
A senior official in charge of Internet security has claimed that the country has become the world' s biggest victim of cyber-attacks.
In an interview with Xinhua over the weekend, Zhou Yonglin, deputy chief of the operations department of China National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team ( CNCERT), also dismissed Google' s complaints that hackers traced to China had attacked its servers.
Google has not yet given CNCERT any report on the company' s complaints about the attacks, according to Zhou. "We have been hoping that Google will contact us so that we could have details on this issue and provide them help if necessary.”
Foreign firms such as eBay have turned to CNCERT for cyber security issues in the past year. Last year, the Internet security watchdog received 21,618 complaints from foreign companies, of which 1,095 cases were solved after combining similar cases. These cases included the trojan and phishing attacks (钓鱼攻击) against eBay /Paypal, JPMorgan Chase & Co and MarkMonitor Inc.
China has also sought other countries' help to clear web pages with malicious content. In November 2009, CNCERT reported to its US counterpart, the US-CERT, about two US-registered domain (域) names that were planting trojans on hundreds of Chinese websites. The domain names were shut down within two days of CNCERT’s requests.
With the number of Chinese netizens soaring but their Internet security awareness lagging, hackers have made China their primary target, Zhou said. He accused overseas hackers, especially those in the US, of illegally controlling computers in China by implanting malicious programs including trojans and zombie programs.
Compared with Interact security issues in the US, Japan and the Republic of Korea, it is very serious in China. Last year, 262,000 IP addresses in China were hit by trojans planted by nearly 165,000 overseas IP addresses. Those from the US ranked first, accounting for 16.61 percent.
60. What is the best title of the passage?
A. Google attacked by unknown hackers.                  
B. US legally responsible for Internet Security
C. Malicious Programs, an International Problem
D. China, the world' s biggest victim of cyber-attacks
61. Who does the underlined "a senior official" refer to?
A. An interviewer from Xinhua News Agency.
B. Deputy Chief of operation department of CNCERT.
C. A high official from Google Company.                 
D. A representative from foreign firms.
62. The author mentions eBay as an example of ________.
A. complaining for the cyber attacks                         B. seeking other countries for assistance
C. turning to CNCERT for cyber security                   D. taking USA as a counterpart
63. What does the writer intend to tell the readers in Paragraph 5?
A. The global cyber-attacks are mainly from the US.
B. International cooperation quickens steps to settle cyber issues.
C. The two US-registered domains are the counterparts of US-CERT.
D. CNCERT shut down the two US domain names within two days.


Though your parents probably meant to have your name last a lifetime, remember that when they picked it they’d hardly met you, and the hopes and dreams they cared for when they chose it may not match yours. If your name no longer seems to fit you, don’t lose heart. Film stars change their names, and with some determination, you can, too.
If you wish to pick up a new name, you don’t need to make the change official. Under common law, all that is necessary is to start using the name of your choice. Remember, though, that you must use it everywhere—even with your mother—for it to become your legal name.
Getting friends and fellow workers to call you Leach instead of Lola may be harder than any paperwork involved, but you’ll probably meet official resistance, too. Be sure that no law prevents you from using the name you have chosen, unless you use it for the purpose of cheating. If the gas company tells you that you cannot get your bill under a new name, they are wrong. You don’t have to show them any sort of court document. You have a right to be called by whatever name you choose.
By this time, you’ve probably realized that changing your name is more difficult than replacing your furniture or changing your hair color, though the effect can be unusually encouraging. Don’t care too much if you have to keep reminding others of your change of a new name—keep on, and your friends and lover will accept your new name. Good luck!
51.   You may wish to change your name because _____.
you are required to do so
you don’t mean to have your name last a lifetime
you like to follow what film stars often do
you may not like your parents’ choice
52.   If you wish to start using the name of your own choice, you _____.
must get friends to call your new name
don’t have to get permission from anybody
must use it with your mother first
need to be approved by the court
53.   No law keeps you from using whatever name you have chosen, if only ____.
you pick up a new name not for the purpose of wrong-doing
you can get your fellow workers to call you the new name
the gas company agrees to get your bill under your new name
some sort of court document is given to you
54.   You may realize that changing your name ____.
usually has good effect
is actually asking for trouble
is not as easy as rearranging your room
means you have to go through some trouble
55.   The purpose of the writer in writing this passage is to _____.
show you the need of changing your name
encourage you if you want to change your name
tell you how easy it is to change one’s name
list all the difficulties in changing one’s name

