
Work-life balance: Ways to restore harmony and reduce stress
Finding work-life balance in today’s frenetically paced world is no simple task.
Spend more time at work than at home, and you miss out on a rewarding personal life. Then again, when you face challenges in your personal life, such as caring for an aging parent or coping with marital problems, concentrating on your job can be difficult.
Whether the problem is too much focus on work or too little, when your work life and your personal life feel out of balance, stress — along with its harmful effects — is the result.
The good news is that you can take control of your work-life balance — and give yourself the time to do the things that are most important to you. The first step is to recognize how the world of work has changed. Then you can evaluate your relationship to work and apply some specific strategies for striking a healthier balance.
How work invades your personal life
There was a time when employees showed up for work Monday through Friday and worked eight- to nine-hour days. The boundaries between work and home were fairly clear then. But the world has changed and, unfortunately, the boundaries have blurred for many workers. Here’s why:
●Global economy. As more skilled workers enter the global labor market and companies outsource or move more jobs to reduce labor costs, people feel pressured to work longer and produce more just to protect their jobs.
●International business. Work continues around the world 24 hours a day for some people. If you work in an international organization, you might be on call around the clock for troubleshooting or consulting.
●Advanced communication technology. Many people now have the ability to work anywhere — from their home, from their car and even on vacation. And some managers expect this.
●Longer hours. Employers commonly ask employees to work longer hours than they’re scheduled. Often, overtime is mandatory. If you hope to move up the career ladder, you may find yourself regularly working more than 40 hours a week to achieve and exceed expectations.
●Changes in family roles. Today’s married worker is typically part of a dual-career couple, which makes it difficult to find time to meet commitments to family, friends and community.
Married to your work
It can be tempting to rack up the hours at work — especially if you’re trying to earn a promotion or some extra money for a child’s education or a dream vacation. For others, working more hours feels necessary in order to manage the workload.
But if you’re spending most of your time at work, your home life will likely pay the price. Consider the pros and cons of working extra hours on your work-life balance:
●Fatigue. Your ability to think and your eye-hand coordination decrease when you’re tired. This means you’re less productive and may make more mistakes. These mistakes can lead to injury or rework and negatively impact your professional reputation.
●Family. You may miss out on important events, such as your child’s first bike ride, your father’s 60th birthday or your high-school reunion. Missing out on important milestones may harm relationships with your loved ones.
●Friends. Trusted friends are a key part of your support system. But if you’re spending time at the office instead of with them, you’ll find it difficult to nurture those friendships.
●Expectations. If you regularly work extra hours, you may be given more responsibility. This could create a never-ending and increasing cycle, causing more concerns and challenges.
Sometimes working overtime is important. If you work for a company that requires mandatory overtime, you won’t be able to avoid it, but you can learn to manage it. Most importantly, say no when you’re too tired, when it’s affecting your health or when you have crucial family obligations.
Striking the best work-life balance
For most people, juggling the demands of career and personal life is an ongoing challenge. With so many demands on your time — from overtime to family obligations — it can feel difficult to strike this balance. The goal is to make time for the activities that are the most important to you.
Here are some ideas to help you find the balance that’s best for you:
●Learn to say no. Whether it’s a co-worker asking you to spearhead an extra project or your child’s teacher asking you to manage the class play, remember that it’s OK to respectfully say no. When you quit doing the things you only do out of guilt or a false sense of obligation, you’ll make more room in your life for the activities that are meaningful to you and bring you joy.
●Leave work at work. Make a conscious decision to separate work time from personal time. When with your family, for instance, turn off your cell phone and put away your laptop computer.
●Manage your time. Organize household tasks efficiently. Do one or two loads of laundry every day, rather than saving it all for your day off. A weekly family calendar of important dates and a daily list of to-dos will help you avoid deadline panic. If your employer offers a course in time management, sign up for it.
●Get enough sleep. There’s nothing as stressful and potentially dangerous as working when you’re sleep-deprived. Not only is your productivity affected, but also you can make costly mistakes. You may then have to work even more hours to make up for these mistakes.
●Communicate clearly. Limit time-consuming misunderstandings by communicating clearly and listening carefully. Take notes if necessary.
