
单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


1. When I hear a(n) ________ (习语) that I don’t understand, I can ask my host family for help.

2.He has just ________ (辞职) from the committee.

3. I’ll make ________ (安排) for you to be met at the railway station.

4.Police are calling on any driver who may have ________ (目击) the accident.

5. Most smokers are perfectly ________ (意识到) of the dangers of smoking.

6. Every dollar you ________ (捐献) will be used to support the Hope Project of China.

7. It is a ________ (安慰) to know that all the mine workers are in safety.

8. They celebrate their wedding anniversary _______ (每年).

9. When they saw the police car, the robbers turned and ________ (逃离).

10.Fearing further attacks, most of the population had to ________ (遗弃) the city.




1. idiom     2. resigned   3. arrangements      4. witnessed

5. aware   6. donate/donated   7. comfort   8. annually/yearly 

9. fled/escaped    10. abandon





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