
After years of searching, a truth seeker was told to go to a cave, in which he would find a well. “Ask the well what is   36  , ” he was advised, “and the well reveal (告诉,揭露) it to you.” Having found the well, the seeker asked that most basic and important   37 . And from the depths came the answer: “Go to the village crossroad, and there you shall find what you are seeking.”
Full of   38  the man ran to the crossroad to   39  only three rather uninteresting shops. One shop was selling pieces of metal, another sold   40 , and thin wires were for sale in the third. Nothing and no one there seemed to   41  much to do with the revelation of truth.
Disappointed, the seeker returned to the well to demand an   42 , but he was told only: “You will   43   in the future.”
As years went by, the   44  of his experience at the well gradually   45  until one night, while he was walking, the sound of sitar (西塔琴) music   46  his attention. It was wonderful and it was   47  with great skill and inspiration.
Deeply  48 , the truth seeker felt drawn towards the   49 . He looked at the fingers dancing over the strings. And then suddenly he let out a cry of joyful   50 : the sitar was made out of wires and pieces of metal and wood just like   51  he had once seen in the three stores.
At last he understood the   52  of the well: we have already been given everything we need; our   53  is to assemble (聚集) and use them in the proper way. Nothing is   54  so long as we recognize only fragments (碎片). But as soon as the pieces are put together, something new appears, whose nature we could not have   55  by considering the fragments alone.
A.truthB.hopeC.future D.music
A.factB.reason C.questionD.well
A.explanationB.advice C.excuse D.opportunity
A.bitterness B.failure C.memoryD.secret
A.doubled B.forgot C.disappearedD.recovered
A.annoyed B.movedC.confusedD.frightened
A.thoseB.thatC.it D.them
A.secretB.messageC.theory D.benefit
A.interestingB.meaningful C.accessibleD.successful


小题1:A由上文的a truth seeker 可知,选A 项(原词复现)。hope希望;future未来;music音乐。句意:寻寻觅觅多年,真理追寻者被告知去往一个洞穴中,在那里,他将会找到一口井。“去问那口井什么是真理,”他得到这样的建议,“那口井就会告诉你什么是真理。”
小题2:C由下文的answer 可知,此处选C 项(question问题)。fact事实;reason理由;well井。句意:他得到这样的建议,“那口井就会告诉你什么是真理。”追寻者在找到那口井后,问了那个最重要的问题。从井底深处传来一个声音:“去村里的十字路口,在那儿可以找到你想寻觅的答案。”
小题3:B听说能找到问题的答案,那个人自然是怀着“希望(hope)”跑向十字路口。energy 能量;mystery秘密,谜,神秘,神秘的事物。surprise惊讶。
小题5:D由后文的“the sitar was made out of wires and pieces of metal and wood just like   51  he had once seen in the three stores.”可知, 此空选wood(原词复现)。句意:一家在卖金属片,另一家在卖木材,第三家则在卖细金属丝。
小题6:B三家店铺里的物品和人似乎都与真理无啥联系。have sth. to do with是固定短语,意为“与……有关系”。connect连接,联结;使……有联系;prepare准备;offer主动提供。
小题8:D根据最后一段的“At last he understood the   52  of the well”可知, 此处填understand(原词复现)。句意:追寻者感到很失望,回到井边想讨个说法,但井只告诉他:“你将来会明白的。”succeed      成功
discover 发现;pay付出。
小题10:C 根据常识“随着时间的推移”,人们的记忆不可能成倍(doubled)增加。根据下文,这儿不是说
“他的记忆恢复了(recovered)”,故排除A、D 选项。那么剩下来的要么是“记忆的遗忘(forgot)或是消失
小题11:D catch one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力(西塔琴的演奏声吸引了他的注意力);pay one's attention to把注意力集中在某一件事上。其余两个词(lose, split)不跟“attention”搭配构成动词短语。句意:他渐渐淡忘了井边的那段经历,直到有一天晚上,他沐浴着月光漫步在路上,被耳畔传来的一阵西塔琴的演奏声吸引住了。
小题12:A it指代music,与play搭配意为“演奏音乐”。句意:那音乐相当美妙,弹奏的人琴艺高超,令听者深受鼓舞。broadcast 广播;enjoy 欣赏;conduct 指挥。
小题13:B上文的“inspiration(鼓舞)”已经暗示了答案。如此美妙、令人鼓舞的音乐自然会让人“感动(moved)”。annoyed 生气的;confused困惑的;frightened害怕的, 均不符合上下文的语境。
小题14:D player 指演奏音乐的人,与小题12:呼应。adviser提建议者;director导演;composer 作曲者。句意:真理追寻者被深深地打动了,他不由自主地被弹琴的人吸引了过去。
小题15:C他因为“认出了”制作西塔琴的线、金属和木头就是他曾经在商店里见过的那些东西,而发出欣喜的叫声。admiration 羡慕,钦佩;distinction 区别,差别;recognition 认出,识别;imagination 想像力。recognition符合语境。