●Nurture yourself. Set aside time each day for an activity that you enjoy, such as walking, working out or listening to music.
●Set aside one night each week for recreation. Take the phone off the hook, power down the computer and turn off the TV. Discover activities you can do with your partner, family or friends, such as playing golf, fishing or canoeing. Making time for activities you enjoy will rejuvenate you.
Remember, striking a work-life balance isn’t a one-shot deal. Creating balance in your life is a continuous process. Balance doesn’t mean doing everything. Examine your priorities and set boundaries. Be firm in what you can and cannot do. Only you can restore harmony to your lifestyle.
小题1:What will happen if you’re spending most of your time at work?
A.You might lose all your friends.
B.You will lose both health and wealth.
C.You perhaps be given more responsibility.
D.You may be misunderstood by your loved ones.
小题2:According to the passage, you’d better say no to mandatory overtime when ___________.
A.you get bored with the work
B.you are not interested in the work
C.you can’t get additional allowance
D.you have crucial family obligations
小题3:What does the underlined sentence mean?
A.To do things people ask you to do can bring you a lot of joy.
B.You should do the things people ask you to do without feeling guilty.
C.You shouldn’t do the things people ask you to do if you don’t want to.
D.To do things for yourself is more meaningful than to do things for others.
小题4:What will not happen if you don’t get enough sleep?
A.You can make costly mistakes.
B.You will have low productivity.
C.You will feel stressed while working.
D.You will have no sense of exhaustion.
小题5:What does the real balance mean according to the author?
A.Being firm that working overtime will strike a work-life balance.
B.Examining priorities and deciding what is the most important to you.
C.Trying to carrying out everything you want to do whether you can do it or not.
D.Being cautious when saying no to somebody in a bid to maintain fine relationships.


小题1:细节题:从Married to your work小标题下列举的过度工作可能给自己和家人或朋友带来的影响可知,文章提到了过度工作会使你疲劳并导致效率低下;过度工作还会占用你与家人和朋友团聚的时间而使亲情、友情受到影响;过度工作还会使你深陷工作泥潭以至于你肩上的担子越压越重。选C
小题2:参见Married to your work小标题下“Most importantly, say no when you’re too tired, when it’s affecting your health or when you have crucial family obligations.”一句可知,当你遇到如下三种情况的时候要对加班说“不”:太累了;影响到你的健康;有至关重要的家事。选D
小题3:细节题:参见Striking the best work-life balance小标题下画线一句可知,作者是在建议大家学会说“不”,当别人让你帮助做某事的时候,你如果不想做,可以礼貌地拒绝,而不要强迫自己去做。选C
小题4:细节题:参见Striking the best work-life balance小标题下Get enough sleep.一段所讲述的内容可知,如果你睡眠不足,你可能会在工作的时候感觉有压力;你可能会犯错误而因此付出高昂的代价;你的工作效率低下。但是文章中并没有说当你睡眠不足的时候,你就没有疲劳的感觉。选D
When we think of green buildings, we tend to think of new ones-the kind of modern, solar-paneled masterpieces that make the covers of architecture magazines.But the US has more than 100 million existing homes, and it would be incredibly         to tear them all down and         them with greener versions.
An enormous amount of energy and resources went into the construction of those houses.And it would take an average of 65 years for the         carbon emissions (排放) from a(an) __    _ energy-efficient (节能) home to make up for the         lost by destroying an old one.
So in the broadest sense, the greenest home is the one that has already been built.But at the same time,          half of US carbon emissions come from heating, cooling and powering our          , offices and other buildings."You can't deal with climate         without dealing with existing buildings," says Richard Moe, the president of the National Trust.
With some exceptions, the oldest homes tend to be the         energy-efficient.Houses built before 1939 use about 50% more energy per square foot than those built after 2000, mainly due to the tiny cracks and gaps that         over time and let in more outside        .
     ,there are a vast number of relatively simple changes that can green older homes, from       ones like Lincoln's Cottage to your own postwar home.And efficiency upgrades (升级) can save more than just the earth; they can help         property owners from rising power        .
