
单词拼写 (共10小题,共10分)
【小题1】It is c______________ of you not to make any noise while the others are having a rest.
【小题2】Each classroom in our school is e_________ with a computer, which is helpful to our study.
【小题3】She started in the film d__________ by Zhang Yimou.
【小题4】Children are always c_________ to know the things they have never seen.
【小题5】You are likely to get lost while travelling in the j_____.
【小题6】It is hard to know the ____(起源) of the human race, that is, how humans came into being.
【小题7】You have to eat food with plenty of fiber that helps you _____ (消化) better.
【小题8】Your brother is full of ________(幽默); he had us laughing all through the meal.
【小题9】Stop pretending that the problem doesn’t ________(存在).
【小题10】We reached a village which is ___________(包围) by hills.

【小题1】 considerate
【小题3】 directed
【小题6】 origin
【小题8】 humour / humor

【小题1】 considerate 形容词考虑周到的considerate,该词固定搭配be considerate of…对…考虑周到的。
【小题2】equipped   形容词equipped 配备有…是由动词equip转换而来;短语be equipped with…配备着…。
【小题3】directed    动词导演direct,名词the film与动词direct构成被动关系,故使用过去分词短语做定语。
【小题4】 curious    形容词好奇的curious,构成短语be curious about…对…好奇。
【小题5】jungle     名词丛林jungle,指在丛林里旅行容易迷路。
【小题6】origin     名词起源origin,该词可以转换为形容词original原始的,最初的。
【小题7】digest     固定搭配help sb do sth帮助某事做某事;动词digest消化。
【小题8】 humour / humor 名词幽默humor/humor,该词可以作为抽象名词,单独使用,不需要冠词。
【小题9】exist      动词存在exist,是一个不及物动词exist存在。
【小题10】surrounded 动词surround,本句是一个被动语态的形式,故使用过去分词的形式。


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