



1.Where is the man's mother now?

A.At home.

B.In a hospital.

C.At a bus stop.

2.Where is the man going first?

A.To the Healey Supermarket.

B.To the airport.

C.To Canada.

3.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a clothing store

B.In a restaurant

C.In a bookstore

4.What are the two speakers talking about?




5.Why is the woman preparing so much food?

A.It's the man's birthday.

B.The woman wants to thank the man.

C.The man can eat a lot.




6.Where did the man meet Claudia?

A.On the Internet.

B.At a music store.

C.At a class discussion

7.What is the relationship between the man and Claudia?

A.Web friends.

B.Close friends.

C.Boy friend and girl friend.

8.What does the woman suggest about greeting Claudia?

A.Arriving on time.

B.Using her family name.

C.Bringing her some flowers


9.Where are probably the speakers?

A.In a theatre.

B.At a store.

C.In a street.

10.What does the man want to buy?




11.Which is next to the theatre?

A.A hotel

B.The City Hall.

C.The post office.


12.Why is the man surfing the Internet?

A.To get major news.

B.To learn English.

C.To get information.

13.What does the man prefer?




14.When does the conversation probably take place?

A.On February 28.

B.On March 30.

C.On April 6.


15.How is the man going to Sun College?

A.By bike.

B.On foot.

C.By car.

16.How far is it from Main Street to Water Square?

A.A few yards.

B.2 blocks away.

C.20 minutes' walk.

17.Where will the man have to ask the way again?

A.At Rain Avenue.

B.At Mass Hospital

C.At the Farmers' Bank.


18.Where does the speaker most probably make the speech?

A.At a party.

B.At a reception.

C.At a conference.

19.What is Mr.Brown?

A.A businessman.

B.An assistant manager.

C.A government official.

20.Why are Mr.Brown and his party coming to England?

A.To part from his friends.

B.To pay an informal visit.

C.To seek new cooperation.



  (Text 1)

  W:How's your mother now? I heard she had an operation last week.

  M:She is much better.Thank you.But she still needs to stay there for, two more weeks.

  (Text 2)

  W:Where shall I drop you off, sir?

  M:I'm going to the airport, but please stop at the Healey Supermarket.My wife is waiting for me there.We're going to Canada together.

  (Text 3)

  M:Pardon me, I asked for Thousand Island dressing on my salad.

  W:I'm so sorry.I'll see that it's changed.

  (Text 4)

  W:Wonderful! You began to learn driving only yesterday afternoon, but now you can drive well enough.

  M:Err.I find driving is not so difficult as I expected before.

  (Text 5)

  W:Dinner is ready.

  M:I'm coming.Wow, so much food!Why so much food?

  W:It's your birthday today.Remember?

  M:Oh, I forgot it.

  (Text 6)

  M:Hey, Lucy, I have a question I'd like to ask you.

  W:Yes, go ahead.

  M:Well, don't laugh..But, I met this really nice woman through an online music group.I need some advice.You see, Claudia.

  W:Ok.So it's Claudia.

  M:Yeah, yeah.She invited me to spend two weeks in Germany.She is planning on introducing me to her parents.What should you do when you greet someone for the first time in Germany?

  W:Weil, it depends upon your relationship with the person, now speaking of your girlfriend Claudia.

  M:Hey, I didn't say she was my girlfriend.

  W:Oh, ok, ok.Now if you are meeting someone for the first time, like Claudia's parents, you should make sure you arrive on time.

  M:Ok, so arrive on time.Err, what about common greetings?

  W:Well, Germans often shake hands and they use the person's family name unless they are really close friends.

  M:Ok, what about with Claudia?

  W:Err, you can call her Claudia, shake hands, and why don't you take her some flowers?

  (Text 7)

  W:There is a lot of traffic in the street.Is this the shopping district?

  M:Yes, it is.There are many shopping malls.

  M:What's' the building on the right?

  W:Oh, that's the department store.It sells clothes, furniture and food, almost everything.

  M:Really? It's wonderful.That means I can save a lot of time since I can buy what I want all within the same building.I need some clothes.

  W:Then you should go to Lincoln Street.There are a lot of men's clothing stores.

  M:I see.I'll go there.Look, that's a beautiful theater.

  W:Yes, and tonight there is a new play.And the building next to the theater is a hotel.

  M:Is that a post office across the street?

  W:No, it's the city hall.The post office is at the end of the street on the right.

  (Text 8)

  M:What are you doing, Michael?

  M:I am surfing the internet for information about universities.

  W:So you are thinking about applying for university?

  M:Right, the early bird catches the worm.

  W:Which university do you prefer?

  M:Three universities are within my choice, Manchester, Liverpool and Oxford.

  W:Oh, all are famous.What do you wish to major in?

  M:My father wants me to take off engineering;my mother prefers medicine while I prefer economics.

  W:Have you decided yet?

  M:Not really.

  W:When is the deadline for the application?

  M:For most universities, it's March 13th.but for smaller universities, four or 'five weeks later.

  W:So there is not much time left for you with two weeks to go.

  M:Right, I'd better hurry.

