





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

There is good news for you. Anyone visited Beijing will soon be able to visit the Forbidden City at night. The Palace Museum plans to extend their opening hours to make it more conveniently for tourists. Parts of the museum will stay open until night to allow more people experience China’s traditional culture before working hours. In addition, visitors will have an access to more area soon after the renovation (修缮) work is completed this year. Near 65% of the Palace Museum will then be open to visitors to mark the 90th anniversary of the museum. The Forbidden City, that was built at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, had undergone extensive (大量的) renovations over the past 10 years.



We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear. Fears, even the most basic ones, can totally destroy our ambitions. Fear can destroy fortunes. Fear can destroy relationships. Fear, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives. Fear is one of the many enemies living inside us.


The first enemy we face is indecision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity. __2. Take a sword to this enemy.

The second enemy inside is doubt.___ 3.___But you also can’t let doubt take over. Many people doubt the past, doubt the future, doubt each other, doubt the government, doubt the possibilities and doubt the opportunities. Worst of all, they doubt themselves. I’m telling you, doubt will destroy your life and your chances of success. It will empty both your bank account and your heart. 4.

Do battle with the enemies. Do battle with your fears. 5. Be courageous in your life and in your pursuit of the things you want and the person you want to become.

A. Sure, there’s room for healthy doubt. You can’t believe everything

B. Build your courage to fight what’s holding you back, what’s keeping you from your goals and dreams.

C. Let me tell you about two of the other enemies we face from within.

D. Below are the ways which might be useful for us to overcome our fears.

E. Doubt is an enemy. Go after it. Get rid of it.

F. It will steal your chances for a better future.

G. Some people doubt everything.



The Internet has become a way of life for many people around the world. So what would happen if one fine morning, you woke up to find the Internet has no existence? How would your life be changed? Well, your lifestyle might be impacted. If you were an Internet addict, you would find that your life has come to an end. With no online facilities, a considerable part of your time would be spent waiting in long lines at banks, post offices or government offices. You would be waiting for days or even weeks for your mail to arrive from another corner of the world. Suddenly, you would realize that your fast-paced life is running at a snail’s pace.

Without the Internet, your socializing would also be impacted. If you’d gotten very used to socializing online, you would now be clueless as to how you could share the pictures of your recent trip you went for with your friends across the globe. It would be difficult to interact with people living outside your locality. You might have to become a member of a club or a community in your neighborhood to make new friends. With no online social media, you would find yourself saying this very often: Let’s go and talk to them!

With no way to use emails, instant messaging, chat or social media, we would have to take advantage of the option of a telephone conversation, or sending snail mail. Communication via the internet is free, whereas the options available otherwise would cost you extra money and time. Your would have to write letters and buy stamps, as we used to do before the Internet became popular.

The Internet has become a huge sea of information and resources. No Internet would mean no instant and easy access to information at the click of a button. Your would have to walk down to your local library and actually search the whole place to get the information you’re looking for, with little chances that you’ll find what you seek instantly. The students who were accustomed to using the Internet for completing their assignments would have a tough time. There would be no way to get an education without actually going to a school or a college physically.

Without the Internet, things at your workplace would be turned upside down. If your work was largely Internet-based, your company might have to shut down. If your work involved only minor use of the Internet, for example, using online system to acquire statistics from the Internet, this simple task would now be a complicated and time-consuming process. Your desk would be full of documents and files, and you would have a nightmare searching or sorting them out by hand. In any case, life without the Internet would seem like nightmare! So enjoy living in the paradise we call the Internet and make wise use of it!

Can you imagine the world without the Internet

Paragraph outline

Supporting details


·It would take you much longer time to get some public 1._______

·The pace of your life would 2._______ down


·You would not know how to share your things with your faraway friends

·You would have difficulty interacting with people living outside your locality

·You would need to join a club or a community to3._____ new people

·You would always be obliged to make face-to-face4._______ with others


·Without emails, instant messaging or social media, you would have to use old communicating ways like telephone conversation

·Communicating in old ways would be5. _______ and time-consuming


·Large amounts of information and resources online would no longer be easily 6. _______

·The students who were in the7._______ of using the Internet would have trouble completing their assignments

·It would be impossible for students to be8._______ via the Internet


·Those companies that were heavily 9.______ on the Internet would close down

·It would be complicated and time-consuming to acquire some statistics

·Your desk would be in a10. _______ and it would be hard for you to search or sort something out

Every one of us gets so used to punctuation marks that not many of us give them a second thought. Actually, the ancient Greeks wrote this way. The lack of punctuation marks probably didn’t bother good readers, though. As they read, they just put pauses where they fit best. Also at this time, sentences switched directions. A sentence read from left to right. The next one read right to left, and then left to right again, etc. The ancient Romans sometimes punctuated like this: They put something that can separate words in a sentence. The word punctuation actually comes from this idea and the Latin word punctum, which means a dot.

When the 5th century arrived, there were just two punctuation marks: spaces and points. The spaces separated words while the points showed pauses in reading. Then in the 13th century, a printer named Aldus Manutius tried to standardize punctuation. He always used a period for a complete stop at the end of a sentence. He used a slash (/) to indicate a short pause. Over time, that slash was shortened and curled, and it became the modern comma (逗号).

Since that time, other marks have enlarged the punctuation family. The exclamation mark (感叹号) comes from the Latin word io. It means “exclamation of joy.” The question mark originally started out as the Latin word questio, meaning question. Eventually, scholars put it at the end of a sentence to show a question.

