
Question: I have recently got a serious position within my company. One of my new tasks is to make monthly progress reports on my department in front of other senior officials. During my first meeting ,I presented and then opened the floor to questions. 1. . My first reaction was to answer defensively. Later, I realized that I shouldn’t have felt that way. But how can I keep cool and effectively answer questions in this type of settings?

Answer: Congratulations on your new position! Presenting in front of your peers(同事)is a hard task in itself, and it becomes much more difficult when a question-and-answer period is required. Question-and-answer periods are a great way to clarify the message and strengthen key points. 2.

● 3.

When a person is asking a question, show interest and a desire to understand the question by listening and asking for clarification.

●Buy time.

When facing a hard question, most people can’t give an answer immediately. Buy time by repeating the question in your own words. 4. . These techniques allow you to quickly organize your thoughts as well as to make sure you will be correctly answering the question.

●Suggest a private meeting.

A one-on-one meeting is a calmer setting than speaking in front of your peers. 5.

A. Show your true interest.

B. Restate the question with respect.

C. Some ideas can be quite concrete.

D. There were many difficult questions.

E. It can also be more effective in exchanging ideas.

F. You many also ask for clarification on the question.

G. Here are some ideas that can help you prepare for your next meeting.


To most people, noise pollution is a jet flying over their head. For one Spanish woman, it is a neighbor playing the piano. The woman has taken her neighbor to court. Now she wants to send her neighbor to prison for over seven years on the charges of psychological damage and noise pollution.

In a country known for its noisiness, the case has raised eyebrows. Neighbors often complain about street noise in Spain, but people seeking prison time for someone practicing the piano is unheard of. At the trial, Sonia Bosom says she has been suffering noise pollution up to now due to the practice sessions of Laia Martin, who lives below her. Martin, 27, didn’t admit that she played at home that often, saying she took regular classes in other towns and mostly practiced at home on the weekends.

On the first day of the trial, the newspaper reported that Bosom told the court she now hated pianos so much that she couldn’t even stand seeing them in a film.

Bosom says years of hearing constant playing has caused her “psychological injury”. Medical reports show she has suffered from a variety of problems, including insomnia (失眠), anxiety, and panic attacks.

She says tests by local authorities have found that the sound levels made by the piano are up to 10 decibels (分贝) higher than the limit. City authorities have asked the family several times to either stop the piano playing or soundproof (隔音) the room. The family told the court they carried out soundproofing work twice but the complaints continued.

The court hasn’t made a final decision. A spokeswoman says the trial will end before May.

1.Bosom wants to send Martin to prison because _______.

A. Martin’s playing the piano damaged her health

B. Bosom suffered from heart attack

C. Martin refused to take regular classes in other towns

D. Martin flew a jet over her head

2.How did Laia Martin respond to the complaints?

A. She stopped playing the piano.

B. She soundproofed the room.

C. She didn’t admit she played at home.

D. She took her neighbor to court.

3.Which of the following may probably be the best title for the passage?

A. A 7-year Sentence Caused by the Piano

B. Pianist Charged with Noise Pollution

C. Health Problems of a Spanish Woman

D. Actions Against Noise by Local Authority

After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced for a few days. I was to wait tables on my own. All went that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily the tables not far from the kitchen. , I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays (托盘).

Before I knew it, the was full of people. I moved slowly, every step. I remember how I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables; it looked different from the one I was on. It had nice handles, which made it to move around. I was pleased with everything and began to I was a natural at this job.

Then, an old man came to me and said, “Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved you work. It seems your tray stand has been very to you, but we are getting ready to now, and my wife needs her back.”

At first his did not get across. “What was he talking about!” Then, I got it. I had set my trays on his wife’s orthopedic walker (助步器). I stood frozen as ice, but my face was . I wanted to get into a hole and .

Since then, I have learned from many mistakes such as the one I just . I have learned to be more and not to be too sure of myself.

1.A. manager B. assistant C. cook D. waitress

2.A. promised B. invited C. allowed D. advised

3.A. well B. quickly C. safely D. wrong

4.A. left B. given C. brought D. shown

5.A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Finally

6.A. kitchen B. street C. restaurant D. table

7.A. minding B. changing C. taking D. saving

8.A. angry B. calm C. sad D. happy

9.A. fixed B. trained C. loaded D. waited

10.A. slower B. lighter C. easier D. quieter

11.A. believe B. agree C. regret D. pretend

12.A. letting B. making C. watching D. having

13.A. useful B. familiar C. unusual D. interesting

14.A. rest B. order C. eat D. leave

15.A. bag B. walker C. tray D. coat

16.A. idea B. praise C. message D. need

17.A. cold B. full of joy C. pale D. on fire

18.A. lie B. hide C. defend D. stay

19.A. repeated B. discovered C. corrected D. described

20.A. careful B. patient C. honest D. practical

As we all know, the Dragon Boat Festival is our country’s traditional festival, but do you know there is also a Dragon Boat Festival in South Korea, which also falls on May 5 of the lunar calendar(阴历)? It has been reported that South Korea will apply to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO 联合国教科文组织) to make the celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival its own intangible cultural heritage (非物质的文化遗产). If successful, people from other countries may see the Dragon Festival as a Korean creation.

As the birthplace of the yearly event more than 2,000 years ago, China is not happy with the situation. "It would be a shame if another country successfully made a traditional Chinese festival part of its own cultural heritage ahead of China," said Zhou Heping, deputy(副) culture minister. The Ministry of Culture is even thinking of making its own application to UNESCO, covering all traditional Chinese festivals, including the Dragon Boat event.

It is thought that the festival is held in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan (340-278 BC), who lived in the State of Chu during the Warring States Period. Qu was known to be a patriot (爱国者) and admired by ordinary people.

He is said to have jumped into Miluo River, because he had lost hope in his country's future. When people heard about Qu's death, they sailed up and down the river searching for his body. They also beat the drums to frighten away the fish and threw Zongzi into the water to stop the fish touching Qu. Dragon boat racing is said to come from this search for the poet's body.

Over the years, the Dragon Boat Festival has spread throughout the world. In Japan and Viet Nam, as well as South Korea, the festival has mixed with and become part of the local culture.

1.The Dragon Boat Festival _______.

A. is also kept by South Korea

B. comes from South Korea

C. was created by South Korea

D. is South Korea’s cultural heritage

2.What is the reaction of the Ministry of Culture to South Korea’s intending to make the Dragon Boat Festival its own culture heritage?

A. Fighting against South Korea

B. Telling South Korea it’s not right to do so

C. Considering doing the similar thing

D. Asking South Korea not to do so.

3.What is the purpose of the Dragon Boat Festival’s being held?

A. In memory of Qu Yuan

B. In memory of all the patriots of China

C. To frighten away the fish

D. In honor of QuYuan’s birthday

4.After Qu Yuan’s death, Zongzi was thrown into the water to _______.

A. feed him.

B. protect his body from going bad.

C. attract his soul

D. prevent the fish biting his body

5.Now, the Dragon Boat Festival has become ______ activity.

A. a nationwide B. a worldwide

C. an Asian D. a foreign

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