  (Text 9)

  M:Excuse me, madam.Can you tell me how to get to Sun College? I'm walking.

  W:Well, I think the simplest way for you is to go up to Main Street over there.Turn left on Main Street and keep going for about 20 minutes.When you get to Water Square, turn right.Keep on, past the Mass Hospital, to the end of the road, and then take a left turn.You'll be on Rain Avenue.Walk two blocks until you see the Farmers' Bank.Cross the street and almost immediately take a left turn again.The entrance to Sun College is down a few yards on your right.Can you remember all that?

  M:I guess I got a little lost in the middle.

  W:Well, perhaps the best thing for you is to find your way up to Mass Hospital and ask again.

  M:OK.Thanks a lot.

  W:My pleasure.

  (Text 1 0)

  M:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.We are very happy to have Mr Brown and his party from Australia with us tonight.Let's give our warm welcome!(Claps)Mr Brown has long been our friend.As one of the largest dealers of garments in Australia, Mr Brown has been one of our faithful business partners ever since we entered into business relations in 1998.This time Mr Brown and his party are coming to England to explore new opportunities for business cooperation.We believe that there are many areas in which we can cooperate.Now I propose a toast to the successful visit of our friends.









How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18


1.What does the woman buy her husband for Christmas?

[  ]

A.She bought him a case for his coin collection.

B.She has not bought him a gift yet.

C.She bought him a watch.

2.What' s the probable result of the dialogue?

[  ]

A.They will attend an English class.

B.They will have a meeting.

C.They will drink some coffee.

3.What does the man want to do?

[  ]

A.He wants to be far away from his parents.

B.He wants to work in the country.

C.He wants to have a car.

4.What does the woman do?

[  ]

A.She is a truck-driver.

B.She is a secretary.

C.She is a boss.

5.What is the woman going to do tonight?

[  ]

A.She is going home.

B.She will enjoy herself with her friend.

C.She will go away with the man speaker.





6.What' s wrong with Torres?

[  ]

A.He has a bad cold.

B.He has a bad toothache.

C.He has a high fever.

7.Why is Torres sad?

[  ]

A.Because he feels uncomfortable.

B.Because he is not in school.

C.Because he is sick .


8.How does the man feel?

[  ]



C.Upset .

9.What kind of accident is the man in?

[  ]

A.Car accident.

B.Boat accident.

C.Train accident .


10.Where does this conversation take place?

[  ]

A.In the street.

B.At the man's home.

C.On the telephone .

11.What are the questions about?

[  ]



C.Health .

12.How often does the man speaker exercise?

[  ]





13.What is the dialogue about?

[  ]

A.A robbery.

B.An accident.

C.A library .

14.What' s the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.They are police officers .

B.They are a police officer and a woman .

C.They are a police officer and a robber.

15.Where does this dialogue take place?

[  ]

A.In the police station.

B.In the woman' s home .

C.In the street.

16.What color hair did the man in the library have?

[  ]



C.Black .



17.Why did the animals come together?

[  ]

A.To see who was the happiest .

B.To see who was the most beautiful .

C.To see who was the biggest .

18.When would the snake give the cock the crown?

[  ]

A.The next evening .

B.Late the next morning .

C.Early the next morning.

19.Where did the snake drop the crown?

[  ]

A.Into a large pool.

B.Into a long river.

C.Into a big pond .

20.Why was the snake afraid to tell the cock about the crown?

[  ]

A.Because the snake fell into the pool and dropped his crown .

B.Because she did not know where he was .

C.Because she got up early .  










How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.Where does the conversation take place?

[  ]

A.In a hotel.

B.In a department store.

C.At a railway station.


2.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]





3.Why didn't Alice go to bed until late at night?

[  ]

A.She was doing her housework.

B.She was working hard at her lessons.

C.She was watching TV.

4.What are the two speakers doing?

[  ]

A.Talking about going to the Xinhua bookstore.

B.Talking about seeing the woman's uncle.

C.Talking about what to do after work.

5.What does the man intend to do?

[  ]

A.To buy a coat.

B.To try on a new coat.

C.To lend money to the woman.






6.Where was the woman when the accident happened?

[  ]

A.On Wuyi road.

B.On the shopping street.

C.Outside Hua Du department store.

7.When did the accident take place?

[  ]

A.At 2:17 pm.

B.At 3:43 pm.

C.At 2:43 pm.


8.What colour was the traffic light before the truck crossed the street?

[  ]






9.How much does it cost to go to Paris now?

[  ]

A.20 francs.

B.22 francs.

C.18 francs.


10.How many suitcases does the woman have?

[  ]





11.What do we know about the woman from the dialogue?

[  ]

A.She hasn't bought a bus ticket before.

B.She has taken this bus before.

C.She wants to check all her suitcases.


12.What is the woman's telephone number?

[  ]





13.Who is answering the telephone?

[  ]

A.Mike's son.

B.Mike's daughter.

C.Mike's friend.


14.What does the woman ring Mike for?

[  ]

A.To ask him to ring back.

B.To borrow some books from him.

C.To tell him her new phone number.


15.When will the restaurant close?

