
—No. In fact it is _________at the weekend.
A.How much do you charge me for it; free
B.Does it cost a lot; free of charge
C.What is the charge for it; for free
D.Could you tell me your charge for it; free

【解析】句意:——它要花很多钱吗?句意:——不,事实上周末是免费的。根据回答No,可知问句是一般疑问句;第二空free of charge固定短语,。“免费的”,所以答案为B。


【题目】As you enter university, you are likely to be confused by new demands and challenges. You need to decide for yourselves what you want to achieve when you graduate. It is important that you have appropriate and realistic expectations of a university education and know how far you can go towards achieving your personal and academic goals, so that you will have a sense of achievement at the end of your first year as well as when you graduate.

This website aims to be a quick one stop information hub to help you understand more about learning at HKU and make better use of HKU’s support services.

University Life is an adventure that—literally everyone here is a key player.

Your strategic moves at each stage have a direct impact on the outcomes of this adventure. The key to winning is mainly about how you manage your resources, especially your time. Most successful players engage themselves in activities that meet their needs and goals.

First Year Experience

As a new player, you may find yourself standing at the crossroads and wondering which directions you should go. An open mind for handling new challenges and a roadmap or planning and setting priorities during your stay at HKU are what you need to start your journey.

And don’t forget to check out the following to familiarize yourself with the ‘game rules’, ‘support and resources’ and ‘opportunity cards’ on hand:

* HKU Education aims to help to fulfill what you are expected to achieve.

* The key cards that contribute to your academic, professional and social excellence, e. g. Horizons Office, Common Core, Centre for Sports and Exercise (CSE), Centre for Applied English Studies (CAES).

1What is the purpose of the website?

A. To attract more excellent students to attend HKU.

B. To inspire students to seek adventure at university.

C. To advertise roadmaps and key cards among students.

D. To give students a hand to adapt to their university life.

2According to the passage, which is the most important for students’ academic success?

A. Turning to teachers.

B. Using their time reasonably.

C. Familiarizing school facilities.

D. Ignoring personal and academic goals.

3What can we learn from the passage?

A. HKU can help you achieve your expectation.

B. As a freshman, you must be lost in the university.

C. Successful players engage in activities randomly.

D. Your behavior has an indirect effect on the adventure.

【题目】With technology entering almost every aspect of our lives, the demand for computer programmers can only increase. To train the workforce of the future, companies around the world are wildly developing computing languages to introduce children to the appealing world of programming both in and out of school.

The only drawback is that to learn or observe the results of their programming efforts, children have to be able to see. As a result, kids with limited or no vision (视觉) are prevented from participating in this exciting trend. To change that, researchers at Microsoft’s Cambridge, UK Lab have developed a new physical programming language that can be learned by all children.

Project Torino allows visually damaged kids aged 7 to 11 to create code (编码) that plays music, stories, or poetry by connecting physical pods (检测装置) together. Once done, an accompanying app changes the physical code into digital code. The smart system covers all the major concepts and is ready to adapt to the needs of each student and set challenges based on the individual’s skill. Most importantly, it provides instant feedback, enabling educators to assess students’ progress and provide assistance as needed.

The Microsoft team is currently developing the system further. Among the changes is adding color to the previously all-white pods because it helps children with limited vision to learn better. The size of the pods is also being increased since kids working in pairs were more engaged when they could both physically hold the pods and touch hands.

The program will be expanded to 100 elementary school children in the UK this fall, and, once perfected, to kids across the world. While the system was created with visually damaged children in mind, Cecily Morrison, one of the researchers working on the project, hopes that it will appeal to everyone.

1Why do companies introduce children to the programming world?

A. To satisfy children’s curiosity.

B. To develop children’s potential.

C. To foster the future programmers.

D. To make children more competitive.

2What does the underlined word “that” probably refer to?

A. The exciting trend.

B. The drawback.

C. Limited and poor sight.

D. A physical language.

3What is the advantage of the new smart system?

A. It can help judge children’s progress.

B. It bases the challenges on kids’ vision.

C. Children with poor sight can see the code.

D. It gives children guidance and instructions.

4What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 4?

A. The size of the pods.

B. The color of the pods.

C. The Microsoft team’s hard work.

D. The improvement to the new system.

【题目】Decades before the first unaccompanied child was put on a plane to grandma’s in the care of a flight attendant, a few resourceful parents accomplished the same end by simply dropping their kids in the mail.

This was in the earliest days of the parcel post service, which launched in 1913. Before that, U.S. Postal Service packages were capped at four pounds, which limited the goofy things people tried to send by post.

But when the parcel service began, all kinds of cargo showed up in the mail stream, including coffins, eggs, dogs and, in a few cases, human young.

According to National Postal Museum historian Nancy Pope, the first known case of a mailed baby was in 1913 when Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Beauge of Glen Este, Ohio, shipped their 10-pound infant son to his grandmother’s home about a mile away, paying 15 cents in postage and springing for $50 in insurance (because they were worriers).

But some children were mailed much farther, Pope said. Edna Neff of Pensacola, Fla., was 6 when she was packed off — or packaged off — to her father’s home in Christiansburg, Va., 720 miles away.

The precious parcels weren’t truly parcels in the brown-paper. Instead they were more like companions in the arms of their carriers or walked along the route(路线). But the most famous mailed child, May Pierstorff, was indeed sent by an Idaho railway mail car in 1914 with the appropriate stamps stuck to her traveling coat. May’s picture survives, but no physical evidence of her trip. “We would sure love to have that coat,” Pope said.

In 1914, the postmaster general instituted a rule about the mail that stands to this day: no humans. But that didn’t stop an ambitious thief from crating himself up and shipping himself airmail. When William DeLucia, packed in a trunk labeled “Musical Instruments” along with food and an oxygen tank, was airborne, he climbed out, pilfered thousands of dollars’ worth of goods from the registered mail and sealed himself back up. He was arrested at the Atlanta airport in 1980 after his trunk popped open as it was being unloaded.

“We have his oxygen tank” at the Postal Museum, Pope noted with pride.

1What did U.S Postal Service put a limit to before 1913?

A. The value of the mail.

B. The weight of parcels.

C. The content in the mail.

D. The postage for packages.

2How was Jesse Beauge’s son mailed?

A. Packed in a mailbox.

B. Walked along the route.

C. Sent by a railway mail car.

D. Carried in the arms of the postman.

3What does Nancy Pope wish to be exhibited most in the Postal Museum?

A. May’s picture.

B. The brown-paper.

C. May’s traveling coat.

D. Idaho railway mail car.

4Who discovered William DeLucia at last?

A. The airport porter.

B. The airport police.

C. The passenger victims.

D. The postmaster general.

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