
When my daughter Sally was five, I bought Grimm’s Fairy Tales and read Snow White to her one night. At the end of the original Grimm tale, Snow White’s stepmother is made to put on red-hot iron shoes and dance until she falls down dead.

This came as something of a shock. I always thought fairytales had happy endings. And I didn’t want my five-year-old daughter going to sleep thinking: “Thank goodness they tortured (折磨) that old woman to death.” That’s when I decided to write fairy tales.

In the years that followed, I wrote tales non-stop and read them to Sally at bedtime. The Corn Dolly was based on a child who was always complaining; The Silly King was just a silly story Sally loved; I wrote The Witch and the Rainbow Cat for Sally because of her enormous appetite for stories about witches while Dr Bonocolus’s Devil is a new version of the Faust legend.

Nifobobinus, however, was different. I wrote this book when Sally was older and took up all things girls have to do — who’s friends with who, who stuck a sticker on the back of whose boyfriend, or whatever thing she felt funny.

Nicobobinus, the boy who could do anything, came out of my desire for a more innocent world. He lived a 1ong time ago, in a city called Venice. Only his best friend, Rosie, knew he could, and nobody took any notice of anything Rosie said, because she was always having wild ideas anyway.

Nicobobinus was so different that it turned out to be an instant hit. The Times called me “an author setting out to rival the classic fairytales”. I asked Sally what she thought of Nicobobinus. She said it was her favourite.

1.What led the writer to start writing fairy tales for her daughter?

A. The frightening ends of past fairy tales.

B. His daughter’s strong interest in fairy tales.

C. His desire to let his daughter know more stories.

D. His attempt to fill his daughter’s bedtime with something.

2.We can infer from the third paragraph that the writer _____.

A. was a very productive fairy tale writer

B. based all his stories on some old legends

C. never described witches in his fairy tales

D. created his stories out of his own interest

3.When creating Nicobobinus, the first thing the writer considered was _____.

A. the changes of his daughter’s interests

B. what story the publisher wanted to get

C. ways to keep his daughter Sally innocent

D. the difference of the story from other stories

4.The underlined word “rival” in the last paragraph can be replaced by _____.

A. follow B. explore C. challenge D. recommend


Have you ever complained why life is so tiring? Does the sky sometimes seem dark to you? Are your studies sometimes not successful? Well, friends, cheer up and smile all the time. If you see the world with your warm heart, you’ll find that the whole world smiles to you.

While in school, sometimes you are tired of your lessons, but have you ever noticed the happy smile on your teacher’s face when you did a good job?

One day it is fine. Just before you go out, it suddenly starts to rain. Maybe you would feel very sad and start to complain about the weather. But dear friends, why don’t you sit down and listen to the free concerts that the nature offers you? And with the timely rain, crops in the fields will grow better and better and farmers will have a good harvest.

Although everyone wants to succeed in what he tries to do, sometimes failure can’t be avoided. I think failure is not terrible, and the terrible thing is that we are afraid of it and give up hope. When we face failure, we must be confident in ourselves, draw a useful lesson from it and try our best to finish what we have decided to do. As a popular saying goes, “Failure is the mother of success”.

Attitude decides everything. With an optimistic attitude life is easy and pleasant. Let’s smile to whatever we meet and the whole world will smile to us.

1. People sometimes complain _________.

A. the sky is always dark

B. their studies are successful

C. they see the world with their heart

D. life is tiring

2.When we face failure, we ___________.

A. must be confident in ourselves

B. shouldn’t be afraid of it

C. shouldn’t give up hope

D. All of the above

3.The best title for the passage is_______.

A. Smile and the World Smiles to You

B. Complaining about Life

C. Failure is the Mother of Success

D. It is Very Hard to Succeed

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1.Learners who choose Skillfeed need to ________.

A. equip themselves with the ability to use the computer

B. pay some fee if they want to continue after a month

C. have some knowledge of the design of website

D. learn to upload their own high-quality video

2.We can learn from the passage that Academic Earth ________.