第四节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
September 4 was my first day at Phillips Academy, my new school. It was also my 18th birthday.
I received a warm   26    from my host family--- the Steins. Gena was my host mum, and her daughter Lily would also be a new  27   at Phillips. They took me to the school and      28   me around the campus.
On our way to my dorm (学生宿舍), we saw a truck delivering a student’s  29  to her room. Many students at the school were very rich, and they would fill their dorms with decorations(装饰物). But I was  30   not to because I thought it was a   31   of time and money.
I had a single room, which was about the   32   of a Chinese college dorm --- the ones which usually hold six people.  33  she helped carry my bags, Lily asked me, “What’s your favorite  34  ,Teresa?” I thought for a moment before answering, “Orange.” I didn’t know why she had asked the question.
We   35  an introduction meeting after dinner.  36   of the students were native English speakers, so I felt a little   37  .  I returned to my room after the   38  , tired and wanted to go to bed after a (n)   39  day.
When I opened my door, I found a big    40  .The bed was perfectly made with blankets and an orange sunflower pillow. On the    41   was a sunflower-pattern mat(地垫,垫子)while a colorful lamp    42  beside the bed.
I opened my mouth,   43   .  How beautiful!
There was also a  44   card. I touched the little pillow on the bed as I read the card. A warm current (暖流) rushed through my   45   .
26. A. heart           B. card                  C. service                     D. welcome
27. A. student       B. teacher                    C. citizen               D. visitor
28. A. walked               B. introduced         C. showed             D. invited
29. A. bag             B. newspaper         C. letters               D. money
30. A. warned       B. forced                     C. determined        D. supposed
31. A. matter         B. waste                C. show                 D. use
32. A. design         B. size                   C. pattern                     D. example
33. A. As               B. Though             C. Because             D. While
34. A. fruit            B. weather             C. food                 D. color
35. A. organized     B. planned             C. attended            D. opened
36. A. All              B. Most                 C. Some                D. Few
37. A. pleased       B. nervous            C. angry                D. afraid
38. A. dinner         B. class                C. meeting             D. party
39. A. exciting       B. surprising         C. tired             D. interested
40. A. secret          B. joke                  C. warmth          D. surprise
41. A. wall            B. desk                  C. floor            D. ground
42. A. stood           B. lay                C. appeared        D. hanged
43. A. frightened    B. moved                     C. satisfied         D. understood
44. A. post             B. birthday            C. name            D. festival
45. A. mind         B. head                C. face               D. body

第三部分  阅读(共两节,满分40分)
第一节  阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
American like to visit the national parks. In 1996, over 250,000,000 people visited areas run by the National Park Service. Experts predict that by 2010, 500,000,000 people per year will visit the parks. As a result, people are trying to think of ways to protect the parks from the crowds.
The crowding of the parks has caused several problems. One is that there is not enough space for all of the people who want to use the parks. To cope with this problem, national parks may require reservations months in advance for some spots. The Park Service may also raise entrance fees at these places.
Another problem caused by increased park use is pollution. Some garbage and waste can be cleaned up, and the cleanup can be paid for by increased entrance fees. To cut down on noise pollution and air pollution, officials may decrease the number of cars allowed in parks. If this happens, people may use buses to travel around the parks. Officials may also limit the use of jet-skis, snowmobiles (摩托雪橇), motorboats, and sightseeing helicopters and planes.
The parks are also threatened by development that is going on around them. For example, around Yellow Stone Park, many motels (汽车旅馆), golf courses, resorts, and other tourist attractions have been built. Some of these developments affect areas that are used by animals. People will have to learn to agree about ways to protect the parks. If they do not, there will soon be no reason to visit these national treasures.
1. By 2010, the number of visitors will rise by ______ per year.
A. 250 million              B. 500 million              C. 2.5 billion         D. 5 billion
2. If you want to visit the national parks, you may have to _____ in the future.
A. pay less than before                         B. stay there for months
C. book the ticket before months           D. fill in a form to apply for the ticket
3. Entrance fees may be increased _______.
A. just for the benefit of the National Park Service
B. either to limit the number of visitors or to pay for the cleaner
C. not only to protect the animals but to reduce the noise pollution
D. merely for the development of the national parks
4. What does the underlined sentence in the passage mean?
A. People are not supposed to visit the national parks for fear that they will harm the animals.
B. Only if more man-made tourist attractions are built will more people visit the parks.
C. It is reasonable to keep the balance between the development of the parks and the reserve.
D. People will not visit the national parks since there are no golf courses and resorts.
5. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. High fees may probably keep some people out of parks.
B. Helicopters and planes will not be used in parks any longer.
C. The bus will become the only toot in parks with the purpose of pollution reduction.
D. The National Park Service welcomes as many visitors as possible.

