17£®Directions£ºWrite an English composition according to the instructions given below£®¼ÙÈçÄãÊÇÕÅСÃñ£¬Ï¸öÐÇÆÚÁùÊÇÄãÂèÂèµÄÉúÈÕ£¬ÄãºÍÄã°Ö°Ö×òÌìÇÄÇĵز߻®ÁËÒ»´Î¼ÒÍ¥»î¶¯¸øËýÇì×£ÉúÈÕ£®ÇëÄãдПæËßÄãµÄ½ã½ã/¸ç¸ç£¬³ÂÊöÄãºÍÄã°Ö°ÖµÄÏë·¨ºÍÔÒò£¬ÒÔ¼°×îºóµÄ¾ö¶¨£®
Dear sister/brother£¬
How is everything£¿
Zhang xiaoming£®
·ÖÎö дºÃÕâÀà×÷ÎÄҪעÒ⼸¸ö²½Ö裺1£® ÈÏÕæÉóÌ⣬ÕÒ×¼ÌáʾÓïÖеĹؼü´Ê»ò¾ä£¬È·¶¨ÖÐÐÄ˼Ï룮2£® ÒÀ¾Ý¹Ø¼ü¾ä£¬²ÝÄâÌá¸Ù£¬ÊáÀíÎÄÕµÄÂöÂç3£® ׼ȷ¶¨Î»È˳ơ¢Ê±Ì¬£®×¢ÒâʹÓø߼¶´Ê»ãºÍ¸ß¼¶¾äÐÍʹÎÄÕÂÏԵøüÓеµ´Î£®4£®×îºó»¹ÒªÈÏÕæ²éÑéÊÇ·ñÓЩдÇé¿ö£¬ÓÐÎÞƴд´íÎó¼°±êµãÎóÓõÈ
We family members can not only prepare it together but also have more time to chat and communicate with each other£¬which is beneficial to the harmonious family atmosphere£®
If you are free this weekend£¬we are looking forward to your participation£®
½â´ð Dear sister/brother£¬
How is everything£¿
As you know£¬it will be mom's birthday next Saturday£®Dad and I had a discussion about how to celebrate her birthday yesterday£®
Dad held the opinion that we should take mom to eat out£¬since we needn't do any preparation for it£®But I suggested having a picnic in the park nearby£®We family members can not only prepare it together but also have more time to chat and communicate with each other£¬which is beneficial to the harmonious family atmosphere£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©£®Besides£¬we can enjoy the beautiful scenery and breathe the fresh air outside£®Also£¬mom needs some relaxation£¬since she has been devoting herself to the building of the family£®Finally£¬dad agreed with me and we are now doing some preparations£®
If you are free this weekend£¬we are looking forward to your participation£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©£®
Best wishes!
Zhang xiaoming
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Interested In Childcare£¿ Qualified person or preschool teacher needed for busy childcare center£¬south of the river£®Full-time work guaranteed£®Immediate start necessary£®The candidate£¨ºòÑ¡ÈË£© must be able to work as a co-operative team member£®Phone 6345 2345for an interview and fax resume to 6345 2345£® |
We Need Office Cleaners! Three people are required for professional cleaning in the CBD area£®Working hours from 5£º00pm on Mondays£¬Wednesdays & Fridays for each one£®Approximately five hours per shift£¨Âְࣩ£®A good record is necessary£®Experience preferred£®Phone 6345 7843now£® |
Want To Work As A Dental Nurse£¿ This is an exciting opportunity for a qualified dental nurse with a confident and cheerful personality to work in the School Dental Health Scheme£®You must be able to get along well with children because work involves talking to groups about dental health practices£®For further information£¬visit our website at schooldentalservices@gov£®sg£®And fax your resume to 6234 4567£® |
Florist Wanted! Are you a creative and trained florist with at least two years of experience£¿Then this may be just what you are seeking£®The city's leading Florist Artist Studio needs another part-time member on their wedding team£®Please phone 6098 7888now! |
A£®in a newspaper B in a school magazine
C£®on a company notice-board D£®in a store window
22£®The position of a£¨n£©B is a part-time job£®
A£®artistB£®florist C¡¢teather D£®dental nurse
23£®Which of the following is the most important for the childcare job£¿B
A£®Cooking skills£®B£®The ability to work well with other people£®
C£®Childcare experience£®D£®The ability to start work in two weeks£®
24£®An office cleaner will be required to work aboutD hours a week£®
A.5B.10 C.45D.15£®
Later£¬when she mentioned to her husband how she £¨46£©C those lilacs£¬he immediately drove her and two children to a hill £¨47£©Awith purple lilacs£®With a smile£¬the young woman buried her £¨48£©B in the flowers£¬drinking in the sweet smell£®And then£¬she £¨49£©A a lilac here£¬another one there until her arms were full of them£®
£¨50£©B£¬they returned to their car for the trip home£®While the kids £¨51£©Dtalked and the man carefully drove£¬the woman was surrounded£¨°üΧ£©by her£¨52£©A£®When they were near home£¬they stopped at a nursing home£¬where an elderly£¨53£©Cwas sitting in her wheelchair£¬£¨54£©D£¬with head bowed and her back opposite to most of the other patients£®£¨55£©A£¬the flowers went across to the old woman£®She slowly£¨56£©Cher head£¬and smiled£®
For a few moments£¬the two women talked£¬and both£¨57£©D with happiness£®As they drove back home£¬the kids asked£¬"Mom£¬why did you give her our flowers£¿"
The mother said she didn't know the old woman£¬£¨58£©Bit was Mother's Day£¬and she seemed so lonely£¬and who wouldn't be£¨59£©Aby flowers£¿"Besides£¬"she added£¬"I have all of you£¬and yet she is single£®That woman £¨60£©Dthose flowers more than I did£®"
41£®A£®As a result | B£®For example | C£®What's more | D£®After all |
42£®A£®freed | B£®took | C£®separated | D£®protected |
43£®A£®quiet | B£®happy | C£®special | D£®warm |
44£®A£®colorful | B£®large | C£®far | D£®noisy |
45£®A£®partly | B£®almost | C£®simply | D£®hardly |
46£®A£®valued | B£®trusted | C£®missed | D£®respected |
47£®A£®covered | B£®filled | C£®painted | D£®decorated |
48£®A£®feet | B£®face | C£®legs | D£®mouth |
49£®A£®picked | B£®bought | C£®watched | D£®planted |
50£®A£®Instead | B£®Finally | C£®Naturally | D£®However |
51£®A£®patiently | B£®politely | C£®deeply | D£®excitedly |
52£®A£®flowers | B£®gifts | C£®friends | D£®parents |
53£®A£®nurse | B£®doctor | C£®patient | D£®volunteer |
54£®A£®alive | B£®satisfied | C£®tired | D£®alone |
55£®A£®Suddenly | B£®Luckily | C£®Hopefully | D£®Quickly |
56£®A£®nodded | B£®shook | C£®lifted | D£®touched |
57£®A£®calmed down | B£®showed off | C£®put up | D£®lit up |
58£®A£®so | B£®but | C£®for | D£®or |
59£®A£®cheered | B£®charged | C£®attracted | D£®surprised |
60£®A£®understood | B£®remembered | C£®watered | D£®needed£® |