stop at the school, hand my baby to the teachers, and then rush to work. After work I run back to the school to pick up my baby and then run to the market. Then I run home to start cooking supper-and then it takes time to feed them and get them all to bed. Then I start doing the washing so I can iron in the morning.
“My husband is soft because I have made life easy for him. He doesn’t hurry to and from work,and I have the table set when he gets home. He eats, puts on the television, sits down and reads the newspaper. And that’s why I’m in such good shape—and my husband isn’t.”
1.Maria is in good shape mainly because she _______.
A. goes to exercise classes          B. runs so much every day
C. has won many races             D. is a Russian
2.Maria gets up at 5:30 in the morning because ______.
A. her children wake her 
B. she has so much to do before she goes to work
C. she likes getting up early 
D. her husband wakes her
3.After work, Maria usually_________.
A. goes on with her work           B. takes her baby to school
C. irons the clothes                D. cooks supper
4.Which of the following is TRUE about Maria’s hus band?
A. He’s a bad?tempered man.
B. He always goes to work in a hurry. 
C. He isn’t in good shape. 
D. He cooks breakfast by himself.
5.Which of the statements is right ?
A. Maria is an American woman.
B. Maria won many races put on by the CLUB in Russia.
C. Maria has to hurry to do something every day.
D. Maria and his husand care about each other.
Bend over, take a deep breath and drink some water! This is just one of hundreds of tips you might get if you have the hiccups (打嗝).Hiccups are so mysterious.We really don't know why they start and why they stop.
Everyone has a favorite cure for a case of the hiccups.Some people think that a good scare is necessary to get well.Others eat a teaspoon of sugar.Still others drink a glass of water with a knife in it.
An American man named Jack O'Leary said he had hiccupped 160 million times over a period of eight years.He tried 60,000 cures, but none of them worked.At last he prayed to Saint Jude, the saint of Hopeless cases, and his hiccupping stopped immediately.
It took a British plumber eight months to cure his hiccups.People from all over the world wrote him letters with suggestions for getting well.He tried them all, but the hiccups continued.Finally, he drank a "secret" mixture someone had sent him.By that evening his hiccups were gone.
Why did these cures work for these two men? No one really knows.But people who have studied many cases of hiccups have an idea—hiccups usually go away if you believe in the cure.
小题1:How did Jack O'Leary stop his hiccups?
A.He took a deep breath.B.He prayed to Saint Jude.
C.He ate a teaspoon of sugar.D.He drank a "secret" mixture.
小题2:The British plumber spent _ ___in stopping his hiccups.
A.4 hoursB.2 days C.8 months D.8 years
小题3:      might be the best cure for hiccups according to the passage.
A.Cold waterB.A spoonful of salt
C.Special pillsD.What you believe in
小题4:From this passage, we can learn ____.
A.Saint Jude is an expert in curing the hiccups
B.the reason why the hiccups start and why the hiccups stop
C.some people think that a good scare is a cure for a case of hiccups
D.the British plumber drank a "secret" mixture given by an experienced doctor and then became well
小题5:What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Different ways to stop hiccups.B.What makes hiccups happen.
C.How to get hiccups.D.Jack O'Leary's hiccups.

