
III. 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
In Stockholm, the Swedish Academy has chosen the British author Doris Lessing for the 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature.
The selection of Doris Lessing for a Nobel was popular among the hundreds of journalists gathered for the announcement in Stockholm.
Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy Horace Engdahl said with skepticism, fire and visionary power Lessing has subjected a divided civilization to scrutiny.
Doris Lessing was born in 1919 in Persia - modern-day Iran - to British parents, moving as a child with her family to southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, where she stayed in school only to the age of 14.
A year after moving to London, she published her first novel in 1950. The Grass is Singing examines unbridgeable racial conflict in colonial Africa through the eyes of a white farmer's wife and her black servant.
A member of the British Communist Party during the 1950s and a campaigner against nuclear arms and South African apartheid, Lessing was for years banned from that country and from Rhodesia.
Her literary breakthrough came in 1962 with publication of The Golden Notebook, seen by many, though not necessarily Lessing, as a pioneering work of modern feminism. A disjointed study of the mind of the main character, Anna Wulf, the novel explores her thoughts about Africa, politics and communism, relationships with men and sex, and Jungian analysis and dream interpretation.
Lessing's themes shifted to psychology in her works from the 1960s, and by the 1970s she was fascinated with the Islamic mystic tradition of Sufism. Her turn toward science fiction with the Canopus series in the early 1980s was not warmly received by traditionalist critics, but she has continued to win new readers and numerous literary awards, including the David Cohen British Literary Prize and the Companion of Honour from the Royal Society of Literature, both in 2001.
Following the announcement, the Horace Engdahl told VOA why he was personally so pleased with Lessing's selection.
"She is one of the truly great writers - of novels, short stories, fiction and non-fiction," Engdahl said. "She is one of the few writers who have had the courage to uphold the principle of equality between the male and female experience, and she has given the impulse to numbers of other women writers. And she is really the mother of a school that is one of the most important in our contemporary literature."
At 87, Doris lessing is the oldest Nobel Literature laureate since the first prizes were awarded in 1901. Each Nobel Prize is this year accompanied by a check for approximately $1.4 million.
41. How old was Doris Lessing when she published her first novel?
A. 14            B. 26           C. 31                D. 50
42. Which of the following about The Grass is Singing is true?
A. It is mainly about racial conflict between the whites and the blacks in the US.
B. The main characters are a white farmer’s wife and her black servant.
C. It was published in Africa.
D. It was Doris Lessing’s most famous novel.
43. We can infer from the passage that __________.
A. Journalists are very interested in the election of Doris Lessing’s for Nobel Prize.
B. Doris Lessing regard The Golden Notes as a pioneering work of feminism.
C. Doris Lessing has written about many different subjects.
D. Many writers have the courage to stick to the equality between the male and female experience.
44. The underlined word school in the last paragraph but one means________.
A. institution for educating children
B. college or university
C. department of a university 
D. group of writers, thinkers
45. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?
A. Doris Lessing wins Nobel Prize for literature
B. The greatest British female writer
C. The oldest Nobel Prize winner
D. 2007 Nobel Prize announced in Stockholm







1.What time does the woman usually have breakfast?

A.At 8∶00.

B.At 10∶00.

C.At 7∶00.

2.Where does this conversation take place?

A.At a restaurant.

B.At a bank.

C.At a shop.

3.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Shop assistant and customer.

B.Shop assistant and her manager.

C.Shop assistant and her father.

4.What did the girl do last Sunday?

A.She was iii at that time.

B.She left her mother alone.

C.She stayed with her mother at home.

5.What did the woman buy her brother for Christmas?

A.She bought him a watch.

B.She has not bought him a present yet.

C.She bought him a case for his coin collection.



6.What are they discussing?

A.What to have for lunch.

B.Where to go for lunch.

C.When to have lunch.

7.What can we learn about the man?

A.He usually doesn't eat fast food.

B.He often eats in a restaurant near his home.

C.He can't afford an expensive lunch that day.

8.Where are they probably going right after this conversation?

A.A supermarket.

B.A fast-food place.

C.A French restaurant.


9.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At an airport.

B.At the woman's home.

C.In the street.

10.Who has booked the ticket for Tom?

A.The woman.

B.Xiao Fang.

C.Tom himself.

11.When is Tom invited to dinner at the woman's?

A.this Friday.

B.This Saturday.

C.Nest Sunday.


12.What did Marco Polo see when he was in China?

A.Cai Lun invented paper.

B.The Chinese used paper money.

C.The Chinese saved paper.

13.When did people in western countries first use paper money?

A.In the 7th century.

B.In the 15th century.

C.In the 13th century.

14.How many trees should be cut down if you want to make 1,000 tons of paper?





15.Why didn't the woman go to the man's birthday party?

A.She forgot all abut it.

B.She didn't like the man.

C.She didn't know about it.

16.Who is the woman:

A.The man's friend.

B.The man's mother.

C.The man's sectary.

17.What does the woman want to do for the man's birthday?

A.Buy him a nice present.

B.Have lunch with him.

C.Send him an email.


18.Why did the animals come together?

A.To see who was the happiest.

B.To see who was the most beautiful.

C.To see who was the biggest.

19.When should the snake give the rooster the crown?

A.The next evening.

B.Late the next morning.

C.Early the next morning.

20.Why was the snake afraid to tell the rooster about the crown?

A.Because the snake fell into the pool and dropped his crown.

B.Because she did not know where he was.

C.Because she got up early.

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