
"Shark on the bait (诱饵) !" shouted Andre Harman, pointing to a spot a few yards behind the outboard motors. His voice gave no indication of panic, but the crew suddenly became tense and fixed their eyes on the water. Slowly, smoothly, Andre drew in the bait.The shark followed. No one asked what kind of shark it was. Everything about it, from its color to its shape, tells that it was a great white shark.

Andre lifted the bait aboard. Placing himself between the two motors, he dropped his right hand into the water just as the great head reached the first motor.“My goodness Andre!” I said. His hand seized the big nose, moving it away from the tube of the motor, guiding the shark's head up as it rose out of the water. Andre's hand held the nose, touching it gently. No one spoke. No one breathed. The moment seemed endless. In fact, it lasted less than five seconds before Andre pulled his hand back.

Still nobody spoke. Then Andre smiled and said: "The first time was an accident. I was just trying to move the shark away from the motor. Sharks are attracted to motors by r.heir electrical signals and have a habit of biting them to see if they are eatable. " Andre has worked with great white sharks for years. "My hand landed on its nose, and it sort of paused, so I kept it there, and when I did let go, the shark bit and bit as if it was searching for whatever it was that had attracted it."

Nearly every encounter (遭遇) we had had with the great whites had been totally illogical. The more we learned, the more we realized how little was really known about them in the past years. Back then, it was generally accepted that great whites ate people by choice. Now we know that almost every attack on a human is an accident in which the shark mistakes a human for its normal food. Back then, we thought that once a great white smelt blood, it would lead to death. Now we know that nearly three-quarters of bite victims survive, perhaps because the shark recognizes that is has made a mistake and doesn't return for a second bite.

1.The author said, "My goodness! Andre ! " when ________.

A.Andre was about to fall into the water

B.Andre was about to touch the shark

C.Andre was followed by the shark

D.Andre was bitten by the shark

2.What does the author think of the encounters with great whites________.

A. Exciting. B.Educational.

C. Frightening D. Reasonable

3. Most bite victims survive in shark attacks because________.

A.they are taught how to fight off sharks

B.sharks discover they are no threats

C.they manage to swim to safety

D.sharks stop attacking them


Let us suppose it is now about A.D. 2060. let’s make believe it is about fifty years from now. of course, things have changed and life is very different.

Voyages to the moon are being made every day. It is as easy to take a holiday on the moon today as it was for the people in 1960 to take a holiday in Europe. At a number of scenic spots on the moon, many hotels have been built. The hotels are air-conditioned, naturally. In order that everyone can enjoy the beautiful scenery on the moon, every room has at least one picture window. Everything imaginable is provided for entertainment of young and old.

What are people eating now? People are still eating food. They haven’t yet started to take on heir(继承) supply of energy directly as electrical current or as nuclear power. They may some day. But many foods now come in pill form, and the food that goes into the pill continues to come mainly from green plants.

Since there are several times as many people in the world today as there were a hundred years ago, most of our planet’s surface has to be filled. The deserts are irrigated(灌溉) with water and crops are no longer destroyed by pests. The harvest is always good.

Farming, of course, is very highly developed. Very few people have to work on the farm. It is possible to run the farm by just pushing a few buttons now and then.

People are now largely vegetarians(素食者). You see, as the number of people increases, the number of animal decreases. Therefore, the people have to be vegetarians and we are healthier both in our bodies and in our minds, and we know the causes and cure of disease and pain, and it is possible to get rid of diseases. No one has to be ill any more.

Such would be our life in 2060.

1. According to the text, what will be on the moon in about A.D.2060?

A. Many other animals. B. Many tourists.

C. Many plants. D. A sea.

2. What will people eat in 2060 according to the text?

A. Foods in pill form. B. Foods in gas form.

C. Biscuits in pill form. D. Foods in water form.

3.Why are people largely vegetarians in 2060?

A. There are fewer animals existing on earth.

B. People don’t like to eat meat.

C. People no longer need food.

D. People are healthy enough.

Set in a future in which human has been in conflict with an alien race, the novel follows the progress of 6 year old Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, a gifted child who was the result of a government program to develop new commanders to help in the fight against the alien. In the School Ender quickly shows himself to be at the top of his class through his clever use of intelligence during a zero-gravity war game. While Ender’s success makes him a target for older, envious(嫉妒的) commanders, he keeps moving up and is finally promoted(提拨) to Command School where he gets further training from the famous commander Mazer Rackham. In Command School, Ender’s tests and games become increasingly exhausting until he is finally forced to make a frightening decision that has destroying results.

Ender’s Game centers around a group of children who seem to grow into full adults whose emotions and actions seem inconsistent with their actual ages. The youth of these characters added weight to the sadness I felt for these kids who had been raised to be cold and trained since birth to view life as a conflict to be won or lost. The fact that these “Innocents” are competing against each other to kill a faceless enemy for the better of mankind is seen as an unavoidable result of the fear that was stuck in humanity. And while obvious similarities to our own present state of war can be made, the book doesn’t focus as much on the alien threat as it does on Ender’s struggles and the results of his actions.

