
6.Agriculture(农业) in this country has developed greatly after liberation.

分析 这个国家的农业在解放后已经有了巨大的发展.

解答 答案是Agriculture;本题考查语境中选用适当的词;agriculture【U】农业,故答案是Agriculture.

点评 翻译填空要根据所提供的汉语意思结合语境和句子结构选择恰当的词、短语或句型;同时注意句子结构和所选词的形式变化.

1.Public Speaking Training
●Get a coach
(36)E,so get help.Since there are about a billion companies out there all ready to offer you public speaking training and courses,here are some things to look for when deciding the training that's right for you.
●Focus on positives
Any training you do to become more effective at public speaking should always focus on the positive aspects of what you already do well.Nothing can hurt confidence more than being told that you aren't doing well.(37)B,so good public speaking training should develop those instead of telling you what you shouldn't do.
If you find a public speaking course that looks as though it's going to give you lots of dos and don'ts,walk away!Your brain is so full of what you're going to be talking about.(39)G.As far as we're concerned,there are basically no hard and fast rules about public speaking.Your audience can be your friends.
●You are a special person not a clone
Most importantly,good public speaking training should treat you as a special one,with your own personal habits.(40)A.Your training course should help you bring out your personality,not try to turn you into someone you're not.

A.You aren't like anybody else
B.You already do lots of things well
C.Turn your back on too many rules
D.Check the rules about dos and don'ts
E.Whatever the presentation,public speaking is tough
F.The one thing you don't want is for them to fall asleep
G.So trying to force a whole set of rules into it will just make things worse.
18.Facing the Enemies Within
We are not born with courage,but neither are we born with fear.Fears,even the most basic ones,can totally destroy our ambitions.Fear can destroy fortunes.Fear can destroy relationships.Fear,if left unchecked,can destroy our lives.Fear is one of the many enemies living inside us.(36)C
The first enemy we face is indecision(优柔寡断).Indecision is the thief of opportunity.(37)F Take a sword to this enemy.
The second enemy inside is doubt.(38)ABut you also can't let doubt take over.Many people doubt the past,doubt the future,doubt each other,doubt the government,doubt the possibilities and doubt the opportunities.Worst of all,they doubt themselves.I'm telling you,doubt will destroy your life and your chances of success.It will empty both your bank account and your heart.(39)E
Do battle with the enemy.Do battle with your fears.(40)BBe courageous in your life and in your pursuit(追求) of the things you want and the person you want to become.

A.Sure,there's room for healthy doubt.You can't believe everything.
B.Build your courage to fight what's holding you back,what's keeping you from your goals and dreams.
C.Let me tell you about two of the other enemies we face from within.
D.Below are the ways which might be useful for us to overcome our fears.
E.Doubt is an enemy.Go after it.Get rid of it.
F.It will steal your chances for a better future.
G.Some people doubt everything.
15.Did you know that Albert Einstein could not speak until he was four years old and did not read until he was seven?His parents and teachers worried about his mentalability.
Beethoven's music teacher said about him,"As a composer (作曲家)he is hopeless."What if this young boy believed it?
When Thomas Edison was a young boy,his teachers said he was so stupid that he could never learn anything.He once said,"I remember I used to never be able to get along at school.I was always at the foot of my class…father thought I was stupid,and I almost decided that I was a stupid person."What if young Thomas believed what they said about him?
When the sculptor (雕刻家)Auguste Rodin was young,he had difficulty learning to read and write.Today,we may say he had a learning disability.His father said of him,"I have an idiot (白痴)for a son."His uncle agreed."He's uneducable,"he said.What if  Rodin had doubted his ability?
Walt Disney was once fired by a newspaper editor because he was thought to have no"good ideas".Enrico Caruso was told by one music teacher,"you can't  sing.You have no voice at all."And an editor told Louisa May Alcott that she was unable to write anything that would have popular appeal.What if these people had listened and become discouraged?Where would our world be without the music of Beethoven,the art of Rodin or the ideas of Albert Einstein and Walt Disney?As Oscar Levant once said,It's not what you are but what you don't become that hurts."
You have great potential.When you believe in all you can be,rather than all you cannot become,you will find your place on earth.

24.How many successful people are mentioned as examples in the passage?B
A.six.   B.seven.
C.eight. D.nine.
25.Which of the following statements is RIGHT?A
A.Both Enrico Caruso and Beethoven achieved their dreams in music.
B.Levant thought Louisa May Alcott couldn't write any popular works.
C.Only Auguste RodinJ s uncle regarded him a boy of learning ability.
D.When he was young,Thomas Edison always got good grades at school
26.What's the meaning of the underlined sentence"He's  uneducable"?A
A.He can't be taught.
B.He is very clever.
C.He is different.
D.He is a late success.
27.What is the best title of the passage?B
A.Working Hard for Success
B.believing in Yourself
C.Having Dreams 
16.A person,like a commodity (商品),needs packaging.But going too far is absolutely undesirable.A little exaggeration,however,does no harm when it shows the person's unique qualities to their advantages.To show personal attractiveness in a casual and natural way,it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself.A skilled packager knows how to add art to nature without any signs of embellishment(装饰),so that the person so packaged is not a commodity but a human being,lively and lovely.
    A young person,especially a female,shining with beauty and full of life,has all the favor granted by God.Any attempt to make up would be self-defeating.Youth,however,comes and goes in a flash.Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to hide the marks made by years.If you still enjoy life enough to keep self-confidence and work at pioneering work,you are unique in your natural qualities,and your attractiveness and grace will remain.Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been through plains,mountains and jungles,running its course as it should.You have really lived your life,which now arrives at a self-satisfied stage of quietness and calmness with no interest in fame or wealth.There is no need to make use of hair dyeing.The snow-capped mountain is itself a beautiful scene of fairyland.Let your looks change from young to old in step with the natural ageing process so as to keep in harmony (和谐)with nature,for harmony itself is beauty,while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness.To be in the elder's company is like reading a thick book of deluxe(better quality)edition that attracts one so much as to be unwilling to part with.
  As long as one find where one stands,one knows how to package oneself,just as a commodity sets up its brand by the right packaging.
1. It can be concluded from the text thatD.
A.people should be packed at all ages
B.people should be packed in a special way
C.elderly people also care about packing
D.proper packing makes people attractive
2. For the middle-aged,attractivenessC.
A.hardly exists          
B.is the strongest 
C.comes from the inside   
D.comes from the appearance
3. The underlined sentence means that elderly peopleB.
A.are usually packed like a finely-made book
B.experience a lot and have rich knowledge of life
C.do a lot of traveling and can give you much information
D.enjoy reading thick books of beautiful nature and fairylands.

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