
3. With radar equipment and heat radiation detectors, these satellites can       

enemy nations, (constant)


3.keep a constant watch on


  One night, a young school teacher had a dream. In his dream, an angel appeared and said to him, "You will be given a child who will grow up to become a world 1 How will you prepare him so that he will realize his 2,grow in confidence, be open-minded,and strong in character? In short, what kind of 3 will you provide so that he can become one of the truly 4 leaders?"

  The young teacher 5 in a cold sweat. It had never 6 to him before―any one of his present or future students could be the person 7 in his dream. Was he preparing them to 8 to any position which they want? He thought, " How might my 9 change if I knew that one of my students was this person?" He 10 began to develop a plan in his mind.

  His teaching11Every young person who walked through his 12 became, for him,a future world leader. He saw each one,not as they were,but as they could be. He 13 the best from his students, yet tempered(使緩和) it with compassion(同'清) .He taught each one 14 the future of the world depended on his instruction.

  After many years,a man he taught rose to a 15 of world prominence(著名) .Of all the various teachers in his life,he was the 16 .

  Children are 17messages we send to a time and place we will never see. Believe that one child's 18 may depend upon influence only you can provide, and something remarkable will 19 For no young person will ever be 20 to you again. And you will never be the same.

(   ) 1.A. businessman   B. teacher   C. leader   D. doctor

(   ) 2.A. intelligence   B. wealth   C. memory   D. name

(   ) 3.A. food   B. education   C. stage   D. power

(   ) 4.A. polite   B. rich   C. brave   D. great

(   ) 5.A. nodded   B. stopped   C. awoke   D. stood

(   ) 6.A. shown   B. turned   C. given   D. occurred

(   ) 7.A. described   B. reported   C. saved   D. born

(   ) 8.A. lead   B. rise   C. point   D. stick

(   ) 9.A. appearance   B. teaching   C. accent   D. driving

(   ) 10.A. possibly   B. immediately   C. regularly   D. gradually

(   ) 11.A. stayed   B. changed   C. formed   D. paused

(   ) 12.A. classroom   B. village   C. company   D. dream

(   ) 13. A. accepted   B. took   C. expected   D. kept

(   ) 14. A. unless   B. because   C. only if   D. as if

(  ) 15.  A. type   B. position   C. cause   D. case

(   ) 16. A. best   B. smartest   C. strongest   D. busiest

(   ) 17. A. strange   B. short   C. living   D. flying

(   ) 18. A. nationality   B. habit   C. grade   D. future

(   ) 19. A. break   B. happen   C. end   D. return

(   ) 20. A. ordinary   B. similar   C. important   D. familiar

  Camilla Chomp was a very greedy little girl. She hardly had any friends because she thought it was1to spend her time alone, eating cake and pudding. Her parents were wor?ried,so they  2  all the sweet food in the house and hid it.

 So Camilla 3 the house, desperately (不顾一切地) looking for something 4 to eat. On she went 5 she came across a small deserted hut full of old pots and glasses of all shapes and sizes. The one that 6 Camilla most was a shiny little glass. It seemed to be full of chocolate, and Camilla drank it 7 It was delicious, 8 she had a strange sense, so she read the 9  "Glass Tears," it said,and in small print it 10 , "Magically it can convert (改变) tears into chocolate.”

  Camilla was very excited. She ran everywhere to 11 someone who was crying, and she 12 a little girl who was weeping sadly. Sure enough, her tears were 13 into choco?late,and as they ran down her cheeks, to her mouth, they sweetened her lips. That 14 stopped her crying. Camilla and the girl spent a fun time together, tasting the delicious tears, and they parted as friends.

  Something 15happened with a woman who had dropped some plates,and with an old man who couldn't find his walking stick. The appearance of Camilla and the chocolate tears cheered up those sad faces, helping them 16 once again.

  Soon Camilla realized that cheering people up was much more 17 than chocolate. Her mad search for sweet food 18 ,and she began to search for sad people who she could try to 19 And she made many friends, which filled her life with  20  and happiness. 

