
We still don’t understand the influence of the mind’s power over the body, nor do we understand why there should be such power. All we can say for certain is that the mind does have power over the body in very many different ways.
If a man is told that he is at the North Pole and he believes what he is told, he’ll show physical signs which suggest that his body is reacting as though he were at the North Pole. He’ll go pale and shiver. When the film Lawrence of Arabia was shown, cinema managers around the world reported that the sales of ice cream rocketed. The endless desert scenes had made the moviegoers feel uncomfortably hot.
Hypnotists use the power of the mind over the body in order to use their influence. The hypnotist must only convince the patient that something is true, and the patient will act accordingly. If he convinces the patient that his arms are as heavy as lead, then the patient will be unable to lift his arms. If he convinces the patient that a piece of ice is a hot iron and he then touches the patient’s skin with the ice, a blister(水泡)will develop. The body will react to the suggestion and not to the reality, and signs of a real burn will appear.
1 From the passage, we can imagine that people watching a film about the North Pole would probably want __________.
A. an ice cream             B. a cold shower    C. a hot drink        D. a hot iron
2. A hypnotist is supposed to be able to control __________.
A. patients’ bodies            B. people’s minds
C. patients’ diseases              D. people’s movements
3. The phrase “the reality” refers to __________.
A. a real burn B. a hot iron  C. the touch of ice   D. the body’s reaction
4. A good title for this passage would be __________.
A. Mind and Body            B. Physical Signs
C. Research on Mind            D. The Power of the Mind

The fighting against youth smoking since I took office I’ve done everything in my power to protect our children from harm. We’ve worked to make their streets and their schools safer, and to give them something positive to do after school before their parents get home. We’ve worked to teach our children that drugs are dangerous, illegal and wrong.
Today, I want to talk to you about the historic opportunity we now have to protect our nation’s children form an even more deadly threat: smoking. Smoking kills more people every day than AIDS, alcohol, car accidents, murders, suicides, drugs and fires combined. Nearly 90 percent of those smokers lit their first cigarette before they turned 18. Consider this: 3,000 children start to smoke every day illegally, and 1,000 of them will die sooner because of it. This is a national tragedy(悲剧)that every American should be honor-bound to help prevent. For more than five years we’ve worked to stop our children from smoking before they start, launching(发动)a nationwide campaign(运动)to educate them about the dangers of smoking, to reduce their access to tobacco products, and to severely restrict(限制)tobacco companies from advertising to young people. If we do these, we’ll cut teen smoking by almost half over the next five years. That means if we act now, we have it in our power to stop 3 million children from smoking and to save a million lives as a result.
小题1:What has the author done in his power?
A.To look after our children.
B.To clean the street
C.To clean our children
D.To protect our children from harm.
小题2:Compared with other disasters, what kills more people every day?
A.SmokingB.Car accidents
小题3:How many children start to smoke every day illegally?
小题4:For more than five years what have they done to stop their children from smoking?
A.To educate them about the dangers of smoking
B.To reduce their access to tobacco products
C.To restrict tobacco companies from advertising to young people
D.All of the above
小题5:How many children will be stopped from smoking if we act now?
A.1 millionB.1.5 millionC.3 millionD.3,000

