
I believe honesty is one of the greatest gifts. I know they call it a lot of fancy names these days, like  36_ and straightforward .And it’s still what  37  a man a good citizen .This is my secret ,and I try to live by .
I’ve been in the taxi business for thirty-five year,  38  there is a lot about it that is not so good. Taxi drivers have to be rough and tumble (乱作一团) fellows to be able to take it in New York. You’ve got to be  39  to fight the New York traffic eight hours a day . Because taxi drivers are tough, people get the   40  impression that they are bad .Taxi drivers are just like other people. Most of them will act as   41  fellows. You read in the papers almost every week   42  a taxi driver turns in money or jewels or like that people leave in their   43  . If they weren’t hones, you wouldn’t be reading those stories in the papers. One time .I found an emerald (翡翠的) ring in my car. I remembered helping a lady with a lot of suitcases that day , so I went back to where I had   44  . It took me almost two days to wait for her in order to return her   45  to her. I didn’t get much as “thank you”.  46  I felt good because I had done what was right. I think I felt better than she   47  .
I was born and raised in Ireland until I was nineteen years old. I came to this country in 1913 where I   48  several jobs to earn a few dollars before joining the army in Word War I. After being discharged (退伍), I bought my own car and have owned one ever since. It hasn’t been too easy   49  , but my wife takes care of our money and we have a good bit   50  for a rainy day (一时之需). In all my years of driving a taxi, I have never had   51  with the public, not even with drunks. Even if they get a little headstrong (顽固的) once in a while, I just agree with them and then they behave themselves.
People ask me about tips. As far as I know,   52  everyone will give you something , because most Americans are   53  generous . I always try to be nice to everyone, whether they   54  or not. I believe in God and try to be a good member of my parish (教区 ). I try to act toward others like I think god wants me to act. I have been trying this for a long time, and the   55  I try , the easier it gets.
A.dishonorB.dishonesty C.uprightD.faithful
A.picked her up B.dropped her offC.dropped her downD.pull her down
A.at one timeB.some timeC.in no timeD.at times
A.put offB.put upC.put onD.put away


小题1:考查形容词:此处应填一个与honesty和straightforward同义的词,AB是反义,D不准确,只有C upright(正直)
小题2:考查动词:句子的意思是这仍然是使一个人成为好公民的一个因素,故选择C make
小题3:考查伴随状语,伴随的部分的动词使用动名词形式,故选择D knowing
小题4:考查形容词:与上下文照应, have to be rough提示答案,故选择B tough
小题5:考查形容词:下文的Taxi drivers are just like other people表示此处人们的印象是错误的,故选择D wrong
小题6:考查形容词:根据下文拾金不昧的例子以及文章主旨可以推测此处想表示出租司机其实是诚实的,选B honest
小题7:考查定语从句:句子的意思是每周你都可以在报纸上读到有关于出租司机拾金不昧的报道。故选择D where
小题8:考查名词:结合文意,出租车司机应当是捡到乘客遗落在车里的物品,故选择B cars
小题9:考查词组drop……off,放……下车,故选择B dropped her off
小题10:考查上下文串联:前文提到作者想要归还的是an emerald ring,所以选择A ring
小题11:考查副词:这里填表示转折意思的副词,后面句子的意思表示作者依然觉得很高兴,故选择B still
小题12:than前后的动词使用一致的时态,同时因为前面使用felt,故选择B did
小题13:考查动词:此处的意思是在加入军队前同时拥有几份工作,故选择C held
小题14:考查词组:句子表示这份工作时不时会有些困难,这里表示不时,有时意思的只有D at times
小题15:考查词组:由下文的一时之需得知此处应该填表示应急储蓄的单词,考查词组put away储蓄.故选择D put away
小题16:考查词组have trouble with……,在……有困难,故选择A trouble
小题17:考查副词:由下文说出的事实可以得知此处表示实际上或现实中的意思,故选择D Practically
小题18:考查副词:联系上文,此处说的是美国人一般还是比较大方的,故选择D fairly
小题19:考查动词:结合此处出租司机的背景,作者表示的意思应当是无论人们给小费与否,他都诚实待人.故选择A tip(给小费)
小题20:考查形容词的比较级:上文说到I have been trying this for a long time所以此处应该填long的变化形式,故选择A longer
Years ago a farmer possessed vast land along the Atlantic coast. He constantly ___31___ for hired hands. Most people didn’t want to work on farms along the Atlantic. They were ___32___ of the storms that blew across the Atlantic , ___33___ the buildings and crops. So the farmer couldn’t find one good worker. Finally , a short, ___34___ man, well past middle age, visited the ___35___.