If your boss asks you to work in Moscow this year, he’d better offer you more money to do so — or even double that depending on where you live now. That’s because Moscow has just been found to be the world’s most expensive city for the second year in a row by Mercer Human Resources Consulting.
Using the cost of living in New York as a base, Mercer determined Moscow is 34.4 percent more expensive including the cost of housing, transportation, food, clothing, household goods and entertainment(娱乐).
A two-bedroom flat in Moscow now costs $4,000 a month; a CD $24.83, and an international newspaper $6.30, according to Mercer. By comparison, a fast food meal with a hamburger (汉堡包) is a steal at $4.80.
London takes the No.2 place, up from No.5 a year ago, thanks to higher cost of housing and a stronger British pound relative to the dollar. Mercer estimates (估算) London is 26 percent more expensive than New York these days. Following London closely are Seoul and Tokyo, both of which are 22 percent more expensive than New York, while No.5 Hong Kong is 19 percent more costly.
Among North American cities, New York and Los Angeles are the most expensive and are the only two listed in the top 50 of the world’s most expensive cities. But both have fallen since last year’s study — New York came in 15th, down from 10th place, while Los Angeles fell to 42nd from 29th place a year ago. San Francisco came in a distant third at No. 54, down 20 places from a year earlier.
Toronto, meanwhile, is Canada’s most expensive city but fell 35 places to take 82nd place worldwide. In Australia, Sydney is the priciest place to live in and No. 21 worldwide.
小题1: What do the underlined words “a steal” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.an act of stealingB.something very cheap
C.something deliciousD.an act of buying
小题2:London has become the second most expensive city because of ______.
A.the high cost of clothing
B.its expensive transportation
C.the stronger pound against the dollar
D.the high prices of fast food meals
小题3: Which city is the third most expensive on the list?
A.Sydney.B.Hong Kong.C.Moscow.D.Tokyo.
小题4:Which city has dropped most on the list in North America?
A.Toronto.B.Los Angeles.C.San Francisco.D.New York.
Roger Alvarez, 22, was one of the 52 percent of students who didn’t make it through his senior year at Manual Arts High School in Los Angeles.
He dropped out several years ago, but by the time he was in ninth grade, Alvarez says he already knew he wasn’t going to graduate.
“There’s a certain amount of knowledge you have to have when you enter in a specific grade, and I didn’t have it.” Alvarez says,“Every class I used to go in, I was like, ‘Do I know this? I don’t know this.’”
It was a shameful attitude, he tells his former English teacher, Antero Garcia, 29.
“You were determined to help me, but what was I willing to give? I could have actually tried.”
For his part, Garcia wants to know how he could have reached out to Alvarez better, but Alvarez says Garcia had always been helpful.
“I mean, you could cheer me up, and then I see other students doing way better,” Alvarez says,“So then, I get nervous. I get stuck, and then my motivation goes to the floor.” He felt the situation was hopeless.
“You talked to me like if I could do it, but inside me, I knew I couldn’t.” he tells Garcia,“I just didn’t want you to think that I’m…stupid.”
Now, school is a life tool that Alvarez says he’s missing—but his teacher isn’t to blame.
“Always, I just wanted you to know…you were a good teacher, and I always respected you.” he tells Garcia,“Some teachers, I felt like they only wanted to teach a certain group of people. But you looked at me and you paid attention.”
“Maybe it didn’t get me to graduate, but there’re a lot of teachers, they don’t take the time to take a look. And it was never your fault.”
Alvarez now works the night shift at a loading dock(码头). He still hopes to get his degree one day.
小题1:When Alvarez entered a grade, he was sure that ___________.
A.he wasn’t going to pass the class
B.he would do better than other students
C.he might learn an amount of knowledge
D.he would try his best to learn at class
小题2:By saying “my motivation goes to the floor”,  Alvarez meant __________.
A.he hid his goal from othersB.he lost heart gradually
C.he built up his motivationD.he fell to the ground completely
小题3:In the opinion of Alvarez, most teachers _______.
A.paid no attention to teachingB.had no time to read books
C.didn’t care about what he didD.showed no respect to students
小题4:The passage mainly tells us that _________.