I worked as a waitress for a few months. I was not a great waitress and I worked in a restaurant that served mostly older people who, however, have not learned that ten percent of their expense is no longer a tip that waitresses can live on – let alone a college student working hard for 20 hours a week!
One night, when I was still working two hours after shift(轮班) was supposed to finish, all that I wanted was for my last table to clear out so I could clean and go home. My last customer caught me on her way out and asked if I had change for a twenty. I dug through my pocket and turned out my night’s earnings—a small amount of $14.
She smiled at me and said, “That is enough.”
My eyes were full of tears as I made the uneven(不等价的) exchange. “Thank you, ”I said in a low voice.
I heard her little boy ask why she did that and she explained that I’d had a hard night and she just wanted to help me out. I even heard her words, “Reach out your hands when somebody needs help.” I noticed the little boy nodded his head. Not only did her kindness touch my hurried and tiring life, but she also taught her son an important lesson that night.
I do not know her name, but I will always remember her.
1. According to the passage, at that time the author was ___________.
A. a full-time worker               B. still a college student
C. a school-leaver                 D. a secretary in a big company
2. Why did the woman want an uneven exchange?
A. She was to thank the author for her service.
B. She was in great need of change to buy a gift for her son
C. She was only to teacher her son a lesson.
D. She only wanted to give a hand to the author.
3. What was the woman’s son’s attitude to what she did at last?
A. Unbelievable.                  B. Acceptable.
C. Disappointed.                  D. Amazed.
4. What did the woman probably teach her son?
A. To live a hard life.
B. To give a waitress a more than 10% tip.
C. To show kindness to those  who need help.
D. To make an uneven change.

The Cost of Higher Education
Individuals (个人) should pay for their higher education.
A university education is of huge and direct benefit to the individual. Graduates earn more than non-graduates. Meanwhile, social mobility is ever more dependent on having a degree. However, only some people have it. So the individual, not the taxpayers, should pay for it. There are pressing calls on the resources (资源) of the government. Using taxpayers' money to help a small number of people to earn high incomes in the future is not one of them.
Full government funding (资助) is not very good for universities. Adam Smith worked in a Scottish university whose teachers lived off student fees. He knew and looked down upon 18th-century Oxford, where the academics lived comfortably off the income received from the government. Guaranteed salaries, Smith argued, were the enemy of hard work; and when the academics were lazy and incompetent, the students were similarly lazy.
If students have to pay for their education, they not only work harder, but also demand more from their teachers. And their teachers have to keep them satisfied. If that means taking teaching seriously, and giving less time to their own research interests, that is surely something to celebrate.
Many people believe that higher education should be free because it is good for the economy (经济). Many graduates clearly do contribute to national wealth, but so do all the businesses that invest (投资) and create jobs. If you believe that the government should pay for higher education because graduates are economically productive, you should also believe that the government should pay part of business costs. Anyone promising to create jobs should receive a gift of capital from the government to invest. Therefore, it is the individual, not the government, who should pay for their university education.
1. The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 2 refers to____________
A. taxpayers                     B. pressing calls
C. college graduates              D. government resources
2. The author thinks that with full government funding____________
A. teachers are less satisfied
B. students are more demanding
C. students will become more competent
D. teachers will spend less time on teaching
3. The author mentions businesses in Paragraph 5 in order to ____________
A. argue against free university education
B. call on them to finance students' studies
C. encourage graduates to go into business
D. show their contribution to higher education

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1. The ad is intended for those who          .
A. prefer listening to pop music            B. are fond of playing video games
C. like reading novels                    D. want to look up new English words
2. Kindle is especially helpful to those        .
A. whose eyesight is very bad              B. whose English is not very good
C. who are blind and deaf                 D. who are very slim
3. We can learn from the passage that        .
A. you can download a whole book free of charge
B. you have to pay some fees when you download a whole book
C. the battery can only last a few hours before recharging
D. you can get a book downloaded in less than half a minute
4. If you have your Kindle damaged by chance within two years after you purchase the 2-year Kindle Extended Warranty plan , you         .
A. can get your money back
B. can have your unit repaired free of charge
C. can get a new unit free by returning the damaged one
D. can have your unit repaired at a low cost

