

NOWADAYS, most animated (动画) films rely heavily on computer technology. But his magical world – where witches (魔法师) cast spells and castles float in the sky – is brought to life by hand. Nevertheless, Hayao Miyazaki is referred to as Japan’s Walt Disney and considered by many to be the world’s greatest living animator.

This month, the 72-year-old Miyazaki announced his retirement. The Japanese animator has directed 11 animated full-length films over the past four decades, including the Oscar-winning Spirited Away (《千与千寻》) and his latest release, The Wind Rises (《起风了》), which tells the life story of a man who designed Japanese World War II fighter planes.

Just as The Wind Rises shows, Miyazaki is well-known for his obsession with flight, especially human flight. Other striking aspects of Miyazaki’s films include his themes of environmental protection and the horrors of war.

Miyazaki’s work is also famous for its lack of clearly defined good and evil characters. He sees the 21st century as a complex time when old norms need to be re-examined.

As a storyteller, he is an inventor of fairy tales full of mystery. In the Miyazakian universe, wizards (巫师) turn into birds of prey; young girls are transformed overnight into 90-year-old women; greedy parents are changed into pigs; and shooting stars become fire demons (恶魔).

As a visual (视觉的) artist, most of Miyazaki’s grace comes from his vivid (鲜明的) colors and lovingly drawn landscapes – a rolling meadow (草地) covered with flowers and shadowed by clouds, or a range of rocky hills rising toward snow-capped mountain peaks

People attribute Miyazaki’s success to his long pursuit of his hand-drawn technique, although in an interview with CNN he called himself an “extinct species” in the age of digital animation.

A recent television documentary on the making of The Wind Rises showed a disappointed Miyazaki throwing a pile of drawings into the trash. He is said to have redrawn thousands of frames of the much-praised Princess Mononoke (《幽灵公主》) when they did not meet his standards.

But his huge attention to detail has earned him the respect of the entire animated film world. Even John Lasseter – head of Pixar, the famous US computer animation studio – once called Miyazaki “one of the greatest filmmakers of our time”.

1.What can we know about Miyazaki’s film The Wind Rises?

A.It was put on a long time ago.

B.Its hero is a soldier.

C.It describes horrors of war.

D.It is an Oscar-winning film.

2.What does the underlined word “obsession” mean in paragraph 3? ?

A.Enthusiasm B.Hate

C.Envy D.Sympathy

3.According to the article,Miyazake’s films _____.

A.are full of mystery and imaginative characters and landscapes

B.are likely to use hand-drawn technique and redrawn abstract frames

C.are full of new norms and clearly defined good and evil characters

D.are likely to demonstrate environmental protection and anti-war themes

4.What is the main idea of this article ?

A.Miyazake’s impact on Japanese culture

B.the characteristics of Miyazake’s films

C.what inspired Miyazake to create his films

D.what made Miyazake succeed


IN China, red is known to be a lucky color. But you may be surprised to know that British culture is also full of the color red. It’s true: Go to Britain and you will see red everywhere.

There are red postboxes on street corners and on the sides of buildings. The British red phone box is famous all over the world. The famous double-decker (双层) bus is red. Red is the color traditionally worn by British soldiers in battle (战争), and there is red in the UK’s Union Jack national flag. Britain even has a famous team of stunt (特技) jet fighters (喷气式战斗机) called “The Red Arrows”.

To go with British culture’s love of red, British nature also features many red animals. A beloved bird is the robin (知更鸟), which has a bright red breast (胸脯). At Christmastime in winter, the bird is commonly found on the greetings cards people send each other. There is also quite a rare animal called the red squirrel (松鼠). Foxes are red, and they used to be hunted by men in red outfits (服装).

But is red considered lucky to British people? A good way to see how a culture looks at a color is to look at the way it uses it in language. The results may surprise you. Even though Britain has a lot of red on its high streets and in its countryside, red is used quite differently as a metaphor (比喻). If someone “sees red”, they are angry. When a person is “red faced”, they are out of breath or blushing (脸红). Red is also a political color: it means a left-winger (blue is the color of the political right). To be “in the red” is to be in debt (someone in credit (存款) is “in the black”).

