
13.面对繁重的学业负担,很多学生出现了不同程度的心理和身体方面的不适.鉴于此种情况,中学生应该学会放松.假入你是中学生李华,请以How to Relax Ourselves为题写一篇文章给《21世纪英语报》投稿
How to Relax Ourselves
Faced with heavy learning burdens,many of us studentsoften feel tired both psychologically and mentally.If the situationcontinues,it will have a negative influence on our life and study.In view of this,we are supposed to learn to relax ourselves.As you know,there are various ways to relax ourselves.As you know,there are various ways to relaxourselves,such as watching TV,surfing the Internet,taking regular exercise and traveling.
As for me,I prefer surfing the Internet in my share time.For one thing,theInternet provides me with a wide range of activities for relaxation.Sometimes I keep track of the latest news as an entertainment.I also play computer gamesto relax myself.For another,the Internet gives me easy access to making friends with people at home and abroad.Furthermore,the vivid pictures on theInternet can greatly refresh me when I feel tired..

分析 本文是一篇提纲作文.根据所提供的材料,以"How to Relax Ourselves"为题给《21世纪英语报》投稿,写一篇稿件.写作要点包括:1.为什么要学会自我放松;2.自我放松的途径(如看电视、上网、体育锻炼、旅游等);3.你更喜欢哪种自我放松方式及原因.写作时应以一般现在时为主.人称以第一人称和第三人称为主.重要短语:be facedwith  (面临),havea negative influence on (有消极影响),in view of(考虑到,鉴于),besupposed to do sth  (应该做某事),relaxoneself (自我放松),provide sb with sth(提供某人某物),a wide range of (许多各种不同的),keep track of (跟踪,记录),give sb easy access to (某人更容易…).

解答 Faced with heavy learning burdens,many of usstudents often feel tired both psychologically and mentally.【高分句型】If the situation continues,it will have a negative influence on ourlife and study.In view of this,we are supposed to learn to relax ourselves.(为什么要学会自我放松)As you know,there are various ways to relaxourselves.As you know,there are various ways to relax ourselves,such aswatching TV,surfing the Internet,taking regular exercise and traveling.(自我放松的途径)
   As for me,I prefer surfing the Internet in my share time.For one thing,the Internetprovides me with a wide range of activities for relaxation.Sometimes I keeptrack of the latest news as an entertainment.I also play computer games torelax myself.For another,the Internet gives me easy access to making friendswith people at home and abroad.Furthermore,the vivid pictures on the Internetcan greatly refresh me when I feel tired.(自己更喜欢上网来放松及原因)

点评 提纲作文在写作时要注意内容是否包含了所有要点,并适当增加细节.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次,平时需注意积累短语和重要句型.


With a registration fee of just﹩50 per child,children under the age of 12can join Eagle Airways'FLY TO THE MOON CLUB as members.
They can then enjoy the same benefits 
onboard Eagle Airways'newest Boeing-797
to any destination in the world!
•A free bowl of dessert for a family of four at Don's Dinersdinner ordered
•A birthday gift on your child's birthday
•A free album containing pictures taken during the journey
All bookings made before 12September will receive free travel insurance forthe entire family!**Insurance is issued by Live Life Insurance Group.
for departures from 5 to 11 September
*Child must be accompanied by two
paying adults.
**Terms and conditions apply.

65.One of the benefits mentioned in,the advertisement isD.
A.a free flight to any destination in the world
B.30% off any book purchased at Ruby Bookstore
C.a free bowl of dessert at any restaurant at the airport
D.a discount on any course at Tanya Language School
66.Which of the following bookings may receive the most benefits?D
Booking dateDeparture date
September 13September 18
Booking dateDeparture date
September 2September 12
Booking dateDeparture date
August 15September 4
Booking dateDeparture date
August 16September 8
67.Which of the following is TRUE according to the advertisement?A
A.You need to pay﹩50 to sign up a child for the club.
B.Club members enjoy free travel insurance for any flight.
C.The advertisement is intended for students of all ages.
D.Any child must be accompanied by at least one paying adult.
5.The writers of murder stories go to a great deal of trouble to keep us guessing right up to the end.In actual fact,people often behave more strangely in real life than they do in stories.
The following advertisement once appeared in a local newspaper:"An opportunity to earn $250in a few minutes.A man willing to take chances is wanted for an out-of-the-ordinary job which can be performed only once."A reader found this offer very generous and applied to the advertiser,but being a bit suspicious,he gave a false name.Soon afterwards,he received a reply.Enclosed in the envelope was a typed note instructing him to ring a certain number if he was still interested.He did so and learned on the telephone that the advertiser wanted him"to get rid of somebody"and would discuss it more fully with him the next day.But the man told the police and from then on acted under their instructions.
The police saw the two men met and watched them as they drove away together.In the car the advertiser came to the point at once:he told the man he wanted him to shoot his wife.The reason he gave was that he was suffering from an incurable disease and wanted to live in a warmer country,but his wife objected to this.Giving the man some money,the advertiser told him to buy a gun and warned him to be careful of the dog which,though it would not bite,might attract attention.He also gave him a photograph of his wife so that he would be able to recognize her,After that,the advertiser suggested that the man should"do the job"next morning.Meanwhile,he would prepare his wife by telling her that a young man was going to call.After the murder,they would meet again outside a railway station and the money would be paid as arranged.The second meeting never took place,for the advertiser was arrested shortly afterwards and charged with attempting to persuade someone to murder his wife.

26.What can we infer from paragraph one?B
A.While reading murder stories,we have to guess at the end of the stories.
B.While reading murder stories,we have to guess from the beginning to the end.
C.People usually behave more strangely in murder stories than in real life.
D.It is very easy for writers of murder stories to have readers guessing.
27.The underlined word"suspicious"in paragraph two meansA?
A.doubtful        B.sure        C.persuaded        D.unexpected
28.Why did the man put an advertisement in a local newspaper?D
A.To hire someone to kill himself because he was seriously ill.
B.To ask someone to buy a gun for him and then he would kill his wife.
C.To hire someone to kill his wife because he didn't love her any more.
D.To have his wife killed because he doubt whether she still loved him.
29.According to the passage,what is NOT true about the advertiser?D
A.He was suffering from a deadly disease.
B.He raised a dog in his house.
C.He would help the person hired to finish the task.
D.He paid the man he hired beforehand.
30.From the passage,we can learn thatC.
A.The advertiser wrote a letter to the reader to ask him to call a number.
B.The reader was in great need of money,so he wanted to get the job.
C.The advertiser was caught by the police right after he met the reader.
D.The dog in the advertiser's house was very fierce.

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