A.a dropout complains about being treated badly
B.a dropout plans to get his degree again
C.a dropout shows respect for not graduating
D.a dropout has thanks to his teacher not blame
Tears slid down Ken's cheeks. Their newbom baby        was removed from life supprt, taken back to her and her  , Charlie. who held their baby. Austin was bom at 12:17 p.m. three months  than he should have been. The length of a school ruler. he weighed one pound. nine ounces. Doctors tried   that technology and medicine could offer at the     baby, but Austin did not respond well. Austin's lung tissue (组织) had probably     developing four weeks before. even still    . his mother, because of an accident Zero chance of    . It was time to let him go, and let him leave in his mother's arms - at peace and in no pain.
In the next few hours, Charlie's parents, and Ken's mother came to meet and say    Austin. Charlie and Keri       their eyes on the baby as he snuggled(依偎) into Keri's chest. The end, they believed. was coming   . Nurse Melissa walked in every so often to check Austin's        . If it was time for him t0      . his heart rate would begin to slow. After four hours,    , Austin was still breathing. His heart thumped(跳动) at a healthy 120 beats per       . He moved his head and wrapped his fingers and toes around the fingers of his         . Four hours became five, then six. Austin and his parents remained still     . Word about this baby had spread out. Everyone was talking about him. As the minutes and hours ticked away, Austin was going strong The tests showed a(n)      level of carbon dioxide in his blood. which meant he was       enough oxygen into his body. The clock passed midnight. Austin had       the next day. Miracle. a life miracle!
A.hello toB.sorry toC.goodbye toD.yes to
A.heartbeatB.mouthC.blood D.temperature
A.lived intoB.waked upC.waited forD.suffered from
What do you want to be when you grow up?
“When I grow up, I want to be...”
Almost all of us have thought about, or been asked to think about, our future careers. Our answers may differ greatly. Even now your aspirations(志向) may have changed from when you were in primary school.
However, it seems career options aren’t only based on personal taste. In a survey carried out by Teens, doctors, lawyers, and bankers were some of the most popular careers that people said they hoped to follow. This is in line with a similar survey carried out in the UK in May 2011 by job website monster. Co.uk, in which medicine was the top choice among UK teenagers aged between 13 and 17.
Medicine and law are two of the oldest and best known professions. Their prestige (威望) may come from the fact that doctors and lawyers are some of the most esteemed members of society, and they make good money. Joining these high-profile professions is often seen as a sign of upward social mobility.
It is equally unsurprising that banking is now one of the most common career choices. Youngsters worldwide think of banking and see the money rolling in. Wealth is increasingly becoming one of the most important indicators of a successful career. British young men list the UK tycoon Alan Sugar, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg as their top role models “for their wealth”. Just as Chinese teenagers see being a banker as a good and fun pathway to “wealth”.
However, not every child has the makings of doctor, lawyer, or banker. They are those who see fulfillment and happiness in other areas, and many teenagers dare to ink more individuality into their career options. As the Teens’ survey discovered, a variety of unconventional jobs---coffee shop owner, gourmet(美食家),waiter at a fast food restaurant---are among teenagers’ career choices. They can be equally interesting and rewarding jobs.
With every choice comes responsibility and challenge, and all career paths require specific education and training, you have to learn to balance optimism and confidence with being realistic about your particular talents and skills.
小题1:What is the passage mainly about?
A.Choosing a good job is very important.
B.The choice of career needs challenge.
C.Teenagers in the UK like doctors.
D.Careers in teenagers’ mind.
小题2:What is the top career choice among UK teenagers aged between 13 and 17 according to the article?
小题3:According to the article, all of the following are the benefits of being a doctor except_______.
A.respect from others B.the oldest professionC.high payD.upward social mobility.
小题4:What do youngsters think is increasingly becoming one of the most important indicators of a successful career?
小题5:What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.According to your particular talents and skills, you can choose your favorite career.
B.Specific education and training can help get a good job.
C.Whatever career you choose, you should balance optimism and confidence with being realistic about your particular talents and skills.
D.Responsibility is the most important when you choose a goodjob.