“Are you a good farmhand?” the farmer asked him.
“Well, I can ___36___ _when the wind blows,” answered the little man.
Although___37___ _at his answer, the farmer, longing for ___38___, hired him. The little man worked well around the farm and the farmer felt___39___ _with the man’s work.
Then one night the big wind blew. Jumping out of bed, the farmer___40___ into the hire hand’s sleeping room. He___41___ the little man and cried, “Get up! A storm is coming! Tie things down___42___ _they are blown away!” The little man rolled over in bed and said___43___, “No, sir. I told you, I can sleep when the storm strikes.”
Hearing his response, the farmer wanted to___44___ the man on the spot. Then he hurried outside to make necessary preparations. To his___45___, he discovered that all of the haystacks(干草堆)had been___46___ well. The cows were in the barn(畜棚)and the doors were___47___. Everything was well organized. The farmer then understood what he___48___, and he returned to his bed while the wind blew.
When you’re___49___, you have nothing to worry about. Can you sleep with the wind blowing through your life? The worker in the story was able to sleep___50__ _he had prepared the farm well against the storm. We should also prepare ourselves well against the storm in our lives.
A.searched B.advertisedC.hunted D.waited
A.sinceB.so thatC.because D.in case
I’ve often had difficulty remembering names. Proper nouns seldom found easy purchase in my brain unless I consciously repeat them over and over again. Needless to say, when people leave my life their names are often soon forgotten. This can have some embarrassing consequences.
Five or six years after high school graduation, I was reading carefully the shelves of a local auto supply shop when I noticed someone familiar enter the store. I knew him. He was in my graduation class and although he was not a good friend of mine, we had shared many classes and knew each other well. I began to feel an increasing sense of foreboding(预感)and quickly hid behind the nearest shelving unit. I should have known his name. How many times had I heard it during class role call? How many conversations had we had in the hallways?
I easily remembered his surname, “Ricca”. His was a large, well know family in the town of my childhood. I couldn’t have just acknowledged him using his surname. I might as well have admitted forgetting his name, which was not a choice. One’s name is important to every person’s identity. Not remembering an old acquaintance’s name is similar to forgetting your wife’s favourite flower, an embarrassing mistake of the highest order.
I quickly ran through the alphabet (字母表), a strategy I developed for just such an occasion. Abe? No, Adam, Andy, Bob? No, Bill? Yes! Bill sounded right. Of course, his name is Bill. I confidently made my way around the shelves and spoke to him as he was studying some cans of motor oil.
“Bill, how are you doing?”, I said offering him my hand which he took with a friendly shake. We talked a bit, some amusing remarks about our college experiences and such. I took his hand again, said how good it was to see him and gave him a happy wave, calling him by name again, as I left.
I was so pleased that I avoided yet another awkward encounter(相遇) that I could feel a big smile on my face as I paid the cashier and exited the store. As I marched merrily across the parking lot, an awful thought came into my mind. John, his name is John! Where did Bill come from? Was that one of my brothers? The sudden realization of what I did made me stop in my tracks. My head dropped when I realized my mistake. There was no way Mrs. Ricca would name one of her sons “Bill”. “Billerica” was the name of a town just north of Boston.
小题1:Which one can show the charge of the writer’s feelings?
a. guilty   b. anxious   c. embarrassed   d. happy   e sure
小题2:According to the passage, which statement is NOT sure?