Jee Hock and Meng Kim were very good friends. Jee Hock could not see. He was blind. Meng Kim could not walk. He was lame. They lived in a village near a forest. Everyone in the village was going to a rich man’s dinner on the other side of the forest. Jee Hock and Meng Kim were anxious to attend the dinner too.
Blind Jee Hock thought of a plan. He would carry Meng Kim. The lame man could tell him the way. Meng Kim said that the plan was a good one.
On the way through the forest, Meng Kim saw a tiger. He did not tell Jee Hock about it. Instead, he quietly asked Jee Hock to carry him to the nearest tree. Upon reaching an over banging branch, Meng kim quickly hauled himself up.
Then the tiger roared. Jee Hock at once knew a tiger was near. He lay down quietly. The tiger came to him and sniffed his body. The tiger’s whiskers touched Jee Hock’s nose. At once Jee Hock sneezed, “Ah choooooo!” The tiger was afraid and ran away.
Then Meng Kim came down from the tree. He asked Jee Hock about the tiger. Jee Hock said that the tiger had told him to choose his friends wisely.
45. Jee Hock and Meng Kim were good ______.
A. men          B. tigers         C. friends         D. brothers
46. They decided to go to ______.
A. a picnic       B. a dinner       C. a party         D. the cinema
47. When Meng Kim saw the tiger, he ______.
A. shouted loudly                 B. did not tell Jee Hock about it
C. quickly climbed up a tree         D. lay down quietly
48. Jee Hock knew the tiger was near. He ______.
A. went to sleep                  B. cried
C. sat down and waited             D. lay down quietly
49. Jee Hock sneezed because the tiger’s whiskers ______.
A. hurt him                     B. was very long
C. cut his nose                    D. touched his nose

The strong fear of high school math is lost here among the blue light of computer screens and the sounds of typing keyboard.
A fanfare (喇叭声) plays from a speaker as a student passes a chapter test.Nearby another student is watching a video lecture.Another works out a math problem in her notebook before clicking on a multiple-choice answer on her screen.
Their teacher at Agoura High School, US, Russell Stephans, sits at the back of the room, watching as scores pop up in real time on his computer grade sheet.One student has passed a level, the data shows; another is retaking a quiz.
"Whoever thought this up^makes life so much easier," Stephans says.
This textbook-free classroom is by no means the norm(常态), but it may be someday.Slowly, but in increasing numbers, schools across the US are replacing the heavy and expensive textbook with its lighter and cheaper cousin: the digital textbook.
A digital textbook can be downloaded, projected and printed, and can range from simple text to a course filled with multimedia and links to Internet content.Some versions (版本) must be purchased; others are "open source" —free and available online to anyone.
Some praise the technology as a way to save schools' money, replace outdated books and better engage students.Others say most schools don't have the resources to join in, or they question the quality of open-source content.
Paper books still hold the highest percentage of the US textbook market, with digital textbooks making up less than 5 percent, according to analyst Kathy Mickey of Simba Information, a market research group.
But that is changing, as grade schools follow the lead of US liniversities and schools in other countries, including South Korea and Turkey.
California made the largest embrace (拥抱) of digital textbooks this summer when it approved 10 free high school math and science titles developed by college professors.The state left the choice to use them up to individual schools.
"The textbooks are outdated, as far as I'm concerned, and there's no reason why our schools should have our students pull around these old-fashioned and heavy and expensive books," Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said this summer.
But some disagree with the idea that digital textbooks will improve education quality.
"Keep in mind that with open-source materials, you have to ask: 'Where are they coming from?'" said Jay Diskey, executive director of the Association of American Publishers' school division."Is it a trusted source? Is it based on real research?"
Diskey said traditional textbooks offer a comprehensive course, while some open-source texts provide only bits and pieces."There can be quite a difference of content and accuracy," he said."In many cases, you get what you pay for."
57.The writer's purpose in writing the passage is to       .
A.explain how to use digital textbooks
B.predict the future of paper textbooks
C.describe the current use of digital textbooks and present arguments about it
D.explain the difference between paper textbooks and digital ones
58.What is Schwarzenegger's opinion of traditional textbooks?
A.He is against getting rid of them.
B.He wants to have them replaced with digital ones.
C.Soon they will no longer be used.
D.He believes that they are to blame for the poor quality of education in California
59.Diskey holds the view that       .
A.the government shouldn't strengthen the use of open-source digital texts
B.digital textbooks make up for the shortcomings of traditional textbooks.
C.paper textbooks and digital ones both have advantages
D.traditional textbooks have more reliable content
60.According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Math is easier with the use of computers.
B.It is believed that digital books will replace traditional ones.
C.Textbook-free classes are the main form of teaching in the US schools.
D.Not all people are in favor of replacing paper textbooks with digital ones.

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