第三部分阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
When the first spring flowers blossom, Easter comes. It is the oldest Christian feast, in memory of the resurrection (复活) of Jesus Christ.
Along with the traditional Easter walk or outing, the giving of Easter eggs and, more recently, of Easter presents is a main feature of the feast. Parents give their children “Easter eggs” – colored and boiled eggs, chocolate eggs, marzipan eggs – Easter bunnies, sweets, and other gifts. In some German regions, children virtually “collect” Easter eggs from their relatives, especially their godparents.
Usually, the Easter eggs are carefully hidden in the garden or in the house and the children must search for them on the morning of the Sunday. They are told that the Easter bunny has brought them. This anonymous, mysterious bunny is like Santa Claus at Christmas. But it is less of an “educational” figure than Santa Claus is, since the eggs are not given to children as rewards for being good.
Some Easter egg games have been preserved at certain places in Germany or have even been newly developed. Children try to outdo others in rolling colored eggs down grassy slopes, for instance, or they knock the eggs’ pointed ends together and the child whose egg does not shatter gets the broken one, too. In some places, this custom was even used as the name of local festival.
1.What are the main features of Easter?
A.Easter walk, Easter eggs, Easter bunnies and sweets.
B.Easter outing and the giving of Easter presents.
C.Easter walk, Easter eggs, Easter bunnies and Easter egg games.
D.Easter outing, the collecting of Easter eggs, and Easter games
2.The underlined word “outdo” means ________.
A. do better than           B. do worse than           C. do slower than          D. do the same as
3.What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Easter bunny will give gifts to children for better or worse.
B.Easter bunny is very similar to Santa Claus, as they both bring gifts to children.
C.Easter always falls on a Sunday.
D.Some of the local festivals are named by Easter egg games.

Last year, a report by a committee of education experts said that a lot of American students cannot write well. The report noted the concerns of business leaders and teachers. The experts said that more students should have to pass a writing test before they can finish high school. They pointed out that major college entrance tests are changing now to include a writing part.
Educators know that teaching students to write well is not easy. One problem is the amount of time needed to read through large amounts of work. So some companies have developed computer programs. These can grade student writing much more quickly than a person can. Writing tests can also cost less to carry out by computer than paper-and-pencil. These computer systems are known as e-readers. They use artificial (人工的) intelligence to think in a way like teachers. In the state of Indiana, computer grading of a statewide writing test began with a test of the system itself. For two years, both a computer and humans graded the student writing. Officials say there was almost no difference between the computer grades and those given by the human readers.
The entrance test commonly used by business schools, the GMAT, already uses e-readers. The GRE and TOEFL tests might start; officials are deciding. The GRE is the Graduate Record Examination. TOEFL is the Test of English as a Foreign Language.
Systems are also being used to grade writing in college classes. The computers read a few hundred examples of student writing already graded by humans. Then the systems compare new writings against those already examined.
How do teachers feel all about this? Many say machines can never do the job as well as people can. A computer can find spelling and grammar mistakes. But these teachers say it can never really understand what a writer is trying to say. Critics say a program cannot follow a thought or judge humor or understand a beautifully expressed idea.
But inventors of the programs say computer grading guarantees that each piece of writing is graded in the same way. They also say the systems are meant to judge knowledge more than creativity.
1.What do the teachers think of the computer system?
A. They think highly of the computer systems.
B. They think that computers cannot grade writing as well as people.
C. They believe that computers can understand a writer’s idea well
D. They are glad computers will spare their effort to correct students’ school work.
2.From the first paragraph we can conclude that _________.
A. American students’ writing ability is being improved
B. American students’ writing ability is not satisfactory
C. business leaders and teachers are not worried about students’ writing
D. all college entrance tests will include a writing part
3.Which of the following is NOT the advantage of e-readers?
A. Saving much of teachers’ time.                     
B. Saving a lot of money.
C. Being fair and objective.                              
D. Appreciating humor and beauty
4.The best title of this passage might be _________.
A. Computer-graded Writing                            
B. Human-graded Writing
C. How to Improve Students’ Writing                
D. Advantages of E-readers