A.Forgetting your wife’s favourite flower is a very serious mistake.
B.It is common to call an old acquaintance his given name.
C.The writer was in his twenties when he met John in the store.
D.John and the writer studied in the same college.
小题3:The underlined word “acknowledge” probably means “      ” here.
小题4:We can infer from the passage that _______.
A.The writer must have experienced such embarrassment many times
B.The writer had difficulty remembering names because he was getting old
C.Running through the alphabet was always an effective way of remembering an acquaintance’s name for the writer
D.Mrs. Ricca would have named one of her sons “Bill” if Billerica was not the name of a town north of Boston
I was listening to the radio while 1 was driving home from coaching basketball yesterday. I could tell right away that there was something  41  by the mood of the speaker. There had been a plane crash. What made the 42  even more tragic was that Bob Collins,the morning show man, was among those who had been killed. Throughout my 40-minute  43 , I listened as sincere love and affection from the audience  44 .The more I listened about how this man had influenced those around him, the more   45 I became.
That was because I wanted to know  46 we as a culture, wait until somebody has passed away before we tell them how much they  47 to us? Why do we wait until it is too late before we  48 someone up after they have died? Yes,49  memory after memory about someone's good  50 does help us cope with the sadness of losing someone special to us. But as we  51 remember this person, our words fall short of the ears that most need to hear  52 .
Just once,  53 a gathering of death,1 would like to see a celebration of life,  54 stories are told, tears fall down,laughter rings out;and as the speaker  55 his or her loving tribute(颂词), the person they are  56  rises from the chair and gives them a  57 hug! Wouldn’t that be   58 !
Life is too short to leave kind words   59 . How I wish that when the unavoidable funeral finally comes,we could say  60 with the knowledge that they knew exactly how people felt about them while they were here on earth.
A.poured inB.grew upC.broke outD.got through
A.as forB.apart fromC.except forD.instead of
Every spring scores of people flock to the Buzzard Festival at Hinckley, Ohio. They come to watch for buzzards. Most would be glad just to take a look at a buzzard. If they do see one of these" flying garbage cans", it will probably be circling high in the sky. From there it can watch the ground for signs of the waste and the dead animals on which it feeds.
The buzzard is the ugliest bird in the United States. In fact, it may well be the ugliest bird in the world. It has a small, bare, pink head. Its thick body is covered with dark, rough feathers.
In spite of its looks, the buzzard is important to the people of Hinckley. It is their first sign of spring. After a winter in the south, buzzards return to their homes in the north. In the Hinckley area, they always return on March 15. No one knows why. But they have come back to Hinckley Ridge on that day, sure as clocks work, for at least forty years.
The excitement starts in February. By the middle of March it has reached a high peak. Bets are placed. Prizes go to the person who sees the first buzzard. Radio stations and newspapers tell of the coming festival. And on the weekend after March 15 the people of Hinckley hold their Buzzard Festival.
The people come and look around. They chat. They eat their fill of pancakes and sausages. Then they drive past Buzzard's Roost on Hinckley Ridge.
A lot of them stop near the road at the stand set up to give information to visitors. There they can hear, from a recording, the main facts about the buzzard. They can see a stuffed buzzard. They can look at some pictures taken of buzzards in other years. With good luck and a strong pair of field glasses, they may sight one or two live buzzards high in the sky.
Buzzards may be ugly. They may be "flying garbage cans". But in Hinckley they are just as welcome as the swallows in Capistrano, California. It would be a sad spring indeed if the buzzards ever failed to come back to Hinckley Ridge.
小题1:A good title for this story would be __________.
A.The Hinckley Buzzard Festival
B.Buzzard, the Ugliest Bird
C.Why the Buzzard Has a Pink Head
D.The Return of“The Garbage Can"
小题2:The buzzard is called the "flying garbage can" because it __________.
A.is uglyB.eats waste and dead animals
C.looks like a garbage canD.collect rubbish on the ground
小题3:The surprising thing about Hinckley's buzzards is that_.
