
【题目】Since the baby milk powder was found to be polluted, there has been universal doubt _____ other food products are safe _____.

A. that; to eat B. whether; to be eaten

C. whether; to eat D. that; to be eaten



试题分析:考查同位语从句和不定式用法句意:既然婴儿奶粉被发现已经被污染了,很多人都怀疑其他的食物是否可以安全食用。本题中的名词doubt后面是一个同位语从句,因为前面的doubt用语肯定句中,所以使用whether引导该同位语从句,表示不确定的事情。第二空使用不定式to eat对句子的主语other food进行补充说明。因为safe是对主语的性质特征进行的说明,故使用不定式的主动语态。如:The problem is easy to solve。这个问题很容易解决,故C正确。


【题目】The True Story of Treasure Island

It was always thought that Treasure Island was the product of Robert Louis Stevenson’s imagination. _____,recent research has found the true story of this exciting work.

Stevenson, a Scotsman, had lived for many years in 1881 he returned to Scotland for a . With him were his American wife Fanny and his son .

Each morning Stevenson would take them out for a long over the hills. They had been this for several days before the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse, Kept indoors by the heavy rain. Lloyd felt the days To keep the boy happy Robert asked the boy to do some

One morning, the boy came to Robert with a beautiful map of an island. Robert (9) that the boy had drawn a large cross in the middle of “What’s that ?”he asked “That’s the treasure said the boy Robert suddenly something of an adventure story in the boy’s While the rain was pouring ,Robert sat down by the fire to write a story. He would make the a twelve-year-old boy just like Lloyd. But who would he the pirate(海盗)?

Robert had a good friend named Henley, who walked around with the of a wooden leg. Robert had always wanted to such a man in a story Long John Silver the pirate with a wooden leg, was

So thanks to a .September in Scotland a friend with a wooden leg and the imagination of a twelve-year-old boy we have one of the greatest stories in the English language.

【1】A.However B.Therefore C.Besides D.Finally

【2】A.alone B.next door C.at home D.abroad

【3】A.meeting B.story C.holiday D.jib

【4】A.Lloyd B.Robert C.Henley D.John

【5】A.talk B.rest C.walk D.game

【6】A.attempting B.missing C.planning D.enjoying

【7】A.quiet B.dull C.busy D.cold

【8】A.cleaning B.writing C.drawing D.exercising

【9】A.doubted B.noticed C.decided D.recognized

【10】A.the sea B.the house C.Scotland D.the island

【11】A.forgotten B.buried C.discovered D.unexpected

【12】A.saw B.drew C.made D.learned

【13】A.book B.reply C.picture D.mind

【14】A.star B.hero C.writer D.child

【15】A.help B.problem C.use D.bottom

【16】A.praise B.produce C.include D.accept

【17】A.Yet B.Also C.But D.Thus

【18】A.read B.born C.hired D.written

【19】A.rainy B.sunny C.cool D.windy

【20】A.news B.love C.real-life D.adventure

【题目】The character “duang” is so new that it does not even exist in the Chinese dictionary. But it has already spread like wildfire online in China, appearing more than 8 million times on China’s micro-blogging site Weibo, where it spawned a top-trending hashtag(标签) that drew 312,000 discussions among 15,000 users. On China’s biggest online search engine Baidu, it has been looked up almost 600,000 times. It’s been noticed in the West too, with Foreign Policy seeing it as a “break the internet” viral meme like a certain Kirn Kardashian image, or a certain multicoloured dress.

But what does it mean? “Everyone’s duang-ing and I still don’t know what it means! As if it’s back to school for me,” said Weibo user Weileiweito. Another user asked: “Have you duang-ed today? My mind is full of duang duang duang.” “To duang or not to duang, that is the question,” wrote user BaiKut automan.

“Duang” seems to be an example of onomatopoeia(拟声词), a word that phonetically imitates a sound. It all seems to have started with Hong Kong action star Jackie Chan, who in 2004 was featured in a shampoo commercial where he said famously defended his sleek, black hair using the rhythmical-sounding “duang”. The word resurfaced again recently after Chan posted it on his Weibo page. Thousands of users then began to flood Chan’s Weibo page with comments, coining the word in reference to his infamous shampoo appearance.

The word appears to have many different meanings, and there’s no perfect translation, but you could use it as an adjective to give emphasis to the word that follows it. A kitten might be “duang cute”, for example. Or you might be “very duang confused” by this blog.

For readers of Chinese characters, the Jackie Chan theme is also apparent from the quirky(古怪的) way in which the word is written: a combination of Chan’s Mandarin names.

【1】How does the writer try to prove that Duang has already spread like wildfire online in China?

A. giving examples B. listing numbers

C. making comparisons D. offering quotations

【2】Why does the author mention “a certain Kirn Kardashian image”?

A. to tell us “Duang” also draws attention in the West.

B. to tell us “Duang” is just like a certain image on a certain multicolored dress.

C. to tell us Foreign Policy doesn’t like “Duang”.

D. to tell us a certain Kim Kardashian image breaks the internet.

【3】 Which of the following statements about “duang is NOT true?

A. It came from Jackie chan’s commertial.

B. Weibo users created the word about his infamous shampoo appearance.

C. It was first used as an adjective to stress the word that follows it.

D. Many people are confused by the word.

【4】What kind of people may not know the word “duang”?

A. the old who are over sixties

B. the young who are in fashion

C. a boy who has dropped out of school

D. a woman who never surfs the internet

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