
【题目】下面文章中有 5个段落需要添加标题(第1~5题)。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

A. Adjust Mental Attitudes.

B. Be willing to Communicate.

C. Pay Attention to Safety Issues.

D. Adapt to New Learning Methods.

E. Make and stick to Learning Plans.

F. Develop Self-motivation for Learning.

Tips for Chinese students studying Abroad.

As living conditions in China are getting better, parents who want their children to have a bright future invest large sums of money to send their children to study abroad. However, there are countless difficulties that students have to face and solve when they study abroad. Therefore, it is necessary for Chinese overseas students to be aware of certain things to which they must pay attention.

【1】_________ Safety issues before and after studying abroad have been one of the focuses of parents. However, all experts consider psychological preparation as the most important thing for students studying abroad to consider. They believe that students must have a clear picture of their position and know that they are going abroad to study and receive training and not for leisure. And they should not have the opinion that everything abroad is good and all things from China are bad. Students should prepare themselves for the differences.

2_________ Chinese students have got accustomed to the domestic exam-oriented education style that is completely different from the more open foreign education mode. They will face changes in the educational system while studying abroad. So students should learn about the differences between the domestic and foreign education styles and try to find more solutions to adjusting to the open education in order to be well prepared for their overseas studies both mentally and practically.

3__________ Students should ask related teachers to help make plans consistent with their practical condition. There should be both macro and detailed learning plans. Macro learning plans require students to hold on to the primary direction of their overseas studies and detailed learning plans require them to arrange learning content for each course and semester(学期). After the plan is made, they should strictly keep to them. Otherwise, the plan will have no effect.

4_________ As Chinese students are not familiar with the place and people, and have to relatives by their sides, the first feeling they will feel is loneliness, which makes it especially important to learn to develop relationships with people around them. They may meet all kinds of fascinating people abroad. They should go out of their way to be friendly and strike up conversations. The most important thing is to pluck up enough courage to open your mouth and talk with others. Foreigners really like children of this kind and are willing to help them.

5__________ Foreign children are used to learning by themselves in or after class, but Chinese children are used to teacher-centered education. Guided and supervised by parents and teachers, Chinese students don’t have much learning space. They may score high in exams, but they may lack independent learning skills and tend to be in a state of passive learning. So the most basic thing that children need to know is that studying abroad requires that they should adapt to overseas studies as soon as possible and try their best to learn actively and independently.















Farming and nature are like two flowers on the same tree. When farming 【1】_______ (go) against nature, all kinds of environmental problems are the result. In ancient times, when people began using the land, farming was not 【2】_______ it is today. Early farmers moved around the country. They burnt a part of a forest and used this land for one or two years. When they could no 【3】________ (long) grow crops on the land, they moved on and repeated this somewhere else. Agriculture in this way destroys nature and results 【4】________ floods and droughts (干旱).

Over the past thirty to thirty-five years, farmers 【5】 ________ (recognize) some old truths, already known to ancient Chinese farmers. Farming should not go against nature. If the soil is too poor, chemicals can help improve 【6】________ and grow better crops, but this may damage or destroy land 【7】_______ (surround) the farms. Instead, farmers should look for other methods. In the early 16th century, brothers Tan and Xiao Zao of Jiangsu Province bought fields along lakes at 【8】_______ low price nobody wanted because they were too wet. They built dikes (堤坝) around the fields turning the fields【9】_______ fish ponds and they became fish farmers. They also planted fruit trees on the dikes and kept chickens and ducks. They were very 【10】_______ (success) farmers.


In high school, it’s important to stay healthy. 【1】________ How can you study well if you’re sick? So you should pay attention to your health in order to study well in high school. In order to enjoy good health, you should have some good habits. Here are some tips for you.

Drink water regularly every day. Some students don’t like drinking water. They only drink water when they’re extremely thirsty. 【2】________ You should drink water regularly so that your body and brain can function well. Avoid sports drinks and soda when you’re thirsty. They are not good for your health.

3】________ Some students don’t eat three meals a day. No matter what happens, you shouldn’t skip any meal of the day. Eating regularly helps keep your metabolism (新陈代谢) high and keeps your energy up. It’s especially important to eat a good breakfast every day with protein, carbohydrates(碳水化合物), and fiber to set up your body for the day of activity. If you don’t eat, how can you stay focused in class?