A.they spend the winter in the south
B.they come very close to the town
C.they return on the same day each year
D.both buzzards and swallows return to Capistrano on March 15
小题4:At the information stand, visitors to Hinckley's Buzzard Festival can _________.
A.learn some facts about the buzzard
B.easily see a live buzzard
C.take some pictures with the background of live buzzards
D.feed their fill of pancakes and sausages to buzzards
Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy trying to  31  in order to pay the high tuition for my brother and me. They don’t act in the 32 ways that I read in books or I see on TV. In their opinion, “I love you” is too 33 for them to say. Sending flowers to each other on Valentine’s Day is even more out of 34.
One day, my mother was sewing a quilt. I sat down beside her. “Mom, I have a question to ask you. Is there _35  between you and Dad?” I asked her in a very low voice. She didn’t answer immediately. She  36  her head and continued to sew the quilt.
I was very worried because I thought I had _37_ her. I was 38_ and I didn’t know what I should do. But at last I heard my mother say the following words:
“Susan,” she said thoughtfully, “Look at this thread.Sometimes it __39_, but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt _40__. If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread.It can hardly be seen _41 , but it’s really there. Love is 42_.”
I listened carefully but I __43_ her until the next spring. At that time, my father suddenly _44 seriously. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. When they returned from the hospital, they both looked __45_. It seemed both of them had had a serious illness. After they were back, every day in the morning and dusk, my mother helped my father 46__ on the country road.
“Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day.
“Susan, don’t _47  me.” he said gently. “To tell you the truth, I just like walking with your mom.”_48_ his eyes, I know he loves my mother deeply.
Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and 49 . But from this experience, I understand that love is just _50_ in the quilt of our life. Love is inside, making life strong and warm.
A.keep fitB.rise early C.collect moneyD.earn money
A.romanticB.magic C.fantasticD.attractive
A.simple B.luxuriousC.relaxingD.easy
A.questionB.the questionC.reach D.control
A.bowedB.shook C.noddedD.raised
A.hurtB.injured C.woundedD.harmed
A.in great surpriseB.with deep depression
C.in a great embarrassmentD.at extreme sorrow
A.happens B.comes aboutC.occurs D.appears
A.warm and softB.hot and hardC.thin and coolD.strong and durable
A.more or lessB.here and there
C.somewhere and sometimeD.anywhere or anytime
A.inside B.outsideC.faraway D.nearby
A.could believeB.wouldn’t recognizeC.couldn’t understandD.might know
A.got stuckB.got sickC.threw up D.became disabled
A.quite healthy B.fairly red C.very paleD.much surprised
A.walk slowlyB.go hurriedly C.run fastD.jump high
A.think about B.worry about C.talk withD.laugh at
A.fresh rosesB.gold ring C.beautiful jewelry D.sweet kisses
A.a needle B.a threadC.the clothD.the cotton
The advertisement appeared in my e-mail—“1-800-Flowers: Mother’s Day Madness —for just $39.99!” I almost clicked on it, forgetting that those services would not be needed this year. My mother, Margaret Feiddman, died at the age of 89, and so this is my first Mother’s Day without my mom.
In my childhood, my mom appeared to be a typical suburban housewife of her generation. She sewed many of my sisters’ clothes, including both of their wedding dresses and boy’s suits for me. And on the side, she won several national bridge tournaments(桥牌锦标赛).
My mom left many indelible marks on me. The first was to never lose heart and to be independent. My dad died suddenly when I was 19. My mom worked hard for a couple of years. But in1975, I won a scholarship to study in Britain and my mom surprised us all by announcing that she decided to go with me. When I met difficulties, she always said: “You’re a man, so never lose heart, never be knocked down, and try your best to pursue(追求) your dreams.”
My mom’s other big influence on me is a sense of optimism. She had taken her knocks. But every time life knocked her down, she got up and kept on marching forward, encouraged by the saying that pessimists(悲观者) are usually right, optimists are usually wrong, but most great changes are made by optimists.
