




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

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With the improvement of people’s living standards, more and more people possess their own car. Some thought it is good to own a car. First, it’s an convenient, fast and comfortable means of transportation, that saves people much time on the trip. It also makes businesses and industries to develop faster.

However, others have different opinions, thinking that cars give waste gases and pollute the environment around. Have too many cars will have some bad effects, such as more accidents and crowdedness. Besides, lacking parking lots are another big problem.

As far as I’m concerned, we ought to think careful before buying cars. Even if we have cars, we should use it less.


Currently, people from all over the world prefer to shop online. Experts predict our spending online over the next five years will grow by 129%. But how can you protect yourselves when shopping online?

1. It should be protected by up-to-date anti-virus software, and you should also install a personal firewall, which will stop hackers attacking your system. Check that your firewall is open before you start shopping, and when you finish, be sure to log out.

Take a minute to look at the website before you buy anything. Check that the company has a geographical address as well as a telephone number. 2.

Sellers should have a list of all your rights somewhere on their website, and you need to read this before you decide to shop there. 3. As a general rule, online companies usually give their customers seven days to cancel their order if they change their minds about their purchase.

4. It is a lock-shaped symbol and you can find it on the browser bar (浏览器栏) at the bottom of the screen. Another indication of a safe website is its address. The address should not begin with “http” but “https” — the letter “s” stands for secure.

The final stage of online shopping is the order confirmation. This is proof that you’ve bought a product from this company, and it contains the special reference number for your order. 5. You might need it if there’s a problem.

A.You should always print this information and keep it somewhere.

B.If this happens, your credit card will offer you the best protection.

C.A special icon (图标) will tell you if the website you are using is safe.

D.Make sure that your device, for example your laptop or tablet, is safe to use at all times.

E.When you buy things on the Internet, there’s no chance that something may go wrong.

F.If you can’t find the list, you should probably choose a different website.

G.It’s generally better to use sellers that you know about or ones that have been recommended to you.

Bars are very important in providing a place where people can meet and make friends. People who enjoy a drink in a local bar are happier and have more friends. They are more likely to be engaged in conversations in small community pubs, and social skills improve after a drink.

Professor Robin Dunbar of Oxford University said, “Friendship and communities are probably the two most important factors influencing our health and well-being. Making and maintaining friendships is something that has to be done in the real world. The digital world is simply no substitute(n.替代物). Given the increasing tendency for our social life to be on the Internet rather than in real life, having relaxed, accessible places where people can meet old friends and make new ones becomes even more necessary.”

Tim Page, chief executive of CAMRA, said, “Bars offer a social environment to enjoy a drink with friends in a responsible community setting. The role of community bars in ensuring well-being cannot be overstated. For that reason, we all need to do what we can to ensure that everyone has a ‘local’ near to where they live or work.”

Bars have long been part of British society and have played a key role in British social life since the 16th century. Bars came to represent the heart and soul of a community, providing both a place of entertainment and an engine for community bonding. In a world before the arrival of the motor car, the bar provided a venue in which people could get friendships and a sense of community.

But the closing decades of the 20th century witnessed major changes in both the style of bars (for example, themed bars) and their numbers. As of 2015, the number of bars declines sharply, with bars continuing to close at an average rate of 29 a week.

1.What does a regular(n.常客) at a local bar having more friends prove?

A. The benefits brought by pub cultures

B. The popularity of local bars in Britain.

C. The relation between friendships and bars

D. The importance of face-to-face communication.

2.What does Robin think is the tendency for social life?

A. More people will go to bars.

B. People will maintain friendships

C. People will trust the digital world

D. People will communicate more online.

3.Why does Tim Page value the role of local bars?

A. They contribute to people’s social happiness.

B. They are a place common people can afford.

C. They are a good place to spread cultural values.

D. They are accessible to people in the community.

4.What can we infer about bars nowadays?

A. Themed bars have held the market

B. Some bars have a hard time surviving.

C. They become the heart of a community

D. Measures should be taken to save them.

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for family, health, and life in general. However, Black Friday has turned it into a business.

Traditionally, the true value of Thanksgiving lies at home not the shopping centers. However, Black Friday has nowadays allowed society to ignore this as individuals(个人) long for something that they do not need or even truly want. Shopping on Black Friday becomes a sign of a shift into a culture that values material wealth(财富) over spending time with loved ones. People are willing to force their way through the crowds in their desperate search for marked-down sweaters and necklaces.