When I first told people I was going to work in Cameroon, the most common reaction was: “Why?” The second was: “It’s in Africa; you’ll die!” The third: “Where is that?”
So let me give some answers. I was offered a job that looked interesting in a part of the world I’d never been to before. I’d also long had an interest in Africa, so I decided it was time to find out the reality.
A small amount of research showed that in more than 40 years since gaining independence, Cameroon has been a peaceful country with no wars. Not only are there no wars, but Cameroon is a food exporter to the region.
Now, after three years, I can say that these have been the healthiest years of my life! No malaria or any of the other frightening diseases you read about when Africa is mentioned. The worst thing that ever happened to me was a bout of food poisoning — once.
So what is it like to teach here? Well surprisingly not so different from teaching anywhere else.
Most students come to us with a bit of English in their heads. Cameroon is a bilingual country with French and English as official languages, while there are also close to 200 local ethnic languages in a country of 16 million people. French is the dominant language, spoken by about 80% of the population.
The local school system is very traditional and somewhat strict. Perhaps not surprisingly when there can be up to 150 students in the classroom (of which maybe 30 have the books, and there are probably seats for 70).
Like anywhere else, students appreciate it if you know a bit about their country, and not just Roger Milla (the top scorer of the 1990 World Cup, in case you’re wondering). It helps if you know the names of the ten provinces, know who the first president was, or can say a word in a local language.
So in conclusion: Cameroon isn’t just football. Not is it war, poverty and disease. It’s just life and people, like anywhere else.
小题1: On hearing the writer’s decision, most people _____.
A.didn’t understand himB.considered it as a joke
C.admired himD.laughed at him
小题2:According to the passage, Cameroon is _____.
A.a country full of diseasesB.peaceful after liberation
C.a poor country, especially lack of foodD.quite different from others in education
小题3: What can we infer from the passage?
A.Food export may lead to many frightening diseases.
B.Most students in Cameroon do not need books
C.Cameroon is not as bad as people commonly believed
D.There must be a lot of people suffering from food poisoning.
小题4:What does the underlined word in the sixth paragraph mean?
My husband’s niece is 13 and what I would call “a handful”. She wants to stay with us for while, and her mother and grandmother have told me what a great influence I would be on her. Her visit ,no doubt, would bring about a long list of demands’ and she’d want to bring a friend too. I don t feel comfortable hosting her, but I don 3r know how to tell my husband’s family members without hurting their feelings.
-Reluctant Aunt
Dear Reluctant,
Let’s get you out of this mess. Your husband’s family is making a request that borders on a demand and sugarcoating it with self-serving flattery (恭维)? Put your foot down, and tell the truth. Say you don’t feel equipped or comfortable hosting the little darling, and regretfully decline (拒绝).Under no circumstances should you take part in any discussion that attempts to change your mind through flattery.
have two stepdaughters, 21 and 24. On holidays, the older one always buys me gift but adds her sister’s name on the card. I feel insincere thanking the younger daughter -Vd rather get no gift than be a part of this pretence. Is it tacky (俗气)to ask the 24-year-old to stop giving her sister credit while it isn t deserved? Will the younger one ever learn to be thoughtful?
-Mindful Mum
Dear Mindful,
Lighten up! Your older stepdaughter is a considerate and generous sister who covers for and protects her younger sister. Good for her! The girls’ relationship is between them. As for your role, you can’t punish anyone into being thoughtful. You can, however, model thoughtful behavior. Spend some time with her, and get to know her better.
小题1:The underlined word “a handful” would probably mean a person who______
A.is difficult to deal withB.enjoys making friends
C.is easy to get along withD.gets easily influenced
小题2:AUNTY suggested that Reluctant Aunt______
A.kindly host the guest
B.discuss with her husband
C.politely turn down the request
D.try to meet all the demands
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE about the second case?
A.Mindful Mum is very proud of her two step daughters.
B.The two stepdaughters always buy Mindful Mum gifts.
C.AUNTY thinks the older sister should be punished.
D.The older stepdaughter cares for her sister.
小题4:In which section does the passage most probably appear in a magazine?
A.Entertainment.B.Advice.C.Health.D.Food &Recipes.

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