
11.Not all bodies of water are so evidently alive as the Atlantic Ocean,an S-shaped body of water covering 33million square miles.The Atlantic has,in a sense,replaced the Mediterranean as the inland sea of Weatern civilization.Unlike real inland seas,which seem strangely still,the Atlantic is rich in oceanic liveliness.It is perhaps not surprising that its vitality has been much written about by ancient poets.
"Strm at Sea",a short poem written around 700,is generally regarded as one of mankind's earliest artistic representations of the Atlantic.
When the wind is from the west
All the waves that cannot test
To the east must thunder on
Where the bright tree of the sun
Is rooted in the osean's breast.
As the poem suggests,the Atlantic is never dead and dull.It is an ocean that moves,impressively and endlessly.It makes all kinds of noise-it is forever thundering,boiling,crashing,and whistling.
It is easy to imagine the Atlantic trying to draw breath-perhaps not so noticeably out in mid-ocean,but where it meets land,its waters bathing up and down a sandy beach.It mimics(模仿)nearly perfectly the steady breathing of a living creature.It is filled with symbiotic existences,too; unimaginable quantities of creatures,little and large alike,mix within its depths in a kind of oceanic harmony,giving to the waters a feeling of heartbeat,a kind of sub-ocean vitality.And it has a psychology.It has personalities:sometimes peaceful and pleasant,on rare occasions rough and wild; always it is strong and striking.

68.Unlike real inland seas,the Atlantic Ocean isA.
A.always energetic
B.lacking in liveliness
C.shaped like a square
D.favored by ancient poets
69.What is the purpose of using the poem"Storm at Sea"in the passage?C
A.To describe the movement of the waves.
B.To show the strength of the storm.
C.To represent the power of the ocean.
D.To prove the vastness of the sea.
70.What does the underlined word"symbiotic"mean?A
A.Living together.
B.Growing fast.
C.Moving harmoniously.
D.Breathing peacefully.
71.In the last paragraph,the Atlantic is compared toB.
A.a beautiful and poetic place
B.a flesh and blood person
C.a wonderful world
D.a lovely animal.

分析 本文中作者表达了对大西洋的赞美.大西洋一直是很活跃的,它的力量强大得无可比拟,它狂野不羁,作者将它看成是与我们一样的有血有肉的人.通过这篇文章作者告诉我们大自然神奇的力量,充满了对自然的敬畏.

解答 68.A  细节理解题.由第一段Unlike real inland seas,which seem strangely still,the Atlantic is rich in oceanic liveliness.It is perhaps not surprising that its vitality has been much written about by ancient poets.可知大西洋具有丰富的海洋活跃分子,不像真正的内陆海一样平静,vitality和energetic表达的意思相近,故选A.
69.C  理解推断题.由倒数第二段It is an ocean that moves,impressively and endlessly.It makes all kinds of noise-it is forever thundering,boiling,crashing,and whistling.可推知本文选用"Storm at Sea"这首诗的目的是说明大西洋力量的强大,它会制造各种各样的噪音--永远轰鸣、翻滚、冲击、呼啸,故选C.
70.A  词义猜测题,由最后一段It is filled with symbiotic existences,too; unimaginable quantities of creatures,little and large alike,mix within its depths in a kind of oceanic harmony,giving to the waters a feeling of heartbeat,a kind of sub-ocean vitality.根据画线单词上文中的a living creature和下文中的mix,harmony可知,symbiotic意为"混合的,共生的",指的是"那些难以想象的大量的生物,无论大小,都混合在一起共生".故选A.
71.B  推理判断题.根据最后一段And it has a psychology.It has personalities:sometimes peaceful and pleasant,on rare occasions rough and wild; always it is strong and striking.及giving to the waters a feeling of heartbeat可推知作者把大西洋比作了一个有血有肉的人,故选B.

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16.Sahnun Mohamud has never lived in Somalia,but the 21-year-old student has helped set  up an organization that supports aid projects for the east-African country.Sahnun Mohamud is  a co-founder and director of a group called Students for Somalia.He is following the  humanitarian example of his mother.
    Mr.Mohamud attends William & Mary College in Williamsburg,Virgina.It is a long  way from Somalia.However,that coastal nation is home to many of his relatives.His parents  were born there.His mother,Filsan Darman helped start the non-profit agency Aadamiga  Somalia,which provided for aid to Somalia in 1987.
    Filsan Darman said the agency provided food and clothing to Somali people,who had fled  to the Somali capital Mogadishu to escape contradiction in the North.
    Sahnun Mohamud praised his mother's service,"She's been helping Somalia since before I was born."
    Mr.Mohamud became involved in Humanitarian projects early in life.One of his goals for starting Students for Somalia was to get more non-Somalis to take part in helping Somalia.He noted that many Somali aid organizations have only Somali members.
"So my group and my whole motto has been‘Let every ethnicity and race help Somalia'.I think it's a huge resource to have non-somali people helping Somalia."said Mohamud.
    This year,Students for Somalia and Aadamiga are cooperating on a project to fight poverty and increase education.Mr.Mohamud said the groups lend money to women who have lived a long time in refugee(难民)camps in Mogadishu.They use the money to start or support businesses like small food stores.The women must have a child in school in Somalia to receive the money.She also must pay back the loan,but Mr.Mohamud says the woman does not return the loan money to the lender.Instead,she gives it to her child's schoo1.That way,he says,the school can make improvements.