Look hard enough and you’ll find the color red being used in all countries. For instance the “red heart” symbol (符号) is pretty universal. But whether the British realize it or not, red is everywhere in Britain. It does seem that the country is in love with the color.

1. The article is mainly about ______.

A. the metaphor of red in the English language

B. the preference for red animals in Britain

C. the history of red items in Britain

D. the color red in British culture

2. Someone saying bad words about you behind your back might make you ______.

A. red-faced B. see red

C. in the red D. in the black

3. It can be inferred from the article that ______.

A. red has different meanings depending on the context (情境)

B. the color red is not as popular as it was before in Britain

C. most British people are aware of (知道的) how popular the color red is in British culture

D. British people are often asked to explain the meaning of the color red

4.The main purpose of the article is to ______.

A. compare B. judge C. inform D. argue


A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain.They say that you can’t teach an old new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old saying simply isn’t true.1. .

Give your brain a workout.Memory, like muscular strength, requires you to “use it or lose it”.The more you work out your brain, the better you’ll be able to process and remember information.2. .

Don’t skip the physical exercise.While mental exercise is important for brain health, that doesn’t mean you never need to break a sweat.Physical exercise helps your brain stay sharp.It increases oxygen to your brain and reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss.

Get enough sleep.There is a big difference between the amount of sleep you can get by on and the amount you need to function at your best.3. .

Keep stress in check.Stress is one of the brain’s worst enemies.Over time, stress destroys brain cells.Studies have also linked stress to memory loss.

Have a laugh.4. That holds true for the brain and the memory, as well as the body.Unlike emotional responses, which are limited to specific areas of the brain, laughter engages multiple regions across the whole brain.

__5.__ Just as the body needs fuel, so does the brain.You probably already know that a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, “healthy” fats and lean protein will provide lots of health benefits, but such a diet can also improve memory.For brain health, though, it’s not just what you eat—it’s also what you don’t eat.

A.Eat a brain-boosting diet.

B.Play games with memory.

C.Laughter is the best medicine.

D.But oversleeping is not good for your brain.

E.Even skipping a few hours makes a difference!

F.You have to shake things up from time to time!

G.The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change.


Researchers around the world have been trying their hand at making better use of the huge amount of wind energy available in nature to produce clean energy.Apart from this,studies are being carried out to harness(利用) usable wind energy produced by man-made technologies.

One useful source identified by Indian inventor Santosh Pradhan about two years ago is a speeding train,which produces fierce wind that can be transformed into electricity.

According to Pradhan’s proposal,with a few small improvements in existing trains running in Mumbai,the largest city in India,at least 10,000 megawatts(兆瓦) of electricity could be harvested each day.

Building on this principle,designers Ale Leonetti Luparinia and Qian Jiang from Yanko Design have created a device(装置) called T-Box that harnesses wind energy from speeding trains.

T-Box can be placed within the railway tracks.It is half-buried underground between the concrete sleepers(水泥枕木),which does not disturb the normal train operating at all.According to Yanko,around 150 T-Boxes can be fitted along a 1,000-meter railway track.

A train running at a speed of 200 kph can produce winds blowing at 15 miles a second.Based on this calculation,150 T-Boxes can produce 2.6 KWH of electricity per day.The T-Box’s design won a silver medal in last year’s Lite-On Awards and was exhibited last summer at the Xue Xue Institute in Taipei,Taiwan Province.

Though the figures look impressive,it is important to remember that the design is still at a conceptual stage and hasn’t taken into account issues such as pieces of waste material produced by the device and the efforts and costs involved in the maintenance(维护) of the device.

We can expect the technology to see the light of the day only after it clears these issues.If so,rail travel,one of the greenest forms of travel,will become greener and 1.What can we learn about T-Box?

A.It will be fitted on the trains.

B.It is based on Pradhan’s idea.

C.It can turn electricity into light.

D.It was invented by an Indian scientist.

2.How much electricity can be produced per day by T-Boxes along a railway track of 100km?

A.260 KWH. B.2.6 KWH.

C.150 KWH. D.1.5 KWH.

3.It can be concluded from the last two paragraphs that ______.

A.T-Box has proved to be effective in harvesting wind

B.the maintenance of T-Box will be costly

C.there is much to do about T-Box

D.T-Box will come into use soon

4.According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.The Indian inventor Santosh Pradhan invented the speeding train.