In recent years, Thanksgiving has become a pre-Black Friday holiday for many families. They are devoted to mapping out shopping routes and making organized schedules for which stores to hit first. By drawing individuals out to shopping centers with "matchless savings", businesses encourage this behavior of ignoring Thanksgiving. Many families take their home-cooked meals while camping out at the door of shopping centers. With each new year, Thanksgiving is becoming victim to over-commercialized(过度商业化)society—changing from a meaningful time for family to a day devoted to products and shopping.

Black Friday has shown that with current common standards(标准), people cannot even set aside a single day to appreciate what they already have without immediately buying more. Families have lost sight of what is truly important in life, and have found reasons in debating between a low cost HD television and an appreciation for what they already have. Remember, Thanksgiving should be a day in which people are grateful for all that they have.

1.What does the underlined word "this" in paragraph 2 probably refers to?

A. The sign of a shift. B. The true value of Thanksgiving.

C. The shopping crowd. D. The material wealth.

2.In recent years, what will many families do when thanksgiving comes?

A. They’ll visit some newly-opened shopping centers in advance.

B. They’ll choose a big store for their first visit.

C. They’ll make full preparations for the Black Friday shopping.

D. They’ll go camping at the gate of shopping center for a good deal.

3.In the last paragraph, the author mainly intends to tell us that we should ______.

A. appreciate what we've possessed with our families

B. stay with our families as long as we can

C. try to spend less to get low cost products

D. set aside a single day to buy more

4.What's the author’s attitude towards the present ways people celebrate Thanksgiving?

A. puzzled B. unconcerned

C. happy D. worried

For many parents, raising a teenager is like fighting a long war, but years go by without any clear winner. Like a border conflict between neighboring countries, the parent-teen war is about boundaries: Where is the line between what I control and what you do?

Both sides want peace, but neither feels it has any power to stop the conflict. In part, this is because neither is willing to admit any responsibility for starting it. From the parents’ point of view, the only cause of their fight is their adolescents’ complete unreasonableness. And of course, the teens see it in exactly the same way, except oppositely. Both feel trapped.

In this article, I’ll describe three no-win situations that commonly arise between teens and parents and then suggest some ways out of the trap. The first no-win situation is quarrels over unimportant things. Examples include the color of the teen’s hair, the cleanliness of the bedroom, the preferred style of clothing, the child’s failure to eat a good breakfast before school, or his tendency to sleep until noon on the weekends. Second, blaming. The goal of a blaming battle is to make the other admit that his bad attitude is the reason why everything goes wrong. Third, needing to be right. It doesn’t matter what the topic is ---politics, the laws of physics, or the proper way to break an egg---the point of these arguments is to prove that you are right and the other person is wrong, for both wish to be considered an authority---someone who actually knows something---and therefore to command respect. Unfortunately, as long as parents and teens continue to assume that they know more than the other, they’ll continue to fight these battles forever and never make any real progress.

1.Why does the author compare the parent-teen war to a border conflict?

A. both can continue for generations.

B. Both are about where to draw the line.

C. Neither has any clear winner.

D. Neither can be put to an end.

2.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. The teens blame their parents for starting the conflict.

B. The teens agree with their parents on the cause of the conflict.

C. The teens accuse their parents of misleading them.

D. The teens tend to have a full understanding of their parents.

3.Parents and teens want to be right because they want to ________.

A. give orders to the other

B. know more than the other

C. gain respect from the other

D. get the other to behave properly

4.What will the author most probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?

A. Causes for the parent –teen conflicts.

B. Examples of the parent –teen war.

C. Solutions for the parent –teen problems.

D. Future of the parent-teen relationship.

The moment I stepped off the plane after a writer’s conference, my youngest son Jeremy greeted me and cried out, “Poster paper, Mama! I need poster paper. We’re having a________at school.”

Being a housewife and writer, I felt like no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep up with the needs of my _______. Back at home, Jeremy kept reminding me of the poster paper, but I just couldn’t _____a minute for it. Gradually though, he began to speak more ________, almost _______he were talking to himself. “Maybe he’ll just forget it, ”I thought hopefully. So I put Jeremy’s request at the________of my long list of things to do.

