






How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.Where are the two speakers?

[  ]

A.In a bookstore.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At the man's home.

2.What time is it in fact?

[  ]




3.What does the man mean?

[  ]

A.The food should be kept warm.

B.They should have eggs for supper.

C.It's extremely hot outside.

4.What does the woman do?

[  ]

A.An editor.

B.A nurse

C.A housewife.

5.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]


B.Husband and wife.

C.Waitress and customer.






6.What place does the man take her to?

[  ]

A. Disney Land

B. Deserted land .

C.The United States.

7.What has the woman see on the beach?

[  ]

A.Beautiful water and yellow sand.

B.Golden sand but beautiful water.

C.Beautiful sea-water and golden sand.


8.What can you infer about the room according to the conversation?

[  ]

A.A small room.

B.A bit noisy room.

C.A room for non-smokers.

9.How much did Richard pay for the room?

[  ]





10.Where does the conversation probably take place?

[  ]

A. At the Jewelry.

B. At the Department Store.

C. At the Custom.


11.What is in the woman's box?

[  ]

A.Coconuts from China.

B.Chestnuts from China.

C.Peanuts from China.

12.What isn't allowed to brought into the U.S.A.?

[  ]

A.All agricultural products.

B.All cultural products.

C.All industrial products.


13.Where does this conversation take place?

[  ]

A.In a rest room.

B.At a weather station.

C.On the road.

14.What was the woman trying to do?

[  ]

A.Teach the man some knowledge about the weather.

B.Ask the man to stop and have a rest.

C.Persuade the man to turn around and return home.

15.Why did the woman have so much knowledge about the weather?

[  ]

A.She gained it from her early experience on a farm.

B.She worked in a weather station.

C.She learned a lot from her geography teacher.

16.What were the man and the woman doing?

[  ]

A.Discussing the weather forecast.

B.Riding bikes in the countryside.

C.Having a picnic in the country.


17.How did Mr. Black go to work every day?

[  ]

A.By train.

B.By bus.

C.On foot.

18.Where was the poor man?

[  ]

A.In the man's office.

B.Near the bridge.

C.At the station.

19.What did Mr. Black always do when he passed the poor man?

[  ]

A.He bought some matches from him.

B.He gave him some money.

C.He gave a sad look at him.

20.What is true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Mr. Black was not really kind.

B.The poor man was really blind.

C.The poor man's dog was blind.



(Text 1)

W: Do you eat here often?

M: Frequently. The service here is always excellent, and the food's usually good.

(Text 2)

M: What time is it by your watch?

W: It's a quarter to two. But my watch is five minutes fast.

(Text 3)

W: It is a bit warm out today.

M: Warm? You could fry an egg on the street.

(Text 4)

M: The work is rather hard, but it's interesting.

W: Mine isn't hard, but it's not so interesting.

M: What do you do?

W: I work in a publishing house.

(Text 5)

W: More coffee?

M: Please darling, Well, where is Joan?

W: She is upstairs, in her bedroom.

 (Text 6)

W: Now that it's time to go home, I really don't want to leave. I've had such fun here with you.

M: I'm glad.

W: Thank you so much for taking me to Disney Land. That was wonderful.

M: I'm glad we got to go.

W: So am I. And the beach I've never seen such beautiful water and golden sand.

M: I'm really glad that you enjoyed your stay here. Why don't think about coming back again next year? We can see some other things around the United States.

W: I'd love to do that. Thanks for the invitation.

M: You're welcome. I hope you will have a safe trip back. Why don't you give me a phone call when you get home so that I know you've got there safely.

W: I will. Thanks again. Byebye!

(Text 7)

M: I'd like to check in, please.

W: Do you have a reservation?

M: Yes. The name is Richard—Richard Alexander.

W: Let me check the computer…yes, here it is, Richard Alexander. Smoking or nonsmoking?

M: Smoking. A smoking room, please.

W: Okay. You don't mind facing the street?

M: No, that's no problem.

W: Okay, And, how many nights will you be staying?

M: Three nights. How much do you charge for that?

W:A hundred and forty dollars.

M: Thank you.

(Text 8)

M: What's in here, Miss?

W: It's a necklace made of seashells.

M: That must be a souvenir from Hawaii.

W: You're right.

M: It's so heavy. What's in this box?

W: Chestnuts from China.

M: Can I see them, Miss? I'm sorry, but agricultural products are not allowed to be brought into America.

W: Is that right? I didn't know that.

M: Do you have any kind of seeds or plants?

W: No, I don't.


(Text 9)

W: I think we ought to turn round and head back home.

M: Tired just after a few kilometres of cycling?

W: Not at all. But look at the clouds building up there.

M: So? I don't really care if it gets cloudy. The sun is being quite strong.