B.The T-Box’s design won a silver medal in Lite-On Awards last year.

C.Rail travel has become one of the energy-efficient technologies in the world.

D.The India harvests 10,000 megawatts of electricity each day on average.

5.The passage is mainly written to _______.

A.encourage more people to travel by train

B.explain the advantages of electricity

C.tell readers how to save energy and money

D.introduce a new invention to readers


In Britain,it's bottoms up from the week before Christmas till the last firework explodes in the sky announcing the new year,.The last Friday before Christmas popularly known as‘Mad Friday’—is one of the busiest periods for the country’s pubs and clubs.

But it's not just the bars that get busy.Ambulances and A&E departments around Britain get packed out too.Head injuries,,cuts,falls…it's easy to end up hurting yourself or others when self-control disappear and your head is spinning due to alcoho1.Revelers(纵酒狂欢的人)have been warned by the health authorities about the dangers of deadly drinking but drinking crazily seems to be part of the festivities for some.

The charity Alcohol Concern is running a campaign of restriction by encouraging people to have a dry January.

Jackie Ballard,the charity’s Chief Executive,believes the campaign has been successful in recent years.She says:“More than two-thirds of people even six months later are drinking at reduced levels having had a month off drink.But also a study has shown the impact it has on people’s health reducing their blood pressure and blood sugar levels.”

The study by the University of Sussex followed up nearly 900 participants in Alcohol Concern’s Dry January campaign and found out that 72%of them had kept harmful drinking sessions down and 4%were still not drinking.

Moderation(适度)seems to be the key to everything.The official recommendation for women is not to regularly drink more than 2 to 3 units of alcohol a day.The limit for men is 3 to 4 units of alcohol—no more than a pint of 5.2%ABV lager,beer or cider.

1.The last Friday before Christmas is called.“Mad Friday”because_________.

A.people stay up too late

B.people go out and drink a lot

C.firework explodes in the sky

D.people go shoping madly

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The atmosphere of the bars.

B.The effect of drinking too much.

C.The customs of the festivities.

D.The importance of the health authorities.

3.The result of dry January campaign is that________.

A.many people stop drinking

B.people drink more than before

C.people can improve their health

D.people’s blood pressure increases

4.What is the official suggestion of drinking alcohol?

A.Women shouldn’t drink any alcoho1.

B.People should stay away from alcoho1.

C.Men may drink 3 to 4 units of alcohol at least.

D.Moderate alcohol drinking can be accepted.


Dear Friend.

The recent success of children’s books has made the general public aware that there's a huge market out there.

And there's a growing need for new writers trained to create the $3 billion worth of children's books bought each year, plus stories and articles needed by over 650 publishers of magazines for children and teenagers.

Who are these needed writers? They’re ordinary folks like you and me.

But am I good enough?

I was once where you might be now.My thoughts of writing had been pushed down by self-doubt, and I didn't know where to turn for help.

Then, I accepted a free offer from the Institute to test my writing aptitude(潜能), and it turned out to be the inspiration I needed.

The promise that paid off

The Institute made the same promise to me that they will make to you, if you show basic writing ability:

You will complete at least one manuscript(手稿)suitable to hand in to a publisher by the time you finish our course.

I really didn't expect any publication before I finished the course, but that happened.I sold three stories.And I soon discovered that was not unusual at the Institute.

Since graduation, I have authored 34 nationally published children's books and over 300 stories and articles.

Free test and brochure

We offer a free aptitude test and will send you a copy of our brochure describing our recognized home-study courses on the basis of one-on-one training.

Realize your writing dream today.There's nothing sadder than a dream delayed until it fades (消失)forever.


Kristi Holl, Instructor

Institute of Children's Literature

1.From the first three paragraphs, we learn that

A.children's books are usually bestsellers

B.publishers are making $3 billion each year

C.magazines for teenagers have drawn public attention

D.there is a growing need for writers of children's books

2.When finishing the course, you are promised to

A.be a successful publisher

B.become a confident editor

C.finish one work for publication

D.get one story or article published

3.Kristi Holl mentions her experience mainly to ____.

A.prove she is a good instructor

B.promote the writing program

C.give her advice on course preparation

D.show she sold more stories than articles

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