“Here, waiter! Look at your soup. What’s this? Is it vegetable soup? No. It’s fly(苍蝇) soup! Look at the bluebottle! Terrible! Pour it onto the face of the cook. Who wants such a wonderful soup?” shouted a middle-aged lady. In less than a second, the customers gathered around her table. A young waiter was already holding the soup plate, searching for the fly with a spoon. The lady was angry. The manager came out to see what the trouble was. “Bring her another bowl of soup” was his order. The lady wanted to show the fly to the manager. As she reached for the spoon, she pointed at something blue in it. “Look, that’s the fly!” she shouted.
The crowd pressed closer and stared at the spoon in the young waiter’s hand. Just before they could see it clearly, the man put the spoon full of soup into his mouth. Biting slightly, after a while, he smiled and nodded, “It’s really a piece of burnt green onion. I firmly believe that is worthy of our fame.” On hearing this, people laughed and walked away. The woman was at a loss and didn’t know if she could drink the soup or leave it there.
The whole incident lasted only a few minutes. Not long after that the waiter who had saved the restaurant form disgrace (不光彩) soon got a rise.
1. The “bluebottle” the lady mentioned means          .
A. a kind of soup          B. a kind of fly             C. the soup plate           D. the spoon
2. Seeing what had happened, the manager          .
A. knew that the fault would make this restaurant lose face
B. scolded the waiter to smooth down (消除) the lady’s anger
C. said sorry to the woman for the soup
D. sent away the cook who had caused so much trouble
3. Form the passage we can infer that the young waiter ate the fly, just because       .
A. it’s really his fault to make the lady angry
B. he didn’t want others to drive the cook out of the restaurant
C. he wanted to show what he ate was nothing but a piece of green onion
D. he was afraid he would be sent away by the manager
4. The young waiter saved the restaurant’s fame by           .
A. eating the fly in soup                  B. telling the truth to everyone
C. saying sorry to the lady                D. pointing out what the lady said was wrong

If  you are  interested  in  becoming  a  registered  nurse,  you  are  most likely  aware that there are certain qualifications to become one.
Knowing the educational requirements to  be  a registered nurse  is the first step you   will  need  to take  in  your journey to  become  a  RN.  You will  need to  complete  a prescribed program  of study.The  education that the promising  registered  nurse  chooses  will depend on if he or she is interested in getting further education.
One of the most getting forms of education for registered nurses is an associate degree in  nursing  which takes  about two  years to  complete.  Other  RN  candidates  may  choose  a hospital diploma program where they take 30 to 60 hours worth of science classes and then take  many more hours of classes which are heavily focused on nursing.The diploma program usually  takes  a minimum of three years.  A diploma program meets the  basic  educational requirements to be a registered nurse.
Another choice is for the promising RN to get a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing    from a university.Once a BSN degree is earned,it gives the person the opportunity to get     higher education opportunities in his or her field such as a Master’s Degree or a PhD.
The registered nurse educational requirements can vary from state to state in America     as each state has its own laws and policies that govern the nursing profession.However,all     registered nurses must take some sort of licensing exam in order to become legally able to     practice in the registered nursing profession.
While 2 to 3 years of training is required,it is possible to make a good living from the salary that you can earn as a registered nurse.But be aware that the profession can be     stressful.Some of the most stressful nursing positions are those in hospitals,particularly in     the emergency rooms.Some less stressful jobs may include working in private practice where     the hours will not be as long. 
66.The main idea of this article is to talk about——.
A.the most promising profession in the future
B.educational requirements to be a registered nurse
C.the nursing profession in different states
D.some useful information for future professions
67.According to this article,most people who want to be registered nurses prefer to go in for __________________ .
A.an associate degree           B.a hospital diploma program   、
C.a Bachelor of Science degree D.a Master’s or a PhD’s degree
68.It can be concluded from this article that ___________________.
A.a hospital diploma program takes the least time to finish compared with others
B.it’s really not difficult for people to be educated to become registered nurses
C.registered nurses are not legal unless they take some sort of licensing exam
D.being a registered nurse is the most stressful profession in America
69.What’s the writer’s attitudes towards being a registered nurse?
A.Subjective    B.Objective    C.Supportive   D.Opposing
70.If another paragraph is needed,it most probably deals with——.
A.how the nursing profession is managed by the government
B.different forms of degrees for being a registered nurse    ‘
C,the advantages and disadvantages of being a registered nurse
D.discussion about the different types of registered nurses

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