How I wish to listen to my mother’s words, and give my best regards on this Mother’s Day, but I have no chance now! My best friends, treasure(珍惜)your mother’s love!
小题1:The author mentioned the advertisement to ___.
A.show he’s tired of the advertisements
B.explain he missed his mother very much
C.make you believe that he was very kind
D.urge the readers to buy the present for their mothers
小题2:What experience of the author’s mother surprised the author?
A.That she volunteered to go to Britain with her son.
B.That she gained knowledge all by herself.
C.That she did all the housework by herself.
D.That she won several national bridge tournaments.
小题3:What dose the underlined word “indelible” in the 3rd paragraph probably mean?
A.be out of controlB.be easy to remember
C.be destroyed easilyD.be impossible to forget
小题4:We can know about the author’s mother that_____.
A.She encouraged the author to pursue his dreams
B.she felt very lonely in her late life
C.She never received a present from her children
D.she passed away before the author’s father
小题5:Which can be the best title for the passage?
A.My Great MotherB.Mother and I
C.Treasure Mother’s LoveD.Mother’s Day Madness
Homeboy Goes to Harvard University
On January 11, 2007, as students sat and listened, a very important guest speaker named Richard, spoke to the students in the lecture hall. He not only showed the potential(潜能)within young adults, but  encouraged them to work hard at their lessons.
Richard was a young child when his mother died and his father walked out. He was forced into many different foster homes(寄养家庭)where he felt unhappy. He did not know that his life was taking a turn for the worst.
His uncle, after getting out of prison, got him into drugs and alcohol. His uncle taught him that his place in life was either to be in prison or die trying to be “a man.” His uncle’s teaching almost started affecting him until a very important person came into his life: a teacher. This teacher taught him there is a place in the world for everyone and it isn’t related to drugs.
Richard is now a Harvard University graduate and has a great and loving family. Why? He was taught to have respect not only for others, but for himself.
After the meeting, it was hoped that the students realized within them there is a potential, and within everyone around them, is knowledge. As Richard reminded them, “Knowledge is power.”
小题1:On January 11, 2007, students listened to a speech made by Richard, who graduated from ________.
A.Harvard UniversityB.a foster school
C.his teacher’s schoolD.his uncle’s university
小题2:Richard encouraged the students ______.
A.to love life B.to be a man C.to study hard D.to leave drugs
小题3:When he was young, Richard lived a(an)_______ life in foster homes.
A.rich B.unhappy C.relaxing D.interesting
小题4:Who played an important role in Richard’s successful life?
A.His uncle.B.His teacher.C.His friends.D.His parents.
A major new development in system of work in Britain is taking place. Flexible working hours, or “Flextime”, are catching on fast, and trend is continuing. In 1973, over 500 organizations had adopted the idea, and by 1974, this number had risen to over 200,000.
Flexible working hours were invented in Germany in the late 1960’s, but reached Britain only in 1972. The system allows workers to start and finish work whenever they want, with only two requirements. These are, firstly, that all workers must present for certain “key” times in the day, and secondly, that all workers must work an agreed total number of hours per week.
The system had proved a total success wherever it has been tried. A survey of 700 workers on flexible hours showed three main advantages: a better balance between working and private life, avoidance of the need to travel during rush hours and the ability to finish a certain task before leaving.
From the employer’s point of view, the system tends to increase productivity, reduce labour turnover and give workers a greater sense of duty. At first, “Flexible” was mainly confined to white-collar workers, but it is now being applied to manual workers too.
小题1:According to “Flextime” system, workers need not _________.
A.work at the same timeB.work all the weekdays
C.work hardD.ask for leave when being absent
小题2:“Key” time is a period when _________.
A.visitors come to the plants
B.all workers must be at work
C.employers go round in the workshop
D.rush hours are over
小题3:No matter where it is used, this system has proved _________.
A.entirely effectiveB.totally correct
C.a complete failureD.quite difficult
小题4:One of the great advantages of “Flextime” for workers is that they _________.
A.have a great sense of dutyB.can avoid busy traffic
C.can get higher payD.can avoid working hard

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