56.What do we know about Mohamud according to the text?C
A.He lived in Somalia with his mother.
B.He started Students for Somalia on his own.
C.He was director of Students for Somalia.
D.He helped start the agency Aadamiga Somalia.
57.Which of the following is true of Aadamiga Somalia?A
A.It has offered help to Somalia since 1987.
B.It alls on every ethnicity and race to help Somalia.
C.It appealed to the government to helpl Somalia.
D.Its aim was to help the women in poor condition.
58.For what purpose did Students for Somalia and Aadamiga cooperate?D
A.To encourage young people to work.
B.To get more money from the women.
C.To get some benefit from Somalia.
D.To fight poverty and increase education.
59.Which condition is NOT true for women to get the money from the group?B
A.She must have a child in school in Somalia.
B.She must pay back the money to the lender.
C.She can use the money to start a business.
D.She must pay back the money to her child's schoo1.   
60.What may be the best title of the text?A
A.Mother,son team up to fight Somalia poverty
B.Mr.Mohamud helped found Humanitarian projects
C.Students for Somalia centers its efforts on education
D.Mother started the non-profit agency Aadamiga Somalia.
5.Aristotle once wrote that"happiness is a state of activity".In other words,whether you're seeking life-long satisfaction or a few moments of good cheer,you've got to move forward.We've interviewed the experts and found five steps to take toward a sunny mood(心情):
Over a 30-year period,University of Illinois researchers asked nearly 120,000people how income,education,political participation,volunteer activities and close relationships affected their happiness.Reported Newsweek's Sharon Begley on the findings,"The highest levels of happiness are found with the most stable and satisfying relationships."
Singing aloud,talking to a stranger,raising your hand:all may increase a feeling of happiness,according to a study from Wake Forest University.Participants(参与者)followed the development of their moods for two weeks and reported feeling happier when they were more outgoing and less happy when reserved or withdrawn.
The editors of forbes.Com gave 5or20to 46strangers by chance.Half the group was told to spend the money on themselves,while the other half was told to spend it on others.Those who'd shared the wealth felt much happier at the end of the day than those who'd spent it on themselves.There was no difference in happiness between those who spent 5or20,suggesting that it's not how much money you spend,but how you spend it,that inspires the spirit.
Studies from the Positive Psychology Center showed that discouraged people who wrote down three good things that happened to them each day for six months reported an improved attitude.
Drinking water really can help keep you cheerful.A small 2012study from the University of Connecticut suggested that even slight dehydration(脱水) affected the moods of its female participants.

76.Look(ing)/Search(ing)/Seek(ing )
3.The pounding(重击声) was driving Edward crazy.A new neighbor had just moved into the apartment below him.The newcomer was deaf,or seemed to be,because he played his stereo(立体声音响)loud enough for the whole building to hear.
On the first day he heard the stereo rocking over,Edward marched downstairs and politely told the newcomer that his stereo was too loud.He asked the new tenant to turn the volume down and keep it down as long as he lived in the building.The tenant appeared surprised and embarrassed,and said,"Oh,I'm sorry.I didn't realize it was that loud."
So,Edward returned upstairs,feeling good,because he had taken a stand and politely let the newcomer know that loud music was not going to be tolerated.The next day all was quiet,and Edward continued to be pleased with himself.The   following day,Edward thought it must be Fourth of July,because a marching band was playing on his street.In fact,it was the new neighbor who was playing his music loud again.
Edward was not one to repeat himself,feeling that each time you repeated yourself,you diminished the value of your words.So,he did what he always did with rude neighbors--grin and bear it.Eventually,they would move away.What else are you going to do?
In Los Angeles a year ago,a woman had complained to her upstairs neighbor that he was playing his drums too loud and too often.The drummer repeatedly ignored her.One day the woman walked upstairs and shot the drummer in the head and his girlfriend in the chest.The woman was sentenced to prison for 20years.
The dead drummer won't bother anyone with his drums,but the woman might be wishing now that she had learned to grin and bear it.If she were still living in her apartment,she could always move.When you're in prison,you don't have that option.
24.The man living below where Edward lived was.C
A.a deaf man                                            
B.the owner of the house
C.a tenant                                               
D.an old neighbor
25.What did Edward always do with rude neighbors?A
A.Grinning and bearing it.B.Persuading them to stop repeatedly.
C.Shouting them to dead.D.Moving away from the rude neighbors.
26.The woman killed her neighbor because.C
A.he ignored her advice repeatedly                   
B.she could not stand his playing the music too loud
C.she could not put up with him any longer      
D.he played the drums too often
27.The author writes the last paragraph to prove that.B
A.being in prison means the loss of freedom                   
B.grinning and bearing it is the best policy
C.Edward should follow the example of the woman               
D.the woman was right to kill her neighbor.

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