
5.What does it        ,the light in your eyes and the audience like putty in your hands? (feel)


5.feel like to stand on stage


 Japanese households are being urged to go to bed one hour earlier than normal in order to help tackle climate change.

  The Japanese government has launched a campaign encouraging people to go to bed and get up extra early in order to reduce household carbon dioxide emissions.

The Morning Challenge campaign, launched by the Japanese Environment Ministry, is based on the belief that swapping late night electricity for an extra hour of morning sunlight could significantly cut the nation's carbon footprint.

  A typical family can reduce its carbon dioxide footprint by 85kg a year if everyone goes to bed and gets up one hour earlier, according to the campaign.

The amount of carbon dioxide emissions potentially saved from going to bed an hour early equals 20 percent of annual emissions from household lights," Many Japanese people waste elec?tric power at night time,for example by watching TV until very late, "a ministry spokesperson told The Daily Telegraph.

  But going to bed early and getting up early can avoid wasting electrical power which causes carbon dioxide emissions. If people change their lifestyle, we can save energy and reduce emis?sions. The campaign also proposes that people take advantage of an extra hour of morning sun?light by improving their lifestyles in general by running,doing yoga and eating a nutritious breakfast.

  It is the latest initiative(倡议) tackling climate change by the Japanese environment minis?try,which is faced with the challenge of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 25 percent from 1990 levels within the next three decades.

  It was the same government department that launched the high-profile(备受关注的) Cool Biz campaign five years ago,which encourages workers to wear short-sleeved shirts and offices not to turn air conditioner lower than 28 degrees Celsius during summer. 

(   ) 5. The campaign mentioned in the passage is aimed at        .

   A.saving electricity

   B.taking full advantage of morning sunshine

   C.improving Japanese people's lifestyle

   D.reducing household carbon dioxide emissions

(   ) 6. The underlined phrase "carbon footprint" in Paragraph 3 probably means        .

   A.the footsteps the Japanese make

   B.carbon painting

   C.carbon dioxide emissions

   D.carbon paper

(   ) 7. By 2020, the Japanese hope to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the level of 1990 by        .

   A. 20%        B. 25%      C. 28%          D. 85%

(   ) 8. What can we learn about the Cool Biz campaign according to the passage?

    A.It was started by the Japanese Environment Ministry last year.

   B.It was intended to save energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

   C.It demanded that workers should not wear short-sleeved shirts.

   D.It discouraged the workers from turning on air conditioner during summer.

 Some places are so beautiful or so important in the history of the United States that the na?tional government has set them aside to protect them. They are cared for so that everyone now and in the years to come can enjoy them.

 Ranking at the top of these places are the national parks. There are also historical parks and sites, national monuments, military parks, battlefield sites, national, cemeteries, memorials, parkways, and state parks. All together they make up the national park system of the United States. They are managed by the national park service.

 The oldest of the national parks is Yellowstone. It was made a park in 1872. Now the Unit?ed States has more than 30 national parks. But Yellowstone is still the largest with over two mil?lion acres.

 The government hires many workers to take care of the parks. There are scientists who know a great deal about wildlife. They see to it that the animals of the parks can roam around arid live as they naturally would. There are scientists who know a lot about insects and diseases that might harm the trees and wild flowers. There are scientists who know a great deal about the rocks of the region. There are rangers who see to it that the visitors follow the park rules.

 The national parks are wonderful playgrounds. There are places for campers. And there are cabins to rent and lodges with dining rooms where visitors may stay as they do in a hotel. In ad?dition,there are wonderful opportunities for hiking, taking boat trips, fishing, swimming, ex?ploring the wilderness, and even climbing mountains.

 The parks,however, are more than just interesting and beautiful. They have been called the biggest summer schools in the world. In each park there are scientist guides to explain to the visitors what they are seeing. There are museums, too,with exhibits to show visitors how the regions came to be as they are. Every year millions of visitors go to the national parks. 

(   ) 5. What do we know about Yellowstone according to the passage? 

   A. It covers about three million acres. 

   B.  It is one of those latest national parks.

   C.It belongs to the historical parks and sites.

   D.It is a most important national park in America.

(   ) 6. Rangers are hired in the national parks to        .

   A. watch visitors' behavior in the parks

   B.analyze the rocks in the parks

   C.take care of the forests in the parks

   D.guide visitors around the parks

(   ) 7. Why are the national parks called the biggest summer schools in the world?

   A.Because Visitors can learn the history of the parks.

   B.Because visitors crowd into the parks every summer.

   C.Because visitors can explore the wilderness and take boat trips there.

   D.Because visitors can learn from the scientists in the parks. 

(   ) 8. What is the passage mainly about?

   A.The problems of the national parks.

   B.A brief introduction to the national parks.

   C.Some tips on traveling in the national parks.

   D.A brief introduction to the national park service.

  Hawaii volcanoes are known as "shield" volcanoes, gently sloping mountains produced from a lot of very wet,fast-moving lava flows(溶岩流"Each Hawaiian island is made up of at least one primary volcano.

  When you move along the island chain from the south,where volcanoes are active,to the northwest part of the chain, the volcanoes become older―and less active. The active volcanoes erupt,then a type of rock known as basalt(玄武岩) was formed. When in a "molten" state, ba?salt produces the fluid lava that you see running down mountains and valleys.

  The Big island of Hawaii is home to five major volcanoes:Kilauca, Mauna Loa,Mauna Kea,Hualalai and Kohala. Mauna Loa is considered the largest active volcano on earth,even though it has not erupted since 1984. But Kilauea, home of the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park,is the most active volcano in terms of how much lava erupts each year,and the place most visitors come to see volcanic action.

  Ancient hawaiians believed that Kilauea was the physical manifestation(物理表现) of the fu?ry(猛 烈) of the mountain goddess, Pele. Kilauea has added 550 acres of coastal land since erup?tions began in 1983. Hot rivers of molten orange lava,flowing downhill, can be seen most any evening of the year.

  Hawaii Volcanoes National Park,two hours' drive from Kona and five hours' from Kohala on the Big Island, can be the highlight of any vacation. Open year-round, one can explore the many aspects of Kilauea volcano. Much of the best hiking on the Big Island is found within this park. And a visit to the park will give you an up-close view of a volcano.

  The Park,open 24 hours a day,is sometimes referred to as the "drive-in" volcano since it can be easily viewed by car. Even if you don't experience lava flows when you visit there is

much to see.

(   ) 5. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is sometimes referred to as the "drive-in" volcano because .

   A.it is only open to drivers

   B.it is open 24 hours a day

   C.people can easily view the volcano in a car

   D.people can get an up-close view of the volcano

(   ) 6. We can infer from the fourth paragraph that        .

   A.Hawaiians still know little about Kilauea

   B.people in ancient Hawaii held Kilauea in respect

   C.Kilauea has destroyed much farmland since its first eruption

   D.Kilauea is far away from the coast

(   ) 7. The main purpose of the passage is to        .

   A.attract visitors to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

    B.describe the beautiful scenes of Hawaii volcanoes

   C.give us some information about Hawaii volcanoes

   D.tell us where to see Hawaii volcanoes

(   ) 8. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

   A.Hawaii volcanoes are a great tourist attraction.

   B.It's dangerous to view volcanoes in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

   C.No one knows when a volcano in Hawaii will erupt.

   D.Almost all volcanoes lie in the Big Island of Hawaii.

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