Eat the right foods. Some students eat whatever they can get. This is wrong. 【4】_____ Choose whole grains like rice and whole wheat flours. Skip muffins, donuts and other processed foods. Instead, choose whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables.

5】______ If you do that, you may not pay attention to how much you are eating. You may eat too much. Eating too much harms your health. And you may gain too much weight because of it. Try to eat slowly so your brain sends the right signals to tell your belly that’s full.

A. This is bad for your health.

B. Don’t skip meals.

C. Eat a good breakfast every day.

D. Avoid eating too much at one time.

E. If you are unhealthy, you may fall ill easily.

F. Don’t watch TV or movies when you eat.

G. You should eat the foods that are good for your body.

【题目】One of the most popular and enduring myths about depression is that depressed people are sad all the time—and that by extension, people who are happy can’t be experiencing depression, even if they say they are. It is a mistaken version of depression. Depression doesn’t make you sad all the time.

When I’m having a depressive feeling, I’m not walking around in black clothes, and weeping. I go out with friends. I play jokes. I keep working, and have friendly chats with the people I work with. I read books. Above all, I experience moments of happiness. Yet I feel a strange conflicting pressure. On the one hand, I feel like I need to engage in a sort of sadness for people to understand that I really am depressed and that each day is a struggle for me. Because that way I will appear suitably sad, and thus, depressed—and then maybe people will recognize that I’m depressed and perhaps they’ll even offer support and assistance.

On the other hand, I feel an extreme pressure to perform just the opposite, because sad depressed people are boring and no fun, as I am continually reminded every time I speak openly about depression or express feelings of sadness and frustration. I’m caught in a trap where if I don’t perform sadness, I’m not really depressed, but if I express sadness at all to any degree, I’m annoying and boring and should stop being so self-centered. Depression can become your master, but you can slip out from under it occasionally. And many depressed people don’t actually spend it fainting dramatically on the couch and talking about how miserable they are.

【1】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Sad people are always depressed.

B. Depressed people are sad all the time.

C. Happy people will never feel depressed.

D. Depressed people do not always feel sad.

【2】When feeling depressed, the writer usually avoids ________.

A. expressing sad feelings straight

B. going out with friends and relatives

C. having friendly chats with colleagues

D. experiencing moments of happiness

【3】What’s the writer’s attitude to being sad and depressed?

A. Positive.B. Negative.C. Indifferent.D. Cold.

【4】In the passage, the writer advises depressed people to ________.

A. speak openly about depression

B. hide the depression in the heart and never express it

C. be optimistic and become the master of depression

D. lie on the couch and talk about how depressed they are

【题目】Valerie Jarrett, 58, is serving as a top adviser to President Obama and has been close to the first family since the early 1990s. Joe Heim from WashingtonPost had an interview with her.

Joe Heim: What do you think of a reporter who interviews you for 25 minutes, then later finds out his recorder stopped working and asks you to do the interview again?

Valerie Jarrett: That he's human. You could have just tried to pretend that it didn't happen.

Joe Heim: You're considered the president's closest adviser. Have you ever given him bad advice since he became president?

Valerie Jarrett: I'm sure that I have. I think one of the reasons why the president's management style is very effective is because all of his advisers feel very comfortable being open about their advice. Finally, there's only one decision-maker. And that's the president.

Joe Heim: What misunderstandings are there of you?

Valerie Jarrett: A little-known fact is that I started my life very shy and remained very shy well into adulthood. Painfully shy, I would call it. And I often share this, particularly with young people, because it's something I really had to work hard to overcome. And for all the shy people out there I say, you, too, can overcome it. But it took a lot of hard work on my part, and I discovered along the way that just because you're nervous and you have butterflies in your stomach doesn't mean that it has to show. My point in sharing it with you is that part of life is pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone (舒适区). And if you're going to grow, you have to learn how to take on new challenges that you might not be good at.

Joe Heim: Will you stay until the end of his term?

Valerie Jarrett: I serve at the pleasure of the president. If he wants me to stay, I will.

【1】From the underlined words “That he's human”, we can learn Valerie Jarrett is _____.

A. warm-hearted B. broad-minded

C. well-educated D. strong-willed

【2】Why does Valerie Jarrett share her shyness?

A. To show her hard way to success.

B. To prove shy people can also be great.

C. To show it is easy to overcome shyness.

D. To ask people to face challenges bravely.

【3】In which part of a newspaper could we find this text?

A. People. B. Society. C. World. D. Culture.

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