[  ]

A.At 5:30

B.At 6:00

C.At 6:30


16.Which of the following is being served for dinner at the restaurant?

[  ]



C.Sweet potatoes.


17.Why does Mary still keep studying?

[  ]

A.She has a test this weekend.

B.She plans to go home for the weekend.

C.She is going to order a pizza later.


18.How many days does a working American have to work at least in a month?

[  ]

A.20 days.

B.25 days.

C.28 days.


19.How does an American walk?

[  ]



C.Neither slowly nor fast.


20.What can we learn from what the speaker said?

[  ]

A.Americans value time much.

B.Americans have plenty of time.

C.Americans are short of time.








How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.Where are the two speakers?

[  ]

A.In a bookstore.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At the man's home.

2.What time is it in fact?

[  ]




3.What does the man mean?

[  ]

A.The food should be kept warm.

B.They should have eggs for supper.

C.It's extremely hot outside.

4.What does the woman do?

[  ]

A.An editor.

B.A nurse

C.A housewife.

5.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]


B.Husband and wife.

C.Waitress and customer.






6.What place does the man take her to?

[  ]

A. Disney Land

B. Deserted land .

C.The United States.

7.What has the woman see on the beach?

[  ]

A.Beautiful water and yellow sand.

B.Golden sand but beautiful water.

C.Beautiful sea-water and golden sand.


8.What can you infer about the room according to the conversation?

[  ]

A.A small room.

B.A bit noisy room.

C.A room for non-smokers.

9.How much did Richard pay for the room?

[  ]





10.Where does the conversation probably take place?

[  ]

A. At the Jewelry.

B. At the Department Store.

C. At the Custom.


11.What is in the woman's box?

[  ]

A.Coconuts from China.

B.Chestnuts from China.

C.Peanuts from China.

12.What isn't allowed to brought into the U.S.A.?

[  ]

A.All agricultural products.

B.All cultural products.

C.All industrial products.


13.Where does this conversation take place?

[  ]

A.In a rest room.

B.At a weather station.

C.On the road.

14.What was the woman trying to do?

[  ]

A.Teach the man some knowledge about the weather.

B.Ask the man to stop and have a rest.

C.Persuade the man to turn around and return home.

15.Why did the woman have so much knowledge about the weather?

[  ]

A.She gained it from her early experience on a farm.

B.She worked in a weather station.

C.She learned a lot from her geography teacher.

16.What were the man and the woman doing?

[  ]

A.Discussing the weather forecast.

B.Riding bikes in the countryside.

C.Having a picnic in the country.


17.How did Mr. Black go to work every day?

[  ]

A.By train.

B.By bus.

C.On foot.

18.Where was the poor man?

[  ]

A.In the man's office.

B.Near the bridge.

C.At the station.

19.What did Mr. Black always do when he passed the poor man?

[  ]

A.He bought some matches from him.

B.He gave him some money.

C.He gave a sad look at him.

20.What is true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Mr. Black was not really kind.

B.The poor man was really blind.

C.The poor man's dog was blind.










How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.What do we learn about the girl?

[  ]

A.She has changed her mind.

B.She thinks that the English teacher is strict, too.

C.She thinks that their English teacher has different opinions about them.

2.What does the woman ask the man to do?

[  ]

A.To Wait for a minute.

B.To call her number.

C.To give his exercise book right now.

3.How long was the man late?

[  ]

A.Half an hour.

B.Twenty minutes.

C.Ten minutes.

4.What is the man's father?

[  ]

A.A teacher.

B.A writer.

C.A doctor.

5.How's the weather today?

[  ]



C.Both A and B.





6.Who are the two speakers?

[  ]

A.A doctor and his patient.

B.A teacher and his student.

C.A man and his wife.

7.What is the woman's problem?

[  ]

A.Too thin.

B.Too fat.

C.Too old.

8.What does the man tell the woman to do?

[  ]

A.Eat more.

B.Sleep more.

C.Eat more and do more exercise.


9.Who is the man?

[  ]

A.A teacher.

B.A shop assistant.

C.A foreign visitor to the school.

10.How long has the girl learned English?

[  ]

A.Five years.

B.Five and a half years.

C.Six years.

11.Where are some of her problems in the book?

[  ]

A.On the last page.

B.On the last page but one.

C.On the last page but two.


12.What will the girl do this afternoon?

[  ]


B.Have a piano lesson.

C.Go out with her boyfriend.

13.What does her brother do every afternoon?

[  ]

A.Play basketball.

B.Play football.

C.Play golf.

14.How will the man feel when they are out?

[  ]





15.When was Cambridge founded?

[  ]

A.In 1209.

B.In 1309.

C.In 1219.

16.How are the streets in Cambridge?

[  ]




17.How is the traffic in Cambridge?

[  ]

A.Lots of people and bikes are in the streets.

B.Lots of people and cars are in the streets.

C.Lots of school buses are in the streets.


18.How old is John the day after tomorrow?

[  ]




19.How many people mentioned will give John presents?

[  ]




20.Who will give John the best presents?

[  ]

A.His brother.

B.His father.

C.His grandpa.


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