(   ) 1.A. fun   B. strange   C. popular   D. complex

(   ) 2.A. reduced   B. took   C. observed   D. discovered

(   ) 3.A. cleaned   B. searched   C. left   D. sold

(   ) 4.A. dry   B. fresh   C. small   D. sweet

(   ) 5.A. unless   B. until   C. if   D. though

(   ) 6.A. calmed   B. puzzled   C. upset   D. attracted

(   ) 7.A. accidently   B. ^frequently   C. quickly   D. lately

(   ) 8.A. but   B. and   C. so   D. or

(   ) 9.A. label   B. book   C. figure   D. e-mail

(   ) 10.A. informed   B. explained   C. announced   D. described

(   ) 11.A. defend against   B. calm down .   C. look for   D. pick up

(   ) 12. A. learned   B. convinced   C. directed   D. met

(   ) 13. A. developed   B. broken   C. turned   D. divided

(   ) 14. A. hardly   B. soon   C. never   D. always

(   ) 15. A. funny   B. unbelievable   C. confusing   D. similar

(   ) 16. A. smile   B. move   C. start   D. think

(   ) 17. A. natural   B. meaningful   C. difficult   D. frequent

(   ) 18. A. filled   B. started   C. stopped   D. rose

(   ) 19. A. help   B. rescue   C. reward   D. trick

(   ) 20. A. imagination   B. certainty   C. challenge   D. meaning

  "Mom,guess what I've learned in Scouts(童子军营) today!" shouted Ruth Perkins' daugh?ter Ann-Marie. Ruth smiled at her daughter's 1 As the 12-year-old girl went on and on a-bout the Heimlich Maneuver(海姆利克氏急救法) ,mom nodded 2 . Little did she guess how well her daughter 3 it!

  Three weeks later, Ann-Marie and her mom 4 for lunch at a restaurant on their way home. As the 5set down their water, Ann-Marie heard a gasping(气踹吁吁的) sound be?hind her.

  "Someone can't 6   !" She thought. Turning, she saw Peter, the restaurant owner,a man on the back. Eighty-four-year-old Bill Russell had recently lost his 8 and had come here to help himself 9 the day―his wedding anniversary. Now he was choking on a piece of 10   . Just then,one customer yelled, "Does anyone know the Heimlich Maneu?ver?"

  In the crowded restaurant, only Ann-Marie's hand shot up―and it was 11 "I hope I remember everything they 12 me," she thought. "I have to try!"

  "I need him to stand up," Ann-Marie said,and Peter and Ruth 13 the 150-pound man. Then Ann-Marie planted her leg between Bill's feet and locked her arms around him. Pla?cing her hands just above his14 ,she made a fist with her right hand and cupped it with her left.

"Please, please let this be 15 " Ann-Marie prayed. Gathering all her 16 , she gave Bill a forceful thrust(猛推) ,and the piece of meat was dislodged at last. Bill sank into a chair. "It's 17   !" he cried, "Thank you!"

  Just then,doctors arrived and 18 Bill,who refused to go to the hospital,saying he felt19 .

  "You did the right thing,and you did it well!" a doctor told her.

  At a statewide conference last month, Ann-Marie was  20 . "I'm so glad I was there,”said Ann-Marie," and that I knew just what to do!”

(   ) 1.A. determination   B. curiosity   C. friendship   D. excitement

(   ) 2.A. honestly   B. politely   C. proudly   D. slowly

(   ) 3.A. knew   B. answered   C. guided   D. improved

(   ) 4.A. prepared   B. begged   C. stopped   D. expressed

(   ) 5.A. owner   B. waitress   C. customer   D. friend

(   ) 6.A. drink   B. listen   C. breathe   D. talk

(   ) 7.A. taking   B. watching   C. touching   D. hitting

(   ) 8.A. son.   B. wife   C. job   D. home

(   ) 9.A. get through   B. get on   C. get away from   D. get over

(   ) 10.A. rice   B. meat   C. fish   D. bone

(   ) 11.A. speeding   B. shaking   C. trembling   D. breaking

(   ) 12.A. gave   B. passed   C. offered   D. taught

(   ) 13.A. lifted   B. avoided   C. followed   D. encouraged

(   ) 14.A. head   B. stomach   C. feet   D. eyes

(   ) 15.A. simple   B. different   C. fast   D. right

(   ) 16.A. power   B. energy   C. strength   D. force

(   ) 17.A. gone   B. broken   C. trapped   D. pushed

(   ) 18.A. comforted   B. checked   C. reminded   D. Cured

(   ) 19.A. patient   B. successful   C. hopeful   D. fine

(   ) 20.A. honored   B. inspired   C. respected   D. inspected

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