小题16:A those 在本句中代替上文提到的wires,metal and wood 作后面定语从句的先行词。that 与it 代
小题17:B最后他终于明白了水井传达的寓意。secret 秘密;message 消息, 信息, 要点, 寓意;theory 理论;benefit 利益,好处。B项符合句意。
小题18:C下文“to assemble (聚集) and use them in the proper way(用恰当的方式把它们聚集起来并使用)”指的应该是“任务(task)”。target目标;difficulty困难;shortcoming缺点。
小题19:B根据倒数第二段的阐述,我们不难推出“如果我们看到的只是碎片,那就没什么意义的”也就是我们常常所说的“不要孤立地看问题”。meaningful 有意义的;interesting 有趣的;accessible 可接近的;successful 成功的。
小题20:A它的本质即新生事物的本质不可能是靠我们去“决定的(decided)”、“形成的(formed)”或是去“判定的(judged)”,而只能靠我们去“预见的” (比如,我们只是孤立地去看线、金属和木头,也就无法预见它们能做成西塔琴后的本质)。最后一段的文意:他终于明白了那口井的意思:我们需要的东西都已经有了,我们的“任务”是用恰当的方式把它们聚集起来并使用。世界早已给予了我们需要的一切东西,我们只需要将它们组合起来,并以适当的方式去使用它们。如果我们只看到零星的碎片,那一切就都不会有意义。可是一旦我们将这些碎片组合起来形成一个整体,新的事物便会产生,并且新事物的性质是我们仅从碎片上无法预见的。
One of the most common questions parents ask me is,“How,in this competitive world,can you raise kind children” My answer is “to begin by being a   adult”. When your child you go the extra mile to help a friend,he will naturally    this as the right way to live.
We are mirrors for our   . When children observe your examples of kindness,they'll know    to begin. One day,I mentioned that I had a   ,and my 8­year­old daughter     upstairs to run a bath for me. You know who    her stomachaches in just such a way.
Kindness is a quality that isn't often    in our schools,so we must make a strong effort to acknowledge it   . A busy mother I know is making a(an)     to acknowledge her young son's kindness. She says,“Once I was with my son on a bus,and he sat next to a classmate using a wheelchair, I was amazed at    helpful and considerate he was,and I was    to praise him when we got home.”
Kindness,compassion(同情),and love    from understanding and respect,and in turn create more of   . It would help to acknowledge kids' thoughtfulness instead of     competition. In an achievement­oriented (成绩导向型) culture,we may focus more     grades and sports victories than on   of the heart.    the time to acknowledge kind actions as having true worth. We can kindness in our everyday lives,for example,by creating a “kindness board”.
A.had treatedB.was treatingC.has treatedD.would treat
A.in publicB.in secretC.at homeD.on a bus
You are given many opportunities in life to choose to be a victim or a creator. When you choose to be a victim, the world is a cold and difficult place. “They” did things to you which caused all of your pain and suffering. “They” are wrong and bad, and life is terrible as long as “they” are around. Or you may blame yourself for all your problems, thus internalizing(内化) your victimization. The truth is, your life is likely to stay that way as long as you feel a need to blame yourself or others.
Those who choose to be creators look at life quite differently. They know there are individuals who might like to control their lives, but they don’t let this get in the way. They know they have their weaknesses, yet they don’t blame themselves when they fail. Whatever happens, they have choice in the matter. They believe their dance with each sacred(神圣的) moment of life is a gift and that storms are a natural part of life which can bring the rain needed for emotional and spiritual growth.
Victims and creators live in the same physical world and deal with many of the same physical realities, yet their experience of life is worlds apart. Victims relish (沉溺) in anger, guilt, and other emotions that cause others—and even themselves—to feel like victims, too. Creators consciously choose love, inspiration, and other qualities which inspire not only themselves, but all around them. Both victims and creators always have choice to determine the direction of their lives.