My main regret with this book was that I didn’t read it when I was younger. I think that I probably would have had an even greater reaction to the story and the struggles of Ender if I’d been closer to his age when I experienced it. Oh well, better late than never I guess.

1. Ender studies in Command school because of__________.

A. the conflict with other countries

B. a government program

C. his further training

D. exhausting tests and games

2.How did the writer feel about the children in Ender’s Game?

A. Fearful. B. Sad. C. Proud. D. Envious.

3.This passage is probably one part of _________.

A. a science novel B. a news story

C. a school introduction D. a book review

Does handwriting matter? Not very much, according to many educators. However, scientists say it is far too soon to declare handwriting is not important. New evidence suggests that the link between handwriting and educational development is deep.

Children not only learn to read more quickly when they first learn to write by hand, but they are also better able to create ideas and remember information. In other words, it’s not only what we write that matters—but how.

A study led by Karin James, a psychologist (心理学家)at Indiana University, gave support to that view. A group of children, who had not learned to read and write, were offered a letter or a shape on a card and asked to copy it in one of three ways: draw the image on a page but with a dotted outline (虚线) , draw it on a piece of blank white paper, or type it on a computer. Then the researchers put the children in a brain scanner and showed them the image again.

It was found that when children had drawn a letter freehand without a dotted outline or a computer, the activity in three areas of the brain was increased. These three areas work actively in adults when they read and write. On the contrary, children who chose the other two ways showed no such effect. Dr. James attributes the differences to the process of free handwriting: Not only must we first plan and take action in a way but we are also likely to produce a result that is variable. Those are not necessary when we have an outline.

It’s time for educators to change their minds and pay more attention to children’s handwriting.

1.What do scientists mean by saying “it is far too soon to declare handwriting is not important”?

A. Handwriting is not very important to children.

B. Handwriting has nothing to do with education.

C. Handwriting can not be learned in a short time.

D. Handwriting should not be ignored at present.

2.What does “that view” in Para. 3 refer to?

A. Children read quickly when they write by hand.

B. Children create ideas and remember information.

C. How we write is as important as what we write.

D. A group of students should know what to write.

3.Which is NOT the children’s task in the experiment?

A. Put a brain scanner and show the image again.

B. Draw the image on a piece of blank white paper.

C. Type the image directly on a computer.

D. Copy the image on a page but with a dotted outline.

4.According to the passage, the author obviously giving up handwriting.

A. is for B. is against

C. is responsible for D. doesn’t care about


Trapped on the 37th Floor

Melinda Skaar wasn’t expecting any phone calls.Skaar was working late in her office at the First Interstate bank of California.By 10:45 that night she was almost ready to go home when the phone rang.

Picking it up,she heard a guard shouting.“There is a fire! Get out of there!”

Skaar didn’t panic.She figured that it was just a small fire.Her office building was huge.There were 62 floors and her desk was on the 37th floor.

Skaar called out to office mate Stephen Oksas,who also stayed late to work.But when they got to the hallway,they were met by a cloud of black smoke.Rushing back,Skaar shut the door and filled the space at the bottom of the door with her jacket to keep the smoke out.

Then they called 911.Before they could call their families,however,the line went dead.That meant that they were completely cut off from the outside world.All they could do was wait and hope someone would come to rescue them.

Minutes ticked by.Smoke began to float into the office.Soon it became hard for them to breathe.

Looking around,Skaar noticed a small workroom.It seemed to have cleaner air.So they crowded there.That helped for a while,but in time even the workroom was filled with deadly smoke.

Hopeless,they tried to break the windows,but the glass was not breakable.Everything they threw at just bounced back.

Defeated,they struggled back to the workroom.They felt weak and dizzy .Soon Skaar found Oksas had passed out.

As Skaar and Oksas lay near death,rescuers were rushing to find them.At last,at about 4 a.m.,firefighters found them.

Skaar and Oksas knew they were lucky to be alive.“Sunday is my birthday,” Skaar told a reporter.She would be turning 29.But she knew she had already got the best present possible——the gift of life.

1.What did Skaar and Oksas do when they were stopped by the fire?

A.They called their families.

B.They waited where they were.

C.They tried to run down the stairs.

D.They rushed back and shut the door.

2.The first sentence of the passage is to ____________.

A.introduce Skaar

B.get the reader’s attention

C.explain the cause of the event

D.tell the background information

3.The following helped Skaar and Oksas survive the fire except _____________.

A.calling 911 for help

B.breaking the windows to get some fresh air

C.crowding in a small workroom for clean air

D.shutting the door and keeping the smoke out with a jacket

4.What can we conclude from Skaar’s action in the fire?

A.She is cleverer than Oksas.

B.She was trained as a firefighter.

C.She remained calm in the face of danger.

D.She had had the experience of being caught in fire.

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