
 Who would you rather ________ the watch?

  A. have to repair         B. have fixed

  C. get repaired          D. get to repair



 此句是get sb.to do sth./have sb.so sth.结构的变化形式。



  Sometimes we make friends with unexpected people.For example, who would have thought that a spider would make friends with a pig? But in E.B.White’s classic novel “Charlotte Web”, this is exactly what happens.

  The pair will appear in a movie at the end of this year.

  In the story, Wilbur is an ill-fated(倒霉的)pig.When he is born, he is so small that the farmer decides to end the pig’s life.Fortunately, the farmer’s daughter stops him from killing Wilbur and volunteers to raise the pig in a barnyard.

  Wilbur grows day by day and makes many friends in the barnyard, including the spider, Charlotte.However, one day a sheep tells Wilbur that he will be served up as dinner.But Charlotte is determined to save her friend from this danger.By making words such as “famous pig” in her web, she persuades the farmer that Wilbur is some sort of supernatural animal, too important to kill.After Wilbur is saved, Charlotte is so tired that she finally dies.

  Unusually, the author makes a spider the heroine of the book.Spiders are normally creatures many people regard with fear.Charlotte does everything in her power to keep Wilbur alive.It shows how a strong friendship can last through the worst possible times.

  Who would you like to make friends with if you could?


It can be learned from the passage that _________.

[  ]


the novel “Charlotte’s Web” will be made into a movie


Wilbur has helped Charlotte many times


the spider Charlotte falls in love with Wilbur


Wilbur becomes a famous pig after his birth


The writer is trying to tell us _________.

[  ]


Charlotte does her best to save Wilbur because he is really amazing


we’d better make friends with unexpected man for they can help us


the spiders are not scary when you make friends with them


a real friend is one who is loyal to you when you are in trouble


Choose the right order of the events.

a.Charlotte dies for Wilbur.

b.Wilbur’s owner attempts to kill Wilbur for he is so small

c.#Farmer’s daughter feeds Wilbur in a barnyard.

d.Wilbur makes friends with so many animals.

e.The sheep hears that Wilbur will be killed for his meat.

f.Charlotte manages to save Wilbur.

[  ]










What’s the purpose of the writer’s writing this passage?

[  ]


To persuade people to make friends with animals.


To describe how a spider makes friends with a pig.


To give us a brief introduction about “Charlotte’s Web”.


To tell us a true story about a pair of unusual friends.

Once upon a time, there were two very good friends who lived together in the shade of a rock. Strange as it may seem, one was a     and one was a tiger. They had met when they were too    to know the difference between lions and tigers. So they did not think their    was at all unusual. Besides, it was a peaceful part of the mountains, possibly     the influence of a gentle forest monk who lived nearby. He was a hermit, one who      far away from other people. 

For some unknown reason, one day the two friends got into a silly     . The tiger said, “Everyone knows the cold     when the moon wanes from full to new! ” The lion said, “Where did you hear such nonsense? Everyone knows the     comes when the moon waxes from     to full! ”

The argument got stronger and stronger. Neither could      the other. They could not      any conclusion to resolve the growing dispute. They      started calling each other names! Fearing for their friendship, they decided to go to ask the learned forest      , who would surely know about such things. 

Visiting the      hermit, the lion and tiger bowed respectfully and put their question to him. The friendly monk thought for a while and then gave his      . “It can be cold in any phase of the      , from new to full and back to new again. It is the wind that brings the cold,       from west or north or east. Therefore, in a way, you are both right! And neither of you is      by the other. The most important thing is to live without conflict, to remain      . Unity is best by all means. ”

The lion and tiger thanked the wise hermit. They were happy to       be friends. 

1.A. fox               B. hen                     C. donkey           D. lion

2.A. weak            B. unforgettable            C. young            D. poor

3.A. friendship       B. difference        C. relationship                 D. connection

4.A. in turn          B. due to                   C. according to      D. as to

5.A. lived             B. survived           C. walked           D. moved

6.A. argument       B. decision                  C. activity           D. conference

7.A. happens        B. bears                    C. comes           D. seems

8.A. clean            B. cold                      C. cool             D. good

9.A. wonderful       B. fresh                    C. delicious         D. new

10.A. solve        B. compete                  C. convince         D. remind

11.A. arrive        B. reach                    C. cause            D. paint

12.A. far          B. ever              C. yet                      D. even

13.A. monk        B. teacher                  C. mother                   D. parent

14.A. kind         B. different          C. peaceful                D. rich

15.A. answer       B. speech                  C. comment                 D. remark

16.A. sun          B. weather                  C. moon            D. day

17.A. whether      B. until                     C. if                 D. when

18.A. rewarded     B. won                     C. defeated         D. awarded

19.A. moved       B. united            C. interested              D. amused

20.A. too          B. quite             C. also             D. still


Bum rate is the speed at which a startup business consumes money. My rate would be $ 50,000 a month when my new media company started. So, I began looking around for individuals who would be my first investors. “Angel money” it was called. But when I reviewed my list of acquaintances to find those who might be able to help, I found the number got small.