In reality, all of us play the victim or the creator at various points in our lives. One person, on losing a job or a special relationship, may feel as if it is the end of the world and sink into terrible suffering for months, years, or even a lifetime. Another with the same experience may choose to first experience the grief, then accept the loss and soon move on to be a powerful creative force in his life.    In every moment and every circumstance, you can choose to have a fuller, richer life by setting a clear intention to transform the victim within, and by inviting into your life the powerful creator that you are.
小题1:What does the word “they” in Paragraph 1 probably refer to?
A.People and things around you.
B.Opportunities and problems.
C.Creators and their choices.
D.Victims and their sufferings.
小题2:According to Paragraph 2, creators __________.
A.seem willing to experience failures in life
B.possess the ability to predict future life
C.handle ups and downs of life wisely
D.have potential to create something new
小题3:What can we learn from Paragraph 3?
A.Creators and victims face quite different things in life.
B.Creators and victims are masters of their lives.
C.Victims can influence more people than creators.
D.Compared with victims, creators are more emotional.
小题4:The examples mentioned in Paragraph 4 show that __________.
A.strong attachment to (沉浸在)sufferings in life pulls people into victims
B.people need family support to deal with challengers in life
C.it takes creators quite a long time to get rid of their pains
D.one’s experiences determine his attitude toward life
小题5:What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To define victims and creators.
B.To evaluate victims against creators.
C.To explain the relationship between victims and creators.
D.To suggest the transformation from victims to creators.
For most of my 15 years, my father usually said very little to my mother and me. He preferred reading the newspaper or watching football matches on television to talking to his family.
Everything changed one morning. As soon as I came downstairs to breakfast, I could see that he wasn’t his usual reserved (缄默的) self. “Can’t wait! FIFA World Cup! Big match! Must see!”    I quickly figured out what all the excitement was about: Dad is a big football fan.
I had never been interested in football, but Dad’s excitement that morning made me more and more curious. I had to find out why this sport was making my normally reserved father act like a five-year-old on his first trip to Disneyland.
Dad decided that we should all eat at a little German restaurant so that we could watch the World Cup while eating. Secretly, I think he was hoping to turn Mum and me into football fans.
The match started a few minutes after we entered the restaurant. As I was eating my meal, a loud noise came from the television. Surprised, I looked up at the TV: “Why is that man jumping up and down?” Dad patiently explained: “That’s Papa Bouba Diop, my son. It’s normal for them to jump up and down after they’ve scored.”
Dad explained almost everything to me. His monosyllabic (单音节的) answers were a thing of the past. I loved the new Dad! I watched the rest of the match, becoming more and more interested. When I told my father that I planned to watch more matches with him, he smiled and gave me a wink (眨眼). At long last we had something in common.
Football has really helped Dad and me get closer and form a stronger relationship with each other. Who says football is only about 22 men running after a silly ball?
小题1:Which of the following words can best describe the author’s father?
A.A talkative football player.B.A parent busy at work.
C.An encouraging father.D.A man of few words.
小题2:What made the author curious about his father one morning?
A.His unusual excitement.
B.His unexpressed eagerness.
C.His great interest in the newspaper.
D.His high expectation of the winner.
小题3:The author’s growing interest in watching the match mainly came from________.
A.his and his father’s common love of German food
B.watching a top level performance of the players
C.his father’s love of football and his explanation
D.eating in a restaurant with the excited fans
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Sharing is the foundation of good relationship.
B.Family members should be fans together.
C.Interest is the mother of success.
D.Personality decides everything.
There are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these is undue absorption in the past. It does not do to live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead. One’s thoughts must be directed to the future and to things about which there is something to be done.
It is unwise to be too attached to the youth in the hope of sucking vigor from its vitality. When your children are grown up they want to live their own lives, and if you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young, you are likely to become a burden to them, unless they are cold to you.
I think that a successful old age is easiest for those who have strong impersonal interests involving appropriate activities. It is in this sphere that long experience is really fruitful, and it is in this sphere that the wisdom born of experience can be exercised without being oppressive. It is no use telling grown-up children not to make mistakes, both because they will not believe you, and because mistakes are an essential part of education. But if you are one of those who are incapable of impersonal interests, you may find that your life will be empty unless you concern yourself with you children and grandchildren. In that case you must realize that while you can still render them material services, such as making them an allowance or knitting them jumpers, you must not expect that they will enjoy your company.