W: Right. But those clouds mean a storm and a lot of rain.

M: That doesn't sound so great, but I thought that those were fair weather clouds.

W: No, those are thick dark clouds. They will bring rainy and stormy weather.

M: How did you ever learn all that? From your geography teacher?

    W: No, I grew up on a farm. I learned a lot about the weather.

(Text 10)

M or W: Mr. Black worked in an office in London, but he lived in the country and came to work by train every day. The station was not very far from his office, and Mr. Black always went on foot, and he always went along the same street. Every evening he passed a poor man near a bridge. The man sat at the side of the road and sold matches, and there was always an old dog near him. A piece of wood was around the dog's neck, and the words“I'm blind.”were on the piece of wood. Mr. Black was a kind man. He gave him a little money, but he did not take any of his matches. Then yesterday Mr. Black had a lot of work in his office and was very late. He said:“My train always leaves at five minutes past six, and it is ten minutes to six now. I'm not going to talk to the poor man today, and I'm not going to give him anything. I've given him a lot of money, and I've never taken any of his matches.” He came to the man and his dog, but he did not stop. He walked quickly towards the railway station. But the poor man stood up quickly, ran after him and said:“You haven't given me anything today. You're always very kind to me. Give me a little money today, too. I'm a poor man.”Mr. Black stopped and looked at the man. Then he said:“You are a blind man. How did you follow me?”The poor man said: “No, I'm not blind. My old dog is.”










How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.What does the woman want the man to do?

[  ]

A.Open the window.

B.Close the window.

C.Tell her how he is feeling.

2.Where does this dialogue take place?

[  ]

A.In a shop.

B.In the street.

C.At home .

3.Where does the dialogue take place?

[  ]

A.In the office .

B.At their home .

C.In a restaurant .

4.What will the man do this Saturday?

[  ]

A.He's going to have dinner with the woman's family in a restaurant .

B.He's going to the woman's home .

C.He's going to meet the woman's family instead of her.

5.What can you learn from the dialogue?

[  ]

A.The girl they talked about is the man's daughter.

B.The man speaker is a youth .

C.The girl they talked about is the man's daughter-in-law.





6.What would the man like to do?

[  ]

A.He'd like to play volleyball .

B.He'd like to play basketball .

C.He'd like to play football .

7.What's the meaning of the last sentence?

[  ]

A.If one begins to play volleyball , one will like it at once .

B.If one begins to play basketball, one will like it at once .

C.If one begins to play basketball , one will find it boring .


8.What's wrong with the woman?

[  ]

A.She couldn't sleep because she had a headache.

B.Her teeth ached .

C.Something is wrong with her arm .

9.What will the woman do?

[  ]

A.She will pull it out.

B.She will fill it .

C.She will do nothing towards it .


10.How did the man get the tickets?

[  ]

A.By asking for them from a friend .

B.By lining up in front of the ticket office .

C.By buying them from someone who changed his mind .

11.What can you learn about the exhibition?

[  ]

A.It is very popular with the people .

B.It is so boring that one can easily get a ticket .

C.It is good but few people like to see it.

12.What's the probable result of the conversation?

[  ]

A.The two speakers will go to the exhibition together.

B.The man will go there with someone else .

C.The woman will go there with someone else .


13.What time is it when the man and woman check the proposal?

[  ]

A.One p. m.

B.Eight p. m.

C.Four p. m.

14.Why can't they finish the proposal tomorrow?

[  ]

A.They have to go to the office by midnight.

B.It has to go to the post office by midnight .

C.They have to go by midnight .

15.What are they going to do in case of a mistake?

[  ]

A.They have to read all the corrections .

B.They have to write it three times .

C.They have to write in any correction by hand .

16.What's the woman going to start with?

[  ]

A.The plan .

B.The business .

C.The costs for the products .


17.How often did Mr Grey walk from the station to his office?

[  ]

A.Never .

B.Seldom .

C.Always .

18.Why did he walk from the station to his office?

[  ]

A.To save money .

B.To buy something necessary .

C.To have more exercise.

19.Which of the following statements may be true?

[  ]

A.The stranger once asked Mr Grey for money .

B.The stranger and Mr Grey knew each other very well .

C.The stranger was going to give Mr Grey his money back .

20.What did the last sentence mean?

[  ]

A.He wanted to give Mr Grey a chance to help others.

B.He wanted to ask Mr Grey for some more money .

C.He hoped Mr Grey could help him to be successful in his work .









How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.Where does the conversation take place?

[  ]

A.In a hotel.

B.In a department store.

C.At a railway station.


2.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]





3.Why didn't Alice go to bed until late at night?

[  ]

A.She was doing her housework.

