
One day in my class,Maria shared her feelings about money,“Money worries me.I think I want to live without money because I hate it.I HATE MONEY.”We were all touched by Maria's words as they reminded us of the spiritual burdens that money managing can bring to us.After class I offered to help Maria deal with her financial problems.She hesitated to accept my offer,and I could see from the expression on her face that she was afraid of what it might involve.I quickly promised her that I wouldn't make her do more than she was able to.I told her frankly that I didn't enjoy managing my money any more than she did hers and wouldn't burden her with guilt,judgments,or impossible tasks.All I would ask her to do was to let me help her look at her fears and try to make some sense of them.
Maria still resisted my offer,and I can remember the excuses she gave me as they were the repeated complaints I had heard from so many people.“I'll never understand money,”she said.“My facts are meaningless.”“I don't deserve to have money.”“I never have enough.”“I have too little to manage.”“My financial position isn't worth looking at.”and the most devastating one of all,“I just can't do it.”
Going home that day,I couldn't get Maria out of my mind:her attitude conveyed the same negativity and  fear that I believed annoyed many people.I was sure it was this attitude that prevented people from managing their money effectively.My counseling(咨询)has taught me that these anxieties are inseparably connected to our self­doubts and fear for survival.Many of us are terrified of handling our money because we don't believe we can do it well,and to do it wrong would put our very existence at risk.
On a deeper level we know that money is not the source of life,but sense of worth drives us to act as if it were.It locks us up in self­doubts and prevents us from tapping into the true source of our management power,our spirit.
【小题1】The underlined word“devastating”in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.

【小题2】Maria's words moved the author and others because they were ________.
A.in the same financial troubleB.in the same financial condition
C.of the same family backgroundD.of the same feeling over the issue
【小题3】As for money managing,the author intended to tell Maria how to ________.
A.overcome her fearsB.make wise decisions
C.avoid making mistakesD.learn the necessary skills
【小题4】Maria wouldn't take the author's offer of help for fear of________.
A.being forced to share her money with others
B.having to do something beyond her reach
C.being found guilty of making impossible errors
D.showing her judgment about money
【小题5】According to the author,people's anxieties about managing money result from their understanding of money as the only source of ________.




One day in January, my uncle, my cousin and I decided to go hunting.We left by car in the afternoon.It was a Range Rover with four-wheel drive.It took us three hours to get there.After we arrived at 5:15 p.m., we fixed the tent, then made coffee and had a short rest.After that, we went hunting, using a falcon(猎鹰).We spent two hours without finding anything.On our way back to the camp, my cousin saw a rabbit.I removed the falcon’s bead cover and let go of the aggressive falcon.When the rabbit saw the falcon, it ran fast, but my falcon was a professional hunter.He flew up and came down to trick the rabbit.After two minutes, the rabbit was caught.We took it back to the camp to cook our dinner.We ate the delicious food, drank Arabic coffee, and sat around the fire talking until 10:30 p.m.
We left the camp the next day at 7 o’clock in the morning.We went north.However, around 10:00 a.m.our car got stuck in the sand! We spent about three hours trying to pull out the car without any progress.Finally, we decided to walk.As it was hard for an old man or a young boy to walk more than 40km in the desert, I decided to get help myself.I took a bottle of water with me and started to walk south alone.I knew the way well, but it was a long way in the sand.I walked more than four hours without stopping.When I felt so tired and thirsty, I stopped to rest.I drank all the water and slept for around two hours.
When I got up, it was dark.I continued to walk south.I was worried about my uncle and cousin.Suddenly, I met a Bedouin man who was riding his camel.He took me to his house.When I had had enough rest, I asked him to take me to the road where I found a car.It took me to the city to get help.I had one day to get back to my uncle and cousin.When I got back to them, they were so happy because I had gotten help and they were able to see me again.
【小题1】Which word can best describe the first evening of their hunting trip?

【小题2】How did the writer finally get out of the desert?
A.He was picked up by a car.
B.A camel took him to the road.
C.A passer-by Bedouin helped him.
D.His uncle and cousin found and rescued him.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the story?
A.It’s an easy job to walk 40km in the desert.
B.The author loved to go hunting with his family.
C.The hunting trip is much longer than expected.
D.To hunt in the desert one must train a falcon well.


第二节  完形填空 ( 共20小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)


      There was a woman in Detroit,  36  had two sons. She was worried  37  them, especially 38  younger one, Ben, because he was not doing well in school. Boys in his class  39  jokes on him because he seemed so  40 . The mother  41  that she would herself get her sons to do  42  in school. She told them to go to the Detroit Public Library to  43  a book a week and do a book report for her.

One day, in Ben’s  44,  the teacher held up a rock(岩石)and asked if anyone  45  it. Ben put up his hand and the teacher let him  46.  “Why did Ben raise his hand?” all of his  47  whispered (低声耳语) and wondered. “He  48  said anything. What could he possibly want to say?”

  Well, Ben not only  49  the rock, but also said a lot about it. He  50  other rocks in its groups and even knew  51  the teacher had found it. The teacher and the students were  52  .Ben had learned all this from doing one of his book 53.

  Ben later went on to the  54  of his class. When he finished high school, he went to Yale University and  55  became one of the best doctors in the United States.

36.            A. which                     B. who                    C. that                    D. whom

37.            A. on                          B. with                    C. about                  D. in

38.            A. the                         B. an                       C. a                        D. /

39.            A. played                    B. spoke                  C. got                     D. showed

40.            A. clever                     B. hard                    C. slow                   D. quick

41.            A. seemed                   B. decided               C. answered             D. told

42.            A. well                      B. bad                     C. right                   D. good

43.            A. see                         B. find                    C. read                    D. buy

44.            A. class                       B. room                  C. office                  D. lab

45.            A. told                        B. knew                  C. wrote                  D. said

46.            A. think                      B. leave                   C. ask                     D. answer

47.            A. classmates               B. students               C. teacher                D. mother

48.            A. always                    B. ever                    C. sometimes           D. never

49.            A. found                     B. played                 C. knew                  D. heard

50.            A. said                        B. told                    C. called                 D. named

51.            A. whether                  B. what                   C. where                 D. why

52.            A. afraid                     B. surprised             C. worried               D. unhappy

53.            A. pictures                  B. exercises             C. shops                  D. reports

54.            A. top                         B. end                     C. back                   D. front

55.            A. at first                    B. at the end            C. at last            D. now


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