
20.一Beijing International Airport,please!I'll be there by eight.
一              ,but I'11 try my best.(  )
A.It's impossibleB.I can't promiseC.All rightD.No problem

分析 --北京国际机场,谢谢!我要在8点钟到达那里.

解答 答案B.
A项"不可能";C项"好吧";D项"没问题;"B项"不敢打保票";根据下文中"but will do my best"得知,答话者不敢打保票,但会尽力.因此B项符合语境,故选B.

点评 本题考查情景交际.解答此类题目首先应该读懂句意,分析上下文语境和逻辑关系.其次对每个选项中的交际用语的适用情况要掌握,根据语境锁定正确答案.关键平时学习中要对交际用语多积累多总结反复记忆.

20.Happy people work differently.They're more productive,more creative,and willing to take greater risks.And new research suggests that(51)Cmight influence how firms work,too.
Companies located in places with happier people invest more,according to a recent research paper.(52)B,firms in happy places spend more on R&D,which stands for research and development.That's because happiness is linked to the kind of longer-term thinking(53)Dfor making investments for the future.
The researchers wanted to know if the optimism (乐观) and hobbies for risk-taking that come with happiness would(54)Dthe way companies invested.So they compared U.S.cities'average happiness(55)Bby Gallup polling (民意调查) with the investment activity of publicly traded firms in those areas.
(56)Aenough,firms'investment and R&D intensity were related with the happiness of the area in which they were headquartered.But is it really happiness that's linked to investment,or could something else about happier cities(57)Awhy firms there spend more on R&D?To find out,the researchers controlled for various (58)Bthat might make firms more likely to invest-like size,industry,and sales-and for indicators that a place was desirable to live in,like(59)Cin wages or population.The link between happiness and investment generally held even after accounting for these things.
The(60)Abetween happiness and investment was particularly strong for younger firms,which the authors regard as"less codified (法典化的) decision-making process"and the possible presence of"younger and less(61)Dmanagers who are more likely to be influenced by emotions."The relationship was also stronger in places where happiness was spread more(62)D.Firms seem to invest more in places where most people are relatively happy,rather than in places with happiness inequality,or large(63)Cin the distribution of well-being.
While this doesn't prove that happiness causes firms to invest more or to take a longer-term view,the authors believe it at least hints at that possibility.It's not hard to imagine that local culture and emotions would help(64)Ahow executives think about the future.Just ask anyone who's spent time in Silicon Valley."It surely seems reasonable that happy people would be more forward-thinking and creative and(65)BR&D more than the average,"said one researcher.
52.A.In returnB.In particularC.In responseD.In conclusion
65.A.turn downB.focus onC.give upD.make out
11.Although they are an inexpensive supplier of vitamins,minerals,and high-quality protein,eggs also contain a high level of blood cholesterol(胆固醇),one of the major causes of heart disease.One egg yolk,in fact,contains a little more than two-thirds of the suggested daily cholesterol limit.
    This knowledge has caused egg sales to drop in recent years,which in turn has brought about the development of several alternatives to eating regular eggs.One alternative is to eat substitute eggs.These egg substitutes are not real eggs,but they look somewhat like eggs when they are cooked.They have the advantage of having lower cholesterol rates,and they can be scrambled or used in baking.One disadvantage,however,is that they are not good for frying,poaching,or boiling.A second alternative to regular eggs is a new type of eggs,sometimes called"designer''eggs.These eggs are  produced by hens that are fed low-fat diets consisting of ingredients such as canola oil,flax,and rice bran.In spite of their diets,however,these hens produce eggs that contain  the same amount of cholesterol as regular eggs.Yet,producers of these eggs claim that eating their eggs will not raise the blood cholesterol in humans.
    Egg producers claim that their product has been described unfairly.They use scientific studies to back up their claim.And  in tact  studies on the relationship between eggs and human cholesterol levels have brought mixed results.It may be that it is not the type of egg that is the main determinant of cholesterol but the person who is eating the eggs.Some people may be more sensitive to cholesterol from food than other people.In fact,there is evidence that certain dietary fats stimulate the body's production of blood cholesterol.Consequently,while it still makes sense to limit one's intake of eggs,even designer eggs,it seems that doing this without regulating dietary fat will probably not help reduce the blood cholesterol level.
46.According to this passage,which of the following is a cause of heart disease?B
A.High-quality protein   
C.Canola oil            
47.The main cause of the recent drop in egg sales isD.
A.the production of substitute eggs and designer eggs
B.the changes in hen's diet
C.the increasing price
D.People's knowledge of the high level of blood cholesterol in eggs
48.Which is the best way to cook substitute eggs?B
A.Boiling.    B.Baking.    C.Frying.D.Poaching.
49.What's the main purpose of this passage?C
A.To advertise for substitute eggs.
B.To warn people of the danger of heart disease by eating eggs.
C.To inform people of the relationship between eggs and cholesterol.
D.To tell people that fat intake is more dangerous than egg intake.
50.Which of the following statements is NOT true?C
A.It has been proved that some dietary fats stimulate the body's production of blood cholesterol.
B.Some people are insensitive to cholesterol from food.
C.It is the type of egg that determines the level of cholesterol in one's body.
D.Controlling one's intake of eggs and dietary fat is likely to reduce blood cholesterol.
5.The most popular trend in self--help theories these days is about positive thinking.Many  successful authors tell us that the best way to succeed and be happy is to avoid thinking about  failure and to focus on good things.One of these theories comes from a small book called How  Full is  Your Bucket(水桶)?by Tom Rath and Donald O.Clifton.The idea behind their work  is fairly simple,positive thinking from yourself and others will make your life better.
The authors say that the idea for their work is based on a historical case.During the Korean War,a large number of American troops were being held prisoners,and many of them  died in prison.A psychologist found that the reason for their death was the feel of total lack of hope the prisoners had.In other words,the authors of How Full Is Your Bucket?say it was  because of negative thinking.The story shows us the terrible power of negative emotions.
The authors of the book also believe that every interaction (相互影响) we have with other people affects us deeply.Our lives are shaped by our relationships with others.The authors  believe that experiences with others are always either good or bad but never neutral.This  brings us to the bucket idea.Imagine that everyone has a bucket.Every positive interaction  adds to the bucket,and every negative interaction takes away from it.It works whether it's  another person's negativity or your own; they both take away from your own bucket.The  best way to live is with a full bucket,which is the result of positive thinking and interactions  with the people around us.Positivity is almost like a magic cure,according to the look.It gives us energy and makes us stronger,healthier,happier and more successful.Is the secret really that simple?It's up to you to decide.