Some old people are afraid of death. But in fact the best way is to make your interests gradually wider and ore impersonal. An individual human existence should be like a river-small at fist, rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider and the banks move back and in the end they become mixed in the sea without any visible break.
The old man who can see life in this way will not suffer from the fear of growing old and death.
小题1:The author suggests that old people should_______.
A.develop impersonal interests with proper activities.
B.tell their children not to make mistakes
C.concern themselves with their children
D.not give their children an allowance
小题2:The underlined word “render” in Paragraph 3 is close to the meaning of  “_____”.
小题3:The author compares an individual human existence to a river because _____.
A.Life is like a river, first small, and then it becomes wide
B.life is like a river finally flowing into the sea
C.old age and death are both natural just like a river
D.old people will be mixed in the crowd like a river mixed in the sea
小题4:What’s the best title of this passage?
A.Setting Sun Is BeautifulB.Growing Old Successfully
C.Why Fear Getting OldD.Caring for Olds More
I sat in the all-too-quiet waiting room of the cancer center, counting the minutes until my treatment. I thought I'd 36 it two years ago, but it was back. After my   37   diagnosis, Nom and Dad had driven more than l,200 miles from their home to be with me for three  38  while I was getting over from   39  and chemotherapy(化疗). When the cancer returned last, they, once again,   40   it here , too. They waited for hours while I received my treatments------Dad with his  41  and Mom with a magazine.
But now, they were   42  in Westlake.
My children are  43  and my four brothers live far from my home outside Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania.  I knew   44 of them would come if  asked, but I didn't want to  45   them,even with the intense    46 I felt.
I   47  picked one of the magazines on the end table beside me and couldn't help  wishing my  48  were there inside. One publication caught my   49 , a magazine I liked best and had   50   to ages ago. I couldn't tell you the last time when I'd read an issue. I   51  it up and I started right in with the letters to the   52  .
"I love  53  my copy every month," the first letter began. The author mentioned a daughter who  54   in Clinton, Pennsylvania. Huh, that's funny. I thought. That's my town! I read the letter to the end, where my   55  fell upon the author's signature:
"Thank you, Margie and Tom Parrish, Westlake, Louisiana"
Alone? Hardly. Margie and Tom-or as I call them, Mom and Dad-were right beside me,even now.
A.in hospitalB.back homeC.at workD.in town
Even when you’re extremely busy, you aren’t using your time with 100% efficiency. There are gaps in everyone’s schedule where they aren’t doing anything important. Even if your schedule has no gaps, there is probably lots of time when you aren’t working as fast or as effectively as you possibly could.
Why aren’t you completely efficient? It’s because time isn’t the limiting factor. If it were the limiting factor, people could work non-stop without breaks or any unproductive distractions (消遣). Instead, people, even those who are highly productive, need to take breaks, occasionally procrastinate (拖延) and slow down on tasks throughout the day.
The real and most important limiting factor for productivity is your energy levels to pay attention. Energy levels limit your productivity because when you’re tired, you can have enough time and still not get everything done. Your attention ability is also limited, because even if there are a million things that need to be done, you can only focus on one or two at a time.
You might not be able to insert another 4-5 hours into your schedule without making some sacrifices. But even extremely busy people can add an hour or two into their schedule without cancelling anything. The reason why it’s hard to “find time” isn’t a lack of time. It’s because you don’t have enough energy left to focus on something else that needs to fit into your day.
I first suspected time wasn’t the real problem during an extremely busy period in my life over a year ago. I was extremely busy, but at that time I still exercised regularly. I had daily to-do lists with over twenty items, and I still found time to exercise. However, after a few weeks off, due to illness, I stopped exercising. I was not busy by any standards, in fact, my schedule was incredibly light. Despite this free time, I found it hard to find time to exercise. It seemed to get pushed later and later into my schedule until it was gone. How can I explain this odd experience? I believe you have known it.
小题1:If someone can’t work with 100% efficiency, the most important limiting factor is ________.
A.a schedule without gapsB.breaks and distractions
C.the limited timeD.the limited energy
小题2:According to Paragraph 4, everyone, including the extremely busy people, can ________.
A.work without any rest
B.focus on many things at a time
C.find some more time in a day
D.do some exercise regularly
小题3:The writer gives the example of himself in the last paragraph in order to ________.