Punctuation even keeps changing nowadays. New marks are coming into existence, and old punctuation marks are used in new ways. Take for example the “interrobang”. This 1962 invention combines the question mark and exclamation mark for times when writers want both. For example, “She did what?” or “How much did you pay for that dress?” Obviously, the interrobang is not widely used or recognized yet, but its invention shows that English is not yet finished with its punctuation.

1.From the first paragraph, we can know that _______.

A. good readers had trouble reading without punctuation marks

B. a sentence always read from left to right in ancient Greece

C. ancient Greeks switched the direction of punctuation marks

D. the use of punctuation marks can date back to ancient times

2.The passage is developed _______.

A. by time B. by space

C. by comparison D. by importance

3.We can learn from the passage that _______.

A. ancient Romans didn’t use any punctuation marks

B. exclamation and question marks came from Latin

C. spaces and slashes were already used before the 5th century

D. Aldus Manutius first started to use commas

4.What can be concluded from the last paragraph?

A. The combination of two marks will not work.

B. It takes time for people to accept new punctuation marks.

C. Old punctuation marks need to be standardized.

D. Punctuation marks are still changing today.

A California man who was feeling sick almost died recently from a shocking cause.

26-year-old Luis Ortiz went to a hospital because of a headache and nausea(恶心,作呕). When doctors examined him, they were shocked to find a tapeworm larva(绦虫幼虫) in his brain. The story gets stranger. The larva was still alive.

The creature had caused a cyst(囊肿) to form inside his head. The cyst was restricting the flow of liquids to different areas of his brain. The situation was so serious that doctors said they had to perform an emergency operation to remove the larva.

A doctor who operated on Ortiz told him he had only 30 minutes to live. When the doctor pulled the worm out of his head, it was still moving.

Luis Ortiz was a student at California State University in Sacramento. He began experiencing headaches in late August. But Ortiz said he did not think the headaches were serious.

In September, he visited a friend and his parents in another city. That is when the pain got worse. His mother saw Ortiz throwing up and took him to a hospital emergency room.

The doctors saved Ortiz's life. However, the surgery also affected him. Ortiz had to drop out of school and move back home. For now, he is not permitted to work or drive a vehicle.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the U.S. has about 1,000 reported cases of tapeworms each year. The CDC adds that tapeworms are more common in developing countries with poor public health systems.

The best way to avoid a tapeworm infection (感染)is to wash fruits and vegetables. Also, make sure meat is cooked thoroughly. The CDC suggests cooking all meats to an internal temperature of at least 63 degrees Celsius.

1. What caused Luis Ortiz to feel sick and headaches?

A. Dirty food eaten in August.

B. Travelling for a long way,

C. A living creature in his brain.

D. Uncooked meat eaten by him.

2.If the doctors didn’t have an emergency operation on him , Luis Ortiz was likely to ________ _ .

A. die of cancer B. live for only half an hour

C. finish studying in school D. pass the driving tests

3. How should people avoid infecting tapeworms?

A. By washing fruits and vegetable.

B. By boiling plates and bowls before meals.

C. By cooking meats to at least 63 °C outside,

D. By improving the development of economy.

4. What did the writer think of the cause of Luis Ortiz’s disease?

A. Quite frightening. B. Very dangerous.

C. Rather puzzling. D. Extremely surprising.

Visiting Balboa Island, in sunny southern California, proved an exciting experience that I will never forget. I had never been to Balboa Island, even though it is only about an hour from my home in northern San Diego.

Our first stop was for a specialty called a "Balboa Bar". It is a famous chocolate covered ice cream on a stick, created many years ago. As we drove along the streets toward the boat, I also saw some interesting buildings that stood for many years. Many of the building designs seemed like dollhouses and someone in our group said that the style was called, Victorian.

After we parked our car on one of the streets, we got on the boat sailing to Balboa Peninsula. As I looked around the boat, I saw a bird flying very close to the water and our boat. A little girl near the boat' s edge jumped out to touch it and shockingly fell into the water! Her dad, who stood nearby, jumped in after her at once and everyone on the boat ran to help. The boat's engine stopped and both father and daughter got saved with the help of people on the boat.

On Balboa Peninsula my family and I went to various shops, especially for food! We saw a restaurant at the very end. We enjoyed our lunch there, at the first Ruby's Diner ever opened in southern California. Although I have been to other restaurants of this popular chain (连锁店), being at the very first is a great memory.

On our way back to Balboa island we stopped at the huge Ferris Wheel, bought some sugars and played games. It was an exciting afternoon walking around on Balboa Island. I look forward to returning soon to spend some time on the beach again or maybe even to try fishing!

1."Balboa Bar" is the name of

A. a street B. a restaurant

C. a food D. a building

2.What happened on the boat to Balboa Peninsula?

A. A little girl fell into the river

B. The boat broke down halfway.

C. People helped a girl catch a bird.

D. A father quarreled with his daughter.

3.The author' s dining experience at the first Ruby' s Diner was

A. boring B. interesting

C. unpleasant D. unforgettable

4.What did the author do on Balboa Island?

A. He went fishing by the river.

B. He walked along the beach.

C. He rode the Ferris wheel.

D. He bought some dolls.

5.What' s the best title for the text?

A. My trip to Balboa B. The first Ruby' s Diner

C. My first boat ride D. Victorian buildings

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