My third day home I managed to take fifteen minutes to type an article when a small _______fell across my paper. I knew who it would be before I________. Jeremy stood quietly watching me.“Oh, Lord, please don’t let him say it again.” I knew what he wanted but I needed to________. I smiled________at Jeremy and kept typing. He________for a few more minutes, then turned and walked away. I almost didn’t hear his________. “Competition is over tomorrow, anyway.” The small figure walking out of my room, a silent voice spoke urgently to my heart, “Get him that paper—now!”

“Let’s go to get the paper, Jeremy.” He stopped, _______and looked at me in ________“You’re going to the store just for me?” I_______. Suddenly, a look of________shot across his face, erasing the disbelief. I don’t think I’ll ever________that moment. Later that day, he worked silently on the________all afternoon. And a few weeks later, a large yellow envelope came. Inside it was the Certificate of Award. So________was I that I didn’t turned away from his________to get him some poster paper.

1.A. race B. class C. ceremony D. competition

2.A. colleagues B. family C. neighbors D. relatives

3.A. spare B. wait C. spend D. lose

4.A. slowly B. softly C. confidently D. loudly

5.A. as soon as B. as long as C. as though D. even if

6.A. bottom B. top C. beginning D. corner

7.A. letter B. foot C. image D. shadow

8.A. woke up B. stood up C. got up D. looked up

9.A. rest B. type C. learn D. exercise

10.A. widely B. happily C. weakly D. politely

11.A. watched B. searched C. hesitated D. complained

12.A. comment B. footsteps C. warning D. advice

13.A. fell over B. sat down C. turned around D. walked away

14.A. peace B. astonishment C. relief D. silence

15.A. doubted B. argued C. apologized D. nodded

16.A. surprise B. sadness C. disappointment D. excitement

17.A. enjoy B. remember C. forget D. value

18.A. story B. question C. poster D. composition

19.A. grateful B. generous C. forgetful D. selfless

20.A. opinion B. request C. promise D. gift

When I was a college student, I did a lot of traveling abroad. That was because a professor _____ me to do so. She said, “Now it is the time for you to travel around the world, _____ your knowledge through actual experiences and have fun?” I ______ her.

Since I started to work for a ______ company, however, I have done most of my traveling through the Internet. By using the Internet, I have seen the ___ of many cities on my computer screen. And I have really made business ______, too. With the help of the Internet, I have also got _____ about food in different countries.

Therefore, I was beginning to feel that actual trips were ______ necessary when I happened to read a famous chef's comment on the Internet. He said, “It is very difficult to have real Italian food in a foreign country, because we enjoy food and the ____ around us at the same time. So why don't you fly over to Italy and enjoy real Italian _____? “Those words reminded me of my ____ advice. As information technology ______, you might be able to do without making some real trips. But this also means that you will miss the various ______ you can get from traveling.

Today there are people who ______ direct communication with others and spend much of their time on the Internet. It is not surprising to see a group of people ___ not with each other but into their micro phones. It seems as if such people are ____ by an invisible wall. They seem to be losing out on a good chance to _____ and talk with other people. I do not think that they are taking good advantage of information technology. We should use information technology as a tool to make our daily ______ more fruitful. However, we should never let it ______ our time for face to -face communication. Let's make use of information technology more ______, and have great fun in experiencing the actual world.

1.A. promised B. allowed C. hurried D. encouraged

2.A. build up B. use C. practise D. exchange

3.A. agreed with B. learned from C. followed D. obeyed

4.A. car B. food C. clothing D. machine

5.A. life B. rivers C. sights D. houses

6.A. plans B. bargain C. progress D. trips

7.A. information B. taste C. cooks D. feelings

8.A. even more B. no longer C. much D. actually

9.A. people B. drink C. atmosphere D. environment

10.A. shoes B. dishes C. customers D. situations

11.A. friend's B. parents' C. professor's D. boss's

12.A. produces B. advertises C. forms D. advances

13.A. news B. pleasures C. troubles D. places

14.A. avoid B. keep C. lose D. enjoy

15.A. meeting B. talking C. communicating D. traveling

16.A. stopped B. met C. surrounded D. hurt

17.A. look at B. employ C. travel D. meet

18.A. communication B. study C. work D. action

19.A. spare B. increase C. reduce D. make use of

20.A. wisely B. correctly C. or less D. slowly

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