A.prove what the real limiting factor is
B.show us how busily he needs to work
C.explain how important a healthy body is
D.tell us what an odd experience he has
小题4:What is the best title of the passage?
A.Do You Really Lack Time?
B.How Can You Work Efficiently?
C.What Makes Your Energy Limited?
D.When Should You Do Exercise?
When asked to point out one or two things that are most important to themselves, many put friends ahead of homes, jobs, cloth and cars.
A true friendship carries-a-long history of experience that determines who we are and keeps us connected. It is a treasure we should protect. Unfortunately, the better friends you are, the more probably you’ll have disagreements. And the result can be what you don’t want an end to the relationship.
The good news is that most troubled friendships can be mended First, don’t let your pride get in your way. Most of us can forgive each other when differences are brought out in the open . second, apologize when you’re wrong – even if you’ve been wronged. Over the course of a friendship, even the best people make mistakes. Sometimes, it may be best if the wronged person takes the lead and apologizes. When you apologize, give your friend a chance to admit that he has been wrong. Third, see things from your friend’s point of view. And finally, accept that friendships change as our needs and lifestyle change. Making friends can sometimes seem easy. The hard part is keeping the connections strong during the natural ups and downs that have an effect on all relationships . My suggestion: Consider friendship an honor and a gift , and worth the effort to treasure and nurture .
小题1:What would be the best title for the text?
A.Easy Ways to Make Friends
B.Ups and Downs in Friendship
C.How to Mend a Troubled Friendship
D.How to Take the Lead in Making Friends
小题2:The “wronged person” underlined in the text refers to a person           .
A.who has been mistaken for another
B.who has been blamed unfairly
C.who has treated friends badly
D.who has admitted his mistakes
小题3:According to the text a friendship can last long only if             
A.we have much in common
B.we know our friends’ mistakes
C.we treat our disagreements wisely
D.we have know one another for long
小题4:What should we do if we follow the author’s second suggestion?
A.Stick to our own prints of view
B.Avoid making mistakes
C.Make an apology first
D.Change our lifestyles

A. Arguments are pointless.
B. Your parents only want what's best for you.
C. Everyone's opinion matters only as much as you want them to.
D. You learn by doing.
E. Your emotions are under your control.
F. You aren't stuck in any situation
Life is the greatest teacher
There always comes a moment when I wonder where I will end up and this moment always serves as a strong motivation for me to learn life lesson. I've learned a great many things, but these are the lessons that I wish I'd learned earlier:
There was a time when everyone's opinion was mine as well. Whatever preferences I formerly held were dashed in the face of another's. This most likely came from a need to please others. Remember that your opinion matters just as much as the next guy's, whether they make more money than you or are less popular than you. Everyone's opinion holds the same weight.
Drama, chaos, and emotional unrest — these were what took up most of my time as a teenager. If I had heard someone said bad things behind my back, I'd be angry. Go crazy. Looking back on those tantrums now, I'm not too surprised. After all, when you have little self control, anything is possible. The lesson here is, remain aware of how you react.
Will one small argument among friends decide the fate of the entire universe? In my world it felt like it. I just wanted so much to be right and for them so much to be wrong. But in the end, it only resulted in me wasting my time and in the other person storming off in frustration. Is there really a point to arguing? Unless it's absolutely necessary, I've learned that it's better to hold your breath on things you can't control at all. Arguing to change someone's mind is one of them.
I'm not saying every parent wants what's best for you (there are outliers), but in general, parents do what they do for you in your best interest. My parents used to make me do the dishes, cook dinner, sweep the floors, mow the lawn, take out the garbage… the list goes on and on. And at every turn, I'd whine and complain. I'd eventually end up doing it. Now, I honestly see the value in having learned those skills. I can efficiently cook and clean up after myself.
Whenever I’d lose a friend, get an awful grade, or disappoint my parents, I stewed in my own muck. Waiting for the bad moments to go away seemed to be the only solution. Fortunately, I know now that you don’t have to be stuck in bad situations. You can go out and create better ones. It all depends on perspective; on how you see the situation. Viewing everything as a learning experience makes life more pleasurable, even during the hard times. You aren't stuck. You can move on.
I'm glad to have learned these lessons the way I did. Each experience helped shape me to become a better person. I don't know if any young people are reading this, but if they are, I'd like to say this: “Listen to life and its experiences. Everyone goes through mostly the same things.”

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