B.She was working hard at her lessons.

C.She was watching TV.

4.What are the two speakers doing?

[  ]

A.Talking about going to the Xinhua bookstore.

B.Talking about seeing the woman's uncle.

C.Talking about what to do after work.

5.What does the man intend to do?

[  ]

A.To buy a coat.

B.To try on a new coat.

C.To lend money to the woman.






6.Where was the woman when the accident happened?

[  ]

A.On Wuyi road.

B.On the shopping street.

C.Outside Hua Du department store.

7.When did the accident take place?

[  ]

A.At 2:17 pm.

B.At 3:43 pm.

C.At 2:43 pm.


8.What colour was the traffic light before the truck crossed the street?

[  ]






9.How much does it cost to go to Paris now?

[  ]

A.20 francs.

B.22 francs.

C.18 francs.


10.How many suitcases does the woman have?

[  ]





11.What do we know about the woman from the dialogue?

[  ]

A.She hasn't bought a bus ticket before.

B.She has taken this bus before.

C.She wants to check all her suitcases.


12.What is the woman's telephone number?

[  ]





13.Who is answering the telephone?

[  ]

A.Mike's son.

B.Mike's daughter.

C.Mike's friend.


14.What does the woman ring Mike for?

[  ]

A.To ask him to ring back.

B.To borrow some books from him.

C.To tell him her new phone number.


15.When will the restaurant close?

[  ]

A.At 5:30

B.At 6:00

C.At 6:30


16.Which of the following is being served for dinner at the restaurant?

[  ]



C.Sweet potatoes.


17.Why does Mary still keep studying?

[  ]

A.She has a test this weekend.

B.She plans to go home for the weekend.

C.She is going to order a pizza later.


18.How many days does a working American have to work at least in a month?

[  ]

A.20 days.

B.25 days.

C.28 days.


19.How does an American walk?

[  ]



C.Neither slowly nor fast.


20.What can we learn from what the speaker said?

[  ]

A.Americans value time much.

B.Americans have plenty of time.

C.Americans are short of time.









How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.What is the man doing?

[  ]

A.He is inviting the woman to dinner.

B.He is cooking evening meal.

C.He is putting forward a good idea.

2.Where are the two speakers?

[  ]

A.In a hospital.

B.In a supermarket.

C.In a bar.

3.Whom are they talking about?

[  ]

A.A lady.

B.Cleaning ladies.

C.A teacher.

4.Why didn't the man buy some bread?

[  ]

A.The woman forgot to buy it.

B.The woman forgot to tell him to buy it.

C.The woman didn't remember to buy it.

5.How much money does the woman need?

[  ]

A.Five pounds.

B.Ten pounds.

C.Eight pounds.





6.Why is the man talking about the delayed bus?

[  ]

A.He is really angry about it.

B.He wants to talk to the woman.

C.He is eager to go to a film.

7.What is the woman's name?

[  ]





8.What are the two speakers talking about?

[  ]

A.Language teaching.

B.Radio programs.

C.Foreign languages.

9.What other languages besides English do we teach over the radio?

[  ]

A.German, Spanish and French.

B.Portuguese, Swedish and French.

C.Japanese, French and German.


10.What are they discussing about?

[  ]

A.How to spend the weekend.

B.Where to go this evening.

C.What to do on Sunday evening.

11.What aren't there that night according to the man?

[  ]




12.What do they finally decide to do?

[  ]

A.To see a comedy.

B.To watch a new play.

C.To go to a dance party.


13.Where does the woman plan to go?

[  ]

A.Up north.

B.Mary White's.


14.Where does Bob invite her to go?

[  ]

A.To a bar.

B.To a film.

C.To Mary White's.

15.Who do you think is Mary White?

[  ]

A.An experienced doctor.

B.Their friend.

C.Bob's sister.

16.How many people will go?

[  ]





17.What questions do the students of English always ask?

[  ]

A.Can I question Americans?

B.Can I communicate with Americans?

C.Can I speak to Americans?

18.Who says “in the hospital”?

[  ]




19.What is the main idea of this monologue?

[  ]

A.There are too many differences between American and British English.

B.British and American English are two different languages.

C.American and British speakers share the same language.

20.How many differences are there between the British and American English?

[  ]












How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.How does the man usually go to his office?

[  ]

A.By taxi.

B.By bus.

C.On foot.

2.What will the man do this weekend?

[  ]

A.Celebrate his grandfather's birthday.

B.Have a chat with the woman.

C.Get together with some of his friends.

3.Where does this dialogue take place?

[  ]

A.In a school.

B.At the man's home.

C.In a hotel.

4.What's not the result of the woman's illness?

[  ]

A.She can't go to school for some weeks.

B.She will miss all the lessons.

