Dear Jack,
I'm really glad to hear from you and know how you are getting along.
分析 这是提纲类作文,根据题目要求可知用第一人称展开叙述,时态应该以一般现在时态为主.内容分成三部分:一 点明写信的原因;二使他摆脱困境的建议,这是文章的主体,包括1.了解当地的生活习惯,尊重当地风俗.2.与美国学生多交流.3.多参加户外活动.4.注意与人交往的礼仪;三 表达祝愿.
1.Secondly,there should be plenty of American students whom(引导定语从句,代指先行词plenty of American students ) you may turn to for help(turn to sb for help表示"向某人求助") as well as( as well as表示:也包括) communicate and go out with.
And finally,I suggest (此处省略了宾语从句的引导词that)you pay attention to the manners while (while连接时间状语从句,表示"在此期间")you make friends or communicate with the local
解答 Dear Jack,
How is everything going in England?I know it is hard for you to get accustomed to such a new environment,but I trust that you can make it bravely and successfully!I have been abroad before so would you like some suggestions from me(点明写信的原因)?
First of all,we should befamiliar with the local customs and life,and we need respect their customs andtraditions.If you have anything confusing,you may speak up to your British friends.I believe they will help you understand.Secondly,there should be plenty of American students whom you may turn to for help as well as communicate and go out with(高分句型一).Whynot?Additionally,please try to do more outdoor activities.The more sports you do the healthier and happier you will become.Trust me on that!And finally,I suggest you pay attention to the manners while you make friends or communicate with the local(高分句型二).Just to do as the Romans do when in Rome(使他摆脱困境的建议).
Wish youhave a wonderful time in England(表达祝愿)!
点评 为了使文章有条理性,我们要用一些表达层次的连接词,例如本文中的First of all,Secondly,Additionally,finally,.这些词语的使用使文章条理清楚,是加分的一个亮点.

Between 2and 3pounds of wonder,it controls everything we say,do or think,who we are and what we care about.The way we walk or laugh or figure out things.What we like and the talents we possess.How we see and talk and run and jump and process our food.
The brain uses 20percent of our body's oxygen and 20percent of its blood.Somewhere within its protein,fat,100,000miles of blood vessels and 100billion nerve cells,it helps us remember where we put our gym shoes.Change our temperature so we don't die because of the heat or cold.Speed us up or slow us down.Help us choose between orange juice or orangeflavored drinks.
Its complexity are stunning,far beyond anything most of us can imagine.To keep this work of art as polished as possible we need to eat right,exercise and keep mentally stimulated.Good nutrition helps brain cells communicate with each other.Exercise stimulates a hormone in our brain that improves memory.Mental stimulation keeps you sharp even as you age.
"It's very important that we tell people to be physically active and mentally active,"said neurologist Malcolm Stewart."People cannot stop aging,but you're able to reduce the damage; you're able to keep the function up."
Following are Dr.Stewart's advice for improving brain health:
Nutrition | Avoid fast food.Follow the old adage(格言):For breakfast,eat like a king; for lunch,like a queen; for supper,like a beggar. |
Exercise | Do a combination of stretching aerobic and musclestrengthening every day. |
Mental games | Try to have a sense of hope about the future.Do puzzles.Listen to music.Reach out to others to make their lives better. |
A.inform us how the brain works
B.give us advice on how to keep the brain healthy
C.tell us that the brain plays an important role in our lives
D.show how special the brain is to us
61.The underlined word"stunning"meansD.
A.interesting B.strange C.significant D.amazing
62.According to the text,more exerciseB.
A.keeps our mind sharp
B.helps improve our memory
C.gives our brain a rest
D.is good for brain cells communicating with each other
63.In order to keep brain healthy,we should avoidC.
A.eating a good lunch B.doing puzzles
C.eating a large supper D.taking aerobic exercise.