Some people think that all wild animals are dangerous. Actually, very few of them will attack a man if he leaves them alone. If you met a lion or an elephant, suppose, you would run away, but even a lion will keep away from a man unless it is very hungry. Lions and tigers only kill and eat men when they have grown too old and too weak to catch their usual food, such as deer and other small animals. If you saw a wild elephant, perhaps you would be frightened. Elephants usually run away at once unless you attack them. Some animals get very frightened if they only smell a man; some take no notice at all but quietly walk in another direction. Wild animals only attack hunters when they are afraid that the hunters mean to harm their young ones, or then the hunters shoot at them and make them angry.
60. The word attack is closest in meaning to ________.
A. hurt         B. catch             C. hit             D. follow
61. Lions and tigers will not kill or eat men ________.
A. unless men try to run away                 B. if they are too old and too weak
C. if they are able to get enough of their usual food  D. however men act towards them
62. Some animals run away when they smell a man probably because _________.
A. they dislike the smell               B. they think men are dangerous to them
C. they don't want to eat men           D. they want to eat weak men
63. This passage is mainly about _________.
A. how to protect wild animals              B. how animals look for their food
C. how to make friends with wild animals     D. how animals act towards men

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36---55各题后的 A B C D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
A gift left to her
Early in the morning, I was taken in a nylon bag into a truck. I felt horrible as well as ___36___What would she do with me? She was almost mad after the___37__of her husband.
A few minutes later, I heard the truck___38__its engine and move fast. I kept making sounds to show my protest, but failed to make any___39___ Finally she put me down in a __40__place. Maybe she didn’t want me to die from lack of air; she untied the bag.
I ___41___ out and looked up, only to see many strange faces and fingers pointing at me.
It turned out that my owner meant to___42___ me. I saw my owner on the truck, which was going farther and farther. So I cast my head ___43__the direction of the truck. The days we spent together was like a movie playing in front of my eyes as I ran after the truck. I saw my male owner, who suffered liver cancer; look at me with his sad eyes. I saw myself___44__my owner everywhere; I saw him lie in his dying bed, she all___45__.
I ran as fast as I could. And the___46___I saw her wave to me, my eyes became wet. I wouldn’t blame her for treating me like this for she was such a (n) ___47___ lady. She seemed even somewhat ___48___ at his leaving her alone, trying many ways to ___49___the pains of losing him. She ___50___ his pictures and clothes, and she redecorated the whole house. Now I was the only ___51___ thing to remind her of him. ___52___ later, I am pretty sure that she would realize how mad she was to do this…
The truck finally stopped when I was almost ___53___. She ran up to me and hugged me ___54___. I heard her ___55___: “I know you are a present he left to me.”
36. A. puzzled           B. excited          C. delighted             D. frightened
37. A. separation           B. absence       C. departure           D. death
38. A. run                        B. begin            C. start                    D. operate
39. A. sense                  B. trouble                 C. effort                      D. difference
40. A. usual                  B. strange              C. familiar               D. dark
41. A. walked        B. rushed           C. ran                      D. struggled
42. A. harm               B. desert            C. punish                      D. sell
43. A. into                    B. at                        C. in                            D. to
44. A. follow            B. bring            C. guide                        D. support
45. A. with tears            B. in tears                 C. out of breath        D. in silence
46. A. time                  B. direction       C. way                    D. moment
47. A. cruel                  B. unfriendly     C. unfavorable          D. unfortunate
48. A. calm                   B. depressed      C. angry                       D. sad
49. A. kill                        B. remove             C. bear                    D. prevent
50. A. kept                   B. burned                 C. sold                    D. hit
51. A. moving           B. walking         C. existing               D. blessing
52. A. But                    B. And                  C. Thus                   D. Then
53. A. worn out             B. knocked out    C. left out               D. made out
54. A. tightly            B. patiently        C. sadly               D. desperately
55. A. shout                  B. speak            C. whisper            D. talk
Chinese New Year for Kids
‘Chinese New Year for Kids’ is a full color paperback book with beautiful Chinese illustrations (插图). This is a hands-on workbook for parents and teachers, written for children from ages 3 to 12 years old, for use in the classroom or at home. Music, physical movement, art, and food all add to the atmosphere of taking an imaginary trip to China during the Chinese New Year.
Author:         Cindy Roberts
Date:            2002-10-01
List Price:        $ 9.95
Price:            $ 8.95 Buy it On Amazon.com
  The Polar Express
One couldn’t select a more delightful and exciting premise (前提) for a children’s book than the tale of a young boy lying awake on Christmas Eve only to have Santa Claus sweep by and take him on a trip with other children to the North Pole. And one couldn’t ask for a more talented artist and writer to tell the story than Chris Van Allsburg.
Author:         Chris Van Allsburg
Date:            1985-10-28
List Price:        $18.95
Price:            $ 12.89 Buy it On Amazon.com
  The Secret of Saying Thanks
Perhaps you’d like to know a secret, one of the happiest ones of all. You’ll discover it all on your own, maybe when you least expect. If you’ve not yet discovered the secret of saying thanks, it’s waiting for you. The secret can be found in the sunrise that offers promises for the day ahead, or in the gentle shade of a tree sheltering you from the hot rays of the sun.
Author:         Douglas Wood
Date:            2005-9-27
List Price:        $ 16.95
Price:            $ 11.53 Buy it On Amazon.com
  The Runaway Pumpkin
When Buck, Billy and their little sister Lily spy the biggest pumpkin they’ve ever seen, they can’t resist (抵制). Buck and Billy try to roll the pumpkin down the hill to show everyone, but it’s too big! Before they know it, it’s rolling out of control down the hillside. It knocks over Grandpa Baxter and makes him think of pumpkin soup. And when Poppa Baxter finally stops, all he can think of is pumpkin bread.
Author:         Kevin Lewis
Date:            2003-09-01
List Price:        $ 15.95
Price:            $ 6.38 Buy it On Amazon.com
小题1:We can infer from the passage that Chinese New Year for Kids ________.
A.is very popular with readers all over the world
B.is helpful to foreigners to travel to China.
C.helps readers to learn about Chinese culture
D.introduces a lot of outdoor activities.
小题2:If you buy a copy of The Runaway Pumpkin on Amazon. Com, you can save ________.
小题3: The author wrote the passage mainly to ________.
A.offer us some advice on shoppingB.tell us some interesting stories
C.introduce some children’s booksD.compare some books’ information