  With no other choices, I began meeting with the venture-capital companies. But I was warned they took a huge share of your company for the money they put in. And if you struggled, they could drop you cold.

  As I was searching for “angel money”, I started to build a team who trusted me even though I didn't have money for paychecks yet.

  Bill Becker was an expert in computer programming and image processing at a very famous Media Lab at M. I.T. With his arrival, my company suddenly had a major technology “guy” in-house.

  Katherine Henderson, a filmmaker and a former real-estate dealer, joined us as our director of market research. Steve White came on as operating officer. He had worked for the developer of a home-finance software, Quicken. We grabbed him.

  We had some really good people, but we still didn't have enough money. One night, my neighbor, Louise Johnson, came for a visit. She and I were only nodding acquaintances, but her boys and ours were constant companions. She ran a very good business at the time.

  Louise was brilliant and missed nothing. She had been watching my progress closely. She knew I was dying for money and I had prospects but could offer no guarantees of success.

  She told me that her attorney had talked to mine and the terms had been agreed upon. She handed me an envelope. Inside was a check for $ 500,000.

  I almost fell down. I heard her voice as if from heaven.

  “I have confidence in your plan,” she said. “You' 11 do well. You're going to work hard for it, but it' s satisfying when you build your own company.”

  Who would have thought I'd find an angel so close to home? There were no words sufficient for the moment. We just said good night. She left and I just stood there, completely humbled and completely committed.

1.For a newly-established business, bum rate refers to___________.

A. the salary it pays to its staff          B. the interest it pays to the bank

C. the way in which it raises capital     D. the speed at which it spends money

2.By "Angel money", the author refers to__________.

A. the money borrowed from banks     B. the money spent to promote sales

C. the money raised from close friends   D. the money needed to start a business

3.To get help from a venture-capital company, you may have to__________.

put up with unfair terms           B. change your business line

C. enlarge your business scope         D. let them operate your business

4.The author easily built a team for his company because__________.

A. they were underpaid at their previous jobs

B. they were turned down by other companies

C. they were confident of the author and his business

D. they were satisfied with the salaries in his company

5. Louise decided to lend money to the author because__________.

A. she wanted to join his company

B. she knew he would build a team

C. she knew his plan would succeed

D. she wanted to help promote his sales


Bum rate is the speed at which a startup business consumes money. My rate would be $ 50,000 a month when my new media company started. So, I began looking around for individuals who would be my first investors. “Angel money” it was called. But when I reviewed my list of acquaintances to find those who might be able to help, I found the number got small.

  With no other choices, I began meeting with the venture-capital companies. But I was warned they took a huge share of your company for the money they put in. And if you struggled, they could drop you cold.

  As I was searching for “angel money”, I started to build a team who trusted me even though I didn't have money for paychecks yet.

  Bill Becker was an expert in computer programming and image processing at a very famous Media Lab at M. I.T. With his arrival, my company suddenly had a major technology “guy” in-house.

  Katherine Henderson, a filmmaker and a former real-estate dealer, joined us as our director of market research. Steve White came on as operating officer. He had worked for the developer of a home-finance software, Quicken. We grabbed him.

  We had some really good people, but we still didn't have enough money. One night, my neighbor, Louise Johnson, came for a visit. She and I were only nodding acquaintances, but her boys and ours were constant companions. She ran a very good business at the time.

  Louise was brilliant and missed nothing. She had been watching my progress closely. She knew I was dying for money and I had prospects but could offer no guarantees of success.

  She told me that her attorney had talked to mine and the terms had been agreed upon. She handed me an envelope. Inside was a check for $ 500,000.

  I almost fell down. I heard her voice as if from heaven.

  “I have confidence in your plan,” she said. “You' 11 do well. You're going to work hard for it, but it' s satisfying when you build your own company.”

  Who would have thought I'd find an angel so close to home? There were no words sufficient for the moment. We just said good night. She left and I just stood there, completely humbled and completely committed.

1.For a newly-established business, bum rate refers to___________.

A. the salary it pays to its staff

B. the interest it pays to the bank

C. the way in which it raises capital

D. the speed at which it spends money

2.By "Angel money", the author refers to__________.

A. the money borrowed from banks

B. the money spent to promote sales

C. the money raised from close friends

D. the money needed to start a business

3.To get help from a venture-capital company, you may have to__________.

A. put up with unfair terms          B. change your business line

C. enlarge your business scope       D. let them operate your business

4.The author easily built a team for his company because__________.

A. they were underpaid at their previous jobs

B. they were turned down by other companies

C. they were confident of the author and his business

D. they were satisfied with the salaries in his company

5.Louise decided to lend money to the author because__________.

A. she wanted to join his company

B. she knew he would build a team

C. she knew his plan would succeed

D. she wanted to help promote his sales


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