28.According to the text,when someone asks you"how full is your bucket?",what does he mean?D
A.How hard do you work?
B.How unhappy are you?
C.How disappointed do you feel?
D.How much optimistic energy do you have?
29.The authors of the book believe the prisoned American soldiers in the Korean War were killed byC.
A.terrible diseases
B.lack of food and clean water
C.the idea that they're going to die
D.cruel mental and physical punishment
30.According to the bucket theory,when interacting with others,if you are holding negative  beliefs,you areA.
A.eptying both your and others'buckets
B.emptying just your own bucket
C.filling up your own bucket
D.filling up others'buckets
31.How can we live with a full bucket?C
A.Avoid communicating with discouraged people and focus on our own happiness.
B.Carry a bucket of water with us wherever we go.C.Raise our positive energy and bring hope to others all the time.
D.Blame others for being unhappy and force them to smile.
6.Today,we are told,children don't spend enough time in the fresh air.Many of them are addicted to a screen either on a computer or a TV-they seem to be living in a virtual world.They have lost touch with nature.
But now 400 organizations in the UK,from playgroups to the National Health Service,are encouraging children to have some"wild time".They want kids to swap at least 30 minutes of watching TV or playing computer games for time playing outside.Activities such as building dens,climbing trees and playing hide and seek are just some of the things kids can do.Even if they live in a city,they can go on adventures in the garden or the park.
Children often need a helping hand from mum and dad.They need to be shown what to do and where to go.Andy Simpson from National Health Service says,"We want parents to see what this magical wonder product does for their kids'development,independence and creativity,by giving wild time a go".
    So despite the complicated world that young people grow up in now,it seems that going back to basics and experiencing"nature's playground"is what modern children need.David Bond from Project Wild Thing says,"We need to make more space for wild time in children's daily routine,freeing this generation of kids to have the sort of experiences that many of us took for granted".
This might sound a bit old fashioned to you,or maybe,like me,it's made you think about sticking on your boots,getting outdoors and reliving your childhood.There's no age limit on enjoying yourself!
66.What is the best title of the text?A
A.Wild time for children                       
B.Benefits of wild time
C.More space for children                      
D.Adventures of children
67.Children are encouraged to do the following activities exceptD
A.building dens                               
B.climbing trees
C.playing hide and seek                       
D.watching TV
68.According to Andy Simpson,we know thatB.
A.wild time is hard to design                   
B.wild time is beneficial for children
C.parents know the importance of wild time       
D.parents like keeping their children indoors
69.What's the main idea of Paragraph 4?A
A.Modem children need wild time.            
B.Adults value outdoor activities.
C.The present world is complicated.           
D.This generation of kids have no freedom.
70.The last paragraph suggests thatD 
A.People like recalling the past                 
B.it is out of date to go outdoors
C.it is too late for adults to enjoy nature          
D.people at any age can enjoy wild time.

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