Everybody likes a winner, and there are always people ready to cheer for a good winner. But who has ever heard a song for the man who comes in second? So this is in praise of the almost winner, the nearly champion(冠军), the next to the biggest, the second best. This is the song of Mister Two.
You hear unflattering(不讨好人的) names for Mister Two. “Alsoran”, they call him, and “runner­up”, names that make you think of a fellow who couldn’t quite make it. Don’t let that fool you. Ask the winner of any race how good a man Mister Two is. He will tell you it’s Mister Two who made him run so fast, Mister Two is always threatening to overtake and pass him.
Ask the salesman who won the contest and what kept him looking for extra order. Ask the directors of the big company why they keep changing their product, seeking the new equipment, the added advantage. What drives them? What keeps them going? It’s the salesman with nearly as many orders. It is the company with the product almost as good. It’s Mister Two.
In this country, we’re proud of the quality of our champions. Our big men come very big. Our fast men run very fast. Our wise men are the wisest and our greatest men are the greatest that a country could hope to be blessed with. And why is that? It is Mister Two that makes the race always open and everybody can run. So this is for you, Mister Two. This is your song. This is for all the days you tried for first, and came in second. It’s for the nights when you wonder if you ought to go on trying, since nobody seems to notice. . .
We notice, Mister Two. We know the score. Winner or not, you’re a natural champion. There couldn’t be a race without you, Mister Two.
48. People usually call Mister Two unflattering names to    him.
A. praise            B. encourage        C. laugh at          D. respect
49. According to the author, Mister Two is mentioned in connection with the following except    .
A. business          B. sports            C. greatness         D. failure
50. It is implied in this story that    .
A. Mister Two is as important as the winner     B. every leader needs someone to help him
C. the second today must be the first tomorrow    D. second place is always praised
51. The person who wins needs to understand that    .
A. winning is everything      B. being Mister Two is wonderful
C. without Mister Two he would do better
D. without strong competition he wouldn’t have worked so hard

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