A. charges learners nothing for any course

B. has many lectures given by 8,500 lecturers

C. provides college courses mainly to young men

D. offers college courses at the learners’ convenience

3.If you want to improve your skill of Japanese language, you can visit ________.

A. https://skillfeed.com

B. https://ucberkeley.com

C. https://udemy.com

D. https://iTunesU.com


As we all know, different countries have different cultures. The cultures of the East and the West really distinguish each other a lot. 1.

The origin of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries: China and India. Both of the two cultures are fostered by rivers—the Yellow River in China and the Hindu River in India. 2.

Then in Tang Dynasty of China, the Chinese culture gradually went overseas to Japan, mixed into the Japanese society and shaped the Japanese culture nowadays. Though a bit different from the Chinese one, it belongs to the same system.

When the two mother rivers gave birth to the Eastern culture, another famous culture was brought up on the Mesopotamian Plain—the Mesopotamian Civilization. This civilization later on developed into the cultures of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. 3. Like the Chinese culture, the European one also crossed waters. When the British settled down in America, their culture went with them over the Atlantic Ocean. So the American culture doesn’t distinguish from the European one a lot.

4. Take the language system for example. In the East, most languages belong to the pictographic language while the Western languages are mostly based on the Latin system. Other causes like human race difference counts as well. But what’s more, due to the far distance and the steep areas between the East and West, the two cultures seldom communicate until recent centuries. So they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no interference (干扰) from the other.

The differences are everywhere. 5. But different cultures make the world of 21st century more colorful. The cultural gap should not be the obstacle (障碍) to the civilization of human being. It ought to be the motivation of our going farther.

A. Let us work together to keep a variety of culture.

B. And these two are well-known as the base of the European culture.

C. One important thing is to learn about other cultures.

D. They helped the two cultures develop for centuries and form their own styles.

E. They are obvious and affect people’s ways of thinking and their views of the world.

F. At the same time, some other differences add to the cultural differences.

G. This is because the culture systems are two separate systems on the whole.

An environment group called the Food Commission is unhappy and disappointed because of the sales of bottled water from Japan. The water, it angrily argues in public, has traveled 10,000 “food miles” before it reaches Western customers. “Transporting water half-way across the world is surely the extremely stupid use of fuel when there is plenty of water in the UK.” It is also worried that we are wasting our fuel by buying prawns from Indonesia (7,000 food miles) and carrots from South Africa (5,900 food miles).

Counting the number of miles traveled by a product is a strange way of trying to tell the true situation of the environmental damage done by an industry. Most food is transported around the world on container ships that are extremely energy-efficient. It should be noted that a ton of butter transported 25 miles in a truck to a farmers’ market does not necessarily use less fuel on its journey than a similar product transported hundreds of miles by sea, Besides, the idea of “food miles” ignores the amount of fuel used in the production. It is possible to cut down your food miles by buying tomatoes grown in Britain rather than those grown in Ghana; the difference is that the British ones will have been raised in heated greenhouses and the Ghanaian ones in the open sun.

What is the idea of “food miles” does provide, however, is the chance to cut out Third World countries from First World food markets. The number of miles traveled by our food should, as I see it, be regarded as a sign of the success of the global trade system, not a sign of damage to the environment.

1.The Food Commission is angry because it thinks that .

A. UK wastes a lot of money importing food products

B. some imported goods cause environmental damage

C. growing certain vegetables damages the environment

D. people waste energy buying food from other countries

2.The phrase “food miles” in the passage refers to the distance .

A. that a food product travels to a market

B. that a food product travels from one market to another

C. between UK and other food producing countries

D. between a Third World country and a First World food market

3.By comparing tomatoes raised in Britain and in Ghana, the author tries to explain that .

A. British tomatoes are healthier than Ghanaian ones

B. Ghanaian tomatoes taste better than British ones

C. cutting down food miles may not necessarily save fuel

D. protecting the environment may cost a lot of money

4.From the passage we know that the author is most probably .

A. a supporter of free global trade

B. a member of the Food Commission

C. a supporter of First World food markets

D. a member of an energy development group

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