C.Nobody will help her when she has recovered.

5.What's the result of the woman's lateness?

[  ]

A.She will lose all her salary.

B.She will leave people a bad impression.

C.She will make the boss angry.





6.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.They are boss and employee.

B.They are nurse and doctor.

C.They are husband and wife.

7.What's the probable result of the dialogue?

[  ]

A.The man will give up smoking.

B.The man will continue to smoke.

C.The man will go to bed.


8.What's the woman going to do?

[  ]

A.Attend her friend's wedding party.

B.Attend Lan's party.

C.Do some shopping with some of her friends.

9.What does the man suggest to the woman?

[  ]

A.Wear her new dress to attend the party.

B.Wear the light blue dress.

C.Wear a more formal one.


10.What can you infer from the dialogue?

[  ]

A.The two speakers failed the exam more than once.

B.The two speakers only failed the exam this time.

C.The two speakers are good students.

11.What's the result of their failing the exam?

[  ]

A.They have to have an exam next term.

B.They have to ask their parents for help.

C.They have to leave the school.

12.What's the probable result of the dialogue?

[  ]

A.The two speakers will stay at home to prepare for the exam.

B.The two speakers will stay at school to prepare for the exam.

C.The two speakers will not do some preparations and spend a nice vacation.


13.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.They are ticket seller and passenger.

B.They are shop assistant and customer.

C.They are close friends.

14.When does the mid - morning flight arrive in Paris?

[  ]

A.At 9:00.

B.At 11:05.

C.At 12:15.

15.If the man wants to take the early morning flight, when will he arrive at the airport?

[  ]

A.At 7:50.

B.At 6:50.

C.At 9:00.

16. How much does the man have to pay for the tickets at last?

[  ]






17.What is the main topic of the passage?

[  ]

A.The Barcelona Olympic Games.

B.TV programs on Chinese television.

C.Effects of television on our lives.

18.How many people watched the Barcelona Olympic Games on television in China?

[  ]

A.Tens of thousands.

B.Tens of millions.

C.Ten million.

19.According to a survey in Shanghai, how much time did young people spend on television each day?

[  ]

A.Two and a half hours.

B.Three hours.

C.Three and a half hours.

20.Television is quickly taking the place of printed material as the major source of news for most Chinese. How do you know?

[  ]

A.There are about 185 million TV sets in China.

B.There are news programs on television.

C.A survey in Beijing found 63% of those surveyed got news from TV.








How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18




1.What time is it?

[  ]





2.Where does this dialogue take place?

[  ]

A.In a shop.

B.In a post office.

C.At home.


3.What season is it when they go to park?

[  ]





4.What's Mr Liu's telephone number?

[  ]





5.What's the woman's job now?

[  ]

A.An engineer.

B.A teacher.

C.An official.







6.What do the students at collage do in their free time?

[  ]

A.All kinds of things but going to the library to study.

B.Nothing but going to the library to study.

C.Everything including going to the library to study.

7.How many students are there in the college Simon is visiting ?

[  ]








8.What was the dialogue about?

[  ]

A.A traffic accident.

B.Two drivers.

C.How traffic lights change.


9.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.They are a policeman and a driver.

B.They are policemen.

C.They are a policeman and a passenger.



10.When will the meeting be over?

[  ]

A.At about 4:50.

B.At about 5:20.

C.At about 6:00.


11.How will the man get connection with Mrs Wang again?

[  ]

A.He will come himself.

B.He will call again.

C.He wants Mrs Wang to call back.

12.About what will the man want to talk with Mrs Wang.

[  ]

A.To attend the meeting.

B.To tell her his telephone number.

C.To invite her to dinner.


13.Where are they talking?

[  ]

A.In Guangzhou

B.In Hong Kong

C.In London


14.Where is the man from?

[  ]

A.He is from Hong Kong.

B.He is from Guangzhou.

C.He is from a foreign country.

15.How does the woman find riding bicycles?

[  ]

A.Interesting and exciting.

B.Quite different from driving a car.

C.Good for people's health.

16.Which city is noiser according to the woman?

[  ]


B.Hong Kong.

C.The dialogue didn't tell us.



17.Where did the passenger ship sink?

[  ]

A.In the Indian Ocean.

B.In the Pacific Ocean.

C.Near Manila.


18.How many people died in the Ocean accident?

[  ]


B.Four hundred.

C.It was not exact.


19.How did it take place?

[  ]

A.The ship was broken.

B.There were too many people on the ship.

C.It met with high waves and strong winds.

20.Which statement is true according to the passengers?

[  ]

A.Some passengers swam to the Island of Leyte safely.

B.It was the coastguard that pulled some passengers from the water.

C.The Ocean storm lasted a week.


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